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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • alexathome
    Free Member

    Yup, it’s certainly not a long term solution. Mass renouncement of an incompatible ideology is the answer. But good luck with that!

    Free Member

    @oldracer. I’ve noticed a definite bias from the audience response and panel response. It’s disappointing.

    Free Member

    To me it has become clear that we need Frank open discourse about the problems that we’re facing and how we as a country can address them. Without fear of having negative labels attached to our arguments. It’s not constructive.

    Free Member

    No, not on this thread – but it’s the general response when anyone brings up these points on the BBC etc.

    Free Member

    @davidbelstein: that sounds absolutely nothing to do with relegion at all. Goodness knows where that comment was coming from.

    Free Member

    Or just read the same handbook that these guys are reading and get to grips with why they are doing what they are doing. Read about the backgrounds of the imans in places where they ‘worshiped’ or the structure of the prisons that they did time in. We’ve allowed this to happen – through being so damn PC that we’re calling people racists or islamophobic for even talking about it.

    Free Member

    Macattack – I’d suggest that you do say exactly what you think. I’ve done that and cut the amount of poorly informed apologetic bs posts that I’ve had to see everytime I open Facebook.

    Free Member

    You could so that, but weatabix isn’t as much fun as booze now is it.

    Free Member

    Cant achieve what? Did you watch the race?

    Same rate of accent on the climbs.

    Free Member

    Hmmmmmmm, weird observation. Just wondering why when women can achieve at such high levels. Radcliffe, Wellington etc………… Why can’t they in cycling. Running and tri are underfunded, even compared to women’s cycling – so why the disparity?

    Free Member

    Do it after thou, or you’ll make a right mess of it! Use some masking tape to hold the cocktail stick thing Central whilst the no more nails drys. This is the time to make your cocktails, hopefully you’ll of thought ahead and put ice in the crusher and opened the vermouth to ‘breath’ by the time you come around (in my case a day or two) the whole thing should be solid. Slightly trim the paper of the plater boards as you said in a taper, it’ll prevent roughing it up when you sand flush. When your done, pour yourself another drink.

    Good luck, but stay off the ‘harvey will bangers’ *boom* *boom*

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It’s a good idea, because it gives you great reason to get sh1t faced on wired coloured drinks with fruit in them.

    Free Member

    Cocktail parasol
    No more nails

    No one will ever know………..

    Free Member

    Why would that affect them?

    Free Member

    True, they are good – granted. At the top end. But they are not as fast as men up the hills. The ‘chart’ is wrong. They have not got the watts/kg of men – only up to a a cat 1/2 level I’d say. If you stuck lizzie armistad in with a a bunch of cat 1/2’s I think that she may hang on in the climbs, but in in the pro ranks – not a chance.

    Just an observation, on where they stand and the ideas as to the reasons why, smaller lungs, hearts etc? Just curious as when you look at Paula Radcliffe, she’s not far off the men, but women road riders are a big chunk lower. Just wondering why, tis all.

    Free Member

    Aren’t kittens fluffy!

    Free Member

    A moment on the lips! He’s right you know.

    Free Member

    That’s fine, but stay away from the biscuits.

    Free Member

    But is a 1k effort really a sprint? I know that I’m not a sprinter, but I know that on a 1 minute effort that I am pretty strong, I tend to die on my ass after 2 and a half mins thou. At least that’s what my stravering tells me.

    Free Member

    Wow, that looks like a lot of fun, I’ve never seen that before. I don’t think that they have anything like that where I live. I’ve ridden track before, 3 or 4 times, in Newport years ago. It was fun.

    It’s pretty popular where I live, but the local velodrome is a bit crap compared to the new ones. I just need to fill some void for being a bit competitive at something and I think that track might play to my strengths more than road does, if that makes any sense.

    Free Member

    I think things are a little more backward where I live! Our local track is outdoors! She’ll be right!

    Free Member

    Edit… there are probably more informed forums on which to ask this question though!

    Probably :D, but I don’t have the worry of coming across as a clueless noob so much on here, as I guess lots of guys from here have probably given track a go. I guess that weight must be a factor to some extent, as you have to accelerate, and then you generally have more drag if you are wider, ie fatter.

