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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • agent007
    Free Member

    I suspect we’re about to get a British sausage

    . . . up the arse!

    Free Member

    Maybe we should have introduced a mandatory IQ test to be completed at the polling station prior to voting to rule out anyone who fails to have a basic understanding of the issues?

    Free Member

    Article talks about war and Churchill

    Thought Churchill was pro EU?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    It was the Labour lady that did it, she and the other Politicians have no intention whatsoever in making sure we get what’s best for the country

    Exactly, all she’s interested in is making the Conservatives look like idiots (which often they are of course) – she’s not interested in what’s good for the country. Shame on her!

    It’s about time that the politicians worked together for the good of the country, standing up for what they believe in and not just by default opposing what the other side are saying, engaging in political points scoring to try and further their own careers. It’s no wonder that the public hate politicians!

    Free Member

    Ahh, the good old Sun, the racist builder’s friend!

    Free Member

    Also, as for ‘Hard Brexit’ – that’s not what the people voted for is it. The vote was a very close run thing and 48% of the voters wanted no Brexit, so the negotiations with the EU should reflect this, meaning that the deal we finally agree with the EU should be roughly half way along the line between Hard Brexit’ and no Brexit.

    Free Member

    I’m surprised that no one has bought a legal case against the Brexit campaign, mostly based on lies and false promises. Seriously how as a country can we allow a vote’s result to be valid when those results were based on lying to the people.

    It would be like Tony Blair taking us to go to war in Iraq on the promise of finding WMD’s and then when WMD’s are not found, continuing into war anyway. Oh wait . . .

    Free Member

    What compete tools on QT tonight on both the Con and Labour sides. Just STFU, stop arguing amongst yourselves and work together for a change to do something for the country to make the best of this whole sorry Brexit mess!

    Free Member

    Can only go up from here, particularly now inflation is taking hold. With Brexit on the horizon, I’d want some certainty thrown in.

    Free Member

    ‘Offers Over’ ‘Guide Price’ are all estate agent BS. Basically they mean nothing. Do your research on the local market and offer what you think the place is worth to you. If the vendor likes it then great, if not and/or you can’t reach an agreement then move along and keep looking.

    Don’t feel pressured to raise your offer. We offered £15k less than list for our last place. Our vendor declined our offer, we refused to increase it but asked them to get back to us if they changed their mind. 2 weeks later they got back to us and said it was ours if we were still interested. That £15k saved paid for new kitchen, flooring and decorating throughout.

    Avoid open viewing days like the plague (where the agent opens the property for a morning to potential buyers). You’ll only feel pressured to make a decision. If you can’t view on your own terms then don’t bother.

    8 weeks would be considered a quick sale from offer to completion. Realistically though 12 weeks is more realistic, perhaps a lot longer if in a chain.

    Free Member

    Also to add, I get a real feeling that everyone who works in procurement’s main purpose seems to be justifying their own job role!

    Free Member

    Procurement people in my experience have a very bad reputation for not really understanding what it is they’re actually procuring. Often they seem only focused on the numbers and make life difficult not just for suppliers but the people in their organisation that they’re supposed to be supporting as a result.

    Time and time again procurement people seem to fail to grasp that buying pencils is not the same as procuring complex creative communication, IT, Web or financial services, oh and that not everything can be quantified within an ExCel spreadsheet. Procurement people seem to have very little regard for a ‘good working relationship’ that has been established between supplier and customer over a number of years.

    Procurement people also seem to forget that asking suppliers to comply with endless RFI, supplier reviews, red tape and transparent book policy, together with forcing unnecessary pitching onto our clients means that suppliers costs are increased due to the considerable extra workload. Increased supplier costs don’t help your case when you then ask the same supplier to cut their rates!!!

    Very worst case these days seems to be forcing our customers to go through an e-bidding or auction style system to secure business, yet failing to understand (in the creative services industry) that the companies pitching for the work have completely different offerings making the whole thing a complete farce. This never ends well for the clients in our experience.

    In short, procurement people are viewed as a right royal ‘pain in the arse’ by both our clients (whom they’re supposed to be representing), us and other suppliers, and often seem to hinder rather than smooth the flow of procurement. Don’t be that person!

    Rant over!

    Free Member

    Simple, exotic cars of that age don’t depreciate so the annual loss via depreciation is zero. In fact many 10-20 year old rare cars are appreciating now.

    Friend of mine bought a classic Ferrari 3 years ago for around £25k which he ran as a daily drive for 2 years. Cost him he recons £10k in maintenance during that time and probably £3-4k more in fuel/insurance over a standard car but he sold it at the end of the 2 years for £45k

    So he made a profit of around £1k over two years and got to drive a Ferrari.

