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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • Alpha1653
    Full Member

    Jonba, in the first instance the petition is reactionary. The in vote lost by the narrowest of margins in a monumental decision that is bigger than most people could even begin to appreciate. It’s a petition of complete and utter disbelief that a majority of the U.K. could be so short sighted and gullible enough to cut their nose off to spite their face.

    However, there could be utility in it. It appears that many people voted out as a protest vote believing that the result to stay was a foregone conclusion. But these same people now find themselves having voted for something they never wanted and are in shock. If this petition gains momentum, it may well cause another referendum where people actually make an informed vote and we drag this country back from the precipice.

    Will it work? Who knows. But I sure as hell know that I am apoplectic with rage that someone has jepardised my future (and more importantly that of my unborn child) because, and this is a direct quote from someone I was speaking to today, “because I couldn’t be arsed to listen to the arguments so took a punt on ‘Out’ for a laugh. I didn’t think it would actually happen”.

    Full Member

    @chickenman & boardinbob: I was absolutely dead set against a Scottish independence vote as I would have been ashamed to have seen the dismantlement of the U.K. in my life time. However, I am now utterly utterly ashamed of the government’s behaviour as well as 52% of the population’s gullibility and short sighted xenophobic vote; I wish you well. Just do me a favour and if you get to stay in Europe, please remind them every now and again that not every Brit stuck two fingers up at them yesterday.

    Full Member

    What weather report are you looking at?! I’m sat in Gatwick with 13 other guys waiting for a flight. Reports from the chalet are that the weather is gopping!!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I have literally this week taken a set of 2012 Rockshox Revelation RL 150mm with straight steerer and 15mm axle off my bike. They were serviced a year ago by Loco and have not seen a lot of use since then – estimated 20 hours riding? They could probably do with a service soon though.

    I wasn’t going to put them up yet for sale as they need a clean but email me if you’re interested (email in profile). I was looking for approx £120 + postage.

    Full Member

    Bugger. On both accounts.

    Full Member

    OUCH! How long til the nerves repair/regrow?

    Hopefully you’ll recover quickly. I’m always amazed at the damage we can do to our bodies and how quickly they can recover – I was riding at Christmas in the Forest of Dean with a guy who broke his neck (benpinnick this story might sound familiar!) but he’s back riding and racing already and has been for a few months I believe.

    Full Member

    @TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTR: thanks. How’s the jaw?

    Full Member

    Not every medal you see people wearing shows that they have been shot at or blown up. Frequently, they are commemorative medals i.e. Queen’s Jubilee medals.

    Full Member

    Thanks a lot guys, reliable as always. That gives me a good start point.

    I only got the forks on Tuesday in time for a Wedesday evening ride in Bristol and before I had time to play with the settings they are already a hundred times better than the revs they replaced. Can’t wait to get them bedded in and dialled as well. Very happy!

    Full Member

    I bought myself a Hamilton khaki field automatic as a 30th birthday present: looks great, apparently robust, water resistant to 100m etc. However, it developed condensation under the glass within a week so was returned and I was told I shouldn’t have worn it in the shower. They only replaced it when I pointed out that I hadn’t worn it in a shower, bath or swimming pool as I didn’t want to degrade the strap.

    Replacement did the same after 3 weeks. I gave up when the 3rd made it just past the month. Great watches to look at; utterly useless in real life.

    However, I bought an Elliot Brown Canfield a year later and it’s great. Ok, not automatic but after a year of getting thrashed, there’s not a mark on it. I had a few questions before I bought it so rang them up; phone was answered by Alex Brown himself, a lovely bloke. And, he was the designer of the original (indutructible) Animal watches.

    I knew which I would buy again.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I’d give it a whack if it’s clearly on its way out. If that’s a bit too involved, then maybe a small plastic bag filled with CO2 from a canister? If it’s not responsive then that should just accelerate its demise.

    Either way it’s not very nice. I was driving to work last year and came across a seagull which had been hit and was a right mess in the middle of the road. It was clearly stressed and looking around as cars continued to drive over it i.e. tyres straddling it so as not to kill it. I had to dispatch that pretty quickly with a whack with a metal bar from my car boot.

    My boss looked at me like a nutter when I proffered it as an excuse as to why I was late with blood and feathers on my hands.

    Full Member

    Ouch! Sending healing vibes! Little a scrote bags… :evil:

    Full Member

    Wrecker, we have a rescue dog and she’s amazing. I’m dreading being in the situation you are but it will come. I can only imagine that it hurts like hell but remember that you gave that dog a second chance and he will always be grateful. Rescuing a dog may not change the world but by rescuing that dog, you changed his world forever. You did the right thing then and you’ve just done the right thing by him again.

    Full Member

    I find the whole foxes/badgers/whatever are a pest argument pathetic when you consider what the human race has done to the planet. Get over yourselves.

    Quite. I don’t get the “foxes are pests” argument. As for the being in towns, good on them. They’re adapting to a readily available source of food; if you want to dissuade them, the we should stop being so bloody messy!

    Full Member

    @cloudnine: if only you’d said that 2 years ago; I’ve just left Brawdy after a couple of years but never really felt I saw the best bits (saw plenty of awesome bits though!)

    Full Member

    Shhhh…don’t tell people about Marloes!

