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  • Behind the Media: Wyn Masters – athlete and entertainer
  • airvent
    Free Member

    Because its 30 quid and I’ll never come close to using it all, so it seems a waste.

    Free Member

    Can vouch for the above- meter operators are in a world of their own and can take months to organise shifting stuff.

    Dont forget to order a hockey stick to bring the cable through 90 degrees too.

    Free Member

    Make sure you fire rate the cable penetration with some fire foam or similar, the extension if it’s a garage should be it’s own fire compartment and as such the construction between that and the main house needs a proper fire door and all penetrations sealed up.

    Take it you have building control visiting as you go?

    Free Member

    Not dub but my current bike used to work the crank arm loose continuously which is the raceface type with self extracting bolts. Turns out I hadn’t really put enough torque on them and I hadn’t put any threadlock on which seems to have fixed the problem. They need to be tighter than you think – are you using a torque wrench?

    Free Member

    I’m interested in giving all this a go, especially on my commuter bike. Anyone know if the small rice cookers are any good for this as I have one lying around. I’ve read they get too hot too quick, but it does have a warm function that might be gentle enough.

    I’m thinking of trying the oz cycle recipe of paraffin wax and PTFE powder, but cant find that for sale.

    Free Member

    Handbags away ladies…

    Personally dont get the appeal of them either as the reward of a descent feels more earned under your own power, but I have no issue with others choosing to use them. I think it’s great that motorbikes are legal on trails.

    Free Member

    Cant be done – you cant build a hospital in ten days no matter how much money or men you throw at it.

    If its prefabricated it could be assembled in ten days possibly, but it will still have taken months in the factory to put together.

    This is just pro-China clickbait.

    Free Member

    I think one if the differences is the trail building community is more of a ‘thing’ over there. They spend lots of time and money building what we would call “natural” trails so to have these damaged by riding in the wet is wasting all that effort. Here, there is much less of that kind of trail and they tend to get used by horse riders and walkers anyway which either churn it up or remove features they dont like anyway.

    Most “dig days” here seem to be based around surfaced trail centre tracks which aren’t affected by weather.

    Free Member

    Why dont you just ignore it? If nobody moaned nothing would ever improve, also wrong country if you dont like moaning it’s our thing.

    Free Member

    I’ve had these quite a lot over the years. Last weeks then go away, never been much of an issue yet.

    Free Member

    That’s what I thought – it’s a weird choice to make if she has a proper mtb already?

    Free Member

    Expect to pay around £30 per unit for an in situ repair. They will take the beading off, drill the spacer and inject a drying compound which removes the residual moisture, then usually put new silica gel in to absorb anything that works it’s way in over time. Finally reseal and put the beading back on.

    To replace the glazing units in full should be around £60 per unit so you may decide to simply do that depending on how many you have.

    Free Member

    Thanks. That appears to be MicroSkin TLE which I’ve not had great experiences with so far. Punctured in a small shard of glass and tore a hole so big the sealant did nothing and it took two tyre worms to plug once back home with access to super glue.

    Maybe I just got really unlucky though.

    Free Member

    That sounds awful, not to mention holding everyone behind you up. If that doesnt give her vibration white finger and carpal tunnel syndrome she ought to work in road construction.

    Free Member

    An IR thermometer may not reliably measure the temperature of glass as it disrupts the beam.

    As above how old and are they fensa certified? They’re fairly simple the main thing that fails is the argon filled cavity and its not a particularly expensive repair for a skilled glazing contractor to do. The cost of having it repaired is offset by the energy losses of a failed unit. I would doubt they need replaced probably just the seals and a refill of the argon.

    Free Member

    @sharkbait I think what he is saying is why assume its asbestos and pay hundreds of pounds to dispose of it when a 40 quid test may confirm it is non asbestos, which he could then dispose of for free at the local tip?

    Free Member

    Definitely after your phone. If it feels dodgy, it probably is dodgy.

    Free Member

    Point it down – 2000lm is far too bright to be pointing directly at someones eyes. I’ve had this a few times recently and it’s TRUE that once it gets really bright, your eyes cant handle the contrast and you lose the ability to see anything other than the light itself.

    Free Member

    Think the NX is meant to work with an 11T smallest cog so if yours is 10t it might not work. The NX cassette it goes with is non XD driver.

    Free Member

    @jamesmio what do you do with your bike at a travelodge

    Free Member

    Wheres the current go to place to stay? I looked a while back and couldn’t work out where we could stay that fidnt require a decent sized group to make it worth itm

    Free Member

    From a safety point of view you really need tubeless ready rims and tyres for road. Can you imagine it burping or blowing doing 40mph down a hill surrounded by cars and tarmac? Tubeless tyres have less stretchy beads which is required and cant be fixed with a ghetto setup, and the rim needs the right profile to hold the bead in place.

    Free Member

    DHF are a bit pants I reckon. Theres far better out there now. The price of Maxxis tyres has gotten beyond silly now for some reason too.

