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  • Bikepacking The EWS – Delirium, Duct Tape and Detours
  • althepal
    Full Member

    I’ve still got metalwork in both ankles/tub/fibs- must be going on for, oh, about 12 years now. Quite a bit in the right, not quite as much in my left..
    I’ve played amateur football for years, out on the bike loads, and used to do a fair bit of running and hillwalking too..
    Only time it’s been a major hassle is when the metal detector is turned up at the airport!

    Full Member

    Haven’t clicked all the links but Northwind- wtf was that from??

    Full Member

    Recommend the 28days later site in general- some amazing pics in general never mind pipryat.
    Scary how reslistic COD got it all a few years ago.

    Full Member

    Given you a lot to be scared about more likely!!
    Bad bits everywhere- esp in Glasgow. Grew up in the east end, aye, there’s dodgy bits but most of it is ok.. North of duke street it’s as nice as anywhere in the west or south, just not as good a concentration of pubs/clubs/west enders!
    Guessing it’s maybe a decently paid apprenticeship like Scottish gas do?
    Good luck anyway whatever you decide..
    Ps, paisley about 8 minutes by Amb from Glasgow- I know this quite well!

    Full Member

    This is why I love STW.

    Full Member

    I’m not saying the whole place is grim but Menzieshill, Fintry and Harestanes all seemed pretty depressing to me! Esp walking through them at night..
    Mind you, that’s not to say that North Muirton, Wester Hailles, Niddrie, Barlarnock and Priesthill are nice at night either!
    Trouble can be had in any city, be it in the city centre full of drunken idiots, or in outlying schemes full of jaked-up booze bags at any time of the day or night.

    Full Member

    From, and live in Glasgow now but have lived as a student in Edinburgh, Dundee and Perth.
    Glasgow is a great big city- west end pricey, south side not as cheap as it was and Denniston (most of it) in the east end is nice.. All bits well served by motorways and trains and buses so not hard to get about and out. Decent riding nearby (Mugdock, kilpatricks, etc..)

    Edinburgh is a lovely place to be, and as a student it was great, had some amazing nights out but not quite as friendly a place as Glasgow- but seeing as how you’re English (if that’s not insulting a Yorkshireman) you should fit in ok. Not cheap either. Plenty of wee local places to ride but unless you have a car (or use the new uplift) I don’t think it’s very easy to get to GT etc despite their proximity- no trains and buses don’t carry bikes..

    Dundee- it was almost 20 years ago I lived there and even then that was in nurses residence at ninewells- it was a bit grim in places (where isn’t?) but the place has come on a fair whack over the years, tons of great nightlife in the centre and along Perth road. Not sure about local riding though..
    Speaking of Perth, it’s a decent wee soon to be- city. Central location, lots of nice pubs, good local riding. I used to be able to walk from one end to the other in an hour and the centre is quite compact too. Some bits quite posh and always seemed to be a high proportion of blue-rinsers about but enjoyed my time there- perhaps the location would be good for your job?
    Dont have any knowledge of Inverness but all my mates that studied up in Aberdeen seemed to enjoy it although everyone seemed to agree that it’s not a cheap place to stay.
    Weather wise the east coast does seem to getl less rain but it always seemed a bit colder to me coming from Glasgow.

    Anyways, that’s my ten-bobs worth. If you want any advice or info about Glasgow give me a shout.

    Full Member

    Well, once or twice we’ve had folk in the back of the wagon that we’d rather know a bit more about (albeit very quickly)- you know, folk found unconscious at the side of the road, no id, no phone etc..
    Like the docs have said, we check everything we can straight away- but I can think of 3 occasions in the last few years when we had no info at all and the person was unknown in hospital for a coupla days till the police were able to figure it out or they were reported..
    I realise that is more of an ID thing but we would always have a quick look for medical alert bracelets and the like as part of our head to toe if someone wasn’t able to tell us. It’s rare but it does happen.
    I guess in the context of mountain biking where we could be out on our own, with no ID etc if we were in trouble it’s not a bad idea to have some basic info written down somewhere..

