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  • andrewh
    Free Member

    I’ve a similar bemusement of trousers that seem to stop way above the ankle (not 3/4 length shorts)…get trousers that properly cover your legs…some people (very much including me) are just a bit weird!

    I work in the fashion industry, and as a middle aged bloke often finds myself thinking that I am the only voice of sanity in the place.  All of my colleagues have some very strange ideas. I’m the bookkeeper, rather than a designer though, so what do I know? (Actually, although it turns out that I might not know what is fashionable, I do appear to know what will sell to middle aged blokes. Unfortunately that’s not what the rest of them want to make…)

    Free Member

    Do it by eye. Sit on it, if it feels right it is right.

    Go for a short ride. Adjust as necessary. Go for a short ride, adjust, etc.

    Then do the bar tape…

    Free Member

    Well, he was if you believe that the bible is the literal word of god. But if course some people think it’s a load of old cobblers

    Free Member

    Jesus* sandals. Then the length of your socks really wont be the talking point.

    (*Other religious themed footwear may be available).

    He started out with a pair of loafers and two fishing waders and managed to clothe a lot of folks, became known as the feeting of the 5,000

    Free Member

    Probably about three inches above that sticky out knobbly bone.

    Sometimes, through chance, I get a matching pair out of the drawer

    Free Member

    Leaving it on the bank or throwing it back in would be fly-tipping

    IIRC J R Hartley wrote an excellent guide to this

    Free Member

    Is that tutankhamun’s coffin to the right?

    In which case it’s the curse of the mummy. Quite common apparently

    Seriously, don’t poke fun at this. It’s no laughing matter. There was a curse placed on Tutenkahamun’s tomb, which would afflict anyone who dared to open it. This was ignored at your peril! Howard Carter and his team chose to mock it, just like you, but you know what? Every single member of that team is now dead.

    Free Member

    You might catch a motorpike and sidecarp

    I caught one once. The front wheel was loads bigger than the rear. I think it was a mullet

    Free Member


    Free Member

    But once again offers bigger savings the more you spend, so the wealthier benefit more…

    That’s the same logic that has people shopping by ‘biggest discount’. The illusion of savings when you’re actually spending more.

    No, it’s different with tax.

    With most discounts it’s “save 20%” leading to “I’ll save more if I spend more” but with tax it’s “these people will save 20% and those people will save 40%”

    Free Member

    It is of course possible that neither Mallory/Irvine not Hillary/Norway were first. First recorded, but not necessarily first.

    When Yoshitaro Shibasaki and his team completed their 1907 (only 17 years before the Irvine/Mallory expedition) ascent of Mount Tsurugi — thought to be the final unclimbed mountain remaining in the Japanese archipelago — they found an ancient sword at the summit that was later determined to have been left there more than 1000 years earlier. Just because we don’t know about it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Irvine/Mallory’s clothing and equipment has been found to be fine, tested by experienced climbers in (IIRC) 2007 and people have done it without oxygen, so it would have been possible in the 19th, 18th, 17th centuries. Humans being humans can we really expect hundreds of generations to have lived near it and not one person thought ‘I wonder if I can get to the top of that?’ and been of sufficient ability to pull it off? They wouldn’t have known it was the highest of course but people are curious and like a challenge, it’s not just a twentieth century thing, it’s just that we have more tech to enable us nowadays.

    Another example, it is likely that James Parrot was the first to run a four minute mile, in 1770. He did it for a (very substantial) bet, which he won, so we can be pretty sure that the distance and time will have been measured properly. Others in the late 1700s and early 1800s also did it. And these were the guys measuring and timing it, who knows who did it chasing an antelope or fleeing a lion.

    There is even debate about who was the first man in space. Yuri Gargarin was certainly the first to return successfully, but there are rumours that at least one of the earlier soviet test flights was manned but that the pilot did not survive. However, it’s unlikely to have been done by anyone back in the eighteenth century, although some interpretations of the book of Enoch read like a UFO abduction.

    Free Member

    Looking forward to waves of confident assertion/wild speculation that they made it to the summit when the reality is that we will probably never know.

    The people at Kodak have said that the camera film might still be viable as it’s so cold and dry up there. If it is ever found and can be developed and does contain a picture from the summit then we’ll know. If it’s never found, or isn’t viable then I guess it’ll remain a mystery.

    I can’t think of any other way it can proved one way or the other.

