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  • akysurf
    Free Member

    Even if some find it hard to believe that when the kids aren’t there, teachers still find something to do!

    Unless they are forced to ‘have leave?(not sure)’ and go off and look after their kids who can’t go to school due to the teacher’s strike.

    Free Member

    you dont get paid on strike mainly because you are not working.

    What about teachers who are forced to have time off to look after their kids, due to the striking teachers. Holiday; Unpaid leave; or make up the hours, I assume?

    Free Member

    School closures during next week’s strikes mean all employers need a contingency plan[/u]

    My wife’s employer (NHS) are offering three options:
    1) take holiday
    2) unpaid leave
    3) make up the hours

    I’d be interesting in hearing what’s on offer to teachers who don’t wish to strike but are forced to look after their kids? or would they just go on strike and get paid?

    Free Member

    So you’d be happy to go under the knife by someone who calls themselves a Dr, as opposed to someone who the BMA call a Dr?

    …depends on the circumstances.

    Free Member

    I’d expect the median pay to be well above the mid point of the range.

    quote: “Teachers get paid on sliding scales according to experience, seniority and other responsibilities. The scales are complicated – go to for a full breakdown – but generally range from the low £20,000s for a newly-qualified teacher up to £100,000+ for an executive headteacher. Median full-time salaries are in the £34,000-£36,000 range.” (ref:

    Free Member

    middle value

    As there are only two values stated, the median can be taken as the mean of these two values – I would guess.

    Free Member

    @Bangio – thanks, appreciate your comment.

    Free Member

    breakfast in bed, family walk.

    Free Member


    In response, I would say you are more qualified than most to form a fair assessment.

    Do you think the teachers are justified in striking?

    Free Member

    Ok, to sort out the tags, which we all love, and to make sure they stay within the bounds of a) being vaguely useful for searching etc. and b) stay within limits of taste and decency, here are the rules..

    Tags must be no longer than three words – any longer and they will be deleted
    Tags must follow the same rules of the forum ie.. no swearing or personal abuse.
    Tags must be relevant to the thread. They will be deleted if we think they are not.
    Tags of contributors names will be deleted. Calm that ego.

    Since when did I say I was a banker?

    Free Member


    Resorting to abuse = trait of a loser

    Free Member

    Of course they are


    Free Member

    I’ve already stated my view on the videos produced by those people.

    so when you listen to the BBC/ITV/C4 news, you check the credentials of the producers also?

    Free Member

    I’d say it was fair game after posting that ridiculous ‘debate’ video.

    debate it then….don’t just dismiss it, and change the subject.

    Free Member

    if we ever teach ranting though I am sure you will be on too a winner

    …is that called for?

    Free Member

    I explained why you could not do this for teaching…I did not say you could not do it for your job.

    ehhh….plain english!

    Free Member

    Become a teacher then.

    Personally, I’d be bored

    Free Member

    There is no way to control this and come up with a fair and objective measure of performance given they all work with different “materials”.

    I my job no two collegues have the same materials or objectives, but we are all measured on our performance and rewarded accordingly.

    Free Member


    I work for a private firm and I am very happy with my current pension arrangement.

    Free Member

    first two comments were actually factually incorrect

    Okay lets ignore the first two comments then..

    it is better to garner facts then form an opinion rather than form an opinion then search for supporting facts

    …so your saying I have no entitlement to form an opinion

    Free Member

    Are you having a laugh? You do realise it’s a US video and nothing at all to do with the UK union? Now that’s changing the subject.

    Similar issues accross the pond

    Free Member

    I’ve got about 40 seconds into that video and everything in it is total pish.

    Refuse to listen, fail to comprehend, and then change the subject.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You said it…

    Simple fatc is that teachers are striking because they can

    Free Member

    Take up road riding. Cut out carbs completely; just eat meat, fish and salads. Cut down on meal sizes and give up seconds. I’ve dropped 3 kgs since Christmas and now weigh 72 kgs, I’m 6′ or 1.82m. It makes hills much easier.

    bingo – exercise!

    Free Member

    we don’t call creative accountants fiscal engineers

    ….for the simple reason that….

    “An engineer is a professional practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to develop solutions for technical problems,”

    Free Member

    Cycling on the roads this week through the village while taking kids to school (kids were on the pavement) on two occasions I nearly died. First, a car overtook and turned left right in front of me. Second, A car overtook me with a car parked opposite (no space) and brushed me with wing mirrors, a witness in the car coming the other way couldn’t believe it. Sheer impatience, ironically, the old biddy parked up in the church car park and went to play bowls (or something), she must have been in a real hurry!

    Free Member

    Entreprenuers, on the other hand may be ‘entertainers’ ignoring the risks and not caring about the facts in order to make their idea a reality

    …great if youv’e got a clown face and a unicycle!

    Free Member

    With engineering comes responsibilty. Engineers aren’t chancers

    Free Member

    Here you go…

    Free Member

    recommend me a diet!

    German bean sprouts

    Free Member

    nuff said…

    Free Member

    Tom Peters (in search of excellence) Civil Engineer

    Jack Welch (youngest ever and most successful CEO GE) Chemical Engineer

    Michael Porter (marketing guru) Aerospace Engineer

    Let’s not forget Lord (Paul) Drayson,_Baron_Drayson

    Free Member

    work out what’s required, design a solution, inplement the solution and test it

    hallelujah – verging on the waterfall model

    Free Member

    ….and good for him.

    Unlike Mr sugar who gave up on business and turned to soap opera

    Free Member

    ‘I have never yet come across an engineer who can turn his hands to business’

    The Engineer’sanswer:

    “An engineer is a professional practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to develop solutions for technical problems,”

    “A businessperson (also businessman or businesswoman) is an entrepreneur or someone who is involved in the management of a company esp as an owner or executive”

    Sugar is a tw@

    Free Member

    Main pay scale including NQTs:

    •London fringe: £22,626 to £32,588
    •Outer London: £25,117 to £35,116
    •Inner London: £27,000 to £36,387
    •Rest of England and Wales: £21,588 to £31,552

    …..happy days

    Free Member

    Anyone reading Teachers striking again!!!!! with no less than FIVE exclamation marks, could be forgiven for thinking that teachers had only recently been on strike

    In retropect pehaps “Teachers striking again????? as it’s been nearly 3 years!!!!!” would have been more appropriate?

    Free Member

    [maybe !!!!! on a plackard will grab the same level of attension?

    recently been on strike

    3 year okay that’s not so bad, suppose…hmmmm?

    When was he last time you heard of an ‘analytical chemist’ (for example) striking? or a policeman, or a nurse….as I say “we can” therefore “we will” is the take home.

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