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  • Waiting For The Mag?
  • althepal
    Full Member

    Cardiac arrest Gary.. And the kettles always on.. We have one of those ones that’s plumbed into the mains and constantly puts out hot water..
    Most of the time we drive pretty sedately really..

    Full Member

    Up here our we’re only exempt when we use all our warning systems.. 20mph above speed limit gen ok and we use the same book as the police..
    Mind you, if it’s a kiddie or an arrest we don’t really hang back..

    Full Member


    Full Member

    My wee boy, my wife, the fact I enjoy my job, the fact that both my legs and my lungs work pretty well despite some rough times, my home and my bike.
    Guess I’m actually quite happy with life in general.

    Full Member

    Not in my experience.. Unless when you drink
    you suddenly get the urge to make models from
    hand cut balsa..

    Full Member

    Like the light weight of the evos, seem on par with the mountain kings-I originally got them for 10 under the ben cos they were much lighter than my trailrakers and they’ve been pretty decent except in the wet when they’re a rubbish…
    Nobby nics seem to get good reviews so hopefull these will be a good choice.

    Full Member

    Was wondering how you were gonna have a pool in your shed for a sec there!

    Full Member

    Looks like fun, bone dry too!

    Full Member

    I love you all. As individuals andas a whole.
    And while I’m
    On the subject, I love lamp.
    Seriously, I’m a friendly type guy,or poss, a good pal, as they say up here.

    Full Member

    Lovely bike, but I wouldn’t be happy if it wasn’t pristine on pick up day!
    Why would u want a five tho? (sits back awaiting the inevitable)

    Full Member

    Glass raised tonight.
    Tragic really, RIP.

    Full Member

    Kettlebell training, yep. Build a What pipe now??

    Full Member

    Wilma +1.

    Full Member

    Jeeze that’s a tough un.. Ray winston?
    Sky have really jumped on the elephants back the last few years eh?

    Full Member

    “Bad show sir, bad show”..
    Like it.

    Full Member

    I got a wee small tat on one of my shoulders when I was in my late teens, means different things to me nowadays but glad I have it as a it on my shoulder cos it’s generally not visible to everyone and is just for me. Have considered getting a few others done over the years but haven’t. They say they’re addictive but I guess they can’t be or I’d have both arms sleeved by now!

    +1 for finding a good place to get it done..

    Full Member

    Not sure I could be the northern yeti to be honest! For a start I’m in Scotland which iirc isn’t actually “northern” to some folks on here!
    Er, yes though, now you mention it I guess I did sell 3 bikes to buy one. Sold my old road hack, my hardtail that I *cough* built up for the wife, and the enduro sworks frame. Bits from that went onto the Yeti..
    Nice to engage with you a bit TJ. Long may it continue!

    Full Member

    Was going to use the term smartphone but thought I’d just come out and be honest with you all!

    Full Member

    Kevevs, fair enough. I’m aware that I can go on a bit.

    Full Member

    God you folks are quick.. I can’t keep up with my wee iPhone keypad!
    Och, I listen to a lot of folk but doesn’t mean I pay attention.
    Quite happy all I was pulled up on was my rambling type delivery and lack of any real paragraphs!

    Full Member

    Flash, fair enough, just chucking stuff out there.. Have seen a few refs to octopi on here but unsure.. Anything to do with lolcats?

    CSW, better?

    Raceface, there are worse places to live, Edinburgh prob springs to mind..
    Would put a lol at the end of that to make it seem funny but I lived there for 4 years and as nice as it was I prefer home..

    Full Member

    Not jealous at all. At least i have nice clean sheets on the bed! Sigh.

    Full Member

    Eh, most of the Footie team after working up to it decided it would be a good idea to run naked, en masse to kelvinbridge swingpark in the west end and do synchronised naked press ups, star jumps etc… Think it was about 5 am midweek so not too many folk about.. Well, prob not after seeing ten odd lads running towards them in the nip..
    Same football team, on tour in Albania. Terrana, after a night downing raki in the sky tower decided it would be a good idea with 2 mates to go swimming in a lovely big fountain.. Stripped off, in up to my waist when I realised the rest of the boys had legged it. Looked behind me to find a police van pulling up and guys with kalashnikovs jumping out. Spent 10 min (longest of my life) responding to their shouts of “WHY YOU DO?” with I’m Scottish, I’m very drunk, and I didnt realise the importance you placed on your civic architecture whilst franticly trying to get dressed. They let me go after some pleading and I was nice enough to pick up my mates clothes as I ran in their gen direction..
    Same trip different town ended up drinking with some of the local mafia, nice enough guys, stood their round but we bugged out when they started showing us their glocks..
    Got some other decent drug influenced stories but finishing nightshift soon so bedtime looming..