    The goggles on Malory likely show they were on the way down in the dark, but was that after a successful attempt or an aborted attempt? Also, Mallory had a photo of his wife he was going to leave at the top, that wasn’t on him. Did he leave it at the top or lose it in the fall?

    Free Member

    There’s been the usual rumours going around about Haas selling to Andretti for ages. I guess that’s off the table now, Toyota won’t a tie in with GM will they? Or vice versa.

    Free Member

    Lots of people have mentioned Brexit. I might be generalising a bit but i suspect that a lot of people on here had the same problem as the politicians – being in a lefty middle class bubble full of people who had done very well out of the (then) current system so thinking why would anyone vote to leave? I think the reason that it became a problem was two-fold. Those in charge were so out of touch that they never considered a leave vote as a realistic possibility and so therefore totally failed to plan for it, and secondly making a success of it rather depended on having a competent government in charge afterwards, which we also appeared to lack. Living where I did at the time, where I grew up, I saw it coming a mile off as it was by far the majority opinion (the next door constituency was the biggest leave vote in the country), but then i failed to see the Blair landslide coming, for exactly the same reason, I thought that they’d get, at most, a hung parliament.


    Free Member

    Minimum wage is way more than 20% tax threshold last time I looked.

    Depends how many hours you work.

    Free Member

    which could really include any road or gravel bike, if your destination has suitable storage. Megatower might be a stretch to justify though…

    I mostly commute on a fairly fancy road bike, because it’s the best tool for the job and makes the commute enjoyable and I can keep it in the storeroom next to the office. I sometimes commute on a Solaris or Orange Alpine 5 because it’s only a short detour to add an EWS stage to the return journey. Not typical commuter bikes. (All bought used and not on C2W)

    Free Member

    I’ve not the maths Generalist so don’t know the numbers but they will have the biggest savings as that’s where the marginal tax rate is highest.

    Free Member

    If it brought customers to the new bike store rather than the classifieds or just keeping an existing bike for longer?

    Whereas if we’re doing it for environmental reasons keeping an old one going or buying used is better than buy new.

    Free Member

    If you’re not too heavy and not doing massive drops you’ll be fine if it’s well built. The high spoke count will help too

    Free Member

    Also, to pick up on Rich’s point, a decent chunk of the heating bill, either gas or electric, will be standing charges so the relationship between heating on and bill is not linear, it might well be something like four times as much heating time for twice the cost. And if it’s being used for other things anyway, hot water, lights whatever, that will further reduce the proportional effect extra heating has.

    Maybe the OP could do maths for them? Eg. Bills £50/month no heating, £55/month minimal heating, £60/month lots of heating, just making numbers up there but you get the jist.

    Free Member

    Sounds like he’s local and known to you?

    A polite knock on the door “sorry mate, I know you’ve been busy but if I could just have the money back I’ll go and get some elsewhere ” Much harder to make an excuse in person.

    Free Member

    Oh, and Sadex Punk

    Free Member

    Oddly enough I was thinking this a couple of days ago when it suddenly clicked, after seeing him (or maybe her) on here for years, that Turbo Flard is in fact Tub of Lard.

    And I have no idea how macruisekeen is pronounced. Or even spelled it would appear

    Free Member

    I actually prefer driving a RHD car on the continent

    My second time driving abroad was a trip to Italy in 2012. The first was Australia in 2010 and that’s a doddle, it’s the same side, all the signs are in English etc, etc.

    I wasn’t sure whether to fly to Nice and hire a car or drive down to Finale. I asked around for advice about driving abroad.

    The responses were pretty much 50/50 “take your own car, you don’t want to have think about a strange car as well as strange roads” and “hire one, it’s so much more natural being in a LHD on foreign roads” Helpful.

    Having now done it eight times, six in my own and two hires, I’m in the ‘take your own’ camp, although French toll booths are a pain in a RHD van.

    Free Member

    P60?  been looking at them, they dont list pension contributions.  and ive no idea what bank acc i had in 2009 but itd only give a figure paid in anyway, no details on deductions

    I think that’s what Matt meant. If you know the tax rate, NI rates, student loans, whatever and your basic salary at the time you can work out how much is ‘missing’. If you weren’t doing any other salary sacrifice (or have records of the amounts of any) the ‘missing bit’ will be pension contributions.

    Free Member

    I’ve already discovered that as a private seller I can’t sell helmets or alcohol. Might just been second hand helmets, can’t remember.

