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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • alexathome
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    ootflaps – Member

    Why are they bothering going after a retired Athlete?

    He has just won the half ironman in Hawaii at the weekend! What about the poor chumps that had just had a bowel of weetabix, instead of a bag in intravenously injected blood for breakfast?

    Free Member

    Clear as mud, that’s the same line he’s been towing since 1999.

    Free Member

    It was a ‘best of’ episode, so really confusing in 10 second bursts between tipples. Very strange scenario’s popping up every minute, like a Alton towers rapid ride filled full of bull shine.

    Free Member

    I live in NZ, sorry about the spelling!

    Free Member

    nice 4 stroke twin! :D

    I immediately though of esther rantzen, so failed to get interested enough for a sensible reply, sorry.

    Free Member

    I’ve had LOADS of heart issues over the last 18 months, so have had a lot of test, echo’ mri’s etc, as well as reading a lot on the subject. One thing that i know now is that everyone has different heart rates, even if they are the same age, same weight, doing exactly the same thing. I’m 37 and my heart won’t go above 185, yet I know a guy well into his 40’s who’s will go up to 230!!!!! It depends on a great deal, genetics being a factor, muscle elasticity etc. Illness often results in a higher rate, heart size does too.

    But as above you’re resting is quite high, when are you taking it?

    Free Member

    Indeed many of these athletes are great. It seems that the more niche the sport/arena the greater the potential for greatness/longevity. Some athletes like Burton might never be beaten or for that matter Merckx etc. Good call all, keep them coming.

    Free Member

    I took my daughters heart rate to check my heart rate/watch thing, she is almost 4, it was 174! she was just wandering round the house, peppa pig wasn’t even on. Kids have a pretty high rate compared to us old folk. Hope your daughter has recoved now toys.

    Free Member

    crikey – Member
    A heart rate monitor or an ECG recorder? There is a difference.

    An ECG recorder. Obviously records heart rate too though. It stores it all and notes any odd goings on (unfortuhatly there were a few)

    It turns out that i have a hole in my heart, that allows the blood from one half back into the other. It’s quite common, but normally corrects itself in childhood. Mine wasn’t even found until last year (i’m 37). Apart from that it seems ok, but have to go to regular trips to the cardiologist until they find out what it actually going on.

    They think that my heart slows down, rather than speeds up when i initially start to exercise. Only tempory thou, until heart rate picks up then it’s all good. Had lots of treadmill tests etc.

    Had a shitty couple of years of sketchy health really, getting fed up with it now.

    Free Member

    Mulletus Maximus – Member

    Out of curiosity I wore a HRM to bed a while back so I could take it as soon as I awoke and it was 43 bpm.

    That;s the reason i’m asking, i had a heart rate monitor on from hospital for 48 hours, due to a funny ticker. 33bpm – max 96 (nothing exciting on telly that weekend)

    Free Member

    i’ve heard that you should take it before you get up in the morning (but not asleep, which would make it tricky)?

    Free Member

    I see this a lot now about Endura, seems a bit sad i used to love the products (still do) but admittedly have not bought any new ones for years.
    The kit that i have now i’ve had for years, some over 10, without a major failure yet. I’ve got:

    3/4 biblongs 3 pairs were them all, had all one pair for 12 years.
    MT 500 shorts (original ones)Indestructible, despite sliding down the road in them on a road ride gone wrong.
    Stealth Jacket – No falling to bits there.
    Gillet – Cheap and as good as any other i’ve had.
    Gillet Jacket
    Single track shorts (tightening buckles fell of both)
    Various tops and t’s (not great quality feel, but cheap)

    Oh, the socks were crap, went all bobbly.

    In all i would say the kit use versus spend the have been fantastic.

    What products have you guys had from Endura that has fallen to bits?

    Free Member

    My dad has diabetes, not sure which type thou, i don’t speak to him. He is very thin thou, so prob type 1. I think i was checked for that a few years back thou. I AM GOING TO THE DOCTOR DAMIT! as i said, i was hoping that sudden weight loss after 18months to a year of no bread/pasta, cake etc (a la iDave’s diet thing) was the norm. obviously not. Norm is probably a diabetic stressed AIDS tapeworm that needs to eat more food that makes paper see through.

