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  • Update: Gee Atherton ‘Not Too Bad’ After Massive Rampage Crash
  • aka_Gilo
    Free Member

    don – maybe the point I was making could have been better expressed, nonetheless I stand by it.

    The important thing is that people on here who are having a terrible time of things are getting the impression that I don’t give a damn. That bothers me because nothing could be further from the truth.

    Free Member

    you expressed that view rather poorly and this make a much more coherent and reasonable point.
    I suspect you will blame my comprehension though

    Fair enough, maybe my point wasn’t clear.

    Free Member

    Binners- that’s horrendous. I do feel for you (and please don’t take that as patronising). Unfortunately as part of my job I speak to people in similar positions to you on a regular basis.

    My point is that I could easily have ended up in your position, and equally you could be in my position.

    I fully understand why you feel so bitter, and in this debate my desired (but unlikely to happen) extension has no relevance.

    The point is that while those of us who (so far) have continued to do ok have no confidence in the economic future of this country, we have a problem.

    Apologies if you think I came across as not giving a sh*t for those who are struggling – that really isn’t the case.

    Free Member

    Opinions, yes. Extreme opinions to wind up, no!

    don – serious question – why do you think I was trying to wind people up?

    I gave an honest opinion – I’ve done well over the last few years, and I am acutely aware that many have suffered and are suffering. My point was / is that if people such as myself who are *curently* doing ok but have little or no confidence in the short-medium term economic future of this country and hence will not take out further credit, I think we as a country have a problem.

    Free Member

    Don’t you know sarcasm when you see it?… Go to bed mate

    Sorry. I’m so dim.

    Free Member

    Deliberately ambiguous to get the reaction you wanted. Good, but not good enough. I call troll.

    *Sighs* Is voicing a point of view that goes against the STW bullyboy massive really only likely to be deemed a troll?

    How depressing.

    Free Member

    oooh banker bashing! We love that.

    I’ve worked for 3 banks. Does that basically make me satan?

    You utter utter waste of space. Don’t you know you have no right to voice an opinion on here??

    Free Member

    You know I think you have done more to progress the argument that all the bankers that got us in to this mess are unsympathetic unrepentant **** than I could ever hope to achieve

    Assuming that’s aimed at me…it really never fails to amaze me that people on here don’t bother to read posts properly before venting their spleen.

    Free Member

    Anyway… how’s the extension? Everything you hoped it’d be?

    I’m off to kip now, but try and read a post properly before you reply – I have no extension, I don’t have the confidence in my future earning potential to take on extra debt for one. Hope this doesn’t spoil your argument.

    Free Member

    Always thought people who put the wrong fuel in were muppets…. until I did it myself. Luckily it was only 28p of petrol in a diesel tank, my missus storming out of the car shouting abuse (thank god she noticed) stopped me in my tracks.

    So, OP: good idea.

    Free Member

    Over and out.

    The STW bitter and twisted are out to play. Apologies for attempting to add a valid point to this thread, how silly of me.

    Don’t choke on your bile boys.

    Free Member

    Right on brother. Don’t let your prejudice blind you.

    Free Member

    I work for a bank in a fairly senior role. (for the last 2.5 years)

    The last few years have been very good for me.

    On my current salary I can do many things that I want to: in particular extend my house (and mortgage to the tune of £40-50k).

    However, I have no confidence that I can maintain my current income for the next “x” years until retirement.

    Hence I an reluctant (to put it mildly) to take on any more long-term debt.

    I am sure many people are in the same position as me.

    I think this is the crux of the problem we face for the forseeable future – lack of confidence leading to lack of spending, leading to lack of economic growth.

    Free Member

    My take:

    Summer – I miss the old rooty, rocky, Bristol-ness. Bring back the old trails.

    Winter – interesting, challenging, bmx-y, not remotely my type of trail, dry, gloop-free trails. Superb.

    I’ve had 20 years enjoying the old stuff, I could easily descend into grumpy old man “it was better in my day” nonsense, but overall – it’s new, it’s different, it requires the acquisition of new riding skills, it demonstrates a commitment to mountain biking for Bristol – bring it on.

    Free Member

    40. English / Scots / Manx mongrel 🙂

    Free Member

    Thank god I’ve had my tea…. :-/

    Free Member

    Poor woman with a prolapse, she pee’d on the doctors hand

    I felt sorry for the doctor….

    Free Member

    A man in a green mankini was allegedly seen running from scene of the crime laughing manically…………………..

