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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • alex222
    Free Member

    maccruiskeen – Member
    Completely not what the OP is asking for but I’ve been having some fun trawling this site:

    knock knock
    who is there
    watermalon who
    nobody. but your head looks like a watermalon

    That website is inspired. Nothing offensive in there either.

    Free Member

    Work is rubbish, thats why you get paid to do it.

    This has given me food for thought after the past two years of my life. It has also inspired me to do what I’m doing now.

    Free Member

    alex222 – that’s the long term plan for the OH and I too (but maybe not Whistler). Once Jnr has left school, the mortgage paid etc…. we’ll be the oldest ski bums in town

    Can’t you just rent your house out to pay the mortgage? Take your kids to the Alps and let them complete their schooling out there. They will be forever grateful, as well as being multilingual and able to ski mountain bike like bosses.

    Free Member

    So who thinks they’ve picked the wrong career?

    I do.

    And wWhat are you doing about it?

    Moving to Whistler to be a bar man or some other casual based work. In my spare time I shall be a mountain bike bum by summer and ski bum by winter.

    Free Member

    Which was based on putting solar panels on every roof – or did you miss that bit?

    Remind me again what is the thread title?

    Really, so why did you write “it could… provide 70% of a base load bassed on pretty rough and ready calculations; so let us assume that it could provide 35% of a base load.” – if you know that it wasn’t true? You do realise that you were the one who added “base load” to awhiles’ calcs which didn’t mention that?

    Yep I do realise I added that and yes it was inaccurate. Yes I appologise for not knowing as much as you.

    Do you know that the solution to the middle east problem isn’t to arm both sides with nukes and let them go at it? Good – let’s know what the solution is then?

    I’m not entirely sure whether you’re still missing the irony of writing a load of hype suggesting people were claiming something they aren’t right after grum’s comment about straw men.

    Free Member

    Live in a freezing cold house. Barely use any appliances. Only go on stw to argue when I should be working.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    alex222 – would you care to do the calcs to work out how much space you’d need for your molten salt battery to provide 70% 35% of the UK’s baseload? Though given you’re advocating solar panels on roofs, presumably you just put some molten salt storage under every house, along with the associated steam generator etc.?

    My comment was based on some calculations that someone else did as in ahwiles did some rough calculations to say that pv could provide 50GW which is 70%. I know it is not the answer I just find it hard to believe that it doesn’t go some way to helping out with the problem that we humanity are currently faced with. I would hold my hands up and say it is not the answer and I am by no means an expert but surely combined with other sources of power it can go some way to alleviating fossil fuel dependency?

    aracer – Member
    alex222 – Member
    Everyone is ready to jump up and down and say Photovoltaics, infrared hot water (hot water solar) onshore wind, offshore wind, tidal, wave, insert any form of renewable energy is useless. The only answer is coal and we may as well just deal with the rising cost of energy with no consideration for alternatives.

    grum – Member
    Do we have to have this straw man in every single thread about energy?
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    What is the answer aracer? You seem to know wholesale what isn’t the answer so presumably you also know what the wholesale answer is?

    Free Member

    so let us assume that it could provide 35% of a base load.

    So how does solar provide 70% of that when it’s dark?

    You got me; how does solar provide 35% of that when it’s dark?

    [edit]except at night[/edit] :D

    Free Member

    I’m guessing you don’t understand what “base load” means in the context of power generation.

    The minimum amount of power a utility company has to provide.

    Free Member

    that’s 100GW edit: 50GW

    the uk needs something like 70GW

    it could edit: couldn’t work… provide 70% of a base load bassed on pretty rough and ready calculations; so let us assume that it could provide 35% of a base load. That is better than a kick in the bollox and could help take the edge off the ever increasing fuel bills that are shafting the poor everyone pretty much.

    Free Member

    Solar panels make sense where it’s very very sunny.

    Photovoltaics don’t need direct sunlight. They are also more efficient in low temperatures. Those infra red water tubes for water systems also don’t need direct sun light.

    Free Member

    Most people are lazy

    Pretty much is the answer. Depressing really.


    The world population is growing, the energy use is increasing. We need drastic reduction or increase of production to go forward.

    Also pretty depressing. [/edit]

    Free Member

    I was going to post what grum said ^^^^^

    However there is no point. Everyone is ready to jump up and down and say Photovoltaics, infrared hot water (hot water solar) onshore wind, offshore wind, tidal, wave, insert any form of renewable energy is useless. The only answer is coal and we may as well just deal with the rising cost of energy with no consideration for alternatives. Surely if we used all in some kind of ‘combination’ we could reduce our dependency on fossil fuels which are finite?

    Maybe everyone who worked 10 miles or less than where they lived (if they work in an office or at another fixed location daily) could commute by bike as well while we’re at it; then perhaps the world would be a happier place fitter place?

