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    Free Member

    I think being a nomad means that none of them fit?

    I thought it meant wandering from one party to the next, like a nomad wandering the land? Not necessarily that none of them fit, just that at different times, difference parties are the best fit.

    Free Member

    Look fine to me.

    Free Member

    Exactly which bit of your quote do you think makes him horrible?

    Boasting about his massive salary and saying he’s lucky but still takes it anyway. Tries to defend himself by saying his mother is on basic state pension – either he’s paying her to live well and therefore mentioning that is irrelevant and attempting to sound down to earth, or he isn’t helping her out and he’s therefore a dick. In the same interview he called out BBC presenters for also being very well paid when they aren’t even in the same league as him (and how does pointing that out make it any better?).

    Why not donate the remainder of his pay to charity if he feels he can’t justify it?

    These elite are all the same. I once did some building work for Viscount Allendale and he often made a point of mentioning that “we aren’t as well off as people think, you know” whilst we installed his 60 grand kitchen beneath his priceless 14ft wide paintings. The only difference is theirs is inherited wealth, the British Gas CEO’s is grifted wealth.

    Free Member

    I’m all for complaining about profiteering, but maybe not every time as a reflex, without you know, reading.

    Sorry but I’m not the best person to reason with on this, I’d be upset at the thought of an energy company making a 1% profit to be honest.

    Even land of the free USA has a largely publicly owned energy system.

    Free Member

    His salary is no different to any other FTSE 100 company boss

    Yeah, cause they’re all saints so he must be too 🙄

    Free Member

    Chris O’Shea, chief executive of Centrica, said the company had “done a lot we can be proud of in 2023”, adding it had paid more than £1bn in tax.

    The boss of British Gas owner Centrica has told the BBC his pay last year of £4.5m is “impossible to justify”.

    Chris O’Shea described the package of salary, bonus and shares as a huge amount of money and said he was incredibly fortunate.

    While he pointed out that he did not set his pay, he admitted that – with customers struggling with bills – “you can’t justify a salary of that size”.

    He said his mother was on the basic state pension

    This is a horrible company with a horrible CEO.

    Free Member

    Yeah but who is offering 0% finance these days?

    Free Member

    I think you’ll struggle for much less than £1,000.

    Free Member

    Just an excuse to raise prices

    Free Member

    Okay, doesn’t sound like those changes would amount to extra time being needed and I would very much doubt there is any provision for the builder to charge extra for inflation and supplier price hikes.

    I haven’t used the Homeowner contract but I use the other JCT forms of contract every day. I can check tomorrow how this particular one deals with price changes but to be honest it sounds a lot like the builder is trying it on and I’d doubt they have much to stand on.

    They’ll be reliant on people not understanding the contract or just paying up so as not to cause a fuss.

    Free Member

    Are there any drawings or descriptions of the work to be undertaken in the contract? This is what the price in the contract will be based upon, and anything that the homeowner has requested to be built differently to that could be charged as ‘variations’. The builder should not have carried out any changes that the home owner hasn’t requested in writing.

    It sounds like this contract:

    Without some form of drawings or specification it will be difficult to settle a dispute about what has been allowed for in the price so can we find this out?

    This is not for changes my brother has made to the work, these changes have been agreed and paid separately

    This bit concerns me a little as it sounds like some changes have been requested, not clear what it means by ‘agreed and paid separately’, if they were part of the build they should have been treat as variations under the contract as this may have muddled the waters a bit. They may have been paid for separately but they still could impact upon the time it takes the builder to complete the work overall so can’t truly be separated.

    Free Member

    You’re allowed to but it’s not going to cover the outstanding loan amount on a PCP deal, the monthly payments are almost always less than the depreciation until somewhere around year 3 or 3.5 so it doesn’t offer the protection molgrips suggests.

    Free Member

    Borrowing the money even if I could get a favourable rate it’d be about £450 ish over 5 years but the key issue would be risk – even if I lose my job and I can’t keep the car, or its value tanks I’d still be on the hook for the money.

