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  • International Adventure: New Kids Sur Le Bloc
  • althepal
    Full Member

    See a fair few focus’s (?) in Glasgow.. Some completely stealth, some with police logos on it, and some with full battenburgs on.. Personalised plates and blue lights? Sounds weird to me.

    Full Member

    You should see it after an old firm* match!!
    It’s the same every weekend, and quite a lot of weeknights too come to think of it. Most folk (ie Joe Public)don’t seem to realise how bad it isuntil they or someone they know has to attend one.
    It’s not a quick fix tho- cultural, societal, socio-economic factors left right and centre.. Think it basically comes down to folk not really giving a shit.. About themselves, others, our health service etc.. Every shift at work I see it. Folk fekking themselves up in one way or another, and expecting it all to be sorted out for them.
    “I drink because I’m depressed”, “I’m depressed because of the drink” “I can’t work because of my illness”.. Load of balls.. I’ve suffered from depression in the past, and I like a good drink buti still work and pay a mortgage and support my family.. Know this is a bit high-horsey but i feel its justified!
    It’s only gonna get worse as these folk raise their own kids who grow up with similar attitudes, and no government is gonna have the guts to do anything serious about it.
    (* insert name of local derby here.)

    Full Member

    I’m not sure that really is Warton’s garden..

    Full Member

    This is mine. Slabs need weeding and filled properly, garage needs pained and flower bed in the middle needs trimmed but my wee boy doesn’t seem to mind!!

    Full Member

    Could have been worse I guess.. Ouch though!

    Full Member

    Dibbs, yeah, that’s what I do.. Looking ahead, keeping my distance etc..
    I can’t see how coasting downhill in neutral with revs about 800rpm uses more fuel than coasting in gear with revs about 1500.. Doesn’t make much sense to me but sure someone will be along in a minute to explain it to me in more detail, or possibly berate me for not understanding..

    Full Member

    If I’m not watching what I’m doing I can get about 320 miles from a tank- a mix of motorway and urban.. If I keep the speed down to 55 on the motorway, and coast where safely possible I can get 400 miles from a tank..
    Don’t understand the comments that coasting in gear uses less full than coasting in neutral though- mapping or not!

    Full Member

    £400 sounds about right to me.. Would have said £300 but as he’s still acting like a teen so charge him the full bhoona and stick some of it in an account for him..
    £1k at 23?? Sounds like a decent job!

    Full Member

    I’m hearing that^^ in his voice now!!

    Full Member

    Lol at Tazzy. Ouch tho!

    Full Member

    Can they replace the bike like for like with the new equivalent?
    If not then its not really fair to insist that you HAVE to use their retailer..
    Also, this one off, limited time only offer? That’s bollocks that is.. You should have a credit that lasts a set amount of time not a hurry up and use it voucher..
    Go through your policy conditions and definitions- look up new for old and like for like.. If its not the exact make and model or the new equivalent you should be entitled to the retail value less your excess. If they can’t replace it like for like they should be settling at full retail cost less your excess, NOT the cost to them to replace with something similar less excess through their own suppliers..
    Sounds like sharp practice- complain and go to the ombudsman.

    Full Member

    I worked there 10 years ago and was the only person using a bike at the weekends..
    Mind you, that big posh canopy wasn’t there either!!

    Full Member

    Your insurance companys fraud dept should be all over this as a dodgy claim..
    I used to deal with household fraud but we sat beside the motor fraud team and this sort of thing was bread and butter to them.
    Hopefully you’ve kept all the relevant reg numbers etc, make sure you stress to your insurers and the police that this is as dodgy as a ten bob bit and make sure the relevant teams are dealing, not just a wee probie pc or junior claims handler..
    Will be a PITA but that’s just how it is..

    Full Member

    Don’t know about your fitness levels but guessing they’d have to be decent to run 1×10 or 1×9..
    Can’t really advise regarding specific gear ratios.. I’ve always just run 3×9 although have recently been thinking of going 2×9 or 10 with a bash..

    Full Member

    Air rifle and nvgs! (is that allowed btw?..)
    Seriously. Will put rat poison down the holes, block them up with quickset cement then fill the remaining top few inches with soil and seed it.
    Guessing I’ll need to keep an eye out for new holes and take the same action as they appear.

    Full Member

    Seriously? Cos if that’s the case will be buying poison and their ass will literally be grass.

    Full Member

    (must try get up there in the next few days!!

    Full Member

    Coffeeking- CV hasn’t really suffered from this although I accept its a bit more out of the way- but Lennox is still kinda out the way.
    And to be fair, FC has spent a bit of money on the trails in the last couple of years.. shame the development group isn’t involved any more. Think it’s great when local(ish) groups are directly involved in these sort of things..

