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  • Thinking of starting a charity event? Tips from the Calder Divide Challenge!
  • alex222
    Free Member

    Errrmmm – that does not reduce the amount of money in the economy – it just moves it around a bit

    Surely if more people are claiming benefits then paying taxes then we are just generating debt?

    Free Member

    That is exactly why I can't or for that matter don't try to do jumps on my xc bike other than kicker type transitions. Also I have a bmx so why would I even consider doing that on an xc bike?

    There are plenty of jay boys who go to bolehills on xc bikes and look like goobers; I for one don't want to be that guy who turns up english bunny hops off a lip then cases the landing and beaks their arm.

    Didn't DC jump the car park straight clipped in on a prince albert with the saddle up?

    Free Member

    I think you'll find its the the correct height minus about 1 inch. Look at minars bike he does ride full stretch on his saddle. I guess its horses for courses but you should be able to ride xc all day without touching your saddle. You can do everything but manual and jump bmx tracks/trails on a xc bike. I ride tech stuff out in the peak without touching my saddle.


    Free Member

    Peaty's saddle there is hip height, where it should be its his bars that are higher relative to the saddle, newer dh bikes have slacker angles and lower bars so that saddle height and bar height are closer still.

    Free Member

    Don't most of the WC DH riders ride with their saddles at full reach? I try and keep my saddle up. Can't bunny hop as high but can still hop over fallen trees etc, can pump, can jump (just not steep transitions) can't manual, can climb and corner better, cos it forces your weight forward which is always going to help you climb and descend. Weight over the front wheel is a good thing. Just need to get used to it, I've spent a while getting to the point where I'm comfortable with it though. Used to find it horrible so used to put my saddle down for descents.

    Free Member

    Yes my post was not in anyway based on facts but I was trying to illistrate a point (however badly) :D

    The point is that the population is growing, maybe not in this country but overall in the world we are in a population boom, so even if we halve our energy requirements (UK) all the rest of world (most of the worlds) energy demands are going up as the billions of people move from very little energy usage to probably a 'X' fold increase. These economies are growing and these growing economies with growing populations are going to move into a more comfortable lifestyle which invairiably will require more energy. So by us halving our energy demands what impact will that have on the rest of the worlds energy requirments? Next to sweet FA I would think.

    As for actually reducing our use of energy, look at the world climate convetions what has been achieved? Nothing. How is joe puplic across the whole world going to be convinced to reduce energy consumption when people are so selfish.

    So I guess we are all doomed which ever way you slice it.

    Free Member

    Yawn, how many times is this going to be recycled?

    Energy demands go up. Load across the grid goes up more power stations have to be built. Can we supply enough energy by one method alone? Surely you have to live in cloud cookoo land to think that 60 million people can get all of their energy demands from the severn estury and 5 or 6 off shore wind farms at Scunthorpe.

    I don't see what the issue with the dangers of nuclear power is. Its not like our oil or coal is ethically sourced. No ones yet pointed out the horible ends politicians will go to, to get these resources.

    There are types of reators that actually generate fuel. Fast breeder reactors; also perhaps the risk of terrorist attacks would be greatly reduced if we stopped invading muslim countries rich in this sort of mineral wealth.

    I think alot of this thread is absolute waffle, there are alot of people on a high horse who aren't looking at the bigger picture.

    Is it ideal? What are we (the government) going to do about it? There has to be some middle ground and whilst nuclear isn't the only or the best answer at least it is an answer. If people keep going round in circles we will come to a point where we can't make or do anything we will be f-u-c-k-e-d. So decisive action must be taken even if it isn't the best action. A move in any direction is better than none surely.

    No I'm not trolling and yes my grammer/spelling is shocking but. No I don't have the facts bt I think this has been done to death several times already.

    Free Member

    Basicaly what I've learn't from this thread is that we're all going to die no matter what, so lets just wreck the place up before we go.

    I know this is a pretty deplorable thing to say but if the world goes to war in 50 years over oil and the all the reactors blow up followed by prolonged nuclear holocaust and then the climate change comes into play then we're all doomed any way, I won't see my 80th birthday and if not I want to say at least I did get involved in some apocolyptic antics before I died.

    The world is already over populated and energy demands are going to go up so theres not much we can do to stop it.

    Nuke the French first, followed by the Yanks.

    Free Member

    I have a question… Alot of people are talking about 40 years ago people were predicting global cooling. This was before some legislation about chimney height, people burning wood/coal etc etc. If the case is that sut in the atmosphere that was low down so light wasn't able to reach the ground would it actually have been 'local' cooling?

    I know its abit off topic but there seems to be alot of people making wildclaims about this and using it to 'prove' that climate change/'global warming' is a conspiracy.

    I'm not questioning whether by the way I just think that this might help clear up some peoples lack of understanding.

    I do have another question but I'll ask that later once this one has been cleared up.

