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  • Campus: New Video From Danny MacAskill
  • AJames
    Free Member

    In morning my breakfast will be 2 eggs from the henhouse with asparagus that is currently happily growing in my garden instead of soldiers. Cut and 2 mins in steamer with butter…. Yummy..

    Free Member

    I realise I am totally alone but I don’t think they should. I’m not a walker, recented it whe
    I had to do it to get to climbs. However, I do think those that do and choose to do it do have the right to know they are on a path that will not be occupied by horses or me on my bike. Let’s be real, I have risen past many walkers on bridle ways who I know have been inconvienienced by my rattling past. It bugs me when they tut or comment cos I have the right to be there, if they don’t want to share a right of way with me use a footpath. Also, again I’m alone I suppose, spent a lot of time in the Scottish hills, the landscape and usage their is significantly different to England so ‘ it works in scotland … ‘ doesn’t equate to me. Sorry, just my opinion.

    Free Member

    Do not be forget yourself and be back late from your morning ride. Don’t be tempted to put bike in car and travel, do a brisk ride locally, nothing above 30k, and take it easy on the jumps, not a good morning to need air ambulance ….

    Oh, and remember to take tool kit for bike when you take it on honeymoon , all standard stuff.


    Free Member

    Rebound and damping are about how quick and hard the shock recovers after being compressed. It’s weight specific, you should not have it set to either extreme unless your at the extremes of weight range… As a rule of thumb set it mid way ride it for a while and soften to suit. If its set too high the shock will spring back instantly giving a bucking sensation , too soft and it will pack and not recover quick enough from one bump to the next.

    Free Member

    Sorry didn’t answer the question, if I were you with that potential itinery I would go AM with cane creek on back and renthal fat boys for bars with hope short stem. Wouldn’t go tubeless with that sort of adventure in mind

    Free Member

    Love my AM, saved hard to get it 3 years ago and it looks well worn now but it’s always as good as I am! And I think that’s the factor people who judge other people’s bike choices and reasons seem to forget. The bike is as good as you are on any given day. Reasons then to recommend … It’s never broken, let me down, cost me much (tallas do nead yearly service mind if you do big miles), excellent value for money over 3 years and counting, exciting when I’m up for it. It’s right for me, but I never forget the most important bit of kit that will improve my riding is my brain, the size of my belly and the amount of miles I put under my wheels off road per week.

    Choose your bike for the reasons you want, and enjoy it! This approach hasn’t let me down since 1989.

    Free Member

    Yes, upload to your iTunes account and sync the iPad, if you have enough memory left.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Petes Eats!

    Free Member

    Got one in white, much more protection and needed it on a big offy in Wales. Fits perfect and doesn’t feel hot on long rides. Excellent all round and looks cool/understated as well.

    Free Member

    Jacobs ladder is a walker fest at the weekend mind

    Free Member

    Dropped off in skipton, Embsey crag and home off road, 46K first biggy of the year, knees sore!

    Free Member

    Boot of world back of whernside down to dent…

    Or cam head to starbotton… Embsy crag yes but a bit short. 0r old cote moor down to starbotton direct route…

    Free Member

    Did anyone mention a fire extinguisher?

    Free Member

    You were working hard there my man, good effort!

    Free Member

    Cows in cars… YES!

    Free Member

    [/url] AdobePhotoshopExpress_20120413080837 PM[/url] by Sticking2glueing[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    Love mine, had loads of bikes I’m now orange! It’s a bike… It’s as good as I am, never let me down, and yes I like it being made here. No brainer really. Expensive? Per mile of fun it gives me it’s cost nothing, spend more on beer in the three years I have had it…. If you hate em, chill out a bit, go ride your bike!

    Free Member

    Are you all insane! Non work day as long as I can get away with which is usually never before 10am… But then again my hobby is sleeping. I can sleep anywhere at any time, drives the missus mad as she can’t . Friends know me as king kipper …. ZZZZZZZ

    Free Member

    Than average….

