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  • Bike Test: Mountain Bikes For Winter
  • althepal
    Full Member

    I think he’s playing the long game…

    We have two big ones at the front and back of our house.. Lovely big things but need a LOT of work to keep them at a respectable height.. Let the back one go for 2 years and it got to about 20ft plus high!!

    Full Member

    Er, quite a few:
    Mgmt, time to pretend. Christina Perri, jar of hearts. Vaccines, Post-breakup sex. And on etc..

    Full Member

    Carrier settings on auto?

    Full Member

    06 plate 1.6 petrol here. Haven’t tried any of the others listed so can’t comment but for me, the missus and the wee man it’s fine. Get between 320 and 410 miles from a tank depending on driving style and road type. Pulls fine all up and nippy enough but never gonna set the world on fire! It’s not the most powerful engine in the world but apart from a power steering pump failure and a problem with water build up around the plug wells it’s been great.

    Full Member

    Tinker, tailor, soldier spy. Good book, excellent film.

    Full Member

    Enduro you say? Sold this about 18 months ago to fund a new bike. As much as I love my 575 this was, and will always be, my first full sus (sniff).

    Full Member

    Had the training tower andalso seem to remember having a very large kite/hang glider for action man too!
    You’d use the string to get it up to a decent height then the towing string would detach and action man would glide gracefully back down.. An amazing thing that probably worked twice before it went into a death spiral and nosed straight into the ground. Never really worked after that..
    I seem to recall there was a harrier as well at some point!

    My mum still has most of our old star wars stuff.. Was all out the box about 5 seconds after unwrapping though and very much played with!! My nephews take great delight in playing with it all still, hopefully when my wee boys a bit older he will too..

    Full Member

    Molgrips, “I love my Harley” perchance?? That one sticks with me! Although not as much as the one of the guy tombstoning into a harbour that goes very, very wrong.. That ones not for the faint hearted I tell thee!
    I understand what THMs talking about but have fallen off and been knocked off enough times to realise that instead of the helmet cracking on impact it might have been my head. And that’s enough to persuade me to wear one all the time..

    Ps, I really mean it about the tombstoning vid!

    Full Member

    Was this a test to see if we actually watched it? I failed! 😥
    Hate ###ts like that though, bad karma for a start, next time maybe someone will lob something at them as they pass..
    Edit- hopefully.

    Full Member

    Sometimes on here I’ve seen something on the classifieds, had a look at the sellers history, then went back to buy it and it’s sold- can be very frustrating!! Buyer beware tho as stated but sometimes I want a bargain and want it now!!
    Think if I was buying something reasonably expensive, oh I don’t know, like a set of brakes for instance- I’d want to see good pictures of the actual item though!!

    Full Member

    Ps, boardinbob.. If that was the laings in Glasgow it’s being turned into student flats now. Cracking location!

    Full Member

    There’s a little boy running about in Pollok who has Allan with two “L”s as his middle name. My first delivery that was all mine. Won’t forget that.
    A fair few years ago got the chance to go to Albania for a few weeks to play football with and tryto help three big orphanages around the country (not all orphans though!).. Gave away some kit, spent half the day training with them, the other half trying to improve where they stayed, doing maintenance etc. Got to go out meeting the folk, learn about the country and drink a fair bit of home made Raki. An amazing and humbling experience. Came home looking a bit like a lobster and with a totally different perspective on life.

    Full Member

    Some sort of active camouflage going on there? Nice tho.
    Quite fancy doing this for some weight saving but would prob need to start with 2 rings on the frOnt due to my chronic lack of fitness!!

    Full Member

    Agree with Mildred.

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t have said it was anything unusual. Zero tolerance and tbh, I can understand why.. Give em an inch and all that. Was watching with my wife at the bit where the handicapped lad had been assaulted and his dad was giving folk grief.. She thought that the “9 cops for this is a waste” comment was spot on. From the oneand only time I was just about assaulted in a wagon we radioed our control and asked for the police- I was glad they sent two cars and a vans worth to us (with lights and sirens on).. Admittedly we weren’t far from a station but seeing them run up to the wagon mob handed like that was a relief at that point.
    Plus, it did look like most of them were buggering off in the background once the film crew was there..

    Full Member

    Saw a White one the other night.. Looked gorgeous..
    Ps- Güten tag!

    Full Member

    Sure it’s rear discs? Not drums? I know that sort of thing used to happen a lot in old minis with drums at the back. Has happened to a couple of focuses (focui??) as well with drums at the back… Just sometimes seize in the on position..
    The cure on the mini used to just be a whack on the drum with a rubber mallet.. When it happened on my focus it released after a few feet with a twang..

    Full Member

    “I think you should probably lie low for a while”..Seems apt!

    Full Member

    Phew, glad I read bullhearts post before it disappeared!
    That’s deffo not the thread it was when I started reading there!!
    Knew I should have checked page 2 before I typed the above- mind you, looks like it’s coming true..

    Full Member

    A serious one? Tapping your way down towards the BB from the headtube and hearing the noise change in the middle..

    Full Member

    Had a coupla successes, once when I thought there was no chance of getting a result.
    Always admire folk who give it a go.

