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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • Andituk
    Free Member

    Its mostly not the players, its the condtions for the fans, lots of ungritted paths and roads. Liverpool game is off because of not enough police.

    Free Member

    Looking at that design, they might go for brolly boys…

    Free Member

    1,000 people standing round some rocks is intimate?

    Free Member

    Can also buy direct at

    More money, but more goes to Reset and Dirt School then ;)

    Free Member

    Both experts decided it was most likely he was hit by the first shot in the hand, then either in a voluntary movement or from the force of the shot, he turned his body, as the second shot hit him.

    What was the officer’s claims?

    Free Member

    Stanley was turning away when he was hit in the head, not turning towards.

    Free Member

    My Endura Pirhanas definetly don’t go clear, there’s not a massively noticable change, but enough to make them suitable for pretty much year round daytime riding.

    Free Member

    When you throw the ball, and he doesn’t fetch it, does that mean you have to go and get it back?

    If so, I think you’ve been outsmarted by a dog :D

    Free Member

    I loved it, but its not a riding film. But then, there are a million and one of those, full of teenage kids shouting gnarly and doing backflips, which is great, but its nice to see something different too.

    Free Member

    My condolences to your family. We will miss you.

    Free Member

    To be fair trailquesting does remind of this kind of thing..

    I think its the questing bit that does it…

    Free Member

    18 Bikes rent them out, which I thought was an excellent idea, as they’re a lot of money if you don’t use them that often.

    Free Member

    So why did you mention it then ? I certainly wouldn’t have, if it hadn’t bothered me

    You asked me a question which I answered :?

    Yeah I got that, but you appear to have a problem with my opinion that you are an arsehole. Why’s that?

    Again, you can call me what you like, I don’t feel the need to call you anything just because you disagree with me. Its nice that you didn’t mean to offend me, it warms me to my core to know that.

    No I’m not a hyprocite, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but you can think I am whatever you like, you can call me whatever you like. If you want to call me an arsehole, fine, but you brought it up. I never mentioned what I think of you or what you think of me, you told me.

    Free Member

    There is no problem, like I said in the bit of the quote you cut off, you can think what you like, I just don’t feel the need to name call because someone doesn’t agree with me on a mountain bike forum.

    Free Member

    Again, I’ve never mentioned how he was treated by police. The fact he claims to be a revolutionary is relevant to how I see his actions, no one elses.

    You can think I’m whatever you like, I can think you are whatever I like, its largely irrelevent as I wouldn’t sink to name calling for having a different opinion to me, you’re have as much right to your opinion as I have. My problem is that you continue to suggest I hold an opinion which I don’t.

    I will say again, my opinion is of the way he has behaved and his actions to promote his political cause. I don’t think he is a justified target, I don’t think anyone is a justified target.

    Free Member

    I have watched the full interview, its quite long, he uses the air time given to him because he’s disabled and apparently an innocent victim to promote his political cause. I don’t believe an able bodied person would have had that opportunity.

    I’ve never once said he was a legitimate target, I’ve never once mentioned justification, I’ve never once mentioned anything of the sort.

    I’ve said, and I’ll say it again, that it is my opinion that he is twisting his story, and not being fully truthful in order to further his political cause. I stand by my opinion that he as an arsehole for doing so.

    Am I pretending to be stupid? No, I’m claiming to have an opinion on a matter.

    Free Member

    A witness says he had to be held back by a female as he attempted to strike an officer, pictures accompanying the witness’s claims show him with his arm raised in front of a police officer being held by a female. If you choose not to believe that statement, then thats your choice. Why is the police officer standing so calmly? Perhaps because he’s being held back by the female, perhaps because he doesn’t think he’s going to come to any harm, perhaps because he’s in full protective equipment, make your own mind up, it seems you already have.

    I’ve never said anyone was a threat, I’ve never justified anyone assaulting anyone else. I said I believe he is twisting his story, not telling the full truth and making out as if he was a defenceless victim, which there is plenty to suggest he isn’t as defenceless or innocent as he makes out.

    I find the way he uses his disability when he claims to see himself as an equal offensive.

    If he was fully able, well bodied person in full fitness, and the police moved him out of the way when he tried to obstuct them, would he be in the news? No.

    He’s obviously an intelligent person doing all he can to get air time for what he sees as a revolution, fighting against some oppresive regime. Unlike Tiananmen Square, there were no tanks in westminster, no soldiers, and no one was killed.

    Hey look, I managed to reply without calling you stupid or an idiot ;)

    Free Member

    I’ve not suggested anything of the kind. If I didn’t believe he was disabled, why would I have specifically mentioned it? I believe he’s using his disability to further his own cause, as I said.

    My point about the stairs is that he makes out as if he is defenceless and unable to move himself, when that’s clearly not the case.

    My opinion is that he’s twisting the story and not telling the full facts.

