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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Chain Lubes
  • alex222
    Free Member

    dtf I don't think your hard mate. I think your all mouth and no trousers. 😆

    Free Member

    The high way code says you are allowed to exceed the speed limit to make a safe overtaking manouver though clubber. If you are overtaking on solid white lines then you are an arse hole. Yes speed does kill, but not perhaps the biggest factor contributing to death. It would perhaps me more reasonable to say cars and motorbikes kill so perhaps they should be banned.

    Free Member

    Considering you can only get opium from opium poppies I find it hard to believe poppies that are in food are of the opium type. You would eat a bagel and then be spannered.

    I think people eating poppy covered bagels and then failing drugs tests is an urban myth.

    Free Member

    all of the people saying it shameful…. you do know that the usa funded the ira as well as harbouring ira bombers and not extroditing them back to the uk. they can hardly take the moral high ground now can they. what about funding israel and allowing them to continue to carry out genocide and mass murder? how about breaking the geneva convention to go to war without provication? torturing suspected terrorists with no evidence? or causing environmental disaster countless tmes without cleaning up after themselves? whats shameful is the uk or more england bending over backwards to back up a bunch of egotistical, moronic, morally void, glory hogging idiots frankly.

    Free Member

    Junkyard historical evedence would suggest that no animal/species has ever survived that long. What give you the impression that we can? We are already running a full capacity interms of population. How can we possibly survive 4 billion years. We're no where near smart enough to ever come up with inter galactic travel. Also time travel will never happen. Fact.

    Free Member

    It is impossible to predict what will happen to mankind in the next 3-4 billion years with any degre eof certaintity

    We will die out?!

    Free Member

    Been thinking –

    Recreational drinking when your a teen = cool
    Recreational drinking in your early/mid 20's = cool
    Recreational drinking in your late 20's = what void are you avoiding?
    Recreational drinking your 30's+ = Your an addict.


    Free Member

    It just seems that where people knowingly choose, solely for their self acknowledged pleasure, activities which contribute to misery easily observed on their own doorstep, I can't help thinking that that is a selfish choice.

    How does this stand up? You are able to knowingly contribute to peoples suffering if it legal. Yet if you are knowingly contributing to peoples suffering by buying illegal product black market drugs, dvds or clothes or even download pirate films/music you are doing something far worse.

    Unfortunately the world is an unfair place. There is very little I can do to stop these things from happening except totally removing myself from the modern world, growing my own food, making my own clothes providing my own fuel etc can I have a fully clean conscience about other peoples suffering as a result of my life style. Even then its still all going on anyway.

    Free Member

    Grittyshaker. I'm sure that you buy legalproducts that also fuel human misery. Guns are probably a bad example. How about clothing? Or nuts? Nuts are or the lending of money by rich countries to help poor countries grow nut or coffee to make money is basically how third world debt was formed. The poorer countries borrowed money at a rate they would never be able to pay back even with the profits from their nut/coffee. The rich banks/countries knew this as they imorrally but legally lent the money to these countries. They did it to more than one to help flood the market so that the prices were kept down. Subsequently certain countires grow plants that can be processed to make drugs to sell at inflated prices to us for that very reason. In many way actually the cheap coffe, nuts and cotton you buy is bolstering this industry. If westeners actually paid the going rate then there would be less of a need for countries to get into growing the narcottics. Which by the way can be grown in much the same plantation that the nuts, coffee and cotton are. Its also fair to say the drugs trade is exactly as old as just trade. Yes my grammer is poor. 🙂

    Free Member

    gritty shaker, unfortunately alot of the things that are in this world lead to murder and petty crime etc. Just because a drug is illegal doiesn't mean that it is more responsible for murder then lets say the perfectly legal production of guns and ordanence, for example.

    Free Member

    m_f. That is my point exactly, 30 years of recreational smoking is no worse then 30 years of social drinking is it not?