    Free Member

    Hope, treat mine like dirt, quite literally, and it’s fantastic! Made in UK also, pennies going to a guy in Yorkshire …

    Free Member

    14% bigger due to closer proximatey to earth (160000 mile I think)

    Free Member

    Let’s broaden this debate into the Bernoulli effect and the disagreement over its influence on airodynamic lift…. What makes the wing fly?

    Carry on…..

    Free Member

    Take care though. If your asking what rope to buy for your first leads then ask yourself if you are ready for that yet. Most if not all of us have learnt to climb and lead with an experienced partner having had quite a while seconding for them. Unlike mountain biking climbing and especially leading isn’t something you can just go and do – picking it up as you go so to speak. Don’t get me wrong, adventure and risk taking even for the novice is all part of the fun but having someone there with you who is experienced is vital. By the time I was ready to buy my first rope and bits of gear for my rack I knew exactly what I needed and had been using my climbing buddies stuff for a while.

    If you have all that covered sorry, I’ll shut up now…

    Free Member

    Wife on her new carbon road bike going over cattle grid had a wobble, couldn’t unclip, wheel down gap, heap of plastic and sweary woman combo, as you can imagine I was sympathetic …

    In early days crossing deep ford on mtb with feet strapped in hit rock, over I went, thought I would drown, had to crawl to bank bike still attached.

    Free Member

    Yep, that’s it, mechs are either spring loaded to naturally pull the chain down the cog as with saint mech or pull the chain up the cogs. The saint shifter lower leaver will pull in the cable thus pulling mech against its spring and down cogs. The saint mech the neutral position is smallest gear so taking in cable will take it up cogs…

    But you probably know all this by now.

    Free Member

    Nope mine don’t do that, what mech are you running them with?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Get it serviced!

    Free Member

    Sorry long way from my maps at mo but did a rout from there a while ago. Parked just befor bridge on right and headed out to east of village, don’t recall it being very rocky though. If you want rock fest head bit further east to Whernside, over the back to Dent…. Or howgills is not far.

    Free Member

    Yep as above, bought some fat boys a while ago with the intension to cut them down. Thought I would try them at full whack first, left them like it since, they do look a bit crazy when parked in shed! Have very short hope stem.

    Free Member

    Yep, did that comming into London City airport one year at night in a storm, me and my slightly drunk, tough, climbing mates nearly shit ourselves ! Knew we were in for a bumby one when he abandoned first attemp and we circled for 20mins. We were laughing until the last couple of hundred feet, really did think it was all over!!!

    Free Member

    Ah, naive of me. Sorry I underestimated you. Have a good day my man!

    Free Member

    Rab! And as waterproof as you need. If its lashing down you need full waterproof anyway. Winter climbed in mine, now clean bike in it after ride, it’s tatty and bruised but still one of my favourite bits of kit!

    Free Member

    Don’t mean to put a downer on things but isn’t that gonna make your weekend ride a bit difficult?


    Free Member

    Strava… We stayed in salo so think what I have might be useful, yours for free my man, recycle and all that. Email me your details and I’ll send em over. Enjoy

    Free Member

    Thank god it’s not just me that has a pile of tyres like that..

    Free Member

    Went there last summer with family and bike, stayed in south west area, had a fantastic time with loads of great riding. Saw several bike shops, dare say they do hire. Have maps and guid books if you want them for free – wont be using them again.

    Free Member

    Local market (skipton) engine degreaser for a pound a bottle! Buy 5 at a time lasts me 6 months… Seems harsh but it’s not really strong enough to do damage and works a treat on everything, quick squirt and hose down… Done! Wife bought me some muckoff for Xmas it was not as good, very expensive .

    Free Member

    Dankake. Just seen your thread, that’s outrageous ! He’s ic
    Trying to make his living picking up second hand gear and selling it on. What a joke that he doesn’t have a picture!

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