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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • Andituk
    Free Member

    How well do Rubber Queens work with non ust rims?

    Free Member

    KS have a 27.2 dropper post. Theyv’ve made the gubbins external.

    Free Member

    I’d recommend the remote, like Ewan said, the times when you want to drop your saddle aren’t the kind of times when you’ll be grabbing for a bottle.

    I got a standard i950 and within a few rides realised I should have got a remote, its much easier to use, easier to get the height exactly right etc.

    Free Member

    Call 686 man shouts ‘you’re gorgeous’ to woman :lol:

    Free Member

    Leaving your account isn’t the same as cleared, its now floating round in the lost depths of the banking system. Exactly why this is, in the 21st century, no one is entirely sure.

    It most likely won’t appear in the other account and be spendable for a few days yet.

    Free Member

    What if the cable breaks?

    You plummet to your certain death, I’d imagine.

    Free Member

    Even ignoring the possible health implications, if you feel crap, you won’t enjoy it, and you won’t get the same exercise as if you were healthy, so, imo, stay in bed.

    Free Member

    I’d be extremely bored and unemployed if that was the case :D

    Free Member

    Fantastic pics, new wallpaper on the work PC for me I think :D

    Free Member

    Show me where I said I’d offer worse service, you do understand the concept of “service match” don’t you?

    This bit here..

    I still stand by what I said about making you wait, if you push me to drop my prices, I’ll make you wait for collection regardless of whether it’s in stock or not.

    Where you said you’d give a customer worse service if they dared ask for a price match.

    Asking if a shop can price match isn’t a snub, its offering them the chance to compete for business, and letting them argue their side and decide if its worth it for them or not. Surely its better to at least try to use the LBS instead of just going straight online?

    I think its easy for everyone to have this argument on the internet though, what we’d do if it was actually our living on the line would be quite different I suspect. I certainly can’t imagine many shop owners turning down any kind business just because they’d make less profit on it. You could have a 5000% profit margin, but 5000% of **** all, is **** all.

    Free Member

    Does no one carry spare quick links?

    We all did, until a thread on here. Now we all “get the point of mountain biking” and aren’t allowed to carry a bag anymore.

    Free Member

    You’ve got it in one, I’ve made a couple of small changes, but essentially you’re correct.
    You’re trying to remove my profit, I don’t want your business. I have lots of other people who are willing to pay a fair price for a fair service and your contribution to my holiday villa is 0.000001%, so stop wasting my time and go to the internet, fit it yourself and don’t come to me with a warranty claim.
    You are one small customer, there are lots of businesses surviving very well without your customer, even though you think it, you are not a cash cow. Sorry.

    Thats exactly the problem I’ve had with LBSs in the past, the take it or leave it attitude of staff who are trying to charge me more than elsewhere, explain to me exactly why I shouldn’t just leave it and go elsewhere? I may be one small customer, but if you deliberatly offered worse service, I wouldn’t come back next time, and I’d be sure to tell anyone who asked. Bad reviews spread faster than good ones, unfortunately. Surely a better answer to..

    Me: Can you order me something for £xx

    Would be..

    You: No, thats too cheap for me, I can do it for £xx and it’s in stock now/I’ll give you a discount next time/I’ll fit it/I’ll support that race you’re organizing/I give free cake.

    That way, if I decide price is more important, I walk away thinking at least you tried, and were honest with me, or I pay the extra and you get my business, and future business.

    Claiming to give worse service to customers in a thread complaining about customers not using their LBS is indeed stupid.

    Free Member

    I’ll use a bike shop if there’s a benefit. I don’t see why I should go out of my way, or be out of pocket to “support” them though, its a business, they’re in it for the money, same as I do my job for the money. Its not a charity. If they can’t compete, then surely they’re in the wrong business?

    Free Member

    The good thing about Salford is that its really quite well connected, with the A580, M60, trains, trams etc etc, so you wouldn’t have much problem living further away.

    Free Member

    Section 30 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, as amended by the Road Traffic Act 1991, provides the offence of cycling on a road or public place whilst under the influence of drink or drugs. It states:
    30(1) A person who, when riding a cycle on a road or other public place, is unfit to ride through drink or drugs (that is to say, is under the influence of drink or a drug to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the cycle) is guilty of an offence.

    The Licencing Act 1872 also makes it an offence to be drunk in charge of a carriage (which includes bicycles), horse, cattle, or steam engine or drunk in possession of a loaded firearm. So don’t do any of those either ;)

    Free Member

    I thought Britannia was the working one?

    Free Member

    I found the other day its quite fun to ride the other way too, only if no one is coming up obviously ;)

    Free Member

    I quite like that muddy climb in a way, although yes, i suppose it does get very boggy when its been wet a while. It was shocking during the building work.

    Free Member

    gpicsync looks ace, ta for that :D

    Free Member

    Just to clear this up they are helicoptering stone in to an old stone quarry?

    Its being helicoptered onto the moors where the path is. Not sure where its coming from, but the journey time isn’t long for the helicopter, so I’m guessing the working quarry thats nearby?

    If I remember rightly though, lots of the surfacing at Lee Quarry was brought in from else where, as the cost of the machines needed to turn the rock already up there into the right grade for use on the trails was too high.

    Free Member


    Followed by..


    Free Member

    Spent a while watching them working the other week, I couldn’t stay on my bike the wind was so strong, but it didn’t seem to bother them!

    Free Member

    My Endura Humvees fit over Kyle Straits ok.

    Free Member

    Hm, not convinced he wasn’t going to make that if he didn’t bail..

    Free Member

    Feeds gone again :(

    I suppose this is the problem with hosting your event in the middle of nowhere :D

    Free Member

    2 snapped stanchions 8O

    Free Member

    They bigged that run up a bit too much, you knew that was coming :D

    Free Member

    Ace run from Gee, could see how clean that landing was, hardly kicked up any dust at all.

    Free Member

    They need to knock the music on the head…

    Free Member

    Red Bull site seems to have cut to some pre record show now..

    Free Member

    sicklines website won’t even load for me.

    They all seem to be using the same feed, don’t think redbull have appreciated how many will want to watch, and it’s gone to rat shit.

    Free Member

    3 days of doing nothing until you die, yes. Working hard on a bike, you’ll start to feel the effects of dehydration much, much sooner.

    Free Member

    Funnily enough, was watching Industrial Revelations on Discoverysomethingorother last night that showed Crossness. Stunning building, would love to see it in the flesh.

    Free Member

    I thought the point was that there is no point or have I missed the point?

    This threads pointless :(

    Free Member

    This thread’s ace.

    How did she get a phonecall if she didn’t give her details?

    More importantly, were any of the females involved hot?

    Free Member

    Was watching the helicopter working yesterday, mad bastards that go and stand underneath that hopper in winds like that! Very cool to watch 8)

    Free Member

    If you can get decent image files for them to work off, any sign shop will do it for you for not much money. It’s getting the files that will be the problem.

    Free Member

    Full flash support?

    And some other small things too..

    Free Member

    Saw one once while standing near Whinstone Lee Tor, close enough and low enough over the reservoir to look the pilot in the eye and be quite freaked out about the huge underslung cannon :D

    To be fair, if you were flying one of those on a training mission, you’d go and buzz people out for a walk too :D

    Free Member

    If he worked for Tesco and he wasn’t getting paid everyone would be outraged at Tesco.

    Just because he gets paid more doesn’t mean he should work for nothing, he’s got bills to pay, same as the rest of us.

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