    Compare that to if he’d have spent £25k on say a new Ford Mondeo. After 2 years that would have been worth around £15k, perhaps less. So a £10k loss over 2 years!

    In his eyes driving the Ferrari has made him £11k richer (and a whole load happier which I guess you can’t put a value on). Can see where he’s coming from :)

    Free Member

    This seems to be the logic from some here;

    SUV = hate
    4×4 = cool and practical vehicle

    Nope I think people who drive 4×4’s who actually need them for work and/or for going off road are fine.

    Can you not understand though how those who live in a town and who drive an unnecessarily large and thirsty 4×4’s or SUV (when in reality an estate car – or sports car if you want a fast vehicle) would far more suit their needs (i.e. choosing vanity/status/image above everything else including the safety of others) might be perceived as a shallow and selfish decision by others? Narcissism really has gone crazy!

    I’ll take a Macan in the ice and snow all day long over an estate including the A6 Quattro I had.

    You might want to change that opinion when you see the big alloys and wide sports tyres that every Macan seems to be fitted with.

    Most of the farmers where I used to live used to keep a small lightweight FWD french hatchback with narrow tyres in reserve for the winter months. In the snow this will still get them to the shops even where proper 4×4’s struggle.

    Free Member

    Also what’s a 4×4 and what’s an SUV

    I guess you could describe it as a 4×4 is a vehicle that’s good off road (e.g. Landrover etc), normally used by people who need it – i.e. people who actually need to drive off road.

    An SUV is a higher, heavier, more expensive, worse handling, less fuel efficient, less practical car, sometimes with 4×4 and with the fashion lead looks of an offroader, normally used by people who like to give the impression that they’re outdoor, moneyed or superior type’s etc. Normally this couldn’t be further from the truth.

    The owners of these vehicles try to justify this by saying yes but gives better visibility, safer for the kids etc. Well 2 tonnes of badly driven SUV is not safer for anyone else on the road or their kids is it (or your kids if you’d consider walking them to school for a change), and the high roofline often blocks visibility for other road users.

    As someone previously said “I can’t give a damn what others think” – well that kind of sums up the kind of person who buys SUV’s for me, oh and maybe you should consider giving a damn actually.

    Free Member

    I bet Heathrow won’t be under quote…

    It will stand a much better chance now that a decision has been made if people are co-operative and respect the decision! If they don’t then £Billions of public money will be wasted on endless consultations/legal battles/disruption that could perhaps much better be spent on education or NHS etc?

    Free Member

    Shall i repeat it estimated £17Bn just for the public infrastructure…!

    Yes but provided the UK Government is sensible (for once) and awards the major contracts to UK based contractors then that £17Bn will go to pay UK workers and UK companies who pay UK tax etc. Basically through one tax or another most will eventually end up back in the hands of HMRC.

    Plus if we don’t spend the £17Bn then Frankfurt or Ansterdam etc will and we’ll end up loosing a lot of business!

    I fail to see why this runway hasn’t been added to Stansted or Gatters or Manchester or Leeds

    Manchester already has it’s second runway!

    Free Member

    Good decision, should also also built one at Gatwick too and link both airports together via a super fast transit system.

    Free Member

    The 911 is a rear engine, rear wheel drive (in it’s purest form) out and out sports car with 2 useable seats. It’s platform is 100% Porsche.

    The Macan is a heavy front engined 4×4 that seats 5 and is based on a generic but modified VAG platform.

    The two are totally different. Anyone who thinks that they’re similar in any way, or that a Macan is somehow a practical 911 has either been duped by some very clever marketing and/or is simply clueless about how to drive.

    Free Member

    Whe whole blingy SUV thing reminds me of THIS

    oh and THIS

    Haha :lol:

    Free Member

    it’s the closest thing to a 911 that can sit 5 people and have enough trunk space for a long trip.

    There’s a whole multitude of fast estate cars that would do a far better job for this purpose so you really can’t justify a Macan on practicality grounds. It’s a vanity thing full stop.

    The whole pollution thing is heavily dependent on how much you drive. You can drive a little car a lot and pollute far more than the guy with the 911 Turbo S who takes it out on weekends.

    Most of the pollution associated with cars happens during the production phase.

    Free Member

    Now find me any way in which the Macan is superior to say a five-year old Volvo XC 90

    It’s far superior in marking you out to other motorists as a massive bell end :wink:

    Free Member

    Sub 30 minute 5k should be easily achievable if you’re a fit cyclist all ready

    Easy I’d say. I’ve not run in years and got a 22:40 on an organised park run the other week. Not a completely flat course either. Was very sore the next day mind!

