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  • The Classic Ride Is Coming – with Cycling UK
  • althepal
    Full Member

    Johnclimber, I would be happy to buy a good quality copy of that from you if possible- would be good blown
    Up a bit!

    Full Member

    2nd one Looks a bit like an on-one… Slightly.
    Difference in price isn’t that much, if it was me I’d go on-one- for the warranty if nothing else!

    Full Member

    I didn’t see it Jota but was aware there had been something deleted.. Surprised it took so long. Banhammer utilised also I’m guessing if it was that bad.
    We’re not all fuds, and frankly when folk make sweeping generalisations about everyone in the central belt/west of Scotland being like that it’s pretty poor and quite shallow really. Prob says more about the person making the insult than those it refers to.
    We’re (old firm supporters) not all lager-swilling sectarian knuckle dragging wife beaters you know. I know this because I’ll probably have the joy of meeting a load of them tonight at my work. Sigh.

    Full Member

    No riding here but not long off the nightshift and just walked down to the swingpark and backwith my boy.
    Should have tired him right out so the wife has a chilled day with him!
    Kilpatricks will be great this morning, bit windy I’m guessing but blue skys and bright sun- lovely.

    Full Member

    Smudge off of ‘ere would be your best bet I reckon.
    Or go to
    Very nice guy, helpful and thoroughly decent to boot. Mail him or give hima bell and I’m sure he’ll be able to help.

    Full Member

    Nice one mate. Itching to do something similar but might have to wait a few years till I’m 40 and can justify it to the missus!

    Full Member

    Nice imagery there Jota, very nice. Way to tar everyone with the same brush..Or is it toilet paper?
    StefMcD- I disagree with the journos comments somewhat.
    Yep, I bet McCoist regrets it now, and I think he should too, but at the time it camr across as more of a rhetorical comment made without much thought, and a bit out of character for one of the few folk that’s conducted themselves with a bit of dignity throughout this mess.

    Full Member

    *Goes off to sit down for a minute..

    Full Member

    4.5 years here.. Oh well.

    Full Member

    Mmmm, love it! Needs another .75 inches of travel though I reckon!

    Full Member

    Clean off the excess. Quickly. Otherwise it’s wire brush to clean the cassette time!

    Full Member

    Sorry, mandatory seatbelt usage doesn’t make life any safer for car occupants… Really??? I mean, seriously that’s what you think?? You must be joking?
    I’ll ask the next guy who goes through the windscreen at the next RTC I go to and ask him if he thinks he should have worn their seatbelt and see what they say.

    Full Member

    Yar! Was gonna say measure twice, cut once. Good advice though so prob ok to say it twice!
    I used a good quality pipe cutter I got from a friend, don’t knOw of it would work with a tapered steerer but was fine on my straight one and kept it square. Just had to file down the flight lip it caused and it was done. Piece of cake!

    Full Member

    Finally, some sense and perspective from a few folk- actually, the majority of folk.
    It’s a shame there’s still one or two idiots on here that show their stupidity and hide behind history and heritage.
    It’s clear how the majority of folk on here regard them and their outdated ideals.
    Totally agree with, and happy to see the posts above from downshep onwards.

    Full Member

    I had that problem on my rc40s.. Something to do with the damper and the lock out.. Would clunk at full extension when going over a drop..
    Seem to recall the solution was constantly engaging the lock out and cycling the forks downwards..
    The lock out/down wasn’t very effective at first but after 6 or 7 goes it started working properly and the clunk would disappear..
    Just realised its the rc36 you have so might be different.. Sorry!

    Full Member

    Dont really know anything sbout this kinda thing but have watched a lot of vids!
    Some background noise would have been nice- tyres crunching on the gravel, that sort of thing..
    Apart from that not too bad!
    Edit- think the comment about having a rider in front is a good one..

    Full Member

    TJ (gulp) has a point..
    Think Northwind’s comparison is a valid one..
    Just cos something’s part of your history, doesn’t necessarily mean you should be proud of it/sing about it.
    And that goes for both sides btw.. IRA, UDF whatever, folk getting bombed or gunned down as they walk across the street- surely you’d just want to put that behind you and move on.
    But, there’s a small minority who apparently dont, and would rather celebrate it.

    Full Member

    Celtic fans are allowed to gloat but don’t think
    Anyone is really entitled to take the high ground here..

    Full Member

    Houses, shops and cinemas built on the land?? That’s funny.
    Somehow I can’t see it- is the shopping mall going to retain the ibrox facade then?
    Facade is a good word to use in the context of rangers at the though..

    Full Member

    Wonder how long till this thread is closed..sigh.
    Get enough of this mince at my work.. Cant mention it on here without it descending into the usual shitty debate/mudslinging..

