I had it when I was younger; it was apparently horrid (I can’t remember I was very young).
My Grandma has it very badly and has had for about 12 years. If you need any serious information I should be able to get it for you as my Grandad is a retired doctor and has dedicated the rest of life to curing his wife. He has huge amounts of research from Europe and the USA and has done a lot of stuff himself.
If you catch it in the first few months you can generally cure it with antibiotics, but if it takes over a year to identify it there are chances it will come back in your later life. It will attack the nervous system and is very hard to cure. They reckon a lot of people diagnosed with ME actually have Lymes.
If you want I can send you the e-mail of my Grandad and you can talk to him directly. He is very qualified (ex surgeon that also worked a lot with aids sufferers in Africa). He will probably be able to diagnose and then recommend further action.