    EDIT: just found out that if you haven’t got it (then) then you would not be diagnosed Time to get that checked i suppose, although other than weight loss i don’t fit the bill for that. Still better safe than sorry.

    Free Member

    mmmmmm butter. I am a little weaker. I went to the gym tonight, as my member runs out in 2 weeks(realised that at 10 squid a pop it wasn’t worth it (i never went)) It was to be expected i guess, not having lifted any weights for a while. Saying this i had never buffed up, but had always been able to lift a certain amount, since a young age, which is now a little less, so obviously a bit weaker. (cycling legs reasonable thou).

    In answer to the above i’m 37. Hopefully not old enough to loose too much hormone level. But stress does cause hormonal changes no?

    I’ve got a lot of work stress etc lately, having decided that i don’t like working for people other than myself, and resigning. Instrumental in my resignation is that i have a bad back (herniated disc) and had 2 lots of steroids injected into it and i’ve been on painkillers and sleeping pills because of the discomfort for a while. I’ve a physical job and i just can’t do it without pain 24/7.

    I’m guessing that the above might be the likely cause. My original question probably is based in my denial that at some point during a healthy diet and exercise that your body just decides that now some for equilibrium has been maintained for some time it’ll bin all the fat – not that it knows that you just arn’t crash dieting.

    from your responses i’m guessing that i was just hoping that this was the case, when in fact it’s a stress out AIDS tapeworm thing, arrghhh crap.

    Free Member

    as you sound rather chuffed with your current ‘leanness’?

    Yup, it was much better than my fatness! But i had a good reason for that, i was scoffing a lot! I would probably say ‘scrawny’ is a better description if i were to be honest. I’m not saying that it’s terrible, i’m sure that i would embrace it if it was what i was aiming for, i was happy with doing my riding, training for what not and eating what ever it was that i ate, boring thou it might be to others. But i carried on that way for 18months without changing more than a pound in weight, then it’s all gone odd in the last few months, maybe stress? would that do it?

    Free Member

    it’s closed now, being almost 7PM here. Turns out that i have a hospital appointment on Monday (came in the post when i got back from work). The doc i’m seeing has been seeing me for a year about a heart/lung thing so see’s me every couple of months. They ran all kinds of tests last time: bloods, thyroid things, lung function and even a VO2 max oddly. I will ask him, he’s quite switched on.

    To put it in perspective i have lost a stone and a half in 6 – 8 weeks. I weigh just under 11 stone now, but i am 5’11” so it’s not like i’m painfully thin, it’s just the speed and seemingly inexplicable cause that concerns me. Yes, i will see doc, Monday!

    I just ate half a loaf of rosemary bread! :D

    Free Member

    Lean (i’d say) Skinny my wife would say. I seem to have just as much muscle, as in i’m just as strong and output on bike etc has not suffered. But weight is just falling off of late given that exercise and diet have been a constant over last 18 months to 2 years. Maybe it’s stress or the prescription medicines that i’m taking for pain etc. I will ask my doctor when i next see him (it’s not free in NZ, so wait until i’m mostly dead to get real value for money). Had a load of blood tests earlier in the year so doubt the AIDS has kicked in since. :D

    Free Member

    Weighed myself again this morning PP (pre-poo) and i’d lost another pound in the last 2 days. I don’t feel ill or tierd and now in my work clothes I look like Tom Hanks in Big when he shrinks. I have not been this weight since i was 14 (i’m 37 now).

    Should i just start eating cake?

    Free Member

    Sorry iDave, not strictly low carb. i eat lots of bean based foods, chickpeas etc. I also eat porridge oats on a day when i’m exercising. I just cut out any processed floury type foods. Might be a tapewrorm, if so has it now got AIDS too?

    Free Member

    A 5000 a week cal deficit prob isn’t feasible given that i’m a slacker, weight loss does seem a bit disproportionate to exercise. AIDS it is then :D Bugger!

    Free Member

    Don’t know about you but i try and avoid riding behind people like Zulu, remember this guy?

    Free Member

    I made a curry for tea, but forgot to out the yogurt in it, it still tasted ok thou.

    Free Member

    I know some pricks that spent twice that on rigid steel bikes with only a quarter of the gears that that one has! there’s one born every minute.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Is there a good site that explains how to train using a power meter?

    i found the 14 day program on this to be good. You need a good base of course, which is painful and ever so boring to build on a turbo.