    Free Member

    Going in the morn at 0600 via world’s end. Super fun.

    What by car or by bike?

    Free Member

    Like it or loath it, Citroen should be praised for making something so different to the usual German/Japanese jelly moulds.

    Free Member

    Well the 5010 is good enough for Danny Macaskill . . .

    Free Member

    It’s a solicitors letter not a court summons, you don’t have to reply at all if you don’t want to. Just leave it and see if they get in touch again. Don’t tell your insurance yet, not worth it, the bar stewards will only hike your premium.

    Free Member

    Should you really be using cruise control in traffic that dense and unpredictable?

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner hits the nail on the head. In my limited experience, sporty SUV’s seem to be driven almost entirely by narcissistic, selfie and status obsessed school mums or WAG wannabes, or the just retired smaller stature male suffering from a good dose of ‘angry small man syndrome’. Just my observations though from round this way so in no way a representative national sample :lol:

    Free Member

    Surely it’s more like:

    Actual rich people – any old car, probably a classic, or they don’t really care.
    People who’d like to project the impression that they’re rich – the latest blingy brand new (must be brand new) SUV on a pay monthly lease.
    The rest of us – a combination of car, train, bus, bicycle, walking etc, whatever’s most convenient or cost effective at the time.

    Richest guy I’m friends with drives round every day in a 12 year old Renault Clio which he also uses to transport the wife and kids. It’s his only car and as a conservative estimate I’d say he’s worth around 10 million quid. Says it all really.

    Free Member

    Does anyone own one and if so what are your thoughts or optional extras you’d recommend

    Do they offer a normalised level of perceived self importance as an option? How about optional shares in a hair dressing salon? Optional advise how to not be an obnoxious little sh*t perhaps?

    Free Member

    Wow how do people find the time to watch all these box sets and stuff? We rarely find the time to make the most of what Freeview, iPlayer, 4OD etc has to offer?

    Free Member

    Cold pressed rapeseed oil is the first pressing and a bit like extra virgin olive oil this yields the highest quality oil. Heat pressing will yield more oil again. The spoil from the remains of cold/hot pressing can be chemically treated to extrect a much bigger amount of oil again (probably the cheaper oil mentioned).

    Free Member

    Pretty sure the local community, and I will be working within sight of the sites, really ought to have a say here and they said Frack off

    And that’s the trouble, no one likes anything being built near them, not affordable housing, not railway lines, not hydro electric schemes, not even wind farms! If you left all the decisions up to the local community then we’d build practically nothing of any strategic importance. Stuff has to go somewhere!

    Free Member

    Whether you agree with fracking or not it’s about time that the government took some tough decisions to get our economy, energy and infrastructure in shape. NIMBY’s are often the result that nothing really happens in this country, wasting multi-millions of pounds on consultation after consultation, delay after delay, money that could otherwise have been put to good use to improve our country, with a net result that British infrastructure is now lagging far behind the best in the world.

    Fingers crossed for the 3rd Heathrow runway – just get on with it and lets move this country forward. The money we save on not going through a 3rd or 4th round of consultations would probably be enough to pay for some world class hospitals or some leading conservation projects.

    Free Member

    I’ve worked with grads who still live in shared houses, after Uni and getting a good job.

    And what’s wrong with that? I rented rooms in shared houses for the first few years after Uni, allowed me the flexibility to travel with work, to meet other people in each of those new locations (an instant group of friends) and far more cost effective than renting a whole flat/house.

    Free Member

    So we should all share your values and do as you do?

    Nope not at all, just that if you prioritise staying in one location over finding work then you should also accept that you’ll probably not advance so far in your chosen career path. Can’t blame immigration for that!

    Free Member

    is it the way we would want society to function? That is, an almost nomadic way of life

    Has worked for me – I’ve had to move jobs to 4 different locations in the UK (north and south) as well as one abroad to get ahead in my chosen field. Think it’s broadened my mind if anything.

    Sometimes see many of the people I used to go to school with, still working and living in the same old town they grew up in. Their idea of a good time is to get completely sh*t faced for most of the weekend and their only exposure to being abroad seems to be via endless package holiday hotels. A lot of them voted ‘leave’ I think.

    Free Member

    To be fair, it’s hard to move when you’ve got no money.

    Yup cause all the polish coming over here to work clearly have lots of money right? :roll:

    Nope I get what you’re saying – far easier to stay put and claim benefits eh?

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