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  • Win A Bike, Help Someone Else Ride a Long Way
  • alex222
    Free Member

    I'm pretty sure they're all as bad as each other. Cameron, Brown and Clegg are all politicians aka liars and power hungary etc.

    Free Member

    Dubstep, ie Rusko, Caspa, Cofi, Benga, Skream, Chase and Status loads of others out there. As far as dnb gos there always the classics like andy c ram records, also look up twisted individual, london elektricity, phsyentific, logistics, future bound, chase ans status, tc also netsky loads and loads really. House music simian mobile disco and also justice don't know as much about house music.

    Free Member

    it is a forum. i am now purposely not using capital letters becouse i enjoy watching numpties get on a high about grammer when really there are more imprtant things to worry about like; oh i don't know wednesday going down. looser.

    Free Member

    maybe. perhaps we should also kill forum pedants 😀

    Free Member

    Who cares…. I live in hillsborough and I hope some one blows up leppings lane with all the dumb a **** football fans in it. It is the lowest common denominator and I think some form of eugenics should be exercised on all football enjoying ****ts.

    Free Member

    Last (bikes)?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Doesn't matter who he is, the real question is why is he pushing?

    Free Member

    Could you not just go to a bolt shop? I'm sure they'll have a bolt that is the right length and fits.

    Free Member

    They're feeding them up because fat kids are sexy.

    Free Member

    The cost was the main reason for me asking, nearly £80 cheaper for a pushed shock form tf.

    Free Member

    Right so as I've got a maestro link I don't want propedal?

    Free Member

    I have a reign. As for fiddling, I used to wind my forks up and down, then I gave up because I kept forgetting to wind them back out before decsending. As for settings once my rebound and compression are set I very rarely change them. I fiddled with the flood gate a bit on my pikes but not much.

    Free Member

    So please someone tell me why this god (in his all knowing and infinite kindness)was looking the other way when Catholic priests were abusing children..


    Free Member

    I havent watched the vid because its a work computer and I can't install the flash player. My home computer is about 1.5m away, I'm not sure if I actually want to watch the vid though.

    Free Member

    DrJ you have out foxed me. I'mcoming out with my hands up, please don't shoot.

    Free Member

    I have a friend who ahas done butling in pants and a dickie bow.

    Free Member

    Graham/Mol I think you missunderstood me I wasn't saying that god was actually the higgs boson or lust for that matter or that I thought either of those things, I was trying to illustrate my earlier point that there are some parallels to be drawn with religion and science. I think Mols superior knowledge and grasp of the english language allows him to make the point far more eloquently.

    Science I guess is the formalisation of doubt. Purely in the sense that the more answers you get the more questions appear. Or to go back the the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy you can only know the answer to the ultimate question or the question to the ultimate answer at any one time. Ie 42 is the nswer but no one knows what too.

    Free Member

    No its the thread for the axle bolts. Bought the axle second hand and the third anf fourth(ish) threads are slightly damaged.

    Free Member

    Why not Graham? You don't have to actually think that the world was created in seven days do you? I mean one of gods days could be around a billion of our years.

    Free Member

    you can because I have one, only its not fluted, looked on the cromwells website and they do have a fluted 3/4 24 unf second tap.

    Free Member

    Theres one I saw in Ireland. It had chains all over it along with some wierd stains, the restraining system was second to none though.

    Free Member

    I was on a ride with the head of maths at a 6th form scool who said when he was a lad he had a job on a farm. He said he was always interested and got a bit excited when the cow insemiator came round. So I called him a pervert.

    Free Member

    indoctrinated fear('what if it just might be true?')
    A feeling of helplessness
    Belonging to a social group

    Just like being a member of the stw forum then? 😀

    Free Member

    Who actually said that?

    Free Member

    Yup thats pretty much it.

    Free Member

    Once you start saying things like 'maybe God is the universe' you're not talking about anything anymore. Sure it's big and mystical sounding but it's just noise. All it's doing is trying to make people's sky fairy beliefs look a little less shaky.

    I don't actually believe in god like I've said before I'm playing devils advocate. I don't think its a far stretch to say it though. God is dark matter/the universe/higgs boson/the reason gravity is such a weak force/human suffering/greed/envy/lust. You get the idea.

    Free Member

    In those terms then both science and religion are creations of man. Both the manifestation of man wanting to rationalise and explain that which is around him. Like I said earlier both tied by the same rope.

    I heard this once and I liked it "is god as much a creation of man as man is a creation of god?"

    I also heard this "To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant"

    I think that they sum it up along with mrmo quote quite nicely.

    Free Member

    You could head further south into the peak round crich etc.

    Free Member

    Often dieting will show quick weight loss. This is water. Unfortunately of fortunately depending on how you think to effectively change the fat content of your body you will need to change your lifestyle. Namely exercise also what you eat needs to change. There is no quick fix. It will take time. You may also find you don't actually loose weight at all. This doesn't matter though, weight is a term used when actually meaning fat mass. You will probably find it hard to loose a great deal of weight at all. Unless you are over weight. Too much fat not enough muscle.

    Free Member

    ahwiles. I don't think anyne has done anywork for about 2 years, I susspect it mught be welcomed.

    Free Member

    very concise and well put. I guess some of thagt is what I was trying to say.

    Free Member

    I don't think I ever described god. I think your being facetious. Or is it me being facetious?

    But how close has the world come to destruction over dogma, be it political or religious. Makes a change for science to threaten the world on its own account and not as a adjunct to some other method.

    No but science did invent the atom bomb, the gun, the process for making steel from iron, the jet engine, intercontinental ballistic missile. Just because the war is in the name of religion doesn't mean science hasn't made the people die.

    Free Member

    Its by twentywell lane I think.

    Free Member

    the click is the best bit.

    Free Member

    Its starting again. God is just a word to describe something beyond description. You call it flying cleg nut and the robotic soul cocktail mixer or whatever the name doesn't matter. This is why that argument is irrelevant. Maybe this imaginary thing flying round some people call god is called the higgs boson by other people?

    Free Member

    Eth3r I think you'll find the higgs boson created celery whilst god was out smoting scientists.

    Free Member

    I'll take that as a compliment.

    Free Member

    Look I'm not saying that its wrong I'm just playing devils advocate. I for one do believe that quantum physics and super string theory (M theory) give answers to alot of questions. I do believe that the higgs boson does exist somewhere. I was just drawing parallels with religion because there are some. Explaining the unexplainable blah blah blah. Just find it hard to believe that 'open minded' people could be so dismissive of something that there can be no proof of. I also find it funny how people blame all the wars in the world on religion but fail to see how science has delivered the killing envelope. Unfortunately or fortunately science and religion are tied with the same string. They both serve a similar purpose just one is alot older and hence the dogma attached is harder to break. There is and I stand by this I also think that this thread has proven it scientific dogma. All I was trying to point out is that there is at times little divergence between the two. However much some people want there to be.

    Free Member

    God damn it lifer. Can't you go and do some accounting? 😯

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