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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • alexathome
    Free Member

    My hip hurts (all the time) and i ‘tut’ quite a lot.

    I’m 37. Where do I collect my 5 bob?

    Free Member

    I was on 5th gear once doing a review of an ordinary car, i was awesome!


    Plus i have better hair than anyone on Topgear!

    Free Member

    Anyone had any more issues lately? I bought some stuff from CRC in mid March (from NZ)and found some one had bought almost a grands worth of stuff from a printer ink company in Italy! It’s a bit of an inconvenience having to change all the DD and getting the cash back.

    This is the first time that i have ever been a subject of CC fraud.

    Coincidence, or something more sinister?

    Free Member

    Yer, not so much where I am. They are nice kids. There was an incident with some snogging at the beginning of term, but we don’t talk about it.

    I can just imagine these kids going home singin:

    And a little bitty bit of red Indian boy
    Oh like a Curly Latin kinkies
    Oh Lordy, Lordy, mixed with yellow Chinkees, yeah….. etc etc….

    What the heck their ultra conservative Korean/Chinese/Japanese parents are going to think.

    In my mind it’s all wrong, on so many levels.

    Free Member

    DezB – Member

    I always thought it was an anti-racist song (of a sort).

    Yup. that’s about it. But I do have an issue on the benefits implied or otherwise of interbreeding and disseminating this through the medium of ‘song’ to a group of 11 to 13 year olds.

    And I see it as a prime opportunity to give the middle aged grumpy cow that’s organizing the whole thing a dressing down.

    Free Member

    piha – Member

    Bloody moaning Pakeha

    Ahem, that’s Honkey to you Westie! :D

    I know i’m moaning, that’s the point. I’m just after ideas on the best plan of attack.

    Free Member

    The sun is strong for sure, but i’ve had worse sunburn in Spain. I didn’t find it as much an issue as I thought that I would.

    Free Member

    just you know where you stand with a kiwi – in uk they will just moan behind your back

    I see that you’ve never worked in the education sector then! :lol:

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    It is still 1976

    He he, good one TJ!

    People go on about the weather here but in Auckland you can wear shorts pretty much all year round, the summers have been long and hot since i’ve been here (3 1/2 years) with hardly a day of rain. The winters are damp, wet and anywhere in between. But not too cold.

    Today I surfed overhead waves in shorts for 3 hours without getting cold and filled up my car for less than a quid a litre.

    Some things are good, some things are bad (particularly the racist school songs ;0) )

    Free Member

    100% not trolling, I thought that i might even film it, youtube it and link it to the international community that they are trying to attract as an IB (international bachaloriate) school. I’m sure that the Koreans would love it!

    Free Member

    hels – Member

    You really are applying a Pommie sensibility to all this – get on that plane home now before you do any damage !

    I’ve thought of that, i’m not offended as such (and anyone that know’s me from my bike shop days knows that I am not easily offended!), i just think that it’s Sh1t, making us sing a song that calls Chinese kids yellow. And I think that the reason that they think that no one might find it a little wrong annoys me. They annoy me, so I want to kick up a stink as my trouble in staff meeting swan song.

    Free Member

    10/10 Captjon, outstanding! including ‘Australia’ as a place where comparatively civilized people live is gold! I’m going to write a rant right away based on your suggestion. Great stuff! :D

    Free Member

    Just demonostrating how unrelable these things are. At my old college that also taught ‘special needs’ kids they broke all the time. You can imagine what happands once you get 8 ‘mentally impared’ kids stuck in a lift together! it sure puts up the overtime for their coucellors and cleaning staff, I can still here the groans and screams 16 years later. Not pretty, not pretty at all.

    Like i say, how hard can it be to make this tin box go up, then down, then up then down – reliably, I mean really how hard can it be?

    Free Member

    montylikesbeer – Member

    lift engineer by trade, now co own my own lift maintenance company and love it

    I’m always amazed by how crap lifts are for reliablity, i mean it’s not Willy Wonkers great glass frickin elevator. It’s a tin box that go’s up, then down, then up then down Why do they need maintenance, how tough can it be to make one of these things work properly?