    Full Member

    I’m a private landlord, use a letting agent but through my wife’s work. Know my agent pretty well, as much as it is a business all round he’s a decent guy who can come and go a bit. I pay a fee for their services which comes out the rental income so no tenant= no fees for him. No arrangement fees for tenants tho!!
    Rent it out as im in negative equity with it at the mo and theres good demand for rental properties here at the mo.. Rent is determined by the level of benefit folk receive so never gonna make a massive profit and as the op will no doubt appreciate I have to pay the mortgagefees, insurance and upkeep. Look on it more as a long term investment rather than short term profit making enterprise. Oh aye, also pay tax on any profits too (oh good its January again!!)
    It does sound a bit strange but if your agent is charging fees like that I can’t blame them!!
    I know someone that rents from a friend so it’s kinda informal- she did get proper tenancy agreements from a website though so it’s all legal and proper.. If you have a friendly solicitor they could prob draft you something up or google for something yourself. Re credit checks, you could get him to run one on himself but you’d need to know the info noted was accurate!! There must be a solution somehow to that issue as well..

    Full Member

    Well, they’ve spent a fair bit of money on the trails the last wee while.. Agree that it could do with a another wee loop to add a few more miles to it though..
    The toilet block is pretty good but is it open till the same time as the carpark? Been up a few times (various times of the day) and they’ve been locked.. Not much use like that!
    £3 isn’t the end of the world but it would be nice to know it was going back into local trails..

    Full Member

    Jesus, that makes for very scary reading.. I do not want my Nhs to be like that..
    Where’s my MPs address…

    Full Member

    Is that the tandem to rule all tandems? In no way do I consider myself an authority on these sort of things but jeeeesus that is fugly. Nicely engineered no doubt, but fugly!!

    Full Member

    Holland bit? Hillend..

    Full Member

    Gordon Bennett, the Pentlands look niice. Only ever been up the holland bit and that was a mud fest.. Hmmmm..

    Full Member

    My old bike:-

    My new bike:-

    Full Member

    Got the traverse ELs on a good Evans deal and they’re pretty quiet.. Think the internals on the ELs are dt Swiss though- ALs aren’t? Out of the pros and switch tho I’d prob lean towards the hopes just for back up if nothing else..

    Full Member

    Right, I missed that the guy has fessed up to drink driving. In that case he’s admitted a crime and should take the punishment.. Like someone said before it started getting all hypothetical a coupla pages ago are we gonna start differentiating between someone with a £500 car and a £23k one? I don’t think so.
    David, fair play to you for sharing your story, hope nobody has to go through an experience like you’ve had to but I know that won’t be the case. To me it puts all the hypothetical scenarios into context. Although I don’t know you and can’t begin to understand what you went through I’m sorry for your loss.

    Oh aye, just read on BBC that Audrey Baxter of the same named soup co has been done for drink driving after taking her partner to hospital by car after drinking and being over the limit.. Seems about right to me.

    Full Member

    Meehaja- usually hate saying that myself but in that instance wholly understand your enjoyment!!
    Guessing he’ll manage to hang onto his car due to the time between the accident and him being breathalysed, far too much of this type of incident goes on, in the highlands and all over in general..

    Full Member

    Some nice natural stuff in the kilpatrick hills at the back of Clydebank..
    Won’t even need the car!!

    Full Member

    Did she not introduce the legal aid system? That seems pretty decent to me..
    For balance though she stole my milk and made me pay to go to the dentist..

    Full Member

    Couple of ridge tiles dislodged and now perched precariously over the conservatory roof.. That’ll be the wee man barred from his playroom then!
    Just outside Glasgow in Stepps here, honestly thought the windows were coming in this morning.. Bonkers.

    Full Member

    Niiiiiice! Normal to gutter in one post! A new stw record.
    What is the “devizes” btw!?

    Full Member

    Think sWimmings one of the better ones cos it’s low impact..
    Thought the ablation sorted you out pretty much Ton?
    Guessing you’re stArting from nothing so gonna be hard- keep up the walking, try and lengthen the walks every coupla weeks.. Same with the swimming and cycling..
    Speak to your consultant too- they might have a better idea of what you can handle at the mo. A wee referral to physics might not be a bad idea maybe?
    All the best anyway mate.

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t recommend nobby nics.. Nearly went arse over tit a few times on a muddy descent from the Kilpatricks yesterday.. Proper squeaky bum moments..

    Full Member

    For that kinda moneyyoure looking at pro2 Evo and crests for about 1550g although I recon you’re looking at about £260/270 for that which is more than your budget..
    Superstar were doing deals on the switch/crest wheels which were about 1600g for around the £200 mark, some builds were a bit suspect apparently and the back up may have been patchy.
    Having read through a lot of similar threads on here the black flag pros were getting decent reviews but you’ve already stated you’re not a fan of the colour scheme..
    Someone was doing deals on XTs but although the come in QR and 15mm I’m not sure if they can swap between the two..
    Was in a similar position myself with wheels, got one of the last sets of Roval Traverse ELs but had intendedgoing for a crest rimmed setup before I nabbed the Rovals..

    Full Member

    That woman had a seriously underwired bra on just before that pic was taken..
    That is in now way, shape, or form a complaint tho..
    This may be a thread closing comment but I liked the look of Nina in the Cbeebies panto..

    Full Member

    Managed a nice wee ride in the Kilpatrick hills despite a decemt hangover..Sun shon for most of it but very windy at the trig point..

    Nice view of Glasgow but completely invisible on my iPhone snap..

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