20mph in a urban zone is a good idea.
50mph on a rural A road is utter stupidity. In case anyone hasn’t noticed people don’t drive 60mph on rural A road. So why is changing it down to 50mph going to make any difference? I reckon it will cause more accidents and deaths, people who want to go 70-80mph will still do so and just overtake the people driving at slow speeds. Probably in dangerous areas too.
People are generally good at judging speed. We have a lot of cars on the road and a very low accident rate compared to most other countries.
It’s just another way for the government to waste our money. Governing cars is very silly, most of the time you need to accelerate out of accidents hence why mopeds are so dangerous.
Another thing they need to do is regulate insurance companies, this will cut the amount of uninsured drivers. When you are quoted £1200 at 18 a lot of people will just drive uninsured.