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  • Singletrack World Issue 150 Editorial
  • althepal
    Full Member

    Very good.. Been there done that. The office bit that is..

    Full Member

    Is that a Hüf house in the background of that transit pic then?
    Aiming it at the more aspirational tradesmen now are they?? Pv solar panels in’all! Pfft, not in my day etc..

    Full Member

    II was with the AA who were quite competative last year.. Had my £3k bike and similar engagement ring on the policy. No claims, change in Circs etc- renewal was £200 more. Fek that. Best they could do was knock about £70 off the total amount.
    Went with M and S who were about a pound a month more expensive than we were paying before…
    Not many cos left that will take on bikes worth more than £1k..

    Full Member

    Haven’t watched the clip (semi asleep son in arms) but is that Action Jackson??

    Full Member

    I remember my temp back slab being taken off the day after I had mine pinned and plated (not quite as impressive as yours mind..). As the cut down the middle and pulled the two sides apart it opened up the wounds on both sides and blood pished out.. I fainted- prob due to the amount of blood lost quickly.. Ahem.

    Full Member

    Aye, have the evo NNs. Took a while to set up and a day or two to properly seal. Also using Roval Controls (ELs) and was helluva fiddly to get them on but apart from a leaky valve at the back (sorted by using a cut out tube valve and another bit of tube to trim) they’ve been great..

    Full Member

    Come on!

    Full Member

    “you wanna act like a man, I’ll treat you like a man..”
    By treat he means hit?

    Full Member

    Was looking at that the other day- mahoosive!

    Full Member

    Ahahaha.. Etc.

    Full Member

    Happy riding. Night night.

    Full Member

    You’ll be wanting one of those saris bone thingies folk rave about..
    Someone’ll be along in a mo to tell you all about them I’ll wager..
    Just you wait and see!
    Ps- of it was me I’d just get some roof carriers- more stable and less potential for damage to car and bikes..

    Full Member

    Och, it’s not a bad wee place.. hang around and you’ll get used to it.

    Full Member

    Out on a job tonight and met a lad I used to coach in goals about 12 years ago..
    He’s a bit taller and was wearing a police uniform.. Jeezo!
    Nice lad so once I got over my suprisé was nice to see him.

    Full Member

    Marco, if you ask for folks opinions on here you’ll get them, some will be helpful, some will not.
    Looks like an ok light, and a cheap price. If you’re only wanting it to use for a winter or two then its worth a punt- like others have said there might be quality issues with it and the output prob wont be as claimed but it’ll still be helluva bright im guessing!

    Full Member

    It’s been done.

    Full Member

    Think it would have been more realistic if it had actually had the engines under the wings. Concerned me that the engines were still running/ drawing fuel after the cockpit had snapped off? Guess the throttle wires had jammed on?

    Full Member

    Good story.. Can relate to that.. This ATP likes it!

    Full Member

    Traversee ELs here too.. I’m not as gnar as I used to think I was but they can still handle dropping off the fun box at GT no problems. Quite light too- agree with above comments, wouldn’t want to go much lighter than just now for my riding..
    Got a 2010 set for a bargain price a year ago- think theres a set in the classifieds at the mo?
    My front bearings are getting a bit rough after a year though..

    Full Member

    Mmmmmm. 3 of the 4 mechs in the shop told me to get them. Not missed a beat in the 18 months I’ve had them and seem to suit the nature of my 575..

    Full Member

    Tyres are easy.. Frames not so..
    To be honest I usually sell something (ie wheels) to get new items.. Sometimes there’s an overlap, sometimes there’s not.
    Most major purchases are done with Christmas/birthday money so no real need to hide anything.
    Apart from the time I put my bike in to have my brakes,( avid admittedly) fixed and ended up getting hope m4s for about £280- Evans pricematch thankfully! Still wasn’t happy about it though…

    Full Member

    What’s your job? Is this sort of thing normal? Does sound a bit of a pisser..
    Edit- woohoo- pisser made it past the swear filter..

    Full Member

    Still quite a few like that in Glasgow- Tarfside oval is one that comes to mind- prob cos I’m there so often when working!
    Council spruces them up every 20 years or so. Either by flattening the old houses then building nice new ones and moving the old residents back in. Or, more recently, slap external insulation panels on and rendering them..

    Full Member

    It’s about a ten minute walk from the city centre.. Think there’s a secure carpark at the corner of Howard st and Jamaica st. Not sure bout opening hours though- you’d need to check.
    Anyways, the 02 is about a ten minute walk from there..

    Full Member

    I’m Scottish and quite happy living here…
    We could do with a bit more sunshine but hey ho, suppose something has to balance out all the fantastic riding there is up here!
    Edit- oh aye, and independence, that too.

    Full Member

    Lived in a big tenement flat years ago that had no central heating, just a gas fire in the bedrooms and lounge..
    Wouldnt have survived the winter without an electric blanket- getting into a pre-warmed bed when it was nearly zero in the rooms (15 foot+ high ceilings,all laminate floors and single glazing was not a good combo..) was just the best feeling..
    Nowt wrong with socks in bed, not very romantic though!

