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  • Issue 153 Classic Ride: Surrey Thrills
  • ajf
    Free Member

    Well we will have to see what happens. Lets hope it gets me as far as the bike shop then.

    So I am guessing I have no hope for a long ride tomorrow without something happening?

    Free Member

    mark, thinking you are getting the wrong idea about sugar? Sugar is a fast and convenient way of getting fuel into the body. Unfortunately its a bit like crack (allegedly?) A quick fast hit followed by a massive drop. Nothing wrong with that (sugar not crack) as long as you are expecting that to happen.

    i.e if it is say 1 1/2 hours then sugary energy is possible as you just need to keep topping up. If it is 12 hours then sugar will be bad and then you need a mix of slow release (oats and generally low gi food) and sugary crap (the good stuff)

    Also as mentioned, if you do go a bit wonky then a handful of jelly babies and a gel will get you going again.

    Oh and thinking some more, Banana and honey bars, rice crispie toffee squares (one of the highest carb to weight snacks you can find in a morrisons – Fact!), bogoya bananas, almonds.

    One of the main reasons I tire is hydration or lack of, as I def eat enough.

    And my not so secret weapon at mountain marathons or after a heavy exercise session Pork Scratching. It replaces lost salts, and high in calories and protein to aid recovery for the next day. Okay I know the science may be floored and if it is don’t tell me why as I like to keep the idea of pig skin being one of the good things in life, sneakily packaged as a pub snack :D

    Free Member

    I graze a lot when doing sport. Usually either gels High 5 or sis. Flapjack, haribo and jelly babies, mars bars, malt loaf, bananas, trail mix, peanuts, cake, jaffa cake, snickers, nutrigrain bars etc etc

    Anything carb heavy or sugary will keep you going. Some will give instant hit, others will be slower release. A mix of both quick and slow release works for me as I have energy for longer and don’t get the sugary crash. You just need to experiment and find out what you like.

    If you are going to be doing a lot of hours then eat early and eat often.

    Free Member

    Its up and been up for a fair bit now. 2 hour ride and no deflation. Just took longer than I thought for it all to seal up.

    @andy paice Bulldog is a real swine to get on the rim and seats with not too much trouble. It was the leak over a certain psi that worried me.

    Can’t be the rim strip as it was ghetto so overlaps the rim unless I was a bit heavy putting the tyre on and nicked it?

    Not going to check as it is playing nicely now.

    Free Member

    wow its worked. Just lets out a bit of sealant and air when I ride. Not gone further than the end of the street though as I am just expecting my wheel to ping off.

    I assume with a bit more milk and a few more pumps up over next day or so then the leaks will settle?

    Free Member

    just tried pumping again and it is still leaking at the valve. Just going to keep trying to pump and shake but feel its a losing battle

    Free Member

    I’ve had the same problem, try going for a short ride, pump it up and then ride again. If there is enough sealant it should seal eventually. I think the riding circulates the sealant and gets it to the leaking areas.

    Will try that tomorrow, too many beers to be bothering with that now :-). Did you get to the bottom of yours?

    My tyre recommended pressure is only 29psi but max is 50 odd? so guessing its not me putting too much air in?

    Free Member

    continuing to do that as there is still sealant sloshing around. Also keep topping the air up then sloshing and turning.

    Free Member

    cheers, just gone with the JRA stuff and will have a play this weekend. Not promising if specialized have withdrawn their stuff. No wonder it was cheap.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that! Was it a white one? Will keep an eye out over next couple of weeks

    What time was it? How they get through the lock? I ask as it where I work and I think I know which bike it was.

    Free Member

    TJ – New bike, new tyres.

    Old bike was the weight of a small car so it didn’t bounce around as much and the weight gave it more traction. Was usually my legs that died before traction lost. Was still a hardtail so not because of the change from FS to HT

    Just trying to see what is an acceptable level as didn’t want to run too low, get pinches and/or smash my rims. Just seemed that the 25psi that it was when I finished was bordering on too low. Interested in what others were riding as well.

    Will be pumping it up a tiny bit and seeing if I can get a happy medium around 30psi and just take a 2nd inner tube with me along with puncture repair kit for next couple of weeks.

    Free Member

    Hardtails will do that, learn to ride.

    Obviously you decided it was too much hard work to learn to ride and put your own tyre down to 30psi

    Alternatively I could let the tyre pressure down a bit and ride as I normally do as both symptoms mentioned are often caused by too much pressure in a tyre.

