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  • How To Support The Brands You Love – Without Spending A Fortune
  • adsh
    Free Member

    Well the hell of my 5th lap was rewarded with 17th place in vets (good for me!) as just under half the field gave up at the end of lap 4! So a Soul and full mud tyres can work as an XC bike!

    Free Member

    Jeez that hurt! Hope the lady who hirt herself on one of the descents is ok. My apologies for stalling in front of Gee as he was lapping me in what looled to be 2nd.

    Free Member

    Hmmm single track looks narrower with some ditch sections. Add rain and 1000 wheels and it might be pretty slippy late on? How sandy is it – same as Swinley?

    Free Member

    I’ve got this lot In my cupboard, but I’ve not shot anyone (yet)

    As an FAC holder this is a very unwise statement. About as wise as telling someone at an airport you haven’t got a bomb ha ha. We might take it as a joke someone else might think it shows a level of consideration for the act.

    Also why are all your rifles out of the cabinet at the same time?

    Free Member

    I’ve used a bike to move along logging roads with a 30-06 rifle slung over my back while moose hunting in Sweden. Historicaly moose are hunted by a team with a dog but stalking clearcuts can be very effective. It’s not thought to be ethical or legal to use a car to move around once you’ve started but a bike is. Very niche probably 3 bike hunters out of 300,000 hunters in total. Hope hubs not ideal!

    Free Member

    They seem to have previous. I was crushed against a wall by one overtaking me 50m up a hill before a blind corner on an A road at rush hour. Surprise surprise a car came around the corner. It stopped, he could have but chose to pull in on me instead. I was incredibly lucky only getting a badly scuffed arm. I had to fight more or less from the cab not to go under the rear wheels. Witnesses, police, court and he got away with driving without due care ans attention.

    Free Member

    Sad to think the original owner paid £2,200 odd and probably got less than £800 for it from CC. Hard times for someone.

    Free Member

    Seriously!? There will be 23 more roots than R1, but 49 less than R3

    Thanks but I think you’ve got that the wrong way round :D. FWIW I’ve got a bad back but took my HT to R3 as I couldn’t face the bushing attrition etc in the conditions. I came away surprised how well my back held up and at the extra pedalling efficiency but the course seemed a lot less bumpy/technical than the others. As I’ve not ridden at Tunnel Hill I thought I’d ask.

    Free Member

    How rooty in comparison to the other 3 rounds?

    Free Member

    A large soul worked for me at 6′. Somehow the extra weight from steel doesn’t matter.

    Free Member

    To be clear my worry was ice. I’ve ridden in -15 on snow off road but black ice on roads that were still wet scares the hell out of me plus thick fog here this am. Still in bed to avoid rush hour!

    Free Member

    When I was last there I needed 11 others with me and a one of those things that ‘copter tape originated from. I’m glad things have changed!

    Free Member

    I like totally suck at not being able to wince every time I read the phrase totally suck in the UK. I totally suck at this increasingly often.

    Free Member

    If you have a monitor why bother with the theoretical mhr calculation when you can measure your actual. It involves working very hard up a steep hill then sprinting. Obviously only if on good health with a good base of fitness etc.

    Free Member

    Balls – my xc training now feels very inadequate.

    Free Member

    The very sad 58 ear old death is fairly meaningless as a lesson without the detail. Was it an MI, arythmia or what?

    If an MI, it could have been the case that regular hard exercise prevented him dying at 48. If an arythmia it could like Fabrice M be dangerous.

    If you’ve spent a lifetime at some sort of exercise you’ll know your heart/body. If you’re starting out after a long layoff then see your GP.

    Free Member

    ^+1 Best kit I bought in 2013 – just brilliant.

    Free Member

    Why oh did I find that litespeed on sale at Evans, it’s been in my basket I don’t know how many times today!

    At that price I could even put some very fancy wheels on it too!!

    Sent you an updated e mail

    Do you really want PF30?

    Free Member

    I understand (and practice) that it’s just I thought that sufferfest was all about training to extinction – obviously I was wrong.

    That said the whole premise of the title seems to be about suffering. 2hours and suffering = pretty high intensity no? I’ll take a rest day after a couple of days of that.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to do every one at 100%

    Sufferlandria annexed by Mildiscomforture?
    Anyway horses for courses I can’t train at any meaningful level for that length of time without too great a risk of injury.

    Free Member

    Pity, I don’t like busy sounding free wheels esp the CK style noise. I think Gee must have a CK on his Salsa A La Carte. The irritating noise from it was the reason I dropped back when he passed me on Sunday :D

    Free Member

    An expensive way to overtrain to injury

    Free Member

    Raced took mine to the race Ash last weekend. It wears 120 rebas. Climbed really well without a hint of wander.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a brand new not even out of it’s box 57cm Enigma Esprit Ti frame for sale which would save you a considerable amount………..

    Free Member

    I took the Soul with Muds which was the right choice for my skillz. Some burping meant a soft rear which pinchflatted :( costing me 13m and cost me a 6th lap. Pity as I was feeling stronger. Really enjoyed the course.

    Free Member

    Due to be very cold first thing but getting to 6c later. Maybe rain for last hour. I will try to start cold but not freezing…..

    Free Member

    What trailor tyre for logging?

    Free Member

    The windchill neeeds a base layer to be really comfy. With a merin baa baa I find it about right for -2 to 4c. Any warmer and I find it a bit hot with a base and without a base the softshell feels a bit clammy.

    Free Member

    Too little is better than too much care. You want to avoid making the leather soft. The nose of my Swallow is no longer shiny but instead a rather matte sticky texture from sweat and chamois cream. Can’t seem to dry it but it’s still hard enough not to stretch.

    Free Member

    I’ve got van nicholas ti flat bars with a ti stem which definately make the bike comfier at the front. Whether its in the head or not I don’t know but I’m happy.

    Free Member

    Have to give it best. 300k to go and no time :(

    Free Member

    100k at 4.30am this morning took me to 40%. Either I wake up early again tomorrow and ma age 150k or I admit defeat :(. The challenge for me was to do it without spoiling things for the family so no alarms and no riding past 9am.

    Free Member

    103km starting at 5.30am. Nothing for next couple of days then a big push of I can

    Free Member

    Feast and Rapha Festive 500 = Win

    Free Member

    Designated driver at 2 drinks do’s tonight :( but planninged on a 5am long mtb loop tomorrow to make up for the enorced abstinence but don’t like being in the woods in high winds.

    Free Member

    ^^^^^^ Agreed, play at the rivets

    Free Member

    Snow at Kingston Blount[/url]

    Salsa A la Carte Ti still 26″
    Van Nic Ti stem and Ti bars with 3 Van Nic Ti spacers
    USE Sumo Ti seat post
    Cables sorted now

    Free Member

    I too weigh 77kg and ride down south. I’ve got 2 pairs of Crests and find them pretty tough for what I do. The only issue I had was rim ding from a slow puncture that took a bit of persuasion to bend back and seal.

    Pro 2 Evo with crests, rim tape and valves came in at 1530g with CXrays and brass nipples. Think the same build with DT comps was 1640g. Much as I love the ‘better’ build I can’t tell the difference. I should have spend the money on better hubs (ACs) and used a cheaper spoke like a D light.

    Free Member

    No clue but Frankenjura had the best climbing I ever did (1992 8O) and a really great place.

    Free Member

    But sandier!

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