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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • alexathome
    Free Member

    Oh Bugger. I will try and get some more RAM for it, and a fresh install – might be able to get the techies at work to do it for nothing, they have loads of old bits and bobs lying around as i work in a school that has macs for the kids.

    Many thanks for your help!

    Free Member

    Ooooooo that looked a little confusing, can anyone narrow it down a bit i'm half cut on cheap wine right now and that looks like there are too many options by half.

    Free Member

    Apparently go to Ch4 In Bruge is on, now that is a film, unless you are a bender or something.

    Free Member

    Fantastic film. Fantastic Film, Fantastic Film. One of my favorites. Wish i had Channel 4 now. :cry:

    Free Member

    Menchov is the best TT too out of the top 4

    That's not true, Contador has beat FC and was the spanish TT champion, in fact he's probably one of the best in the world.

    Free Member

    Changing your grips would make more difference to 'comfort' than any change in frame/bar material. I'm sorry but that's true.

    Free Member

    I've been in Auckland for nearly 3 years now, having moved from Bristol. The positives i'd say are: the schools (generally better than the UK), the opportunities, if your good at anything in the UK then they'll give you a go here, although they do like you to have 'kiwi experience' the reason that they'll give you a go is that pretty much anyone who's got any skills is now in Oz or the UK, so there is a shortage of skilled folk (this i'm saying from experience of myself and mates who have got great jobs here that they would never of been considered for in the UK). Hmmm what else, it's uncrowded, which has it's advantages, the health service is excellent.

    Bad points: there is poverty, violence, terrible driving, that's pretty much standard in most countries thou i guess.

    I like it in many ways, i like the opportunities here that me and my kids have, something that i found lacking (for me) in the UK. I've just driven back from a ski trip to the mountains, it took 3 hours to get back and tomorrow i might go surfing in a summer wetsuit, even thou it's winter here, so it's not all crap. I do really miss proper houses thou, and watching the tour on sky you realise that although NZ is often touted as a beautiful country you have you have to go some to beat most parts of Europe.

    Free Member

    I wouldn't worry too much col at the current exchange rate orders might be slim pickings :wink:

    Free Member

    I've seen very well regarded frame manufacturers produce frame with next to no thread in the BB, and also distorted shells on steel frames, all new frames. The aluminum ones can be reamed and a steel insert bonded in by argosracingcyles in bristol for about 50 sheets. Maybe is was a dud from new, but i would of thought that the mechanic might of noticed it when fitting the 2nd BB, although from experience it's not always easy to spot, at you can't really see how shallow the threads are all that easily.

    If you get stuck give Argos a shout.

    Free Member

    He smelt of cabbage. Much better to have a ginger Welsh bird. :D

    Free Member

    got one of those mrmo, but with widgets, it's pretty, but not as nice as my old cinelli superlight that it replaced.

    Not really a sexy bike like my cervelo r3sl i reckon, but it's it pretty. Distinct difference i'd say.

    Free Member

    I'd say 500 quid would get you a decent 2nd hand Litespeed. Remember that if they are second hand they were more than likely bought when the exchange rate was better, so would of been a lot cheaper than now.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Macavity – Member


    Don't do it…… unless you are into S&M, look at the god awful mess they made of a 2K frame the ham fisted d1ckheads:

    Free Member

    It's just a standard warrentee thing really, I just wanted to take steps to make sure my information was secure, if it's easy to do then there's no harm in doing it, only potential harm in not doing it.

    Free Member

    cinnamon_girl – Member

    get back on topic attention whores!

    I do apologise! Can't see that you would get a secondhand Litespeed for that money really but they do turn up in the Classifieds sometimes, road ones too.

    Tsk, if only, my Tellico never got over 270 on stealbay, so i took it off. That's a 6/4 frame too, none of your re-cycled Jamie Oliver frying pan cheapo 3/2.5 rubbish! 8)

    Free Member

    Greatest Briton? Him innit:

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – Member

    some guy in a grubby jumper

    The guy in the OP was actually a photographer and graphic designer when he built that house.