    Full Member

    This sort of stupidity perfectly sums up all that is bad about the old firm and a lot of the west of Scotland in general.
    We’ve always done so it’s ok.. Laughable.. And utterly pointless trying to engage.
    Would post up a link to the official list of banned songs and I’m sure there’d be some old favourites in there seosamh77 but I honestly can’t be bothered trying..
    Oh well.

    Full Member

    Ahh, there we go.. Took
    Long enough. Fuds.

    Full Member

    What now? Not paid for players?? You mean where there’s staggered payment terms but nowts getting paid cos of administration?? Accept we still owe gate receipts but wasn’t aware of players we haven’t paid for?
    Better and better..

    Full Member

    Unsure of the reference random, prob will be though after this..
    Druidh- lol.. Fek knows.

    Full Member

    (waits for the inevitable..)

    Full Member

    Heading up but nothing booked b and b wise yet!!

    Full Member

    We had the sd skyplus box. Called up to cancel as we could’ve get freeview hd and pay less each month.
    They gave us a free hd box (about £100 at thetime) and a free hd package. When the first bill came in it had an extra £10 on for hd, fek that, got on to customer service. Cue a long and drawn out coupla conversations explaining what I’d been promised, they maintained they can’t do that so asked to get put through to complaints but complaints dept doesn’t take new comPlaints over the phone (wonder why??).
    Had to email them and wait on them getti g back to me. Which they did about a week later (v poor IMO), after being passed to someone who eventually understood it when I spelled my surname (H A N N) was told they couldn’t give me the hd pack for free but would let me have the box for free and give me a tenner off my monthly pack for 6 months..
    Get the freeview hd channels, money off and the free hd box.
    My wife notices the difference and her eyesight is pretty poor. I would recommend getting hd in whatever guise you can, but if possible get virgin and don’t give your money to Murdoch.
    Failing that call sky once a year and threaten to cancel or downgrade and you’ll get money off or something free for a while.. That’s how everyone I know has had a complaint dealt with, even my mum.

    Full Member

    Keep it and hang it on the wall. Or, recycle it.. I’m sure bike station would be grateful for it.

    Full Member

    What is that and where can I get one for my son??
    Admittedly, he’s only just starting to get the hang of his balance bike but fail to plan, plan to fail and all that!!

    Full Member

    I have always fancied bivvying but have the most basic equipment (a tarp, a stove and a sleeping bag) so as much as I love the sound of this, I wouldn’t want to make a cock of myself.
    I may also be working that night!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Fannies everywhere in life, even on here!
    Let the insurance sort it out.. I’m sure the coppers statement will reflect what actually happened.

    Full Member

    I heard that too Druidh.. Lols.

    Full Member

    Nice wee vid. Love the speeder bike stuff through the trees round about three minutes.
    Also liking the yetis!

    Full Member

    Re-read the above.. Jimmy has offered all correspondence to anyone that asks, Realman, has not. But I see the point you are making.
    That aside, the items were not as described, I’d have asked for a full refund straight away. Probably.

    Full Member

    Still think offering a full refund on the condition of an apology is both immature and fudish.
    Yep munrobiker, folk on here are pretty upset about it. With good reason.. There’s always been an implied level of trust on the classifieds, but yes, folk are starting to abuse that. But the majority of people seem to believe and try to adhere to that concept so it’s understandable in the circumstances that they would wish to do something about that. And by that, I mean on here- anything stupid that happens in the real world is a different matter though.
    I’m sure if crc or some other big retailer sold you an xt rear mech, but you got an slx mech in the post.. Would you not be pissed about it? Ok, fair enough have thought about it- what if they sent you a damaged but working xt rear mech??

    Full Member

    Munrobiker hasn’t ripped anyone off, hes just expressing his, on the other hand, have.
    So not a no strings attached refund then?? Were you at GT the other day keeping a carpark space for a friend?
    Btw, you’re not “paying” him for anything, you’re refunding him for goods you sold him that did not match the description you gave for them in the first place.

    Despite all the other stuff that has apparently gone on do you honestly (honestly?) not see that it was you who should be doing something to make this better?
    If it was you who had bought the brakes would you not be pissed??

    Full Member

    A full refund with no strings attached you mean? Not asking for a public apology at all?
    I’m literally, just asking. Because, whilst, I dont think everyone in your life being stalked (and I don’t know what’s gone on there or approve of anything like that) you’re actions are what led to all of this crap going on. And all your posts on here ending up going the same way.
    Do you honestly think all the folk that aren’t happy about this are wrong?

    Full Member

    At least they had helmets on… (Awaits the inevitable..)

    Full Member


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