    Full Member

    Is it awesome?
    Try on the bay, a lot of breakers advertise on that these days..
    I would always prefer going to the scrappy though- much more fun!

    Full Member

    Umah mah oom mau mau, ma ma oom mau mau?

    Full Member

    Was able to transplant the spring and plastic seal and all seems fine.
    Fingers crossed it stays that way!

    Full Member

    Literally could not do it..
    Would be about 12 miles each way but I do 12 hour shifts and I’m usually gubbed by the time I finish.. Never mind when it gets towards the end of the run of seven..

    Full Member

    The bike chain or progressive bikes always seem to have good deals.. They’re on here as well so have a search for their threads.
    They always seem friendly and helpful on here, sure they’d be happy to chat to you- they always seemed to have good prices when I was looking before Christmas.

    Full Member

    Just hire a bike, over the bridge and up into the hills..

    Full Member

    I had the exact same problem a few weeks ago..tried reseating the spring and bolting it all back together..
    There’s a small Allen key on the main body that allows you to remove the lower mech arm.
    Seemed fine at first but the second ride on it it did the same again only this time it shredded the plastic housing trim and bent the spring.
    No replacement parts from Madison till the end of march so put a shout out on here and someone was good enough to send me a slightly damaged one to use to salvage spares..

    Full Member

    That’s the one v8- did I mention that it’s massive?

    Full Member

    Yeah go on then, I love a good DIY lights thread I do..

    Full Member

    I thought Ton was single and wanted to share his new status with us..
    Although I don’t know him as such, and for all I know he could already be single..(not gonna stalk through his posts to check either!)

    Full Member

    Agree with Horas comments.. Poor taste indeed.
    Transferred a pt from one of the new coastguard helicopters a month back.. Think it was a Merlin?
    ‘Kin massive it was.. Could feel the wagon (a big old barge) seriously rocking in the downwash.
    Had a peek inside- massive compared to the seakings..

    Full Member


    Used to be open plan from the living room to the hallway and front door..
    Looked nice but was freezing and noise from downstairs used to carry upstairs.. Not good for nightshift!!

    Full Member

    Used to work in home insurance and used them exclusively for our cycle claims a few years.. Had a few probs but they were dealing with 100s of bikes a month for us. Got to know a couple of guys in the back office who seemed like enthusiasts and were always good at sorting out probs when I raised them with them. Dealt with a few high value claims and they were upfront enough to tell me when they couldn’t replace and it was a cash settlement..
    This was about ten years ago and think they’ve became bigger since then..
    Btw, bought my first proper new bike from them then an enduro frame and a lot of bits- no issues what so ever.

    Full Member

    My boy is two and a quarter, still happy in his cot, not tried to climb out yet..
    Got a low side for it and think I’ll be fitting that instead of the cot side.. Think it’s about time he learns!

    Full Member

    Im not trying to start off a debate about the obvious issue (hoping he who must not be named isnt about just now- not Elf, the other one!) but not sure if the rider was wearing a helmet?
    Still horrible though, cycled along that bit many a time when I lived in Edinburgh many years ago- was still busy once the bypass went in.

    Full Member

    Caught the end of it- doubt that would have finished her off at the end..
    Never realised she was that hot back in the day!

    Edit- just read that first bit back to myself and it does not sound good.

    Full Member

    Grew up in Glasgow, moved to Dundee then Perth for college, back to glasgow. Edinburgh for uni, went tits up, moved back to Glasgow. Stopped the philandering, settled down, married with a wee one. Live in a nice house on the outskirts of Glasgow. Family and friends mostly nearby, great riding within a half hour or more within an hour or two.
    Have a job I love here, love that I’m on the edge of the countryside but 10 min on the motorway to the city centre.

    Full Member

    I was told dt Swiss style rims but am happy to accept the collective wisdom on here!
    Either way im happy with them..

