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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • Alpha1653
    Full Member

    Footflaps and sandwich – the instructions with the battery included the calibration process. It’s a fair point though, I’ll do it again to see if it improves at all. 8 hours plus? I don’t think I ever achieved that!

    Full Member

    Excellent, thanks. :D

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Yep, another Teaser watch owner here. I got it for my 17th birthday. I’m now 34 and it’s still going strong. They need servicing every few years and I’ve had the tritium capsules replaced once when one fell out. Only problem I’ve had was when I was rolled over the bonnet of a car and cracked the glass. An immense watch.

    If nite watches are anything close to being as good you’ll be happy. And the tritium thing isn’t a gimmick, they emit light so don’t need the sun. Readability is the best I’ve ever seen, so much so that I’ve even used the light from the watch to write orders at night without being seen.

    Full Member

    By way of an update in case anyone finds this thread, mega ad battery arrived promptly with the required screwdrivers. Good instructions online and easy to fit. My Mac is running quieter and cooler. Battery life is approx 4-5 hours web browsing and other relatively menial tasks. I’m happy, highly recommended.

    Full Member

    By way of an update, my Mac is running quieter and cooler. Battery life is approx 4-5 hours web browsing and other relatively menial tasks. I’m happy

    Full Member

    Donations are at £800! He was only after £200.

    Full Member

    Watch Dr Foster and get a glimpse of the consequences of trying…

    Full Member

    Yeah, make a 105 airborne! A crazy idea and a crazy bit of kit.

    Full Member

    Saddleback should be able to sort you out.

    Full Member

    Salt n Vinegar hula hoops
    Lagavulin 16
    The golden silence of a baby not crying.

    Full Member

    Like I said thanks for the recommendations everyone.

    Lorne – I’ve gone with your suggestion of Megamac so if it all goes tits up then it’s your fault! Joking aside, they have a decent website, with good instructions, warranty etc plus a phone number I can pester someone on if there’s an issue. Yes, it’s more expensive but it’s still considerably cheaper than a new mac.

    Euain – I had a good look at your link. The reviews look good but the Megamac website swung it for me.

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone. Glad to hear I’m not the only one in a similar situation. If I find any suitable retailers I’ll post up details.

    Full Member

    I’ve just started a full time masters and can fully recommend using One Note. Easy to upload lecture slides plus it’s easy to insert photos from your phone. I’m using it on a MacBook but if I had the chance to start afresh, I’d go for an iPad Pro with the pen thingy.

    Full Member

    I used to live in Roch, just down the road from Wolfscastle. Sadly I’ve moved away now but my wife and I love the place. Obviously you know Newgate already but it’s still a good place to start. If you’re after activities, go see Olly Tugey in the surf shop behind the water break – a lovely guy and I’ve used him several times for adventure training. Plenty of coastal walks are on your doorstep: Newgate to St Davids is a favourite. However, my absolutely favourite place in the U.K. is down near Castlemartin ranges – Bosherston Lily Ponds are stunning at this time of year and they lead to Broadhaven south beach which is also stunning, a favourite with photographers for starscapes. Great for spotting wildlife…plus I proposed to my wife on a cliff top overlooking the ponds early one morning a few years ago, so it holds special memories.

    Full Member

    A combination of snow and drizzle?

    Full Member

    Oooof, easy Mark, you’re not known as ‘grandad’ for nothing! :wink:

    Full Member

    Mark, I am indeed younger than my name suggests…approximately 329 years! And Joe, yes I know you from Wednesday: Alex/ red Santa Cruz :-)

    Full Member

    Slowster, the voice of experience??!

    Full Member

    Ahhhh, penny’s just dropped: I know who you are now Joebristol!

    Full Member

    7 years old?! I got head butted 3 times before 7am today whilst half asleep so was praying it would pass soon…apparently not. Bugger.

    Full Member

    A very generous offer there, Dan. I didn’t race but I know several people who did so will forward your links to them.

    Full Member

    Alison from Masterchef. I’m not watching it anymore after she didn’t get to the final.

    Full Member

    Just a thought but have you looked at getting an HLR damper? I’m not sure if it’ll fit but would be cheaper than replacing the full fork. I’ve got slants with HLR and there’s plenty of adjustment – I’m well happy now I’ve got them dialled.

    Full Member

    Maybe a little white lie may help? I don’t know if you do have it or not but you could try to tell her that it was covered by insurance and that the insurance company have paid out the value of the go pro? That might make giving her the money back a bit easier to achieve if the TA doesn’t think it’s coming directly from your own pocket?

    Full Member

    Until recently, my wife was working and was earning a reasonable salary. However, i earned approx 3 x as much. Therefore, we contributed to a joint account in proportion to salary to cover bills. I then paid accommodation at source as it’s military housing. All other joint costs went on a credit card which again was paid off each month in proportion to salary. Anything she had left over she could spend on whatever she wanted/needed. Although that left me with more money in my account, I have saved the majority of that for a house deposit for us both and spent little.

    Now we’ve got a little un and my wife’s unlikely to go back to work for a few years, I’ll have a rejig once her maternity pay dries up. That will probably consist of reviewing finances at the end of the month after absolutely everything has been paid and splitting the remainder three ways: 1/4 for her, 1/4 for me, 1/2 for joint savings.

    Full Member

    2014 Blur Tr bought second hand from the classifieds for £600 last year. 140mm x fusion slant up front and a set of Chris King/Mavic wheels I picked up for £250 a few years ago. An equivalent bike today would cost far more than I would be willing to pay. I reckon there’ll be enough 26 kit knocking about fir the next few years to keep me going.

    Full Member

    Starting to see some migratory birds back these last few weeks: chiffchaff a few weeks ago and a black cap in the last few days. No swallows yet though.

