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  • is a scam website
  • anc
    Free Member

    Don’t seem to be listing the gp4000s’s anymore… We must have cleaned them out :mrgreen:

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Headfirst the gp4000s is a awesome tyre that’s what I just ordered, currently running them in the 23 flavour and they’re spot on. Best wet grip and all round tyre I’ve ever used.

    Free Member

    British cycling whilst having a squeeky clean image over here is looked upon with some level of suspicion outside our shores. For example look at the recent UCI leak which put Wiggins at the same level of suspicion as Condador, Vino etc!! Doping is so ingrained within the sport at the top level its considered the norm if you want to succeed. The gains that new forms of EPO and Blood doping etc allow make it impossible for a clean rider to compete. Science always wins and is one step ahead of the controls…

    Free Member

    They all do it at the front end of grand tours and procycling. Always have always will its part and parcel of the sport, just except it and enjoy the spectacle. Unfortuately Armstrong has made to many enemies along the way and now the knives are out. Hay ho

    Free Member

    Is the frame alloy or carbon? If alloy apply heat to the frame carefully with hot hairdryer or boiling water. The alloy frame will expand more than the post and you should be able to free it.

    Free Member

    Fox do some of the best gloves IMO. The glove they do without a velcro strap is called Attack which is excellent. Have a looky on Stif’s website for some good deals on them. 😉 Giro gloves aren’t very durable, fit is excellent but they don’t last long.

    Free Member

    Get your base miles in over the winter, join a local club that has regular training runs to help with motivation in the winter and speed in the spring. If your cramping your probably going too hard early on.

    Free Member

    Happens every year on kirkstone, its early on, the riders a bunched and you can do 50-60mph if you wish. One of the years i did it a ambulance was attending a badly injured rider who’d gone over the wall. Another rider for whatever reason missed the brightly coloured van with blue flashing lights parked at the side of the road and went straight into the back of it……! 😆 Still if you’re gonna hit something i suppose a ambulance is a good choice.

    Free Member

    Yeh he(jebby) had a 12-28 last year, bad fettle this year so gave it a miss.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure that’ll be your angleset slightly out. But whilst on the subject of cheaking front ends and excellent tip I picked up to fettle CSU’s which creak. Is to turn your bike upside down and apply some locktite 290 thread lock to the steerer joint, leave for a couple of days upsidedown so it cures fully. Works a treat, no more noise. 😉

    Free Member

    Ayup singletrackmind just noticed your thread, think you came with us(Lakes lads) from Dales on sunday…. we’ve booked our navigator on a urgent map reading course! 🙂 Hope your having a great holiday, weathers certainly playing ball. 😀

    Free Member

    Tell you what I’ll dig it out when I get home from work and send you a piccy to your email in the profile, if your happy how does £15 posted sound?

    Free Member

    The right hand ones are definitely fragile as mine died during a -10c night ride this winter… To be fair I did lose my rag and press it a little too hard when it wasn’t shifting correctly. Anyhow I’ve replaced both since so if your stuck I’ve got a left side which is fully functional sitting in the garage somewhere which you can have cheap if your struggling.

    Free Member

    Iain1775 I hear your on the Irish Mafia’s hit list so you won’t be able to spend them anyway :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Yeah that’s wiggle, CRC vouchers can be added to their discounted prices.

    Free Member

    It comes in a email, but all its telling you to do is enter your email address into the voucher box on the basket page.

    Free Member

    But some folk who didn’t contact them also got vouchers sent. So either they know who got done by other means or their senting them to everyone who made a purchase by card in a certain period.
    Anyway fair pay to them its a very good come back to us offer.

    Worth a try with your email in the voucher box on the basket page 😉 you might be lucky

    Free Member

    Check your spam folder, mine went there. Or just add something to your basket then try your registered email in the voucher box 😉

    Free Member

    I was never going to use CRC again last week….. then they sent me £30………so now CRC are best online retailer in the world and I won’t hear any different !! :mrgreen:

    Yes I know I’m very weak……. 😳 but I don’t care… 😀

    Free Member

    Yeah loads of sites do it evans, jejames and probikekit also have cheap stuff listed which isn’t in stock. Its a way of manipulating the search engines…. or google as its commonly known.