    Free Member

    Alot of people on seem to be forming opinions without much in the way of insight into the subject. Stop being busy bodies. Hora for all you know this girl may have already been to the doctors because she has a congenetal defect with her ENT and you co workers could be as ill informed as you and jumped to the conclusion she must be inhaling drugs. She might be a massive coke head. Who knows?

    Midnighthour, you want to know why they are behaving like they are yet it serve no purpose to you. Again their behaviour could be linked to illegal drugs, or maybe not. What possible purpose could it serve to you other then some sort of sick pleasure gained from watching them unravel.

    Mr Whoppit, I know people who started drinking 30 years ago who have never stopped, they are all conviced they're not addicted either.

    Free Member

    Maybe so hora. Still you're the one juddging someone bassed on what someone else has told you. Do you have any evedence that she is an epic user? Or is it banter due to her nose bleed?

    Free Member

    epic user apparantly? Someone could say you like riding on a polish bike, doesn't make it true though. Unless of course you do.

    Free Member

    Why do you want to know? Unless their behaviour is impacting on you (your kids or said 'users' kids) then I seriously doubt that their personal life has aything to do with you.

    Free Member

    what? doing the ironing? You have a dirty mind.

    Free Member

    Well no but my girlfriend might if I give her enough vodka.

    Free Member

    No such thing. Have we done this?

    Proof please.

    Free Member

    What if you want to maintain your current weight but tone up? Or even maintain current weight and tone up and then add a half a stone to a stone of lean muscle?

    Free Member

    Most effective way to loose weight is actually really simple. Just eat one dog dirt sandwich a day just before you go to bed. You are guaranteed to loose weight. You breath will smell though.

    Free Member

    Its not banter though is it. It is niether playful, intelligent or origional.

    Free Member

    if being strongly opinionated – passionate almost – represents a writing style some find interesting

    Go and write an article then, instead of trying to be smarter then everyone else. I knew you didn't have the bottle to write an article that may get turned down. So instead you write silly forum posts for instant gratification.

    Free Member

    wharncliffe is bang where you are. Lots of trails lots of fire road, depends what you want to ride.

    Free Member

    he's gone quiet, have we touched a nerve?

    Free Member

    never going to happen. I think that he is all mouth and no trousers.

    Free Member

    your mum told me she got fed up of you and kicked you out mainly because you were going through here delicates and putting the soiled ones on. TS

    Free Member

    2. components on a bike should be silver or black. cables white. colours are so.. ghay. and no-one, not even a gay person, wants to look that ghay.


    Free Member

    er i've never met you.

    Free Member

    So now you're homophobic?

    Free Member

    Many friends then?

    Free Member

    You should look for frames and forks that are full chromo. We the People are very good. I think that the Diamond Backs are good value for money also. I have more or less a full fly diabalo, everything except the bars and cranks. Its a full chromo frame with sealed hubs and a hub with a freehub. Not after much.

    Free Member

    you are the lamest stw member. not funny, not annoying just lame.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    must be the strong smell of bs. 🙂

    Free Member

    They can be tempremental you just have to think ahead. Instead of waiting for the horse to get within kicking distance and then jumping around shouting 'jesus bloody jones'. You should have really moved back into the under growth/away from the fire road or put you bike down and walked abit further away, this would help keep the horse calm and stop you get scared.

    Free Member

    no because if they screw you over like I have been there is no comeback. I will not be using a personal gift again. Cheers JV. 😥

    Free Member

    you do seem to be a bit of a helmet though. For an educated man you seem to suffer from napoleon syndrome, are you short or do you have a micro penis? This would explain why you try to throw you 'weight'/ego around on a forum full of middle aged men who just want to banter with each other; I am aware not every one on this forum is middle aged its just a sweeping generalisation.

    Free Member

    not scary at all. rode them from being 3 yrs old.

    Free Member

    Its not a real job is it?

    Free Member

    I have his name but no address.

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