Current position stand of the UK strength and conditioning association is that any abdominal exercise that incorporates repeated lumbar flexion is to be avoided. The abdominal wall was only ever designed in humans to keep an erect posture. Repetitive flexion of the lumbers spine, for example, with traditional sit ups and crunches, may lead to injury. The only justification ever given for advocates of those exercises is to get a six pack and that is obtained through diet (eat fewer pies) and whole body exercise (MTB) that burns more calories than are consumed
UKSCA recommends plank type exercise or the bracing techniques incorporated in Olympic lifting to strengthen the core but I personally suggest that riding a wobbling mountain bike that your are connected to with only your hands and feet and having to apply power whilst constantly correcting your balance (with your core) is all the core exercise you’ll ever need. If you have extra time that you want to use effectively, get an Olympic bar and squat rack and search for strength and conditioning instructional videos on you book made by folks with recognised qualifications from the UKSCA or NSCA, that’s what I did and when it really is too bad outside to ride (hardly ever) or you fancy some variety in life, it fits the bill
Happy trails 🙂