    That's as maybe Anthony, but it kind of ruins the 'visual' of my post! :D

    Free Member

    Some QR's can never be made tight enough to work, they are just cheap crap. Also some drop outs are at such an angle that is makes the problem worse. I worked in a shop once that had this problem with a whole model of bike. If you put any power down at all the wheel would twist out the drop out resulting in the same problem. I also have this problem with an old Cinelli road bike i own, i've gone over the bars twice going up hill on it, and it's done it about 6 times, even changing the QR didn't help and getting it proper tight.

    Just throwing this into the mix, but from experience it is something that can and does happen, no matter what common procedure is run on assembly.

    Free Member

    Call me an old hippy but I am a fan of this sort of thing, don't get me wrong i'm not a fan of dreadlocks on middle class white kids that had overbearing parents, and other folk that still listen to old Levellers albums, they generally grate a little my general outlook on life. But i do like the idea of building your own house out of this that and the other, what's more damaging after all to society, pricing your average 2.5 bed semi out of the reach of 80% of the population that don't have any equity, or some guy in a grubby jumper building a permanent(ish) home for him and his kids and freeing up another council property for Vicky Pollard et al.

    Good luck to him!

    Anyway, it's all been done before and kind of makes sense in many, many ways. This one's a little Hobbity for my liking, but i like the concept! Check out the Aussie ones!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A 'mate' of mine used to steal 2 bottles of scotch daily from the local somerfield. The staff knew he was doing it, but were always to scared to say anything. Peat the Mexican was his name, although the nearest Mexico he's ever been was Parkhurst.

    Arrrrrr Bless him.

    Free Member

    I moved to Auckland (NZ) in 2007 with wife and two kids. It's pretty tough for many reasons. It takes a while to settle but we live in a nice area, near the beach, you can surf on uncrowded waves, drive to the ski field in winter (3 hrs from Auckland thou)- trails network isn't quite as hot as the UK, but pretty good all the same and the crime is very low compared to where we used to live. It's pretty much laid back compared to many cities in the UK, but it's tough to get work here as they prefer you to have 'kiwi experience' which is a nonsense really.

    Now 2 1/2 years on we both have secure jobs and a reasonable income, the local schools are some of the best in the OECD and we have a network of friends, there's worse places to be I suppose. It's not for everyone but if we turned around and went back to the UK tomorrow i'd not have any regrets.

    A country is the place you live bit a home can be anywhere and it's what you make of it. Limit the stress in your life and everything else will hopefully fall into place, you may not have to leave the country to find that, just a change of job, city…… The distance from support/family if you emigrate may add a new stress of it's own, something to take into account.

    I like it here in many ways, we may not stay here, we may go somewhere else eventually (I love France) but we're here for the kids and the opportunities that are more prevalent here (some will disagree on this I know) but we have more time for them here in an environment that I feel is more in line with my expectations for them.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Flux, less than 24 I think. And a steel Mather SS about 20 and cervelo R3SL at about 15 lbs, all with pedals. Me, about 20 lbs (over weight) :oops:

    Free Member

    Here's my flux, 05 i think. i've had the burner and 5 spot (HL) (as well as asr sl, an iron horse something and a few others). I find the flux better for most trail centers, as I'm far from knarly. It's plenty light, i've had it below 24lbs with pedals before, it's about 25.5lbs here i reckon.

    It's great! :D

    I did love the 5 spot thou, very nice bike.

    Free Member

    No, but can I get a 'Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaya'

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Steak and Kidney

    Free Member

    I'd say not necessarily 'fitter' but maybe a different rider. It'd probably get you fitter initially, and certainly faster as it encourages interval training to a greater extent just by the nature of necessity. But overall a proper training program that incorporated intervals as well as tempo work would more than likely be more effective, otherwise pro's would use SS more aye!

    They would kinda make your averagely fit rider with a sound fitness base faster 'fitter?' if used in the lead up to a race. Hey we would of come in the top 10 in the bikefest on our SS bikes if we'd entered the geared category a few years back and we were a combo of cripples, drunks and special needs kids all with a few weeks SS riding, point proved. :D

    Free Member

    I think it's something like this:

    Free Member

    Thanks Overshoot, I need ebay also to keep stuff going, same situation i guess, and to source other things as loads is sold on it that i can't get elsewhere very easily.

    I'll put my case in to the IT debt and see if i can get it changed. I can't see why it should be a problem, every other education establishment i or my wife have worked in have use of internet for these things, so it shouldn't be an issue.

