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    Free Member

    If you werent aware, when you have a child it has a huge impact on your way of life in many ways. Loss of sleep, loss of flexibility…. loss of the ability to confine yourself in a metal box with complete strangers for hours on end. Its selfish on so many levels to take a child on a plane. I honestly would question your moral and parenting skills/responsibilities if you thought it was fair for the child or the general public.

    Even if I sat outside your house with music at legal levels for two hours, I think you would be quite rightly pretty peeved with me, hence i wont do it. The same works in reverse.

    Free Member

    I dont see not going abroad a ‘sacrifice’. You made the choice not to go on a foreign holiday when you had a baby.

    I understand there are circumstances that mean you do need to take your child on a plane. In my part to keep the balance, I choose to sit at the back of the plane (as they always board children to the front), and I wont bother you if you child screems the whole way.

    However, if you made the choice to sit next to me with a screaming child, then I will make the choice to sit out the front of your house with my music playing full blast for the duration of a flight. Of course I could play it elsewhere, but you can also go on holiday via other modes of transport.

    Free Member

    If you get offered a holiday it doesnt mean you ‘have’ to. You made your choice to have children. I did not make that choice for you. Therefore, do not inflict your screaming children on me when i cant control it.

    Anyone who takes a child likely to scream on a plane is a selfish and so… You have a baby, live with the consequences. You cant go on holiday abroad. Fact!

    Free Member

    Large. Why?

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the info GTR. Im afraid i dont have the memory capacity to remember all that whilst im out riding. I generally stick all the dials to somewhere in the middle and ride it. I can just about set rebound and know what the lockout does, but the rest i cant feel makes any difference to how it rides (for me anyway). I prefer getting rid of it all so i dont have to worry about it, and assume someone with more knowldeg and skill has set it correctly in the factory. If it moves up and down, and doesnt shoot back up like a pogo, then im happy.

    Free Member

    try the snowmates forum on

    I went on a ‘blind date’ with some chaps through there. Great trip.

    Free Member

    If anyone is interested, it weighs 31 lbs with cheap plastic pedals, all the reflectors and bell. (Large)

    Going to shift the thomson stem, thomson post, easton bars, and chris king headset over from the Blur to give it some bling.

    Free Member

    The green is a bit too eye catching for me. Its a running theme on everything unfortunatley. Green spoke nipples, saddle rail, quick release, writing on wheels, forks, lock on grip clamp…..

    Free Member

    The cable comes in on a pully, hence no need for a big loop. SRAM x-9. Need to go find a step to ride off now.

    Free Member

    Hadnt notice the front brake hose till you pointed it out.

    Free Member

    It is running under the chainstay. Nothing unusual about that? Does on my Blur LT anyway.

    Free Member

    I like the bell best.

    Free Member

    Just this minute bought a pitch pro from them. Rang the shop though, not through tinterweb. Got two shops and internet store though, so cant be all that bad customer service.

    Free Member

    if it was my nice bike i would have stood infront of it constantly to stop these things happening. Definately too late to pull her up on it now though. Just seeth internally and take it out at the next idiot that crosses you.

    Free Member

    i know you said wired but..
    Bluetooth remote

    Its about the same price, but you can use it without needing to have wires running all over you. And you can use the phone and listen to music whilst riding. And hence you can stick the phone in the camel back.

    Free Member

    Lights had just gone red, so was sure I could get infront. I prefer to be infront as i can get out the way of traffic rather than gt mixed up in it (safer). And I would love to know how many people sit at the back of a queue of traffic when they can easily filter on the outside.

    Having the space for me to move over, and barging his way through are two different things. I sit 2 foot off the kerb for that exact reason (and drains).

    I didnt hold him up at any point. And even if I did, my point is he shouldnt be trying to teach me a lesson with an effing great big bus!

    Free Member

    Goldenwonder- i didnt go through the red light
    And dont call me Shirley

    No contact, but only because i left enough space on my insideto swerve out of his way. If i was a bit more timid on the bike I would certainly have fallen off.

    Free Member

    i did an IM. I would like to have ‘a’ tatoo to show off/remind me of what I achieved. And it was an achievement. Its also a sign to other people that you are in the elite group of people who have trained, competed and completed one.

    But i wont get one because its a brand. I dont want to brand myself. If the chairman turned out to be a rapist or peodo and i had that on my leg/arm i would have to get it removed. You cant control a brand. If it was some sort of none branded sign, then i would have it by now.