    Free Member

    I never liked lower quarry particularly going up, though it was superb coming down (in the dry..). Now it’s an easy spin going up, and I’d imagine a bit dull going down.

    I’m missing upper quarry’s roots and rocks already, but the new trail is a lot of fun, I just need to learn how to ride berms properly.

    Free Member

    Great day yesterday, and some great pics here – thanks.

    Go Vegas!!

    Free Member

    fasthaggis – agreed, superb film.

    TT starts in a few days – WOOOOT! 😉

    Free Member

    I was told on another forum (after ordering) that Hoods are a Levi 501 type of fit. Mu heart sank as I never got on with 501s. However, having ordered my normal jean size, the fitting is spot on.

    Free Member

    Based on my info-gathering expedition, and as someone who generally isn’t a fan of man-made trails, I think the new stuff will raise a big grin on everyone’s faces 🙂

    Free Member

    rondo – I really don’t think two people riding at walking pace, very conscious that the trail was newly-laid, being very careful not to lock the back wheels, leave a mark etc, would have made any difference at all.

    Appreciate the signs etc, but no guilt here. Carry on being indignant if you so wish 🙂

    Free Member

    rondo – your point is?

    Free Member

    Just taken delivery of some Hood jeans. Not worn then in anger yet, but they seem very well made with full kevlar coverage til below the knee.

    Free Member

    Erm, make that SKWOSH…..

    Damn marketing cobblers mumble mumble ……

    Free Member

    Work night out last Friday which degenerated into a 9 hour session. Spent about an hour at the bar being told by one of the junior members of my team (which I took over 6 weeks ago) that I am the best manager ever.

    Drunken bollox but it massaged the ego somewhat 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m riding for one of the Vegas teams. Orange (sorry – SWOOOOOOSH) Ragley Blue Pig, widest bars in Christendom, unfit rider who’s spent too much time on a one litre Italian V twin rather than the pedal-powered stable.

    Looking forward to it – especially the new man-made stuff (which allegedly may have been ridden in a cheeky manner) 😉

    Free Member

    OP: I think when you have kids that’s quite normal.

    5thElefant – Member
    Not death so much but dying in a hospital with tubes coming out of me doesn’t appeal. I’d like to leave a big red smear.

    I ride motorbikes so that’s always a possibility :-/

    Free Member

    Blue Pig for sure, amazing frames once you work out how to ride them to get the best out of them.


    Free Member

    5thElefant – Member

    You live somewhere strange and alien.

    Yeah, I’d use a motorbike in that scenario too.

    Actually I’d move.

    I took the easier option – new job 20 mins walk from home 🙂

    Free Member

    crikey – Member It’s cold on a motorbike.

    Yes, but there’s plenty of good kit, and heated kit. Not cheap admittedly, but riding all year round is perfectly feasible with the right clothing.

    Free Member

    Disagree. I had a 13 mile commute a few years ago.

    Cycle: 45 mins.
    Motorbike: 20 mins.
    Car: Up to 90 mins plus nowhere to park.

    Hence I cycled in 3 days, used the motorbike 2 days a week.

    Free Member

    You’ll die, loose limbs, wailing and gnashing of teeth will follow you wherever you go.


    The faff of unlocking / locking, donning / removing gear etc is a fair point, but for distances too far too cycle (every day at least) a motorised 2 wheeeler makes perfect sense. Cars are sh!te for commuting, unless it’s rural.

    Ignore the predictable naysayers, get appropriate training, buy decent protective gear, and go for it.

    Free Member

    I’ll be dusting the Tuono off for a good blast over in Mid-Wales on Sunday – forecast is looking great!! 🙂

    Free Member

    My Aprilia Tuono averages low-30’s mpg. But then it is a gurt big V twin and I do like to use the power I paid for 🙂

    Wouldn’t have one as transport, but as a weekend toy it’s superb!

    Free Member

    10 years on an Orange Sub5.

    One year on a Ragley Blue Pig.

    Back protested at first, but has got used to it. Overall more than happy I made the move, very, very grin-inducing bike. And having to actually pick lines again is a revelation!

    Free Member

    Davesport – PPI comes under misselling so is still a viable claim, indeed one is likely to be sucessful, as I suspect you will be.

    Charges however (unauthorised o/d etc) are covered under the court ruling so if you try to get them back you’re p*ssing into the wind.

    Free Member

    Nearly all my motorbike kit is Alpinestars. Love the stuff.

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