    Full Member

    Oh aye, remember the MTBmad website.. I also remember mbuk visiting on some sort of UK north shore tour and not being too impressed!!

    Full Member

    Couldn’t see any north shore stuff on the fb pics? I remember the old days though- used to just ride around most Of the old stuff..

    Full Member

    Cool.. Will look forward to it and see if they’re needing any help in the future..
    That’s not too far away from me at all- rideable in fact!!

    Full Member

    Guessing there’s gonna be a couple of log rides at a coupla points there?
    Either that or BT have been fly tipping telegraph poles at the trail side… Bastards!!!

    Full Member

    We’re in almost exactly the same situation.
    A two year old and another one due in September..
    We have an 06 focus hatch- toyed with the idea of getting something else but the focus has been great so think we’re gonna just take the cheaper roofbox option..
    The only time I imagine we’ll really need to use it is for the long drives down south for holidays.

    Full Member

    Nah, I’d go for a papier mâché copy with a remote control car underneath.. Leave it about a foot away from its normal position, then when someone gets out to move it film their reaction when it escapes their grasp..
    Might take a fair bit of work although you sound fairly up for it!

    Full Member

    Aye, im a bit of a grubber too..
    If I’m being good I can lose it fairly easily enough but the older I get the more disciplined I have to be.
    Could get away with eating and drinking just about anything in my early twenties.. Now I’m on the wrong side of 35 it piles on really quick.

    Full Member

    The AA we’re pretty good for us- prev insurer were wanting about £200 extra a year to add my £3k bike..
    Went through a comparison website, got the same level of cover for other stuff and the bike for about s tenner less a month..

    Full Member

    Er.. What does it do?
    Edit: clicked the link- cool.

    Full Member

    Ambulance indirect- love it Drac.
    Had an umbilical hernia years ago when I was a kid, wasn’t sore, didnt affect me.
    Wasn’t happy when I was taken in to have it fixed- think I was about ten so don’t remember much..
    Like others say- get it properly checked out. Best in the long run surely?

    Full Member

    Well, I don’t think it’s a few idiots who are spoiling it for everyone else.. Closer to 50/50 perhaps- especially at weekends!
    Oh, and I don’t think this is a solution to the problems, socio-economic, cultural blah blah blah..
    But at least its a start..
    What next though- NHS Super? Done it with Heroin/methadone so why not??

    Full Member

    Had a 4 that the mic stopped working on after about 8 months. Went in, they backed it up for me, gave me a new one, set it up for me and I kid you not, I was back out in under 14 minutes with a new, fully functioning phone with all my music, contacts and apps on it. It even had my call log on it. Very slick indeed.

    Full Member

    Frosty Jack has never seen an apple in its life.. I’d be surprised if it had even been in a factory that had apples in it at the same time!
    Horrible, horrible stuff. Even worse when it comes back out.

    Full Member

    Mine is still walking with it, outand about today. Two and quarter..

    Full Member

    This is what the discerning alkies are downing these days..

    Full Member

    Aye, that was pretty stupid- she was caught right out.
    But, and I never thought I’d say this about a Tory policy, anything that helps cut down on the number of folk downing frosty jack and super on a Tuesday morning is prob a good thing..
    Strange how the Scottish Tories didn’t support another party’s bid to introduce it up here! Wonder if that’s gonna change soon?

    Full Member

    Is that not quite similar to the mucky nutz one then?

    Full Member

    Ignore- thought I knew the answer but not so sure.. Was gonna suggest syncing the phone then just adding the new phone and syncing that with your purchases but unsure if that would work.
    Think it might be one for one of the apple folk in the shop!

    Full Member

    If you plug your phone

    Full Member

    Zulu, think you’ll find folk in less expensive areas will be getting paid less rather than folk in more expensive areas getting a wage rise..

    Full Member

    My paces were faultless even without too much servicing and these don’t seem that much different.
    Think they might have changed a few things internslly to make them more consistent/reliable tho..

    Full Member

    For me it boils down to folk in the south of England will get paid more than folk in other areas..
    Does that mean they’ll be getting rid of London allowances too? No wait- just means that’ll get higher still.
    Shirley folk accept that if you want to live in a nicer/better/more expensive part of the country its gonna cost you? If you can’t afford it you live and work somewhere else- or are we all supposed to be getting on our bikes to go/find work?
    And don’t start me with your “it’ll encourage private enterprise cos its a level playing field” claptrap. Just means less folk will want to work in the public sector and the wage bill will be lower. Never mind the fact it’ll put more financial stress on the poor bastards who live in a “cheaper” part of the uk who already have wage freezes/higher pension contributions/rising costs to contend with. Aye right it’ll help level the playing field- utter bollocks.
    When did we vote for all of this?

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