    I used to have my own bike shop which was the best job that i ever had. Moved to NZ for the kids 3 1/2 years ago and now work as a teacher of ‘technology’ which has much better hours with significantly less fun. Thou here we have a mortgage free ‘big’ house walking distance from the beach and only pay a quid a litre for petrol. Swings and roun-a-bouts i guess. Thou i really miss my old job. :cry:

    Free Member

    I’m sorry, but it’s late and i can’t really be bothered to read your inquiry. However I am aware of their work if you have any specific questions.

    Free Member

    If it’s plastic it’ll most likely be a Octalink. You could try some ‘gentle’ heat, a sharp screw driver to turn it and some WD40 (be careful of your heart source) that’ll shift it easily.

    Be careful of your threads on the BB shell.

    Free Member

    Col, check this site: 449GBP is the cheapest i’ve found on it, I admit that i have no idea of how much the additional taxes would effect this price. Maybe worth a look for you thou.

    Free Member

    About the 15th of April for 10 days or so, quite flexible, but starting new job on the 2nd of May, so must be back for then!

    Free Member

    thegreatape – Member

    How absurd. If you buy 2 London to Auckland returns, and just use one ticket from each, you still save £300 ish.

    Indeed, absurd!

    Raindog – Member

    You can’t do that though – you have to use the outbound part of the ticket before you use the return.

    Indeed, shafted!

    you would of thought with flights that you would have the basis of truly international price structure (give or take) as you don’t get charged VAT on jet fuel etc, most tickets are booked on line and the services are exactly the same, from internationally operated companies. Yet, you are shafted 6 ways from Tuesday, if you live in NZ,Australia, Singapore, and many other places. The economies of scale argument is shot full of holes too.

    Free Member

    No I can’t! I do have a kayak thou.

    Free Member

    I could not really recommend Scott Pilgrim. It started well, and I was enjoying it, then about an hour in I just lost interest and i gave up (very unusual for me). Maybe it’s just me but it seemed like quite an odd genre and I found it hard to care what happens to the lead character as they didn’t catch my interest, I find Cera quite pathetic and annoying in the characters that he plays. Maybe if i was ill i could sit through it. I’ll give it another go one day, I think it may deserve another go.

    Go with in Bruges, simply great.

    Free Member

    To be fair to the OP, it is partially a matter of timing that make his thread appear calious. It is just thou, asking the question, how will this effect us. If our reply is: this has caused me untold emotional upset and I weep for the loss of life etc etc, I must sell my belongings and fly off to Japan to help with the relief effort, then fair enough.

    I feel for the people of Japan, it’s tough. I live in NZ and know many people that have family and friends that have been lost in the last couple of weeks. We do what we can with fundrasing etc, but we are pretty detached from the actual devistation. I here talk of ‘rents increasing’, ‘taxes increasing to pay for Christchurh’. etc.

    If you are not in the epicentre of the disaster you will obviously look at how it ‘may’ effect you. As anything else will probably be an empty jesture.

    Yes, these things effect everyone, but in different ways. Sure the OP may look calious. But as with comedy timing is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………everything.

    Free Member

    :lol: Thanks midlife! Yer, that’s what i kinda thought. It seems that my heart doesn’t kick in quite quick enough. The doctors are ruling out anything obvious first I think, before they look into nerves and anything else.

    Free Member

    Thanks Stoatsbrother and ratadog!

    The key things are what your LV ejection fraction is ( should be >50% and ideally >60%)

    This is 67% for me, is that ok then?

    I also had a echo, that showed that my heart was a little larger than normal on the left side, but nothing grossly abnormal.

    I have a lung function test next Friday. I am not sure what this involves yet. I had a heart, lung stress test on a treadmill. This didn’t seem to show anything thou, as i got the hospital record :D Saying this, they didn’t even give me a lolly pop.

    The issue is that when i walk up stairs, from rest i almost (and have done) passed out, although only for a second or 2. My BP is fine, but i get very short of breath when moving from rest. Once up and going i’m ok thou.