    Full Member

    Samuri, hotel wise I had no choice in the matter, I’m just going along with it.
    Not organising the do but I know how these things can pan out so knowing the names of a few areas and places to go is always handy to have.
    Usual night out rules apply as always if not more so on a stagger timc, some good info there. Ta much!

    Full Member

    Ta much to one and all!
    Parking wise we’re staying in bro borough so it’ll be taxis to and from the city at night..
    Starting to look forward to it now!

    Full Member

    Cheers project! Think I know roughly where they are!

    Full Member

    Yeah, kinda thought that would be the case.. Stayed at the museum end of Dale St and can find my way down to Liverpool 1 kinda way… Any good areas or streets to go to? Or avoid?
    Any hints welcome!

    Full Member

    Work in the Nhs and they’re obviously big in my game. I’d never been in a union till I joined my current employer but coming into this job everyone advised me to join. Worked for a coupla big companies such as asda
    and rbs but had never felt the need to join till now! Apart from all the normal
    Union stuff they provide me with a safety net should something go wrong in my day to day work. The service I work for doesnt appear to provide much support in the event of any probs but the union is very good with this, there’s also legal cover specifically for us in case of any road accidents etc..
    My union rep is a bit of a character and can be hard to get on with sometimes but if there was a complaint made against me or any other probs I know he’d be covering my back and covering it very very well.

    Full Member

    There are quite a few lookers in that cult… Shame.
    Hope they lose the supreme court case tho, its a shame that to
    Be part of a democracy we have to put up with this sorta thing.. Kinda similar to the poppy burners IMHO.

    Full Member

    Wtf with that crane vid? Really? Makes me think back to when I was young and stupid and climbed up a 30ft lamppost and hung from my knees to impress a lass but why would you do that?!? Drugs??

    Full Member

    That one looks foamy.. Not as many fittings as others seen on here…
    Should be easy to hodge one out of old plastic sheeting give or take a coupla gos?
    Like the idea tho!

    Full Member

    Ambulance technician, aspiring paramedic but change of policy (ie lack of finances) means my service doesnt really share my aspirations any more. Shifts are fairly brutal, jobs can be sometimes too. Pay isn’t as much as you would think but love my job and glad I got out of my office job a few years ago just before things went proper t!ts up!

    Full Member

    Have an 06 1.6 with about 55k from new. Not sure if this is relevant but power steering pipes failed recently and there’s a prob with water collecting in the spark plug recess rotting the plug cores.. Down to the washer jets above not having proper seals for the bonnet.. Apart from that. Love it.

    Full Member

    Would be great to see the trails extended further up into the hills to make it a longer run, but as it is I kinda like the short, sharp nature of the place- its no biggie to go round a coupla times or just go round once and spend time having fun on the runway.
    Location wise its got great potential and is only about 30-40 mins away from where I stay in the east end of Glasgow which is good.
    I’m aware of the fallout between FC and the development group which is a big shame- had such high hopes for the place when it first opened but in saying that Fc have spent a bit of money improving the existing trails- whats not to say they might spend a bit more in the future extending it with another loop at the top?

    Full Member

    Dont really know you or post here very often but feeling for you just now. Went thru something similar with my Gran who pretty much brought us up. What everyone else says above seems like good advice. It will get easier although you’ll never forget.
    Talking (posting) about it is good-remember all the good times cos they’ll always be with you as you go forward.
    Take it easy.

    Full Member

    They werent very good at VTOL though were they?!

    Full Member

    Lactulose helped me a lot after 5 days of morphine..was chugging that stuff for a coupla weeks twice daily after i had my ankle pinned and plated. Needed a different kind of intervention for my bladder tho.. (shudders..)

    Full Member

    Steering fluid leak?

    Full Member

    Damn you auto correct!!!!

    Full Member

    Double dunter, is that just an extension of glasgow mtb club? Have a couple of old riding buddies but I work shifts and am not able tomget out most weekends.. A cheeky we’d midweek ride every now and again might be poss tho.. Hmm. Not a big one for riding on my own unless its a canal fitness ride or similar..

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