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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • alexathome
    Free Member

    oddjob, how long is your seatpost? i had to bin mine it was way too short for me to get the right leg length and still be safe. I don't know what they were thinking when they spec'd a 280 on mine :roll: my frame is a a 56.

    Free Member

    my new 'cafe bike'. An insurance replacement frame for my old cinelli that i dropped a kayak on ooops! :cry:

    Free Member

    if you covered up the massive decals these bikes have you wouldn't be able to tell one plastic bike from another

    Having had/got a few carbon bikes i'm not sure/know that that is just not true, the day BH manages to make a plastic bike that isn't made out of super noodles i'll eat my plastic hat.

    Free Member

    Here's my 'nice' one, although it has it's sheite training wheels on in this shot, now with zipps. Old fashioned groupset thou, only go's up to 10, oh the shame……… :oops:

    Free Member

    I saw it the other night, i laughed a lot, not sure if i was supposed to. I was wondering if it would of worked so well in another city, say LA or NY, i think definitly not on a personal level, and can't help but feel it would not been nearly as good on so many levels.

    Free Member

    I beg to differ Slimtubing, here's my new one, not 'bling' as such due to the chorus kit, but not that garish i'd argue.

    Free Member

    I thought we agreed that XT just doesn't count. :P

    Free Member

    understated 'bling'. Custom frame, Ti Bolts (mostly) Ti Spokes, CK headset and hubs, now with Fox RLC's. Certainly over 19lbs thou :lol: I've got a nice flux with CK hubs, Ti bolted throughout, but probably not concidered bling enough now as it's XO kit. Are we allowed road bikes?

    Free Member

    Hey Barney, a complete and utter thread hijack this aye! I didn't know you were on here too, i normally only come on here to ask questions about sleeping bags or toothbrushes! Yes it's gone midnight, but i fear i'll drown in my own sweat if i go to bed. So cold…….. so very cold……….. then hot again, stupid pig flu.

    Free Member

    my youngest has learned to tantrum this week as the eldest has taught him how to do it whilst refusing medicine. joy of joys

    Knows that feeling, want to meet up and go into hiding in Canada Taylor? it'll take years before they track us down!

    Free Member

    Go Go Gadget double post!!!!

    Free Member

    Hey Alex, when did you learn to spell?

    Hi Anthony, I've always been able to spell, it's just dressing myself that i struggle with. We've a dog as well now Taylor, he has to be the most useless dog you have ever seen, not nearly as good as your one i'm ashamed to say. Emily is excellent, she's the new one, but Joe's horns are needing constant trimming and his cloven hoofs have scratched the hell out of the wooden floors.

    Free Member

    it's pilsbury doughboy!!!! how you doing?

    Hi Taylor, i'm ok, got the swine flu this week thou, that's why i'm on the computer, not much else i can do. How's your ever expanding family?

    Free Member

    Sorry Peat, i live a bit further away than that now, in New Zealand. Robins works is fantastic thou, to be honest it's the only mountain bike i ride now, it's by far the nicest bike i've owned, and i've had (still got) more than a few, the detail and craftmanship is 1st class. I'm not sure what Robin's up to now work wise, but i can recomend him wholeheartedly, the whole experience was excellent from initial concept to recieving the finished frame. The actual cost of the frame is extreamly good value, it's all 853, with Pauls dropouts, the geometry and tube diameter i specified and any colour i wanted. I don't think the price was much more than a RRP Rocky Mountain Blizzard. I'll never part with this bike.

    Free Member

    Tell her that that the coffee shops and girly shops up there are better too, which is definitly true, plenty for her to do whilst you check out bikey kit!

    Free Member

    Mmmmmmmmm Fillety, reminds me of steak. Here's mine to continue the white fillet brazed single speed theme.

    Free Member

    I used to work at psyclewerx in Bristol, we used to do lots and lots of Endura jackets there, don't know if they have these ones, give Robby a ring on 0117 9467946, i'm sure they'll be happy to help, plus it's a great shop to look at some hotties in the local area, the girls in Bedminster don't compare :D

    Free Member

    I kinda like the sniping thing, that's the way i used to get bargains on ebay, now i live in New Zealand, where they don't have ebay as such, they have '' which is the NZ version. Here you can't snipe, and every new bid auto extends the auction by 2 mins, so absolute crap go's for way more than it should pretty much all the time as they are quite a competitive bunch. My new business plan is too snipe stuff off ebay and flog it on trademe – actually i have done this a few times and made a few dollars – which to me shows that snipping it a better way to get stuff cheap!

    Free Member

    'twisted' mine in April 2007, still not right now, turned out the liggerments pulled two little bits of bone off. It was still swollen 6 months after doing it and feels a bit week still. Yes, many times you would actually of been better off breaking the thing, in fact when i broke the other ankle it was fine within 6 months, sprained one still bad. Remember the RICE thing thou, should do it as soon as you do it, not try and do a road race the next day with it strapped up and dosed up on painkillers, a very very very stupid thing to do! Not that i would. :oops:

    Free Member

    Alexathome: I don't live in ChCh. Try again.

    Sorry you live in Wellington don't you! You probably don't have a patio heater then do you, it'd get blown away! :lol:

    I guess the problem is weighing up the pro's and con's of being close to family, and the benefits that this has, and the benefits that you and your family will retain by staying in NZ.

    No one on an internet forum can really help with this, we don't know what you want for yourself and your family, we don't know how much they value or will value the physical proximaty of family. I think if we were seriously thinking of moving back to the UK then we'd sit down as a family and discuss it. Then take a 4 month trip back to the UK to see what we thought, sit down discuss it again and then maybe decide.