    Free Member

    hand bags at dawn! This is proper riding in my esteemed opinion thems is proper gaps blud.
    Whilst north shore is challenging it isn't aestheticallypleasing to watch. Oh and Nicko is an acomplished rider (except at hopton castle :roll:)

    le Jew. XX

    Free Member

    hendersons relish not lea & perrins

    Free Member

    It depends which bmi chart you look at, also common sense tells me that 8.5 stone is an unhealthy weight for anyone unless they are 12. Also which part of the BMI chart being a guide and no real significance did you not understand? Are you anotherone of these people with eating disorders who are "in control".

    Tell you what lets have a press up comp or are your arms made of rice noodles?

    Free Member

    Realman I honestly think you have an eating disorder. I am 5'11-6' ish and weigh 12st. You can se my ribs. Are you sure you're not starving your self. I think you may actually have real issues with food mate. Being that skinny is every bit as bad for you as being morbidly obese. Have some cream cakes and bacon butties,or does the thought of that make you ill? Maybe I'm wrong and you actually take amphetamines and smoke crack daily to supress your apetite. Either way you need help!!!

    Free Member

    This is the best topic ever

    Free Member

    So you think that a)there isn't a valid point in what I'm saying b)no one else has posted anything reactionary on the topic and c)the whole topic hasn't been recycled over and over already?

    Free Member

    I am also now going to have another close look at this so-called "theory of evolution" and the claim by scientists that the world couldn't have been made in 6 days.

    You are foolishly assuming that Gods days have the same operative cycle as Earth days. Its a well known fact that 1 day on mercury is well over 58 Earth days. So its impossible to know how long one of Gods days are. :D

    Free Member

    5 feet of snow – The Dirty Secrets (Miami Horror mix)

    Free Member

    moderate muslim = oxymoron. Its the stupidest idea ever but there no way any one will stop it as we are too scared to be un pc. Oh yes I think we should have never gone to any muslim state in the first place.

    Free Member

    blatently a 5 or specialized pitch for all round suspension performance and geometry. zaskar or p7 for hardtail lushness. Surely a sunn radical or a ironhorse sunday santa cruz v10 for suspension performance dh. I've not owned any of these by the way I have a reign and a glory. Both excellent bikes and brill suspension performance although the reign doesn't have tip top geometry, still rides nice though. It was accident rather then design that I ended up with two giants.

    Free Member

    Well surely its the society that has more or less forced them into growing it as a source of income.

    These people are very poor also and uneducated. Perhaps the war lords that effectively force them into growing it in the first place are really the ones answerable? Unfortunately its one big cycle that will never end, while ever there is demand people will grow it, however you may argue that by it being there in the first place creates the demand. Which came first the addict or the grower?

    It will never end but in reality its less of a drain on society then alchohol, cigarettes and fat cluckers or even pension stealing bankers.

    You can't beat a good bit of recreation every now and again though can you.

    Free Member

    +1 :lol:

    Alonso may be just slightly better at it though.

    Free Member

    Its totally impossible to do that. While ever there are humans there will be drugs/crime. Heroin use is documented in egyption times. Oh and go to Afghanistan and burn all the poopy fields? Isn't that what were supposed to be doing right now? Only I'm sure we've stopped because to win the hearts and minds of the people out there we have to help them make a living and guess what, growing heroin for drug trafficing is how they make a living.

    Free Member

    CBIL – What if the heroin addict attacks/mugs apensioner who has never worked and been chronically alchoholic all hs life? Or old man who abuses children? Are these two people deserving of the violence that is eroniously linked with the drug? Is this a case of social eugenics happening? I think that by assuming that all old people are law obiding and have never done anything reproachable is a little nieve isn't it?

    Also what about the fat peple who are too fat to work? Should they be put down ad left to rot? You have the assumption that by killing all people who do these things and these people not having children the problem goes away! Unfortunately I think you'll find this is not the case at all and to believe it is boardering on stupid enough to fall in to your own death trap. I will laugh when the CBIL SS come round and inject you with zyclone B becaus eyou have failed to meet you own criteria for worthy of life!

    Free Member

    +1 At last some one who knows that they don't know. Not a

    Lewis is the Golden Child. FACT.

    Know it all Nigel.

    Free Member

    Lots of people on here have said he's the greatest driver. Or going to be the greatest (not may be the greatest). Which is my point you can't say something is going to be anything with any certainty.

    No I don't know as much about F1 as alot of people on here but I do know what hype is and how it can totally make something seem like it will be better then it actually is. Alot of people on this forum seem to speak about something with an authority that they clearly don't have. How many people are saying with absolute certainty something that they clearly couldn't ever possibly know? Every one who's said I'm trolling for a start. There is an assumption that by watching every race for the past five years you are an expert.

    There are images of Schumacher totally wasted out of his face yet there aren't any of Hamilton. Why?

    Free Member

    I'm not trolling. Schumacher partied hard, was never hyped until he had proved himself. The reason he appears to not be full of fire is because he is german. Hamilton doesn't have that excuse he harks from afro-angle heritige he should have a massive personality. I have said there is no doubt hamilton is good; he is just way too over hyped. You also can't knock him for the clearly difficult background he has had compared to other drivers but yet again this should bolster his personality, not over emphasise the lack of it. Yes he has achieved alot so far, but no where near as much as he was reckoned to by now. Like I have said before you can only say he's the greatest ONCE he has PROVED it. Not bassed on opinion of what he could achieve. Thats my point. How long has it taken for Steve Peat to reach the goals that were apparantly laid out before him?