    Full Member

    Bosherston Lily Ponds…my favourite place in the world not least because of the wildlife but also the fact that I proposed to my girlfriend (now wife) on the cliff overlooking the lakes. And she said yes.

    Full Member

    Holy crap. I’ve just read that as a rule of thumb if you’ve not been contributing to a pension then you should divide your age by half and put away that as a percentage of your salary until you retire. That makes my monthly contribution about £400 for the next 30 odd years. And I’ve got a kid on the way. And I don’t own a house yet. :cry:

    Anyone want to buy a bike? I can’t afford to run it anymore!

    Full Member

    Actually I lie, I do have a pension. Based on me leaving in a few years and getting a proper job, I will get about £14k lump sum followed by £5k from 65 – 68, rising to £11.5k from 68. Which is not bad. My wife on the other hand, has nothing. So you can divide anything I’ve got by 2.

    Full Member

    If you think you’re screwed with £43k already stashed in a pension then you and I have vastly different interpretations of ‘screwed’. I’m 33 and have pretty much the sum total of f*** all after the armed forces rejigged their pensions.

    Full Member

    She likes lions and Disney and we were off to Africa on honeymoon so it had to be Can You Feel the Love Tonight? from the Lion King.

    People thought it was great fun and everyone sang along. Being effectively serenaded by our guests for our first dance was pretty special.

    Full Member

    In training or at Bn? If it’s the former, I suggest you put your phone away for your own sake: your DS will spot it a mile away (unless your upside down in your doss bag). Get your head down…it won’t be long before you’re on stag!! Treat yourself!

    Edit: Just realised what a CFAV was…I’m confused, you’re meant to be DS; why are you in a section?!! Get in the safety vehicle!

    Full Member

    What got me was him saying that a 147 was a special thing to achieve but that £10k wasn’t enough. If it’s special, then he should have done it for the kudos alone… I know nothing about snooker but this guy just made himself sound like a complete nob.

    Full Member

    A 2010 Santa Cruz Heckler. This was a year or two ago – it now has lost the bash guard and gained a dropper post.

    Does anyone know a source of 1 1/8 150mm+ forks???

    Full Member

    I agreed to this whilst drunk on New Years Eve. When I told my wife, she reminded me that this weekend was my sister’s 40th birth celebrations; next weekend we are skiing; and at the end of the month, we’re going to a Burn’s Night dinner which means whisky… She also told me I was an idiot.

    Anyway, I lasted until the night of the 8th. Oh well.

    Full Member

    Good to hear you liked it, great film. A mate of mine is one of the medics (the true life person, not just the actor).

    Full Member

    Woohoo! Last minute long weekend away booked: flying late next Thursday to Geneva from Bristol; ski Fri – Mon in Avoriaz; and return late Monday night ready for work on Tuesday.


    Full Member

    Thanks for the replies everyone. We’ve taken on board your suggestions…it looks like we’ve worked out a way of getting transport and accom in France relatively cheaply. However, it’s lift passes and ski hire which is tipping it over into poor VFM at the moment – a full week away is more or less the same price.

    Full Member

    Has anyone seen any last minute deals for weekends away for January? Ideally flying from the South West (Bristol or Cardiff) leaving on a Thursday, returning on a Monday. Any advice would be appreciated!

    Full Member

    I presume you mean commuting by car and getting caught in a sudden rain storm between the car park and the office? There is no way on God’s green earth that you will only get wet 7 times over the period of a year commuting by bike. I’ve commuting twice a week since September and I’ve been drenched more than 7 times. Way more.

    Full Member

    How about Empire Wool and Canvas? Gordon Buchanan used one of their boreal smocks when he filmed polar bears for a year.

    Personally I’ve got a Montane Smock and its brilliant; one of the first things to go into my Bergen for winter exercises. Great for walking the dog in crap weather too.

    Full Member

    Having lived in H’West for 2 years, the best you can do is Brechfa. I wouldn’t ride the coastal path as it’ll be full of walkers meaning you just become a nuisance. Plus, some of it is really exposed and if you fall off, you’re going to get very very wet. Take a road bike.

    Full Member

    I’m very proud to say that my sister works for Aardman in Bristol so the whole family came round to ours to watch it. As did the wife’s family. That’s a lot of people and a lot of laughter, it’s great!

    Full Member

    Yep, seconded. They sorted me out with a demo the other day around FOD and came riding with us too. If I could only convince the missus to let me have the credit card…

    Full Member

    I’ve got a 2010 Heckler with 150mm Revs and although I’ve demo’d other 650b bikes recently, I can’t really justify the cost whilst the Heckler’s still going strong. My only concern is if the forks die – has anyone found any straight steerer forks of 150mm plus travel that perform decently?

    Full Member

    Unfortunately, it’s very much not a piss take and it wasn’t someone leaving their computer unlocked either…

    Full Member

    That’s pretty much what happens whenever I issue a cheery wave to a roadie whilst I’m on my MTB… Grumpy gits.

    Full Member

    Just stick with it and be super patient. She’s only 9 weeks old and probably still missing her mum and siblings whilst adapting to a new environment. Everything will be scary at first but it’s inportant that she is introduced to everything slowly but surely. And keep playing! She’s a beautiful little dog and she’s looking to you to make her happy! I’m more than a little jealous.

    How did you come across her? A rescue?

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