    With the PCP you’ll be in negative equity until a couple of months before the end of the 4 years most likely, and if you lost your job you’d still be on the hook for it as even voluntary termination requires 50% of the loan to be paid off, and that 50% is the total amount including any interest, fees and the balloon payment value.

    If you financed it yourself, you’d be paying more off each month and into positive equity much faster so would be able to sell the car whenever you chose to and likely be left with some cash.

    Free Member

    That can’t be right, so you can have a nearly new Renault for 3 grand then hand it back after 3 years and walk away?

    Free Member

    Never really understood it, who suddenly has a 22k final payment sat waiting to cover off the final payment? If you hand the car back or trade it in you might as well have leased the car as it’s usually cheaper per month than PCP. The APR is usually really high as well and I’m fairly sure it is applied to the final payment as well, so if you need to loan money again to pay the final payment, you’ve paid interest twice.

    Free Member

    No, but it seems like the same people who hate dogs seem to repeatedly have issues with them. At some point you might need to question where the problem lies.

    If we’re making assumptions like that, why not ‘people who seem to repeatedly have issues with dogs seem to hate them’?

    Which would be somewhat understandable?

    Free Member

    Sounds more like symptoms of a chain skipping on the cassette, have you checked for chain wear? If it is the hub take it apart and check the pawls are free and clean, check for any broken teeth on the ratchet and replace the hub if any are damaged.

    Sounds like the hub has done its time if it is problematic six months after a full rebuild.

    Free Member

    I give most dogs and owners the benefit of the doubt, but at some point as a non-dog owner i run out of ability to read a dogs body language and the onus is then on the owner to sort any ‘situation’ out as best as they can. If they can’t do that then i am either going to cycle off or if things are going really south, i would whack the dog with something if i felt the need to.

    I’m sure neither of those are the ideal response having read the thread but at the end of the day i’m not going for a walk or a bike ride to think about dog behavior and if it’s reached that point then the owner has already lost the argument by letting it off its lead.

    I must cycle past about 30 dogs in the space of an hours bike ride if i ride around the shared use tracks near where i live and frankly i’m not going to spend my entire time analysing what every single dog is thinking or doing, i’m not interested enough in them to care that much.

    Free Member

    I don’t know if a democracy with poor people, crime, inequality and rubbish services is that much to shout about.

    You can have all of those things with a good democracy, and also none of them with a bad democracy. Or all or none of them with any other form of government. It’s just one factor that influences them surely.

    You could have one of the best democracies on the planet but if enough people want to vote for politicians that are intent on destroying public services then the result is all the above.

    Free Member

    I think I commented something pretty similar about that one, actually.

    There’s really no point in doing something like this unless it’s either fun at the time, or sustainable long term if it isn’t.

    Free Member

    I cant really understand how that helps anything. Clearly nobody is going to do that for the rest of their life and going back to ‘normal’ afterwards will quickly result in you returning to exactly how you were before it.

    75 days is like the blink of an eye in terms of your health and wellbeing, people should be arriving for what is sustainable and healthy over the long term not a couple of months.

    Free Member

    You can’t. It will only get far, far worse with deepfakes, AI and social media algorithms and bots.

    It’ll be a case of ‘if you can’t beat them join them’ which is tricky when one of you has morals and integrity and the other side don’t.

    Free Member

    Can we at least make it to 200 years of democracy in Britain before giving up on it? Just 8 more years.

    Free Member

    Steam clean would probably be best as it’s dry. Don’t jetwash it.

    I’d probably just suck it up and pay someone who does it all the time to do it.

    Free Member

    Perhaps its just good advertising for Brompton and they have no intention of building it like that anyway.

    A pretty 3d picture of a factory without a car park and £10,000 spent on a planning consultant to pretend to be serious about the application a few times is cheaper than a flashy advertising campaign and generates a tonne of media posts, comments and social media buzz about the brand whilst making them look like the good guys and serious about their brand ethos etc.

    Free Member

    That titanium looks more like a bunch of 20 year old scaffy bars. In fact, every bit of bike in that picture looks abused.