    I predict that the answer from the multiple oracles here on STW will be no – and why should we try to stop the Japanese whaling as well you big bunch of hippies. Or similar.

    Free Member

    To be fair, we don’t need to eat any animals

    except for the ones we have eugenically bred to be slaughtered. It would be cruel to let them roam free. They cannot operate without us.

    Free Member

    arent we all kenyans?

    Hell yes

    Free Member

    Kimbers my post was completely tongue in cheek. I even have Muslim friends. Plus my cousin is married to a Kenyan man so I can’t be racist

    Free Member

    When will STW grow the bollocks to confront the increasing problem with Islam in the UK

    But those guys are nutters; they get all angry and stuff.

    Free Member

    , self-centred, selfish, ungrateful, unhelpful, rude, foul-mouthed, arrogant, argumentative, antagonistic, demanding and violent

    Sounds like she is on the path to woman hood.

    Free Member

    With sus and fat, you can tune the tyres for drive, traction and grip… And then tune the sus for the hits.

    I like Charlie’s answer.

    Because he has got bullshit bingo?

    Free Member

    Do you drink milk?

    Cows are bred by human for the sole purpose of providing us with food and milk. If we had not bred them that way the cow as we know it would not exist. Yes the milking regime may be considered cruel for the cow but the fact remains that is what they are bred for.

    Whales are not bred for human consumption. Some whales are endangered. Though it is not lear whether any of those whales that are endangered are currently being hunted.

    Free Member

    This is best demonstrated by increasing speed/clicking up a gear every minute or so until they lose the wheel and crack

    This is easily acieved on a SS commuter bike.

    Free Member

    She is one scary bride; attractive yes but she looks like a right bunny boiler.

    Free Member

    They help stop the rest of society from laughing at us though.

    Love this. The rest of the UK pretty much loath cycling wholesale. Wearing some baggies instead of lycra adds nothing to our cause here in the UK.

    Free Member

    This are unreal.

    Free Member

    I’m nobody special, I wasn’t particularly fat when I started, but I just got on with it.

    Free Member

    five more days

    Free Member

    I have a starlet 6 months tax and mot on it 70,000 yours for £400.

    Free Member

    2000cals worth of sugar into a condom and swallowing it

    Standard Friday night in singletrackworld?

    Free Member

    1000kcals is the same as 1000kcals,

    Well for a start off yes you are correct 1 dietary calorie is in fact 1kcal.

    However protein takes more energy to digest than other nutrients. SO surely that means 1000kcal of baked fish vs 1000kcal of deep fried chips have a different net calorific value once it has been eaten?

    I am not claiming to be an expert but that is my understanding. So if your diet solely consisted of fish then yes going from 1000kcal to 900kcal would have the obvious affect yet going from 1000kcal of chips to 1000kcal of fish would not have the same affect right?

    Free Member

    Have you tried riding fixed with a chain tensioner, alex?

    It was tongue in cheek aracer.

    Free Member

    God is Great

    But what if god was one of us?

    Free Member

    to summarise… calories in vs calories out

    If you don’t eat the correct number of calories then you body slows it’s metabolism down so it can be counter productive. Especially if you are exercising. Also are 1000 calories of chips the same as 1000 calories of baked mackerel fillet or 1000 calories of steamed broccoli?


    So you lift, then drop, wait a few seconds, lift, then drop etc yes?

    Because they are big compound moves that are multi joint and activate a large amount of muscle fiber they are also cardio vascular exercises. Or at least that is my understanding.[/edit]

    Free Member

    Door to door cycle mechnic[/url]

    Free Member

    make it fixed and it becomes ultra niche.

    Free Member

    Gym is not an option.

    renegade rows with kb, suicide press ups, press up variations, yoga and pilates. Go to a boxing gym.

    Bear crawls, body weight get ups (stand up no hands from lying down), over head lunges, split squats, kb swings, turkish get ups the list goes on.

    Free Member


    Maybe I just grew up a bit

    Free Member

    renegade rows, suicide press ups, press up variations, yoga and pilates. Go to a boxing gym.

    Free Member

    Without wanting to offend or upset anyone who is or has dealt with this in their lives – Bob isn’t it time you realised your never going to make it as a brain surgeon!


    Funnily (or not) there is a belief among other doctors that this is actually how brain surgeons / oncologists operate. The line they take is ‘the operation was a complete success but the patient is dead’ apparently.

    So Bob you’re doing fine so far.

    Free Member

    This is going to sound very insensitive but I have had a lot of time to think about it as my mother died from a grade 4 glioma last year; or a highly aggressive brain tumor for the layman.

    Unfortunately the mortality rate is 100%. As most other diseases in the west have been removed from the equation then cancer is pretty much all that we are left with.

    Go to India and fewer people die of cancer hurrah; they just die of something else at a much younger age generally.

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