    Whatever you decide, good luck to you.

    And i'll still take your patio heater if you've got one, how many BBQ's did you ever have in the UK, you won't be needing it there!

    Free Member

    Stop whinging NZcol, summers coming soon, and you do live in christchurch so it must be pretty chilly. If you are going back i'll have first dibs on your patio heater.

    Free Member

    I'm thinking of cutting down as due to persistant injury they are not seeing much use. That said i am currently building them a new home in the garden:

    I have listed them chronologically in order of purchase.

    Litespeed Tellico
    Kilauea 93 SS/Rigid
    Cinelli rare early 90's road thing
    Kinesis RC2 'training' bike
    R3SL for the racing, if i ever get fit enough again (which i doubt)
    Mather SS
    Super Corsa, for trips to the cafe!

    Free Member

    More New Zealand! you can't see how awesome my bike is in this picture, however it is awesome! Only a short 'tour' I did 5 days and 700K then my knee stopped working so I had to get the train back home :cry:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    @ Royston When i worked in a bike shop (about 3/4 years ago) we had a run of VDO’s and had a 90% failure rate, we ended up sending them all back without even selling the ones on the shelves, to save to customers getting agro! Saying that, i’ve got 2 of the earlier ones and they are great!

    Free Member

    on the roadbike you’ll need the triple as the gradient does reach 14% at some short bits.


    Don’t worry, you won’t! I did it fine on a 53/39 (albeit with a 27T rear cassette, it took an hour and i’m not very fit or fast! you’ll be fine! The ventoux though, the bit through the woods will hurt if you don’t have a compact!

    Free Member

    Ooops thank goodness for the internet, i thought snow might be softish, ok i’ll hire a helmet too. I have checked out the places to stay and hire shops on route i’ve just got back from a cycle trip from the ‘snow fields’ so accomadation seems doable and so are lift passes. please don’t say i need a fluro jacket too or i’m not going to get any cool tokens.

    Free Member

    Thankyou this is things i wouldn’t of thought of. I have some waterproof trousers for the bike, they are quite sturdy. I think i’ll try the snowboarding, it kind of looks cooler too, if combined with a beanie!

    Free Member

    ‘mockery’ i’d pay good money to have a body like that, where can i get one?

    Free Member

    i’m a right fat git that doesn’t do any house work and drinks too much and going grey now too, but my wife’s a hotty (for knocking 40) she would go mad if i put a photo of her on here, so here’s painting of her instead.

    Free Member

    1 only had 40 for my 8000 dissertation – got a 1st for it too, so i guess more isn’t always better. I must say hungry monkey my way of working was like yours, kinda gives you a kick into the conclusion bit i reckon as it all sort of falls into place. God i’m glad i’m old and will never have to write anything ever again besides postcards.

    Free Member

    @zaskar – yes i don’t want a divorce, that’s why i’m off, they bring out the mental in me her family so i’m making myself scace!

    Free Member

    it’s a very long list! you know soap, tooth brush, tent etc. i’m sure i’ve not forgot anything camping wise, although i can’t seem to be able to open a can of beans with the useless can opener on my leatherman tool. I guess what i’m looking for is the things you wouldn’t immediatly think of, but wish you’d taken.

    Free Member

    @molgrips – i lives in wales for 7 years – maninly around cardiff, and quite some time in Camarthan and Aberystwyth. I found the place to be pretty to look at, but very little to do (except in Cardiff) the sea not clean (as i surf) the beaches on the whole and by comparison to NZ dirty – the crime levels high, especially around cardiff and the schooling by comparison the nz – not good at all. Also as i was not born in Wales you are constantly made to feel like an outsider. Here for example yesterday i went riding in the Hunua ranges met a kiwi who invited me to stay at his ‘batch’ whilst on my forthcoming cycle tour, walked from my house to a quite beach where my son played in the 22 degree pacific for an hour then had a BBQ in the sun in shorts and flip-flops in our garden that you could of fitted 5 of our old house in – and we discussed it again and decided no we won’t be leaving soon.

    Free Member

    i’ve never been there but everyone on here makes it sound well worth a visit – given that Royton Vasey is fictional.

    Free Member

    highlights are smiths coombe, ladies edge and the chimney – also downhill track is fun. back down holford coombe from dead womans ditch look out for the U shaped tree on the holford side of the road and follow the track! don’t know if Stellas is open at the moment maybe not from what i;ve heard.

    Free Member

    “”””Why not emigrate.. to Wales, or Scotland? Great riding, cheap(er) houses, great riding.. quiet roads, small towns, peace and quiet, did I mention the great riding? “””

    And Molgrips – i’ve lived there – never again thanks.

    Free Member

    Molegrips – just out of interest where abouts are you in the UK?

    Free Member

    I’m with shoefiti – as they are plastic they don’t beath and get sweaty, and if it’s dusty like on holiday somewhere hot you’ll get an unsightly tide mark of grime – even if you have just washed – mind you it won’t matter if your trying to pull on holiday dirty wrists or not the only girl that would think your a catch in the 7 quid casio will probably smell and have a beard.

    Free Member

    i’ve got a 38 year old speedmaster i got it serviced by a good chap in bristol for 130 quid (it’s a wind up model) new glass 30 quid new bezel as old one had scratches 60 quid – ebayed the old one for 45 quid. just use a decent watchsmith it’s a lot cheaper! oh and it only keeps perfect time.

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