    Free Member

    A few years ago I screwed up badly when I changed laptops, I can’t remember the details but although I still had access to my emails via Thunderbird I couldn’t actually find my Google password anywhere. I tried going through the Google Reset password process and ended up in a never ending loop and I just couldn’t do it.

    This happened to me. Was logged in on a browser I could still access, but one day it just wouldn’t accept my password (or id changed it and forgotten it). Tried logging in elsewhere and couldn’t, tried resetting my password via the browser I was logged in on but that brought up another password prompt so couldn’t get past it.

    Tried every password reset option they had including answering the memorable questions and using my phone as 2 factor authentication, which I did have set up already, but basically it got stuck in a loop of not allowing me to reset it.

    Had to set a new account up and painstakingly forward every important email and document I had in the account via the browser I was still able to access.

    No idea why the password reset kept getting stuck.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’m not buying that. Classic case of blame the easiest person that isn’t yourself in order to save embarrassment. I guarantee she does that with other things too. I used to know someone that immediately would jump to blame someone else if they spilled a glass of water exclaiming that the nearest person was to blame because they gave them a fright or moved something in their eyeline.

    Free Member

    I’m 31, pretty much everyone my age and 5 years up expects to get no state pension anyway. I don’t even think it would be a political suicide by this point most of us have mentally checked out of expecting that.

    But we don’t vote anyway in substantial numbers so it’s even less of a vote loser.

    Free Member

    Been a serial car swapper for many years !! Until I bought a mk7 golf Gtd estate. Had it almost 4 years been bulletproof and does everything with aplomb. £30 yearly ved/easily returns 50+mpg and plenty poke when needed.

    Can you lie a road bike in it seats down without taking the wheels out? Fancy swapping my manual Passat for an auto golf estate but not sure if it’s quite big enough for my lazy bike transportation.

    Free Member

    I’m like that by choice, but sometimes I worry that my choice not to have children as well will make me too lonely in older age.

    Free Member

    That sounds cheap to me

    Free Member

    I used one and it held for 8 months until the car was written off (for unrelated reasons…). If use one again if needed and have no concerns about it.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget to sign up to alpkit rewards before you buy – I got a tidy wedge of vouchers when I bought my Colibri

    Nice tip, was looking to purchase on in a few months so have made an account in advance.

    Free Member

    I’d not bother until about 7 or 8 years then i’d get it inspected, end of the day its a fibre reinforced rubber that’s in a fairly well sealed part of the engine and as long as it’s moving regularly not sitting in one position for weeks at a time then it should remain supple. It’s when they go brittle and crack, or when they get contaminated by oil that they degrade.

    Better still if the design is such that the water pump runs off a separate belt that way if the pump seizes it doesn’t knacker the toothed belt with it.

    Free Member

    I think it is just you, nothing wrong with any of that.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure why people think Euro 6 diesels will suddenly plummet in value, they’re very fuel efficient and their CO2 is much lower than equivalent petrol engines so they are better for the environment. The engines tend to last longer too as 200,000 miles isn’t uncommon but you’d be doing well to get that in a petrol engine. So I’d say their whole life environmental impact is pretty good.

    Since Euro 7 doesn’t exist yet it won’t be any time soon that they’ll start charging ULEZ etc on them.

    Free Member

    Love mine, it’s been on my bike for 6 years now and I’ve not serviced it or bled it once in that time. It’s internally routed but has a clever connector that lets you disconnect the hose without needing to bleed it.

    Ive ridden it in all conditions, never given it any maintenance other than washing it on the outside along with the rest of the bike.

    The remote still feels great and it raises and lowers smoothly.

    Total contrast to the one cable operated one I had before it which needed regular faffy cable changes due to water and dirt ingress.

    Cue all those who’ve had issues with Reverbs due to leaving them in the down position for weeks at a time and blown the air seals.

    Free Member

    How you finding the bike generally, I’m quite seriously considering a Ti Camino. What size frame is it and do you have any toe overlap?

    Free Member

    Bit misleading on the Garmin product page as even if you select the standard edition gen 2 with gorilla glass it states this under product features.

    Multi-band GNSS with SatIQ technology ensures the best positioning accuracy in any environment while also optimising the device’s battery life.

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