    OK they may be alright in the dry but what really makes me laugh is when people recommend it as a tyre capable in the wet. Its downright dangerous when its wet.

    Free Member

    Thick repair patch on the inside adhered with vulcanising solution, and possibly a plug too for good measure if required.

    Free Member

    I’ve read this thread in full and can really sympathise with you. I hope the injury heals fully, and remember you want it to heal up properly so you can enjoy that retirement rather than always looking back and wishing you had let it mend.

    If I were in your shoes, I would take whatever light duties they give to you, however mind numbingly boring, and put up with it for a year then retire. If I were your manager I’d be really uncomfortable with you not taking up a relocation only a few miles further away, especially as it’s only for a year. As you say, I dont see how you could go on further sick leave if light duties have been offered that are suitable for allowing your injuries to heal, as refusal to take them on if fit to do so is almost just refusing to work.

    A difficult situation for sure, but for what it’s worth, I’d ride it out for a year even if it’s a bit more distance to work and the work is boring. Plenty people who already do that anyway, probably your manager included, but they dont get to sack it off after a year.

    Free Member

    I hear lots about Squirt. What are the costs of using it as I hear you need to lather it on like KY Jelly in the Sahara?

    Free Member

    Barely drink as it is, I only really have something if theres a special occasion such as a birthday outing or work christmas party. I can totally agree with the comments by @piemonster, you would be surprised how much difference 3 or 4 pints in the week can make to your overall wellbeing. And your wallet.

    Free Member

    If there was one answer to this there would be no work for the megabucks sports coaches, scientists etc. Short answer is theres a thousand things that can cause this including time of year, illness, stress, hormones, diet, training regime, waning interest/motivation, i.e real life happens.

    Every time I’ve felt like that I’ve forgot about fitness for a short while and just focused on enjoying it, then the passion comes back and I can dig in hard and train.

    Free Member

    Just pull it and wear protective goggles

    Free Member

    Glueing the middle down is just to prevent wind uplift which may or may not be a problem depending in your exposure.

    Free Member

    NOTE: Make sure the Luftkappe piston is close to or touching the sealhead when you reinstall the sealhead. If it’s pushed a long way into the stanchion before the sealhead is reinstalled, you can trap too much air in the negative chamber, which will result in your fork “sucking down” even when pressurised as it is not able to extend far enough to equalise pressures between positive and negative chambers.

    Step Five
    Continue servicing the fork as per Rockshox’s instructions if you are servicing the damper or replacing the wiper seals, or skip to the reassembly instructions. Follow the factory instructions for reasssembly, but do not repressurise yet.

    Note: ensure footbolts are done up with the fork fully extended. If they’re done up with it partly or completely compressed, the fork will suck down into its travel.

    Free Member

    G One Speed, or G One Allround if doing more gravel type stuff.

    Free Member

    Every suspended floor needs ventilation to function properly or it will just trap moisture and condensation. The lack of insulation will be costing you money as you’re heating the ground up below but with no air bricks, it might actually be accidentally minimising condensation as you’re heating a space that normally wouldnt be heated.

    I’d try and resolve both these issues and if you can lower the floor at the same time do so, if it were me I’d get a surveyor or architect involved but I may be biased ;)

    Free Member

    That’s pretty expensive and time consuming work just to lose a step in the floor. I’d also add that the conventional minimum depth for the void below the suspended floor is only 150mm not 250mm so this may help. Provided air bricks are sufficiently sized and good cross ventilation is provided.

    Edited for spelling.

    Free Member

    There should be insulation boards on top of or more likely between the joists (whether timber or pre cast concrete). If theres genuinely nothing I’d be far more interested in resolving that than lowering the floor. If you do need to lower the finished floor level your options are limited without compromising the ventilation space and potentially causing a build up of moisture in there, which will eventually rot the joists.

    Free Member

    Hövag it’s awesome. I went for firm and its supportive but still plush.

    Free Member

    Yeah I had a fiesta in 2017 with this “easy filler” cap rubbish. It would constantly cut out while filling from certain pumps so had to avoid some filling stations altogether. What I understand is that theres some kind of airlock with a bypass that prevents your tank from being siphoned by thieves (like that ever happens).

    Definitely follow the advice above of not brimming the tank and stopping at first or second click and wait a good ten to fifteen second after this before removing the nozzle or the last few ounces will spill out the bypass and onto the floor.

    Also, please dont pull the child safety thing with Ford regarding the diesel on the exhaust you will be laughed at by the mechanics for as long as you get your car serviced there. You could drop a lit match on a pool of diesel from a filling station and it wont ignite.

    In summary the easy fill system is rubbish and I had nothing but problems with it.

    Free Member

    Stick a sacrificial torx bit in and give it a ho

    Free Member

    Out of fashion I suppose, the hipsters have retreated to their converted transit vans and taken all the trendy form-over-function nonsense with them while they work out the next move.

    Free Member

    @outofbreath initially i thought yes there is a point but the harder I think about it, I cant see what it would achieve.

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