    Free Member

    TJ it was on the border of too flat this weekend, hence I was concerned about pinch flats or cornering too fast and it felt a bit weird but loved the extra traction and shock absorbtion.

    Would prefer to find the low limit before the tyre comes off the rim 8O

    Dibbs 45psi was where I started. Are you riding a hardtail? Why you need the extra air? Bad line choice? rockier terrain? Broken scales :wink:

    Free Member

    May just keep it very low then and see what happens then. Will do some local stuff and aim at the rocks.

    I still cannot get that under 30 is right with tubes? People going tubeless have it around there or higher, seems wrong to be there with a tube.

    Free Member

    is that with tubes? Got these on the bike at the moment. Not greatly impressed with them at the moment.

    Free Member

    Possibly stainburn on saturday, Sunday is Dalby.

    Going to see if there is some willy waving on how fast people are saying about the time round red. Off on own so going to bomb round as fast as I can.

    Free Member

    I would go with rock lobster…..oh I did go with rock lobster!

    Went with the easton alu one though. They didn’t have my size in 853 which made my choice easier although I think I would have leant that way anyway.

    Steel RL and Boardman pro are very diff bikes? What they want it for? (I know to ride it – just thought I would head that one off)

    Free Member

    Do it! So much better than any other way to get to work. easy on the way there. Take some wipes and some deo as your fellow collegues will appreciate it.

    On way back do eyeballs out. Its not going to hurt your fitness.

    Mine is 4 miles to work and then go the longer way back and get a couple of hours ride on the way back.

    Used to run it before getting injured and was a free 40 miles running training a week before specific club training.

    I now wouldn’t consider any other forms of getting to work apart from bike or run.

    Free Member

    Off to Dalby to do Red this weekend! Although don’t reckon I will be under 2 hours.

    Red as I seem to remember you get a bit spoilt, the last couple of miles you are thinking, oh not more great single track, oh there’s some more. You get bored at the good quality of it all. Does that make sense? No variety as it is all good stuff. Probably what uplink is getting at.

    Should be fine on a crosser but more fun on a mtb.

    Free Member

    its also a great way of getting injured. I know far too many people who have injured themselves from running – including me.

    but god I miss it so much. its so much fun.

    Oh how I too miss it! Always had a passing interest in mountain biking but fell running was my bag. Been injured since November with tendon issues due to too much high milage.

    But on the plus side it has rekindled a love affair with bikes that I haven’t had properly since my BMX bandits days.

    Free Member

    I am firmly of the belief that a good runner can bike but a good mountain biker does not make a good runner.

    You tend to work at a higher rate when running therefore build a better base fitness than when mountain biking so you should be fine.

    The problem as HP_source said is that the skills will be a tad rusty, but that doesn’t take too long to get the old confidence back.

    Free Member

    don’t use on for biking but do for running. Biking I have a minimal camelback with enough room for a bladder, a tool pump and spare tube.

    Lowe Alpine do a no fuss no frils one, cannot go wrong with a pete bland bum bag either. Only issue is no actual bottle holder. More for running but enough room for a bottle if you want to.

    I sometimes use an Inov8 elite bumbag as that has a bottle holder as opposed to a hydration bladder (pro range). They are nice and stable and easy enough to get bottle in and out. Also black and silver, none of their usual neon nonsense.

    Free Member

    Good employer for cycling!!

    Cycle lockers, loads of showers to use, bike workshops every two weeks and I can get to trails within 5 minutes that take me nearly all the way home. Also have cycling groups and mailing lists and it is something you feel they positively encourage you to do. Some departments even have separate bike parks for staff!

    Can’t recommend a route but good luck!

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    For running, wouldn’t you be better off carrying a bottle?


    Some would say a bottle was overkill really :D

    Free Member

    Use both OMM and camelback for mtb’ing and Inov8 for running. Inov8 one is the elite range so less neon and no hydration pack space but is lighter.

    Out of curiosity why you need a bag for running? Is it events or just a tootle round a few fields? I think in most cases a bag is a bit overkill for running? But personal choice and all that.

    If I had to choose another bag now, I would look at the raidlight bags. really light and more features than you can shake a stick at. Perfect for Adventure racing and mountain biking.

    Free Member

    Are these not like the rubbish jokes of what do you call a man covered in mud – pete (geddit peat / pete see what I did there :roll:) or a man with a womens haircut – Bob? :oops:

    Don’t worry I made the person who told me them jokes apologise and have since distanced myself from them. So maybe it is fair that it happens in this case.