    Thanks for the input thou. I think i’ll take my results from the MRI to the Lung Function test and see what they say, you never know.

    Free Member

    However, Faith No More’s version of Easy, pissed on Lionel Ritchie’s original from a great height. But that’s ONLY my opinion.

    Free Member

    I see, thanks. I guess that is why you get more than one wave then. I see that it hit Califonia quite badly. More than a fwe times. I didn’t see much damgage as yet from Hawaii, but then the it’s deeper there (maybe?) It’s all kicking off south of the equator thou i can tell you. Everyone is a bit worried what’s going to happan next.

    Free Member

    This stat that the “wall of water” travels at 500mph. Am I right in thinking that it isn’t water displacing at that speed but it’s the energy that’s travelling at 500mph and the movement of water at the end is just a reaction to this energy.

    When you say the energy, how is this demonstrated? Excuse my ignorance.

    I’m quite interested in all this as I live in NZ, and the latest is that we’ve had a 6.2 in Tonga, which always worry’s me, being just down the way.

    Free Member

    I say, my doctor, when i picked up my results was the first time that i have ever met her. You do like to read between the lines and make assumptions to fit in with your view point don’t you.

    And why is googleing so dangerous? Doctors can be wrong, they are human. Why would I trust them to get things right 100% of the time. All i wanted to know is if the figures that i quoted are within normal values? I’m sure that any doctor on here would point me toward a publication or similar whereby I could get this supported, or not. My syptoms fit in with the issue found in my results, google says so, so it must be true :0)

    Free Member

    I didn’t say that I didn’t trust all doctors! What I was asking was that are these things that i should ask another doctor about, or, are these things in fact just ‘normal’and I should just accept my doctors opinion. If you are not a doctor, then I do not believe that you are able to help this time Mr Lynch

    Free Member

    Sure Merckx has to be up there, but I can say that he is the greatest, for the reason alone that he would not be a great ridding buddy. 1st off he’d always have to beat you, up the hill, to the cafe, every where all the bloody time, that’d get annoying. And secondly has anyone ever seen A Sunday in hell? Who’s ever been riding with someone like that, who just CAN NOT stop fiddling with bars, seats, everthing. Do it before you go for a ride you git, you-are-getting-one-my-tits.

    So I’ll go for Ulrich. He could keep up with Lance even with a tummy full of Bratwurst.

    Free Member

    Stainypants – Member

    One of best friends and his family live above christchurch harbour not heard anything from them , Col do you know if the telecommunications are down

    Lots of telecomunications are down at leat half the mobile network and power.

    It’s a real, real mess down there. A great many of people are trapped over 200.

    Some injured are being flown to Auckland and other emergency departents. Folk can’t get in or out of the CBD, so if you are trying to contact people it’s tough, as they may not have acsess to working phones etc. The TV station there has been destroyed.

    It’s not too flash.

    Free Member

    Sorry, my reaction times have been dulled by iDave’s diet.

    Free Member

    Sorry, I don’t understand that comment? I don’t read the Daily Mail. I was just saying that in my neck of the woods (when i was young) that the local kids, I included tended to drink a fair amount of cider etc. I probably drunk more when i was 15 than i did when i was in my 20’s. My average intake now would be more wine than beer etc, and is probably about a litre a day. Too much i know.

    Free Member

    Bearing in mind that you didn’t drink any until you were 16-18 yrs old.

    WTF? were you in a convent when you were young?

    Free Member

    So is on average a litre a night a bit much? I have to admit i’m a bit of a lush. :oops:

    Free Member

    I used to teach Film Studies you know! Lot’s of folk used to say to me ‘what use is teaching that subject?’ Ha, idiots, I’ll bet they wished they’d spent 12 hours a week for 2 years studying it now, they’d of know the answers to answer, and know the similarities between John Forn and George Lucas!

    Well maybe not. But mostly It’s a technology issue. As stated. Recordeig sounnd back in the day was very tough, as was syncing it with image – as both were developed exclusivley. I liked the old pionist thing, awesome. You have to also take into account the fact that photo’s (still imnages) had only just been introduced to the public, adding sound to the moving images was a world away from what we know now as film today, it just had not been thought of. Sound in the day was recorded on wax cyclinders, so hard to amplify and sync with a 35mm projection, mic’s/recording and the like were very rudimentary.

