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  • Hard luck, big climbs and unexpected results at Vallnord XCO World Cup (Spoilers!)
  • althepal
    Full Member

    That is disgusting!! Did they not spend a bit of money refurbing the station a few years back?
    My point about buses is that when I had to get from Newington to Sighthill I had to get a bus into the centre then out through Gorgie…seemed to add a few miles onto the journey. But at least they were reliable. I suppose it’s got a lot to do with the layout of the city like someone said.. Not designed for modern transport and all that!
    I’m guessing that the cost to put a railway spur in would have been massive! Compared to a tram system that won’t even take tourists all the way into the city centre! Cos that makes much more sense.

    Full Member

    Really enjoy my job, prob would say I love it. Has it’s off days,the service is quite badly run and staff morale is pretty crap but I get a lot of satisfaction. Was in my late 20s and staring down at a desk the rest of my puff did not go down well. Made the decision to change career while I still could and glad I did. Now work for the ambulance service.
    Would I fo it if I wasn’t being paid… Maybe!

    Full Member

    Er, I accept that a lot of the main roads converge in the centre but it’s not the case that all the buses(mostly) HAVE to go along Princess street- there are other routes from one side to the other. North and south of the city centre…
    It is about ten years since I lived there but I doubt it’s changed much!!

    Full Member

    As an aside (lived in Edinburgh for a few years when at uni), why does almost every bus have to run through Princess street? I mean, really?
    Back to the op tho.. The whole thing seems to have been a shambles.
    Made me laugh that Princess street will need to be closed again so they can dig up the bloody tracks cos apparently, they’ll be a health and safety issue!!! (rofl!).

    Full Member

    My wife’s an IFA, mostly mortgages and pensions. I think she’s one of the good ones..
    She’s honest, goes a long way to helping folk out as best as she can, works hard for her customers and always does right by folk. It’s got a lot to do with her personality- she’s not in it to make as much money as she can but I know there are some that are rotten at their jobs and don’t really give a monkeys about their customers as long as they get paid!
    I may be biased obviously.. Word of mouth prob your best bet for finding one, or the work/union route is good too.

    Full Member

    Spooky woods at GT is great, Omega man at Ae is awesome too.
    Havent been up to spooky woods for a while though so not sure what kinda nick its in..
    Just two of my faves anyway.

    Full Member

    So the one you got from ebay has a better battery? Whats better about it?- only asking cos I cant see the battery spec fir the DX one- I would also say I’m no expert on these things!
    The ebay one certainly looks good vfm and the beamshot looks good, although 4 cree xmls will always have a better beam than an old p7 surely? Ie- less likely to have a hotspot due to the 4 emitters..?

    Full Member

    Td, the Smudge xml comes with a bar mount and a sort of head strap thing.. Not a helmet mount as such, more like a head torch arrangement but I’m sure it could be modded to fit a helmet in some way..

    Full Member

    How did you miss that?

    Full Member

    Shoddy repair but manager seems to have handled the aftermath very well! I’d be chuffed if I got all that if someone forgot to put the phone back together properly!
    I found the apple shop very very helpful when my iPhone4 mic stopped working. Very slick service but a bit creepy like someone said already.. Do these folk come out of moulds? Similar to Gap ones maybe??

    Full Member

    Awwww. Loving the light tho!
    *wonders if I would get away with getting one?**
    **nah, probably not..**

    Full Member

    +1 for the smudge light, good communication, service, and for the price it’s excellent.
    Not sure about robustness/reliability but it’s not gonna break the bank if I need another!!

    Full Member

    Bonkers.. The bike does look dangerous tho!

    Full Member

    So this is what STW has come to eh??
    FWIW, I’ve had two dysons in the last ten years. First one for 6 years (single cyclone, fairly bog standard) hoovered up anything and everything, even after a coupla the (tenement) ceilings fell in, replastering Walls and rubble from an old fireplace that I took out. Gave it to my mum (who has a load of cats) a few years ago and still going strong if not looking a bit shabby..
    Second one bought when we moved in together, updated version of the old one, similar story.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    They’re all pretty good. I’ll take one.
    Colour choice though???

    Full Member

    I usually get a wee on when I get up first thing..
    Didn’t finish till 1:15 last night, he slept till 7 this am.. A miracle!!

    Full Member

    Still got all that to look forward to.. My wee lads 22 months, still gets a decent sized bottle at night and a wee on when he gets up… Sigh.

    Full Member

    Mum and baby dont seem too bothered about it!
    Can see your point though!

    Full Member

    Amazing news mate, remember crying early on in this thread and almost doing so again.
    Had some bad news last week and so great to hear something positive, especially on here.
    Go hard or go home, you appear to have done both.