    Full Member

    Not smart enough to have any morality over being trained to kill on demand without question?

    Really? I can assure you that everyone that goes through RMAS is actively encouraged to consider the morality of taking another’s life far more so than most people in civvy street.

    Full Member

    So much more down to earth and switched on than some of the hooray ****s we had to endure.

    That’s because the booties don’t have the Cav / Guards / RHA to deal with! Oh, and hello from a Bristolian/West Country officer :D

    Anyway, RMAS is a fantastic place and I consider it a privilege to have been there. Don’t let the looks deceive you through, it’s bloody hard work for the vast majority of the time!

    Full Member

    Correct me if I’m wrong but TV licences aside, I didn’t think the UK tax system was based on hypothecation i.e. Justifying a tax increase by saying that it will be specifically be spent on something. So Corbyn’s saying that the tax raised will be spent on free meals? Bollocks. It will go into an amorphous pot and be spent in line with the Government’s priorities which probably doesn’t include free lunches.

    Full Member

    Awesome, thanks for the heads up. I’ve never seen it so, given recent events, it’ll be an especially worthwhile and timely watch.

    Full Member

    Seeing this earlier today was like a sucker punch to the stomach. I never knew him personally but having grown up in Monmouthshire, I’ve several friends who did and I’ve known of his exploits for years.

    To anyone who knew him, and to those who didn’t but like me are affected anyway, my sympathies.

    RIP Mike. You have been and will continue to be inspiring.

    Full Member

    It’s perfectly natural to want to keep your children from harm. If my son wanted to join the forces, I certainly wouldn’t encourage it; but at the same time I wouldn’t discourage it, I’d help him to come to a decision of his own like my dad with me.

    Tom, your ‘working class are always (often) sent to die’ comment is bollocks. No one gets sent to die; we get sent to do a job which is inherently risky with the real possibility of getting hurt or worse, and that applies to officers as much as soldiers.

    Secondly, I can assure you that on the whole Army selection is class blind: I’ve trained over 200 recruits at phase 1 and had recruits with everything ranging from the minimum education standards required all the way up to a PHD Astrophysicist. Similarly, on my commissioning course, I trained with ex-soldiers, university graduates, guy’s straight from school having just scraped their a levels, and guys who fancied a change of job from stacking shelves.

    As for the joining because of not having options, if that were true then recruitment would be pretty steady. In fact, since Afghanistan has ceased, recruitment has gone off a cliff. Why? Because people have options and at the moment, the Army isn’t an attractive offer so they’ve gone elsewhere. Those who do join because they can’t be arsed or don’t have the imagination to find another job rarely make it through training and if they do, leave as soon as they can.

    Full Member

    Had there been no cameras, I’m sure I would have switched off an enemy combatant with a humane headshot. That’s what soldiers do?

    Please, please, please tell me you don’t actually believe that…?

    Full Member

    A complete and utter mess and moral minefield. There is no right answer in this, but purely in my opinion: did the fighter continue to pose a threat? I doubt it. So did he break the law? Undoubtedly. Irrespective of the law, was it morally excusable to kill the fighter? Absolutely not. Should he have tried to help him? Yes within the bounds of what was reasonable. So what should the punishment be? Absolutely no idea.

    Just to give a bit of food for thought to those who put forward the ‘kill or be killed’ total annihilation vision of war: look up the definitions of total vs limited war. Also, consider the somewhat cliched definition that war is an extension of politics by other means and that it exists on a massive sliding scale from humanitarian aid to a fight to the death, sometimes at the same time (see the 3 block war).

    Sometimes maintaining the moral high ground and doing the “right” thing is as much about protecting your own mental welfare and those around you as it is anything else. I’ve seen more soldiers traumatised by what they could have done but didn’t, than by seeing worse sights over which they had no control. Sgt Blackman had the choice to kill someone who no longer posed a direct threat at that moment or help him, but he chose to kill. I stress, I’m not an infanteer and have, fortunately, never had to make that choice but I would like to think my gut would choose to help.

    Full Member

    I had the original Giant and it was pretty resilient. I’ve now got the new version of the Giant post and it’s pretty poor – rough and gritty. It’s been back under warranty to get the internal piston replaced but still wasn’t great. I got a bit angry so completely dismantled it, including using the male bit of the post as a slide hammer to removed the silver bushing. I then thoroughly packed it out with some grease before reassembly and now it’s super smooth. Bit of inner tube over the seal should keep most of the crap off so we’ll see how it holds up.

    Essentially, if you buy giant, be prepared to service it every few rides to keep it working. If you buy a reverb, be prepared to sent it back under warranty. However, I’ve only heard good things about the fox transfer so once I get properly fed up with the giant, I’ll buy one of them.

    Full Member

    Oh go on then… One of these is in the family and I’m working on the owner to let me have a go! :D

    Full Member

    THERE’S A BIKE CHANNEL??! AMAZING! My wife now has her head in her hands.

    Full Member

    It’s a terrible idea! I lived in Pembrokeshire for a few years near a beautiful place called Bosherston Lily Ponds and I recall talking to a volunteer when I visited one time. They were going through the massive site and picking up dog eggs which had been left behind as when they are left in the hedgerows they are a great source of fertiliser for the more aggressive plant life which grows at an increased rate, killing off the more delicate ecology in the area. I also second the point above from theotherjonv: being on exercise in an area where dog owners just leave their dog’s crap lying around is disgusting and poses a genuine health risk.

    If you can be arsed to walk your dog, where’s the hassle in carrying their crap in a bag and binning it at the first opportunity?

    When I rule the world, dog owners who leave their dog’s crap for others in public places, and those who pick it up and then hoof it into the trees (wtf?!) will be lined up and shot.

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