    Good question thou, not like the usual questions like ‘what tyres for The great train robery ‘etc’.

    Free Member

    BigDummy – Member

    If you assume unconditional surrender following a massive invasion then it’s anybody’s guess. I reckon a negotiated peace in 1940, with no invasion of most of the UK was perhaps more likely.

    Enough of the British upper class were sympathetic enough to the anti-Bolshevik/anti-semitic/social discipline agenda that forming a respectable British government willing to make peace with Germany would have been perfectly feasible. If the army had been entirely lost in France or at Dunkirk and the airforce had collapsed in summer 1940, a negotiated peace, without full occupation, would have been perfectly feasible. I’d hazard that people would have been quite relieved not to have their cities flattened. The king would have talked about the proud people of Britain and germany having much in common. Stability would have reigned. Industry would have prospered. There would have been a customs union and that sort of thing. Hitler is pleased to have the irritant of Britain out of the war, and even more relieved not to have Britain soliciting US aid. He is well aware of the vast US contribution to finishing germany off in 1918, and avoidance of the US weighing in is the single biggest achievement of the peace treaty with Britain.

    Britain as a land-mass would have been of modest strategic significance, I’m sceptical that a major occupation would have been necessary. With Britain out of the fighting, Ireland might well have come off the fence and allowed submarine and air bases on their Atlantic coast, so apart from perhaps wanting submarine bases up in Northern Scotland it’s hard to see why Germany would press for many bases or garrisons.

    The main significance is that British control of Suez and the middle east ceases to be an issue. German shipping can suddenly pass through the canal unimpeded, and its sea-lanes in the Pacific are protected by the British navy. German ships have free passage along the African coast and the huge markets that opens up.

    The British navy supports German troops fightig through Greece towards the Bosphorous, and allows German control of Iraq. Germany now has access to vast oilfields and is able to push into the USSR from the south across the Caucasus. The British navy pushes up the Baltic and harrasses Russian supply lines. Without Churchill’s mediation with the US, Roosevelt does not send military supplies to the Russians. Russia collapses in 1944. Germany can consolidate, with unimpeded Western sea-lanes, access to middle eastern oilfields and varying control over most countries of Western Europe.

    With no enemies to the North, German occupation of N. France or the low countries is not necessary. These countries have german attached military advisors in most units and staff headquarters. France, Ireland and the UK join Spain as politically compatible countries in a military alliance under german leadership. Their political cultures move towards Nazi ones (much admired in many circles in the 1930s) but with victory over the Communist menace assured and their economies powering ahead, Western European leaders do not find the need to scape-goat their jewish minorities particularly. The worst excesses of the holocaust are not felt in Western Europe, although the yiddish-speaking population of eastern europe is virtually wiped out as German lilitary controla nd the long war against the USSR grinds East.

    It doesn’t seem very important at the time, but the zionist settlements in German-controlled Palestine are largely wiped out. Hitler gives the go-ahead to Haj-Amin to organise the complete destruction of Jewish religious sites in Jerusalem. Skilful political manipulation of Arab leaders produces Ba’athist governments in Iraq and Syria. German military control of the Suez canal is complete, but it prefers to leave local security and control of the oilfields to corrupt and unrepresentative oligarchies with whom they can deal.

    Well that’s as maybe BigDummy. My wife on the other hand would be far more concerned about how often she would have to clean the coffee table.

    Free Member

    Do you experience heightened heart rate, sweating, sudden extreme tenseness of muscles?

    Yes, yes I do.

    Free Member

    I’ve do this on my old Litespeed tellico, so that i could run a brake hose. I used new Heller Drill bit(s) and 3 in one oil (because i was a pikey) and an old Bosch Cordless. Most end stop things are 6/4 Ti, as opposed to the softer 3/2.5 Ti, so care is needed. Mine came up a treat, no issues, but if in doubt use an engineering firm.

    Free Member

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