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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • airvent
    Free Member

    I don’t think cadence has anything to do with what your actual goal sounds like. Just ride more and get generally fitter if you want to increase your average speed but it will take a long time to see any meaningful improvements.

    Free Member

    Seems false economy not to change the whole thing for a tenner more?

    Free Member

    That sounds promising.  We want to work out when/if she’s being stressed during the day and not realising it.

    I think you’ll have a hard time connecting the data to any one cause. HRV responds to all sorts so it might show spikes when something stressful occurs like a phonecall from the bank, but it will also likely spike when you get up from a long period of sitting to suddenly walking about and talking. How are you going to separate the two and find anything meaningful from it when you don’t necessarily know what event it is registering stress in response to?

    Free Member

    What the hell happens where it’s less clear who’s fault it was – no witness etc?

    Well, it can only ever keep going back and forth with proposals of out of court settlements until either someone accepts letting it get to a court date where everyone ends up out of pocket, or it becomes time-barred as they only have 6 years.

    Game of chicken really.

    Free Member

    Pay what money, and to who?

    Are ebay asking for the money back off your 16 year old to reimburse them for the money they refunded the scooter buyer?

    Free Member

    You don’t need to read an email to know if you needed to read it or not, the message preview is often enough.

    Most of the 162 unread emails in my work inbox are just ‘thanks’ or ‘not yet, will send soon’ or just a conversation chain between a colleague and another that i am fully happy and confident for them to manage without my input – it is for tasks i have delegated to them which i don’t need involved in until there’s a complete product or an issue which they’ll bring to my attention directly.

    Free Member

    Took me 9 months to get my excess back off the third party in a crash I had in February 2023.

    Free Member

    Hard pass from me, not bothered about the price but it looks too smartphone like and the user interface doesn’t have the clean easy to read feel that current units do which is important to me when I’m moving about at pace.

    Free Member

    Depends what you mean by stress. The ‘stress’ that smart watches measure is generally heart rate variability which is more a measure of physical stress/recovery from exertion/poor sleep quality than mental stress.

    Free Member

    Hundreds. If they really need me they’ll call me.

    Free Member

    370 down from 375 last year, with the same insurer. 6 years no claims, 31 years old, business mileage policy on a 9 year old Passat.

    Free Member

    “Using the private sector to deliver something that ought to be done by the state (water as a good pragmatic example) – and adding layer of needed profit, is by definition an inefficiency.”

    It does depend on what the thing you’re delivering is, trains and water for example I would agree.

    But if there are services the public sector only needs from time to time, why create a workforce skilled and experienced enough to do that and have to pay them all the time when they are only needed some of the time?

    Free Member

    I don’t recall either said anything really of any substance about defence (I guess they weren’t asked about it either though…).

    Surely that would be a major vote winner given the global situation that’s developing.

    Free Member

    Are there people shouting in the background of this debate?

    Free Member

    Are there any of the Thule roof carriers you can put an ebike on?

    Free Member

    I really enjoyed the new stuff there, the top section where you can see the trail go off into the distance for ages is wonderful and the lower sections seemed to have a good range of difficulty. There’s enough harder stuff in the valley already so I think this hits the right mark to fill a gap.

    Free Member

    Did it look like this, turned out to be a balloon.

    Sorry, all formatting and embedding options have disappeared from my forum.

    Free Member

    1500ft is nearly close enough to read the tail number on an aircraft so unless your eyesight is very poor these must have been tiny objects.

    Free Member

    Had similar issues for years, flaring up at the minute. Mines a bulging disc which eventually reabsorbs itself each time, but the muscles around it go to into a protective tenseing up and until they relax the pain doesn’t go away.

    Free Member

    The old stuff isn’t *that* interrupted really, maybe the black although nobody rides that anyway.

    Free Member

    Intending to watch it on Discovery plus but the video quality on streams has been quite poor in my opinion, am i missing a way to improve this, any settings somewhere i’m missing?