    That’s my opinion, you don’t have to agree, I’ve never claimed to be an expert, I’m not trying to smear anyone and I don’t have any agenda, I just dislike the way he’s gone about this whole incident.

    Free Member

    Vicious? Only Ernie used that word. There’s evidence that he took a swing at a cop though.

    He admits himself that he was being obstructive and that he’s capable of climbing 18 flights of stairs, neither of which was the impression he was giving in his interview.

    I’m not sure what agenda you think I have, I just think he’s making out as if he was completely innocent and was picked on because of his disability, which I don’t believe is true.

    Free Member

    Where did I say it said that?

    There’s two photographs of the man with his arm raised and a witness account saying he had to be restrained from hitting a police officer. What evidence would you like? There’s no pictures of him throwing anything but nobody said he did?

    Your mind seems to be made up, but to me there’s plenty to show he’s not telling the whole truth. He’s twisting the story and using his disability to further his cause, but then what else would you expect from a self proclaimed revolutionary who’s compared the events to Tiananmen Square.

    Free Member

    I thought it was great. Not so much a riding film as an arty film about bikes though, that’s for sure. The commentary was a bit up itself and cringe worthy in places though.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t tell a “different story”. Read it.

    The story he’s telling is of a poor innocent disabled man unable to move by himself was viciously attacked out of the blue by a police officer on two occasions.

    His blog says he was obstructing police and is capable of climbing 18 flights of stairs unaided?

    “Quote” ratty ? A QUOTE ? We don’t want a “quote”.

    He was a photographer …….he must have had a camera. We want PICTURES !

    Pictures of this guy launching his vicious attack against the police……….where are they ??????

    Free Member

    Not particularly epic routes, probably not even the most fun riding, but there are two days that stand out for me. Both just left me feeling elated.

    First was Kentmere and Longsleddale at the end of August. I had the day off work and decided I was going to ride no matter what, no idea what the weather was going to be like (it had been a bit rubbish), no idea what the route was like, just picked it out of a VP guidebook and went for it. Turned out it couldn’t have been more perfect, stunning day, great scenery, great riding. Can’t help but smile thinking back to one particular singletrack section..




    Second was Stanage a few weeks ago. To be honest, the ride was crap, didn’t enjoy the route much, the weather was crap, spent too much time pushing uphill. But then reached Stanage Pole and it was the most stunning sight I’ve ever seen as the sun began to set over the fog in the valleys.




    Free Member

    The interviewer had clearly read his blog, which tells a different story to the one he’s trying to put out, so was pushing him to answer questions on that.

    The guys an arsehole, using his disability to further himself as a professional revolutionary.

    Free Member

    2.2″ Rubber Queens still. Managing far better than expected tbh. Was going to swap them if they were crap, but not had to yet.

    Free Member

    You’d have to wrap the entire bike in it to get it to look right under the paint, otherwise you’d have an line around the edge..

    Carbon effect cut vinyl would be best way I think.

    Free Member

    The Anthem has been raved about a bit, but other than that, there never seems to be much fuss over Giants, yet whenever they do come up, they always get glowing reports. Love my Trance, it just never seems to put a foot wrong. Had plenty of comments and questions about it when out too.

    Free Member

    Only worn mine once (only got them recently) but they were nice and toasty, a bit tight on one or two fingers, so try them on if you can, but wearing both inners and outers kept my hands warm when it was several degrees below, and they’re thin enough to let you feel the brakes and shifters no problem.

    Free Member

    Excellent news :D

    Free Member

    Its not as itchy as “normal” wool products for sure, but I do find it itchy at first, once its been on for a bit I tend to forget about it though.

    Free Member

    A vote for Stodge is a vote against twee.

    Free Member

    Sounds like I timed it quite well then :D

    Free Member

    I’d imagine a good part of the extra is the aussie distributors cut.

    Free Member

    Went on Friday, not much snow, about 2-3″ and all pretty much packed down now. Few icy patches to watch out for, but apart from that it was all good. Smoothes out some of the bumpier tracks! I didn’t stay out for too long or go too high, because I was frozen, but even Winter Hill looked ok.

    Rivington Pike[/url] by 555Andi[/url], on Flickr

    Winter Hill Mast[/url] by 555Andi[/url], on Flickr

    Seemed to be less snow the higher you got, strangely..

    Free Member

    Don’t know about elbow pads, but the knee pads are done on how thick(?) your legs are rather than the length, there’s a size guide on the 661 website.

    Free Member

    No ligths though, the ligths are what makes it too :(

    Free Member

    Microsoft ICE[/url]


    You literally just select the pics and click go, as long as the exposure isn’t wildly out it works really well.

    Free Member

    Do you seriously think anyone would give it out to a stranger on the internet if they did?

    Free Member

    Has there been much more snow up there? Fancy a ride tommorrow.

    Free Member

    They tried it in Portugal and it was an utter failure apparently. Try getting your kids to sleep when its still daylight at 11pm.

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