    A guy I sometimes ride with is pretty handy on the track, he does the 3k (as he’s too old for the 4k). I might tag along and check it out. I guess that I wouldn’t have to do so much training to race for just a minute either, which is good! Maybe that’s me just being optimistic thou.

    Free Member

    Even at Hoy size it’s ‘only’ 716w average over the distance.

    Wow, really? I’d of thought it’d be more than that. It must be more Shirley?

    Free Member

    I could manage 700 I’d of thought, for a minute, if I was fit. Maybe I should give it a go, I’m a bit over road riding.

    Free Member

    I think that you’d do pretty well mr blobby, unless you’re huge. 750 to 850 watts for a minute according to your link gets you a good time, just over a minute. So if you can do 700 for 90 secs you should do really well. Not sure I could keep up 700 for anywhere near 90 seconds. I’m only 72kg when in shape, not sure how much difference weight would make thou after you get up to speed.

    Free Member

    How long would the 1k take you mr blobby?

    Free Member

    Pro sport clean – what an odd question?

    Indeed it would be, if anyone had asked it :roll:

    Free Member

    Have you considered explaining to them that they could have a career in pro cycling?

    They do ride somewhat professionally, but not proteam. But they don’t get paid nearly as much as the guys that you see in the tour! A couple of them work in bike shops to supplement their income.

    Free Member

    100% nibali’s performance on stage 13 was achievable by guys that I ride with (on their slacker Sunday rides) that don’t dope, that for me makes think that this tour isn’t the usual BS. I can’t see where there has been any show of the bad old days.

    Free Member

    Oh good, at last a thread that can contain speculation, conjecture, gossip, questioning, desk jockey logic, bored teenage musings, prattle and plain nosey recriminations on the state of Pro Cycling.

    Can you elaborate?

    Free Member

    Though Vino is I believe a very popular figure amongst the peloton.

    I guess that you didn’t watch the few minutes after then finish at the London Olympics then!

    I stand by my assertion that the power outputs this year are highly credible in terms of being achievable and only put themselves a touch above cat 1 levels – which Is where they should be.

    Sure there is cheating, there is in cat 4, 3, 2, 1, elite and pro I know, I’ve seen it, or at least heard about it. But I believe at the top it now at least looks pretty credible in terms of what is humanly achievable without PED’s.

    Free Member

    I can accept and applaud his win, but the way he cruised through the pack, then caught and passed both the chase group and the leaders just puts that little doubt in my mind.

    Don’t forget that he was protected all day and his w/kg were pretty average. Looked good, but only when compared with like for like. (IMHO)

    Free Member

    as above, with the arrow thing. Thanks to accessibility to riders data that we have now I am beginning to believe that it’s pretty much drug free.

    And I was the biggest skeptic out there. I’ve raced bikes.

    Free Member

    Yer he road away from them, but if they were putting out 5.6 watts per kg and he was putting out 6.5 for a few mins then it would of looked the same as Armstrong riding away from riders putting out 6.5 whilst he put out 8 W/kg. The speed and power looks lower than it used to. Look at Valverde and Armstrong up Corchevel, that’s EPO and oxygen vector drugs at work, I’d say that if there’s any doping today then it’s minimal at best, not enough to add the 15+% to W/KG as before.

    Free Member

    Well……………. I can’t see that these pro’s are producing significantly more power than the local riders that I ride with – where as if you look at Pantani’s Watts per KG they are just mental. That’s what I’m basing my assumption on. Ten dam’s was 5.6 today – this isn’t beyond the realms of possibility by any standards, not sure what race you were watching.

    Free Member

    I didn’t want to bring up Tiernan-Locke, as the jury is still out on that one. Plus I don’t know enough about the passport system to have a worthwhile comment. But it does seem that with the exception of a couple of recent pingings that the actual performances themselves are certainly more believable now-a-days.

    Free Member

    Well, yer Horner might be a little suspect – but he’s pretty light, so would of only put out maybe 325/335 watts over that final climb – which is the best part of F’all compared to the days of Pantani.

    Free Member

    It’s culturally acceptable and it can make you appear more attractive than you actually are by accentuating your natural appearance or detracting from, or disguising your imperfections. That’s about it, no great mystery.

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