    Full Member

    Used to be like that but the arrival of a little un seemed to morph me into someone who can sleep anytime, anywhere..
    Except when I’m on nights when it gets complicated. I’m fine at work but find it hard to sleep well during the day- usually until day 4 anyway..

    Full Member

    2 fat ladies is great.. Good steak and scallops although the buttery is kinda out the way, esp on foot if you’re coming from the city centre.. I’d recommend the smaller ones in the city centre or the west end. Better if you’re looking to go out for drinks afterwards too. Depends where you’re staying I guess!
    Ben lomond is good but only on a really good day. The WHW is a good wee days walk to balloch or even rowardennen with some good pub stops but is mainly flat and a bit boring until you get closer to loch lomond.

    Full Member

    WWZ is quite good actually.. A different take on the genre..
    Not sure how it’ll translate into a movie tho..
    I think the city centres a bit of an architectural gem tbh.. Some beautiful buildings left over from when our main sources of income were tobacco and slaves.. the city centre tours always seem to forget the last one tho for some reason..

    Full Member

    Don’t see many yetis around Glasgow.. Despite Craig Mcmartin selling tons apparently..
    Maybe I don’t spend enough time at GT or something..

    Full Member

    Betd should be able to sort you out.. Very helpful a few years ago when I changed the shock on my 05 enduro from fox to manitou..

    Full Member

    God, controlled crying… stick with it. It does work!

    Full Member

    Get some sleep +1. you are gonna need it.
    Pack food and toiletries for you both just in case. Some nice music to play too.
    Try and enjoy it.
    Ps, cord is like nylon rope inside a condom. Might take a few goes to actually cut through it.
    Lastly, thank your wife, then the staff.
    Try and enjoy it.

    Full Member

    That looks awesome in a very geeky way!

    Full Member

    In Germany when you leave school everyone has to do a year of “national service” you can either go join the army or choose to do community work.. Most folk I know over there choose the second option..
    Might not be a bad start? Doubt it would happen here tho.. Too many folk against the idea I’m guessing.
    Would be a start tho..

    Full Member

    Couldn’t do my job without them. Any hassles we’ve had with Pts they’ve come running. Mob handed too usually.
    Hats off and thanks to you all, wherever you are tonight. Hope it’s quiet and you’re not getting rained on..

    Full Member

    Ernie.. Does divisional hq have units there or is it just an hq? Even if they do were there tenders in the station?
    Perhaps they were off dealing with one of the many other calls that doubtless was in progress?

    Full Member

    I have one, seems great to me but in singletrack style I have nothing to compare it to tho.
    And I haven’t really used it properly in anger out on the trails..
    But for the money, and if it performs as a lot of folk say it will (cheers MTBbatteries/smudge) then I think it’ll be a good little bit of kit!
    Looking forward to getting some night rides in once the nights start drawing in!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Thank god! Most of last nights nightshift, some time today and an hour or so of skimming tonight and I’ve finally reached the end of this thread.
    Lots of different opinions on the why’s and how’s, some good wee jokes and some genuinely depressing posts, pics etc.
    Mental. Thank god it doesn’t seem to be catching on up here!!
    So, in order: guy was carrying a gun, don’t know the exact circs of him being shot but he was known to the cops, was carrying a gun and is now dead. Sorry for his family and that but what do you expect..
    Causes of all this: too many to list, but see it all every day in my job, basically boils down folk not having any sense of personal responsibility.. Having weans left right and centre but not working and wanting benefits to pay for everything, not needing to work for a living etc.. Parents not giving a Ross about where or what their weans are doing.. Etc. Used to get to me but have realised no point getting upset about it.. They’re not gonna change- don’t want to.
    Sorting it out: go in hard, water cannon, the works.. Shame it’s not gonna happen!

    Full Member

    The child’s been raised by the other bloke? Tough one. On one hand I appreciate your point of view, but on the other, the child has had a mum and dad all her life and her mum has said she doesn’t want the tests done..
    If the girls 18 though she’s an adult and has the right to decide for herself if she wants to know..

    Full Member

    Been twice in the last few years and missed naval warfare both times!! Gutted!!

    Full Member

    Quite liked I can cook too for some reason..

    Full Member

    Mine is not quite 2 yet, has moved on from Balamory (thank god), through In the night garden, and is now into Something special for some reason.. Go figure! Think he likes Mr Tumble.. Oh aye, and he’s signing stuff now which is quite cute!

    Full Member

    Bonkers, check out the judge dredd bike, the m55 at the bottom of that page!!

    Full Member


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