    I used to extend my ride home from work (to about 1.5 hours) and ride at the weekend 3 hours plus to prepare for the 12 hour i was doing. It was my first one (and last) and came 5th i think in my group. You need motivation, mine was to beat the lad 10 years my junior that worked in my bike shop. You might also need some paracetamol, i know i did.

    Basically you need a good base, to circumvent fatigue and injury – and available ‘top end’ speed, that you may never use during the race, but will mean that you are always working at well below your max, and not burning your matches.

    Above all – never give up, and never stop, until you have destroyed the junior employee/mate/old fat lady/yourself etc.

    I might do another one some day, knee permitting – good luck.

    Free Member

    With access to university being more biased to the rich/well off. Things are only going to get worse.

    There’s a can of worm! Look what happened when any Tom, Dick or Harry could get a loan for a University course. Pointless courses in this that and the other funded for 3 years to do f all.

    If my uni course was funded by my folks i would of made damn sure that i didn’t let them down and made sure that it counted. I’m not so sure that it’s a bad thing. I say this having picked up a large bill myself for doing a shite course that amounted to jack.

    The really bright will still get sponsored and funded, the cream (and rich, more than likely) will rise to the top and we will be left with a large % of the population that will accept 19.5k as a decent enough wage as they don’t have a degree in textiles or media studies rather than say ‘stuff it’ and leave it for someone else, maybe someone from another country that actually thinks, ‘hey that’s not so bad’

    dunno, that’s just what i think. Being from Devon.

    Free Member

    I lived and worked in tavistock (mid devon) in the early/mid 90’s and earned 2.75 an hour 396 per month take home making wetsuits in a factory in Lewdown (late teens, early 20’s) I ran a car, rented a room etc, I could read a map, drive a car/7.5 ton truck etc. I’d of bit my tight arm off to double my salary (taking into account inflation)

    My point is – as an expat. is life that easy in Devon now that one can cruise into a job that i would killed for in those days or have we come to expect more from life?

    Oh, and i only had 4 channels on me TV too, if that’s any help.

    Free Member

    I should add that i am almost his age and never crashed my F1, not once :D

    Free Member

    Rowan Atkinson uses his supercars all the time and it’s the first time I’ve heard of him crashing.

    Really? not for me I remember him spunking one of these Maclaren things into a Austin Metro some time back!!

    I’d be doubling his premium if i were his insurance company he can’t drive for shite.

    Free Member

    According to the turner catalogue the 2005MY has 3 inches, and the nitrous 2005MY 4, was this a printing error?

    Typo maybe, defo 4″

    Free Member

    At the front? google runners knee, sounds like it too me.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a couple. the travel is actually 100mm in the rear. you may be thinking of the turner burner? that had less travel, very similar bike but a bit heavier, had one of those too, nice bike. I find the BB a little low on the burner and flux thou.

    Free Member

    besides backlit and water proof (ish) the VDO 1.0+ is very good and fits the bill. I have two. One broke recently as i washed my bike upside down with it on, then had to dry it out in the airing cupboard for 2 days. :D it now works.

    I should add that the altitude thing is excellent, and very very accurate

    Free Member

    Depends on weather, a lot.

    Free Member

    Order before midday and it’s delivered next morning

    That would be awesome, i’m in New Zealand! :lol:

    Free Member

    I accidently clicked on this:

    And instantly felt the urge to deficate on any Rapha clothing that i could find in my cycling cloths drawer. It seems that you have to now look like one of the village people to wear that shite.

    I’m out, screw you Rapha!

    Free Member

    yer only a couple of screws, it’s quite easy. the hardrive is fried, it’s not even spinning now. It has been making weird noises for a while now, and only would boot occasionally, now nothing! I guess i’ll try and locate someone with the disks for a similar computer and see if that works before i try and buy anything. I’ll try the caddy wotsit with theirs if i can?

    Free Member

    I was looking at getting original apple software: Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3

    I’ll contact the supplier and ask him if it’ll work i guess?

    Free Member

    I wish to god i understood what you just said :D where could i get instructions for that online, for someone who is quite stupid, i.e. me.

    Free Member

    I haven’t got them, it was an ex-lease one!

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