    There was no email about this, only discovered when it wouldn’t let me list whisky at all and my helmet listing was cancelled. Not particularly bothered, just pointing there’s already some things which are business only

    Free Member

    One of those pull out awnings attached to the wall above where the roof joins the house. Pull it out whenever it rains, away again to let light in when it stops

    Free Member

    If someone is being a **** report them.

    I’ve reported a few I’ve seen on the telephone. Hopefully stops them doing it again and increases my chances of staying alive.

    Most people drive well most of the time, nothing to report

    Free Member

    Being a passenger in a LHD car is just so weird, it really feels like I should be driving but there’s no steering wheel there! I really don’t like it, it’s like some sort of surreal dream

    Free Member

    Similar to TiNAS, I used to work in Haymarket in Edinburgh. Door to door was about twenty six miles.

    The bike was the fastest option, by miles.

    The car was faster until about Dalkeith, then I hit the traffic. Then I had to park at Kings Buildings and finish on foot.

    There is a train station in my village, direct to Waverley. The least amount of time actually travelling, but on the way home I’d already be south of Gorebridge before the train had even left Edinburgh

    And biking was just much nicer than driving, and much reliable than the train.

    Everyone else thought I was mental. Anyway, new job in Selkirk, I can add an EWS stage on my return journey if I fancy.

    In both cases I’ve been able to leave a very nice bike in the corridor/store room which helps a lot, I can do it on a bike I actually enjoy riding and it never gets nicked.

    Doesn’t really help the OP I know. Not sure how you sell riding/walking as the ‘best’ option, rather than being all preachy about it being the ‘right thing to do’, in my case and TINAS it made sense from a practical point of view, the environmental benefits were just a bonus

    Free Member

    Just to be different, Bahco or Wurth Zebra.

    I’ve got some Snap On stuff too but TBH I prefer the Bahco and Wurth. I’ve had good experiences with Teng too but not tried their screwdrivers

    Free Member

    Done it once in Italy, but they seem pretty flexible as to which to use most of the time so not really an issue.


    More like the OP, I’ve forgotten which way round knives and forks go when setting the table, just had a complete mind-blank. Laid them out, thought it looked wrong, swapped them over, thought it looked wrong again. Had to stop and have a think. Not stressed or anxious or anything like the OP, just a weird moment

    Free Member

    Pictures or it didn’t happen

    You don’t believe him? Don’t be so negative

    Free Member

    I’ve just swapped from TRP to Hope floating on the commuter. They feel the same, but the Hopes are a bit lighter. Not lighter enough to be felt whilst riding though. Every other bike has Hope floating in an appropriate size, from 160 to 220. No idea if they are actually better than any others but they’ve always worked well for me so I’ve stuck with them.

    Free Member

    Depends what we by “into the shop”. I often leave mine in the little bit between the outside doors and the doors into the shop proper, Innerleithen co op probably being a good example most on here will know. Not really any less nickable in there but less visible to passers by who aren’t shopping. I don’t wheel it round the isles with me though. Cafes we usually ask ‘can we put these in the garden round the back please?’ but we spend a lot longer in there than I do in a shop

    It’s only bike shops I’ve taken it into the shop proper, and then only if I need to show them something on the bike to indicate what I need.

    Free Member

    £100 for me, making £1,300 in the last twelve months, above the expected returns so I’m happy, and nowhere near maxed out either.

    Free Member

    Of course not: he’s driving a shitbox

    Either he’s not as good as he used to be or we have all underestimated Zhou, which is of course possible, he could be brilliant and the car even worse than we think. But Bottas isn’t miles ahead of him, in the way that say Albon was compared to Sargent in a slow car.

    Free Member

    Is Bottas going to be better than Perez? They were both very decent second-tier drivers in their day (and I don’t mean that disparagingly, I mean not quite Hamilton/Alonso level, but still better than most – regular, dependable race-winners, easily as good as Webber, Barachello, Coulthard, etc)

    I’ve not seen any flashes of brilliance from Bottas lately which leads me to think he’ll be better than Checo. I think both have had their day unfortunately, and Riccardo too.

    Free Member

    So Lawson into an RB 11 races into his career? Explains the mid-season change. Hadjar in whatever VCARB decide to call themselves next year? And Yuki staying where he is?

    Free Member

    Smaller chainring would be a lot easier

    Free Member

    I can’t remember if they put the VIN on the MOT?. Would help work out which car goes with which MOT

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