    Free Member

    Not defending it in any way but if its anything like the local trails round here it’ll be 14 year old lads building them who possibly had no idea those are badger setts (or didn’t know why that’s important).

    Free Member

    Thanks, I’m naturally very skeptical of this kind of thing. I’ve forwarded it to my insurer to see what they suggest I do.

    Free Member

    14.7kg is heavy, my 2011 Stumpjumper Comp was 12.5kg and around the same price, but came with a Fox rear shock and RS Revelation forks.

    Pinkbike’s article headline is Aluminium Done Light, i guess that doesn’t extend to everything else attached to the frame.

    Free Member

    “It’s not like Netflix where your paying for creation”

    But you are paying for something. Or you can have it for ‘free’ by paying with your time (spent watching adverts). If neither of those work for you, you aren’t being forced to use the service at all.

    How much revenue would they need to make for you to not feel reluctant to pay them? 20bn? 10bn?


    It’s just a business like any other, businesses exist to make money. End of the day it’s only 11.99 a month which buys you 2 pints of beer if you’re lucky.

    Free Member

    “Those who havent reached their positions by any real consideration of their politics and are generally incapable of discussing politics without instantly demonising those who disagree.”

    I could say that about people on all parts of the political spectrum, there is nothing about that which is unique or observed only in centrists.

    “The sort of person who trots out variants on the “silent majority””

    I don’t even know what this means.

    “accuses anyone slightly to the left or right as being either communists or fascists.”

    Can you share any quotes of anywhere you’ve read this opinion? I haven’t come across anyone who thinks this black and white about it but maybe you have.

    “Often those who pat themselves on the back calling themselves moderates”

    Why shouldn’t they if that’s what they believe is a sensible viewpoint to have?

    Free Member

    @dissonance who are these centrist nutters and what qualifies them as such?

    Free Member

    The parent company is publicly listed so they are legally bound to act in the best interest of their shareholders. Why is it so surprising that they want to squeeze as much revenue out of it as possible?

    Free Member

    I don’t know why people are so reluctant to pay for premium. The service has to be paid for somehow either through as revenue or direct subscriptions. It includes YouTube music so you can offset it against not needing Spotify if you’re really tight.

    Free Member

    I’d be worried about causing long term damage

    Free Member

    I find it hard sometimes to ride even with people you’ve ridden with for years especially on the road. Some people are incredibly consistent week in week out and others like me vary massively one weekend to the next.

    Free Member

    Anyone’s guess but generally polls narrow in the close run up to an election date so it’s probably as low as it’ll get.

    Free Member

    The police should stand up for their decisions more rigorously but are scared to do so, understandably, because any slightly misstep is an excuse for the local idiots to come out and riot for the evening.

    Most of the general public are idiots when it comes to animals and there’s no action the police could have taken in this instance that would have resulted in the public not being outraged in some way.

    I feel very sorry for the police these days, they really can’t please anyone and people target individual officers on a personal level now which must be a bit frightening for them and their families.

    Free Member

    Yeah sorry but that sounds like ‘book a GP appointment’ asap to me.

    Free Member

    What’s a track log

    Free Member

    Fasting is a fancy word for skipping breakfast. CMV

    Free Member

    Very outdated concept for marketing, is it not? Surprised to hear it’s still going at all to be honest.

    Free Member

    No, I don’t get them either. Every time you want to drive somewhere you have to pack the whole thing away and take it with you, and they seem to cost about 5 times as much as a equivalent for the ground.

    They look good on Instagram though so that’s why they sell.

    Free Member

    They attempted for about a decade to trademark TDI but were unsuccessful at isn’t wasn’t unique it descriptive enough.

    Free Member

    Yeah. Well, bordering more on apathy to be frank. I’ve gone through the irritated at everything stage and into acceptance that a lot of things don’t work properly and generally suck a bit and have lost the energy to be cross at it all.

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