    Racist no, rubbish joke yes!

    Free Member

    I am with Mr Sparkle, tis only a sprint. An hour and 30ish of your life in a bit of pain followed by the glorious taste of beer.

    MTFU and stop asking silly questions :-)

    Free Member

    interesting points mboy! just what I was looking for.

    Agree that it is all subjective but this is all a bit of a play thing and a great way to learn.

    Thats the point of the post though. Why would one choose a hardcore hardtail over a full suss if fun is the only consideration? If it comfort? it because of speed on the downhill?

    Mates on both by the way. They can’t tell me as I am faster on a trike with stabilisers. The joys of running means you are okay on a bike,

    Free Member

    I have a hardtail at the moment. A rock lobster with 100mm of front travel. A bit of a trail and singletrack beast. Can eat up the miles nice an easy so in reality I have virtually everything I need in a bike there.

    But thats not the point! I want another!, or more to the point I want to learn mechanics before I tinker with my new one and f*ck it up.

    I figure the bit I miss out on is with casual rides with mates where I am blatantly faster so I want a slow comfy bike that goes up and down easily but is not essentially fast. So that narrows it down to the hardcore hardtail or a medium scale full suss.

    Obviously as mentioned this is not gospel but I would love some opinions on why I should go for one or the other.

    I have an idea what I want to do but interested in other opinions.

    Free Member

    We met a guy with a shovel, a young lad and a black dog who chatted to us for a while.

    That is a clever dog!

    Free Member

    did a 25 miler round there today but started north leeds. I can tell you my route and you can just pick it up anywhere you fancy.

    I had a play round roundhay park, through the golf course (on the footpath) up the bridleway into shadwell, stop at the small woods at the corner of the bridleway and shadwell as there is a few jumps and bombholes in there. North towards Brandon Lodge, onto wike, then road towards harewood. Go to next woods then double back onto the Leeds Country way, Follow to bardsey, then onto hetchel woods, course of roman road, more woods, go back along the track above norwood bottom. Footpath through woods (actually a dirt road followed by single track. Back into shadwell, back into roundhay park and then home.

    Nice little route and with a bit of messing was about 2 1/2 hours. If you want shorter then the woods, norwood bottom and hetchel woods is probably best bet for a quick spin

    multimap of area for you

    Free Member

    everyone keeps going on about the servicing of the forks but when I asked about fox or rockshox on here no-one actually said rockshox perform better when riding than fox.

    Yet people with fox or both rockshox and fox said fox performed better.

    So the real question is, are you prepared to maintain the forks for the best performance or you happy with slightly worse performance for those extra 10 hours of riding? (I believe rockshox recommend a 25 hour maintainence, but could be wrong?)

    Free Member

    Fox have one

    Also Mojo have some leaflets in fox stockists and somewhere on their website as a downloadable pdf.

    The fox one looks easier as you dont have to take the fork off.

    Free Member

    Mranger, I am leeds based as well so you are welcome to have a look at the Rock Lobster up close should you want? sent you a mail with my details.

    Free Member

    not saying its the fault of the thread, merely pointing out that some undesirables may be reading this as well

    Free Member

    Maybe it is not the wisest thread? I live here and I have a really nice bike. You can view entry and exit routes to my house before you arrive so all you have to do is come in and grab the bike?

    You want to tell people what time you are at work as well? do you commute on your bike or do they have to wait until it is night time?

    Do admit it is a cool thing, just maybe not so cool showing each others addresses?

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    I think next week will be a “No Maxim/FHM/etc.” edition of the A&A….

    What about ironman monthly?

    Pauline Norden. Is bodybuilding a sport?

    There is better piccies but not of her chosen sports attire. Albeit with more clothes on.

    Free Member

    Anna Alminova Russian runner. Doesn’t pose for any lads mag so a proper action shot.

    Free Member

    don’t strap it! Mask the pain, do more damage in the long run. Best to find the root cause of the pain and work on that.

    Does sound like ITBS. Which gives you knee pain because usually of tight hips. This can be due to the different muscles used in running and cycling.

    Try the stretches mentioned here

    If you have caught it fast enough you can get rid of it reasonably fast so no excuses for a half. Main question is why not a full?

    Free Member

    From Leeds but new to Singletrackworld.

    Afraid I am off go karting for a mates birthday this Saturday but would be up for a ride in upcoming weekends. You always post here before big rides?

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