    Free Member

    Never the less he is still a total boring nobber :lol:

    Free Member

    My bad Raikonen beat him that year :oops:

    Free Member

    I know he's very well rated. I also know that not one sports person in history has ever lived up to the hype that surrounds them. Whether he is truely the greatest can only be found out 1 way. Guess what it doesn't involve experts and arm chair experts saying what he will do it involves looking back at his career after he has achieved all of these things. Schumacher never got this much hype until he'd won about 5 on the bounce. So far Hamilton has failed to deliver and until he does deliver championship after chamionship on the bounce I won't beleive it. Raikonen beat him in his rookie year, when he was going to be the first driver in history to ever win in his rookie year. 1st fail then in the best car by a mile won…. Its a load of horse plop. Also the fact that he is THE MOST BORING DRIVER IN F1 EVER counts strongly against him, wheres the fire? Wheres the humour? Wheres the do or die excenticity? No where, just like him. It does my head in when people just assume that because some expert says something it true. Closet Hamiton fan? Maybe; only if he comes good. Then I'll bum him hard till then I'll remain sceptical.

    Free Member

    No he's not he is boring as sin and totally overated. Just cos you want to fill him with your man love doesn't make him amazing. Plus what are your credentials for this statement? Are you a veteran of F1?

    Free Member

    Every one bums Hamilton. I don't get it. Loads of people want to fire their soapy fish all over his dullard face. His car was clearly the best car when he won his season and when he came second, even tough Alonso beat him in the same car. So surely that makes Alonso the better driver? He did poo at the start of this last season cos his car sucked. When they sorted it he started winning races. No suprise. He is a good driver for sure but he's not that convincingly good. He is also so boring it hurts. In fact I hate Hamilton, boring over rated and oh yeah it turns out a dirty cheeting cock. Screw him I much prefer Button, who is also a clearly good driver. Better than alot of people give him credit for, whilst spunking over Hamilton cos he was on blue peter and 'even then you could see he was a champion'. I hope he crashes out and ruins his season. Shumacher won't do that well after so many years out. Plus Ferrari have had a howler of a car for the past 2 years I think.

    Free Member

    Onzadog – Member
    Goan, I'm still running Hope E4 brakes from when they were first released. Might have gone through a few oads and changed the seals but that to me is a product that lasts.

    Anyone got a seal kit for the original 4 pot Shimano XT brakes??????

    I've had this broom for 25 years. Its had 5 new heads and 3 new handles. Still going strong.

    Never had to replace my shimano seals and they're 4 years old. If the seals go in the next 6 months I'll just pick a new caliper up for about £40. Also shimano brake work…

    Like the hubs though.

    Free Member

    Why have my posts been deleted? They were
    a)clearly ment tounge in cheek
    b)no more backward then some of the coments on the thread even if they were, which they clearly were'nt, ment seriously!

    What a load of bobbins.

    Free Member

    Any sentance that starts with those words…. I'm not racist but; means that a racist sentance is about to be spilled out. Move to Switzerland if you don't like it!

    Free Member

    netsky from the every day junglist website. Liquid dnb = awesome. Similar to high contrast/hospital records. Loves it

    Free Member

    This is clearly a pointless argument. Why continue putting facts and figures on a screen. I know it you know it every one knows it. Its inconvienient to deal with so people deny it. Can we do anything to stop it? I don't know. Does flying x amount of scientists and x amounts of politicians to a place where they won't come to an agreement help? Does sitting on a computer and typing information help?

    We are in a position to use our own common sense and regardless of what you believe, or choose to ignore, act. Will it make a difference though?

    How can people in an ivory tower tell us to reduce our carbon footprint whilst they are increasing thiers?

    I don't want to be trite but what a load of bs.

    We almost certainly are affecting the world we live in. Unlike Michael Jackson however I don't believe looking in the mirror and making small changes is enough.

    I know people have to travel to raise awareness etc but when Bono flys a hat out to a global warming awareness concert you have to ask yourself; is it even worth bothering? I could leave a light on for a year and it would still give me a smaller cf then if I flew items of clothing to wherever I am in the world.

    Free Member

    course and sport fishing are boring to watch and take part in. Deep sea and fly fishing are very good to take part in not so good to watch. Crown green bowls, flat green bowls, curling, clay pigeon shooting are all boring.

    Free Member

    My girlfriend works with Andy Nicholsons mum he was the first bassist in the Arctic Monkeys. She also went to school with Toddla T who for all of you oldies is an in new music we trust dj on R1.

    My Parents next door neighbours brother was a trumpet player for anni lennox.

    One of my dads patients knocked Prince Naseem out in a chippy when he pushed in front of the que (when he was champion of the world).

    I saw steve peat outside b&q in hillsborough.

    Danny Hart shouted pedal at me on the second avalanche enduro at kielder.

    Free Member They do have mtb rides. I'm a member but I only go out with them on my road bike.

    Free Member

    The band I was in when I was 18 supported bad manners.

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