    Full Member

    150 Revelations? Not au fair with 2013 range though..

    Full Member

    To be fair WCA you have previous!

    Full Member

    One of the few shows I enjoy on Radio1- even if he does talk a bit fast.

    Full Member

    About a year ago I was in a similar position to lots of folk here- needed to be out at night more due to necessity rather than choice- family, work etc..
    Didn’t have much money, couldn’t afford the top end lights so was naturally tempted by some of the cheap dx type offerings and such. My budget was about £50 but after reading a few really informative threads on here I went for smudges original light. I couldn’t stretch to an mj808 or whatever they were at the the time but was wary of the cheaper dx units after someone pulled one apart and showed all its frailties- lack of thermal paste, poor wiring etc..
    Smudge was able to show how he’d greatly improved the durability and quality of his version before putting it on sale and this was what swung it for me compared to other cheap dx/other units.
    And I’m glad I did. Been out in all weathers, on and off road, and it’s been great- a bit spotty but I knew that when I bought it. I haven’t had any probs but anyone on here who has has always posted about how quickly smudge sorted it out. Coupled with the fact that he really is a sound bloke and that I’m buying something from a small UK business it’s all good as far as I’m concerned.
    If I have enough cash I’ll prob be buying his new light at Christmas- although the glowOrm doesn’t look bad either, just a few quid more.

    Full Member

    Bugger- working nights all weekend. Gah!

    Full Member

    Glad to hear she’s doing ok. My MIL is great. Love her to bits..
    Now my FIL… 🙂

    Full Member

    It’s nothing to do with it being a basic policy, this is a standard thing with home insurance. At least it was with the group of companies I worked for 5 years ago.
    For the damage to be dealt with as storm damage there has to be storm conditions noted around the time of loss. If you were away for a week check the full week prior to discovery.. Insurers usually use data supplied by the met office but sometimes it’s not accurate. The nearest weather station might be at a local airport 20 miles away etc.. The comment about any wind turbines nearby is a good one and worth checking.. Also- see if there’s been any similar issues in your street- folk having to make similar claims, newspaper articles etc- that would help prove that there had been “storm” conditions in your area that week..?
    Was any part of the gutter damaged? You might (big might) be lucky and see if it can be dealt with as accidental damage or even possibly escape of water perhaps- depends on the policy wording?
    On what basis was your claim repudiated? Because there was no storm conditions present? Or because of wear and tear to the roof?? Did an assessor or loss adjuster come out to your property? If so did they actually climb a ladder and look at the roof and the area where the water came in? If so would be good to get details of their report.. If not, why not? You must be looking at a few grands worth of damage?
    Without knowing the full details, I’d at least contact L and G and tell them you’re making a formal complaint and you’d like it re-examined.. They have a duty to acknowledge this and follow their complaints process- that includes sending you a copy of it. Gather the info above, get a complaint in and see what happens. You have to go through the company’s complaint process before approaching the Ombudsman remember.
    Oh aye, and make sure the person who you’re dealing with is someone who knows what they’re talking about- not some 18 year old that’s never seen a roof up close..

    Full Member

    Noted for future reading!

    Full Member

    Had them say something similar to us a coupla years ago when we were having problems with our, admittedly getting on a bit, boiler. In the middle of winter.
    Pipes were rattling, boiler cutting out without warning and losing pressure all the time- had about nine or ten visits, various bits replaced, told we prob had a leak under downstairs floor… Problem continued, ended up having to stay with in laws for 2 nights cos we had no heating and a new baby. Turned out a thermostat/heat regulator was gubbed, water was superheating and turning to steam hence the noise!!
    Pita at the time but had them out at all times of the day, they were always pleasant to deal with and they fixed it eventually! They also gave us some free fan heaters to use.. Still come in handy for the garage!

    Full Member were doing good prices I believe.. About 180 for a 2012 with bleed kit.
    Do a search on here..

    Full Member

    Had my house insurance renewal through from them.. Had been paying £380 for buildings, contents and some specified items.. went up by nearly £200- exactly the same cover and zero claims..
    Called up to check and they knocked about £80 off it but still much more than others I looked at.
    Ended up paying a couple of quid more every month with better cover with M+S..
    No point sticking with the same company every year these days..

    Full Member

    15, and that was after living in Nurses residence for a bit (sigh) many years ago when you still got that sort of thing..
    I’ve never really been good at that there “pulling” malarkey so am reasonably content with that..

    Full Member

    Done both.. Before obv easier, riding home is a bastard. Especially as the last 3 miles is a very loong uphill.
    Not sure if it’s bad for you doing any sort of exercise when your body is fatigued by 12 hours of work? Surely that can’t be good for you? Unless you’re some kind of endurance god- type and everythings training!

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