    Thanks for help, now i must get off this forum and learn up some kids about stuff 'n that innit.


    Free Member

    Thanks, i forgot about those 3g usb things.

    Also thanks for the not so constructive comments, i'm sure none of you lot have never had to read personal emails at work, or even in your lunch hour. It's only hotmail and searching for suppliers for my subject, i don't want to have to do the work again when i get home.

    Free Member

    I got proper fed up with paying dollar for battery replacement for watches (50 for my wifes tag) so i bought an adjustable tool from ebay that opens the back. She never even does the washing up in it, so no point 'sending it to switzerland' or what ever they claimed to be doing with it. I do all my own now, none of them have leaked yet.

    Free Member

    I'm doing it, should be good. Although it goes sound a little bit too well orgainised for my liking, they even have SSWC10 socks. 8O

    Free Member

    I've done 2 Glastonburys's on crutches, camped in the green field both times (both times it was sunny, no mud – back in the early 90's) carrying a rucksack was tough going, but do-able certainly. Get some practice first thou, I wasn't weight bearing and it'll be tough on your arms.

    If it's muddy you'll need to 'adapt' your crutches. Easy to do. I've spent 10 years on and off crutches (with one 2 1/2 year stretch) so anything crutches related i've probably had to do it.

    Free Member

    Having worked in LBS's in the UK, and now living in NZ, i'm perplexed how the LBS's survive here (Auckland). I've been in a few and they are very expensive, most don't bother selling parts branded by hope, king, etc. They just stock mid range bikes and kids bike, although quite a few sell really high end road, but not much componentry.

    Folk have asked me 'why don't don't you open a bike shop'? I can't see the merit in it here, there apears to be little in the way of commuter market (the bread and butter of most inner city shops) due to the being killed factor. Also even thou the NZ dollar is very strong local prices are very high, and that makes CRC&Co seem very good value. (Try 40% cheaper for Hope stuff!)

    Bike shops in the UK are on the whole very competitive to NZ and Australian market, especially as wages and taxes are higher here. I know a lot of folk want to get the best deal possible and fit stuff themselves and sort out any compatabilty/warrenty issues, but by the same token a lot of people will pay a premium for the value added aspect of dealing with maybe knowledgeable staff with the correct tools for the job. Swings and round-a-bouts, game of two halfs etc…..

    Free Member

    Cheap hubs is a no-no and often overlooked by potential purchasers (that's why they are there!) means a wheels rebuild at some point in the near future, and for most people that's something that's not do-able at home.

    Marin used to be one of the worst offenders with their 'ovation' hubs, which were shite.

    EDIT: you can include Cannondales 'coda' hubs in this catagory too, even worse you had to buy new discs too due to their 4 bolt system

    Free Member

    It's an interesting choice of location for sure, but he lives almost next door, and i'll bet overheads are good value. I used to ride up and down there all the time on my road bike, if he could do coffee and cakes too he'd be on to a winner! Good luck to him! :D

    Free Member

    Multiple cleaning jobs, some in very strange and undesirable times/locations.

    Plucking Turkeys that mysteriously came back to life whilst you were plucking them (blood and feathers and turkey shite everywhere).

    Mind numbing and dangerous factory works with a bunch of racists.

    To be honest the worst was 'selling' kitchens to people that you cold called out the phone book, only one person agreed to have someone round and i phoned them back after i'd finished work to tell them not to bother as i felt so bad (i only lasted 3 days and i really really needed money)

    I had a job interview today for a place which i didn't really fancy that much but after reading all this if they offer it to me i'll definitly take it and consider myself very very lucky indeed! Thanks STW! :P

    Free Member

    BigJohn – Member
    HR indicates the amount of power you generate. So that's why the "average" drops year by year. The fitter you are the higher it will go.

    or do you actually mean that all other things being constant your heart rate is indicating the amount of work (power) being done?

    In which case that would be loosly correct, however saying

    The fitter you are the higher it will go.

    with all other things being constant this is not true, i don't really understand what you are getting at with this, do you mean power output or HR?

    Your maximum HR does not really have a huge amount to do with how fit you are, how it gets to it max is thou. It has a lot lot more to do with genetics and muscle elasticity.

    Where/how did you develop your theory John?

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