    Full Member

    I have treaverse ELs which I believe are dt swiss copies. Nearly died getting tyres on. Shop said the same, they weren’t able to set them up tubeless..

    Full Member

    If I had a hat on I would doff it at him. Like you say Rikos, should be what the classifieds are all about..
    (wonders if Realman ever refunded Jimmy for those brakes…)

    Full Member

    Know lots of nurses and a couple of newly qualified midwives..
    The Nhs is a bit of a nightmare.. Cutting staff all over through natural wastage, unis still pumping out poor students thinking they’ll get a job. Won’t take on new staff unless they have 6 months experience, even on the bank! That’s just up here in Glasgow, not sure about down south.
    Also know a coupla teachers.. Love their job but just seem constantly stressed/under pressure!

    Full Member

    Work 7 nights on, seven off at the mo.. Going back onto the spare next month which I’m not looking forward to..
    I’ve quite enjoyed the ability to plan at least one decent ride every fortnight. I’ve also managed to squeeze in a few cheeky night rides as well one the wee mans in bed but it can be hard going even still..
    I’ve biked in and back from a nightshift a few times.. Coming back is hell if it’s been a busy night though- which it invariably always is these days!

    Full Member

    Fwiw Poly that’s not usually the way I work, especially when it comes to my work.
    Making an exception for this tho.. Too complicated to explain why and don’t think I want to just now anyway..
    Ta for the input though.

    Full Member

    Cheers bwaarp.

    Full Member

    Art, fair Nuff. Wouldn’t disagree with you. Posted this thread up initially at stupid o’clock when I was working and trying to get it done and a bit stressed- for various reasons, not just because of the lit review!
    I’m grateful for the responses and have added more articles and citations to my review as a result.. Think I’m at nine references now which I’m reasonably happy with.
    Appreciate it’s probably no where near as good as some folk on here could do but if it passes I’m happy.
    Cheers for all the feedback folks!

    Full Member

    Ioum. Made reference to it.
    Dr D, think I’ve got four of those you found already. Including humfl et al’s meta-analysis..
    Its done now ‘cept the references so ta again one and all.

    Full Member

    Gordon Bennett!
    Already have a meta analysis, I’ve added another couple of articles and cited/quoted a couple of other things in it as well..
    As much as I appreciate all your suggestions (knew posting the topic could backfire!) i don’t think it needs to be as comprehensive as you all seem to be suggesting!
    Theres a big time element involved too, so my main concern is getting it in and getting a pass mark!
    Thanks again for all your help and advice..

    Full Member

    It’s not being marked by a uni, and I don’t think I’m supposed to be reviewing so many articles..
    Just showing that I’ve read up on the the topic, have an understanding of the articles I’ve reviewed and am able to show this..
    Btw, it’s compression only CPR by laypersons in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest so it’s riveting!
    Ta for all the helpful responses!

    Full Member

    Don’t get me started on referencing!!
    Actually, on that subject- can I take it the references don’t count towards the word count?
    Using the Harvard system..
    Btw, don’t want to say where I work specifically but my employer isn’t always as organised as they could here’s 5 essay topics. Get them done and hand them in basically.. It’s all changed recently.. Essays! Bah!

    Full Member

    It’s not a massive area of study tbh.. Yes, I could dig up 10 or 15 articles but a large portion of them prob wouldn’t be completely relevant. I’ve got a sample paper that had four articles and passed.. Was hoping I could get away with doing three..but I guess four it is!!

    Full Member

    Have had the same prob with ours the last coupla weeks.. Weird eh?
    1.6 petrol manual 2006. Recommend looking down at the spark plugs to see if there’s any water pooling around there.. Had this problem a coupla years ago, there’s a prob with some of the washer nipples, not very well sealed and causes water to drip right onto the engine and collects round the plugs corroding them and eventually causing misfires.. Worth checking too..

    Full Member

    It’s a pain to keep clean but still looks good after 2 years of use!

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