    Free Member

    Dear Mark resident grumpy can I be the first of many to say ‘Nar Na Na Nar Na…. told you!! :mrgreen: 😳 😉

    I’ll get my coat!

    Just kidding, good moderating of a tricky situation 8)

    Free Member

    The positions on the printouts we were given are wrong, some people were missing somehow, I was bumped from 35th to 42nd, a friend was bumped from 104th to 128th, so looks like a computer glitch somewhere.

    Paul, It’ll be something to do with the second checkpoint a few peoples splits didn’t registered for some reason. My friend who was 6th didn’t get a time. The system won’t have liked that at the finish and won’t have registered the result.

    Free Member

    Forgot to add it was 2 laps of the above.

    Free Member

    This is the map of the 1st year which was a toughy, last years was different slighty and less hard.

    Free Member

    Its tough because of the volume of climbing. Lots of fireroad up and trailcentre type down nowt too technical. The transitions to these singletrack sections are very busy if your not in the top 50 or so.

    Free Member

    Ok nothing as extreme as some of the above, but I managed to put 50cm of hawthorn twig through my eardrum whilst getting a jump totally wrong. It snapped into 3 pieces and was stuck inside. It took 9 months, 2 operations including a re-graft which involved cutting the ear off to put that back together. Hearing is still slightly damaged on that side.
    Also a few years back over exuberance led to a heavy crash on castle crag. The worst hit was above my hip below the ribs, it led to a bit of internal bleeding which nipped to put it mildly. Anyhow a week later whilst on the mend to my horror whilst lying in the bath I noticed my man bits had gone totally black! After a panicked call to the doc’s thinking they were going to drop off!I was told is was the bruising dropping from the bleeding! Misses thought it was hilarious and told almost everyone we knew.

    Free Member

    Oh my lorrrrd goot! You owe me a new feckkin phone, I’ve just spat coffee all over this one! 😯 😆

    Free Member

    Use paypal.

    Free Member

    Only the banks know the numbers involved and despite what was said earlier they don’t cancel cards and single out a particular retailer without good reason.

    Free Member

    except that people will quite likely post on more than one forum, may not use the same user-name for each one so you end up double counting.

    Sure there will be a bit of double posting but not all that much as people arn’t gonna sign up to other forum just because of this and forum users tend to be loyal to the one that interests them most, there will be exceptions but not many.

    Free Member

    and add in all the other forums…..

    Free Member

    CRC assured me that the card issues had been sorted out on the 9th! Well Mrs Janesy’s card has just been cloned (15th) and £400 was attempted at John Lewis!

    So in Janesy’s case, after having his first card cloned he was assured that the problems were resolved. Then low and behold the second card he puts through them is also cloned…. So what’s the probability of that happening by chance….. 😯 !!

    Free Member

    I disagree.,

    I disagree.. more of them are straight after the CRC purchase this is how these threads(other forums) came about.

    Free Member

    Yes of course nothing is proven it could be some other source. But when you look back through this thread most of these transactions are directly after a CRC purchase, nothing else in between. The card companies VISA and MasterCard are cancelling cards even without fraudulent activity just because there is a CRC transaction on the account(if people are to be believed). The people you speak to at the call centres for the banks are becoming more and more open about the retailer their fraud department has a file on.
    So yes there’s doubt, but it don’t look too clever does it. 😕

    Free Member

    No phone top-up’s on my card before it got fleeced.

    Free Member

    Black crags route is known as ‘Stake pass’, search on here and you’ll find out plenty. It’s basically gonna be mostly a carry up and not that great a descent, the Langstrath valley is fun if you pick the right tracks, local knowledge helps here. If it were me I’d go up Rossett Pike(many carry also) but from Esk Hause to styhead and then stockley bridge is simply sublime.

    Free Member

    The mtb lakeland loop… Its got cracking riding in it, easily manageable over two days.

    Free Member

    I wonder if the plods involved it might explain the surprising lack of meaningful information from the marketing machine that is CRC.

    Free Member

    Jansey look at ilkelypeter’s post ordered last night done today, I’d say the problems ongoing.

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