    Free Member

    dont use them often, but very proud of them..

    MEng(Hons) CEng MICE

    Could try for a MIStructE, but dont want the repetitve strain injury from signing my name on forms.

    Free Member

    Chin up.

    Been there and some. Had no external wall to the bedroom and living room for the whole winter apart from some chip board (no heating either), rats coming in and out, pets coming in for a peek (not ours), a cupboard for a kitchen etc…….

    Its a state of mind. I saw it as a time we had to go through to get what we wanted and something we would look back on with amazement we got through it. The SO hated every waking second in the house, restented the builder for all his faults, stressed over every little problem, and now has sworn never to do it again.

    Relax, stand back, get some persperctive and hope the other half doesnt comit murder or freak out in the process.

    Free Member

    Well if all you want to do is pss him off a bit then report him to building control for the wobbly wall. He can always just take the gutter off and all it will do is just pour water all over your side.

    Free Member

    1. Its illegal for the gutter to be there as it on your property
    2. It doesnt matter how long the gutter has been there. His extension may have been built without planning permission, which if old enough (which it sounds like it is) then it will now be lgally there. But not the gutter.
    3. It is irrelevant if they were or not as the extension has now been there long enough. But the council has records online, and if not you can just go to the council and get the plans.

    Subjectively- You only rent, he owns. It was there when you moved in. Its only a gutter. The wobbly wall would be an issue for me though, phone Building Control to get them to look at it.

    Free Member


    Thats a common problem. When you click on links it probably is a bit off centre too (the green box).

    You can get the page to load up by disabling plugins (go to settings and scroll down when in the internet ap). It doesnt fix it though. No idea if its BBCs fault or the Adobe 10.1s fault.

    edit: you already said about disabling flash- so I cant help any further.

    Free Member

    Sorry to drag an old thread up, but trawling through various other sources I just got confused and STW seems to be on my level of technical sophistication (i.e. limited).

    How do you take all the variuos VOB files from a DVD and create an MP4 to work on my HTC Desire. I tried converting one via a trial version of a converter but it only converted the trailer and stalled at the others. Also would I not just end up with loads of MP4 files? How do i get lots of VOB files to one MP4 files?


    Free Member

    Just met Gok Wan filming an ad for Vodaphone right outside my building about 10 mins ago. Nice chap. Not as tall as I was expecting. Got his autograph, does that make me a looser(edit: loser)?

    Free Member

    Sounds good. Cheers uplink

    Free Member

    Yep, I dont have a box. There is no aerial in the room where the box comes in to. I was hoping i might be able to get the BBC HD channels and the other normal freeview channels as well as 1, 2, ,3 ,4 and 5.

    Free Member

    I really wasnt wanting to change the door as its new and we are in a conservation area. Just thinking of new types of locks and things. The plywood on the back sounds a good idea.

    I dont think there is enough thickness to the door to get a dead bolt on it.

    If I put some sort of lock on the front, are there any ones less easy to pry off?

    Free Member

    Out of interest, how much is he moving the rope by? (it doesnt make any difference to the legitimcy, but just wondering how angry I would be).

    Free Member

    I know photos make things look easy. But come on, its not the hut drop in Morzine, its just a wall in a playground. There must be someone on here with a bike, body armour, and lack of sense who can get there???? I thought Scots were supposed to be 'ard'.

    Free Member

    Well to drag this out even further. Just been down to Condor and bought some bar tape for exactly the same amount (including bar plugs, end tape etc.).

    Asked if i tried to fit it and it wasnt long enough can I take it back, 'of course' was the reply.

    Just got back to the desk and measured one against the other. The Condor one is much longer.

    p.s. at no point did I 'demand' a new bar tape and not send the other one back, I just 'asked' if they would as it made more sense. At the least i was expecting to be able to send it back and get a refund. In anyway, they refunded me and I still didnt send it back, so I got more than I wanted.

    CRC have sucumb to sense. I'm midly satisfied. We all got some entertainment. End of thread??

    Free Member

    don simon- ever tried holding a bare metal bar for a 70 mile ride over pot holed roads with sweaty hands? (plenty of room for double entedres there)

    Free Member

    bigyinn- already did that and told CRC that the bar tape is 170cm long. Even the shortest listed on their site is 185cm.

    Free Member

    All resolved now. For completeness…

    Hi Adam,

    The issue is not about the cost of the item and we can sort this easily, do you want a refund or an exchange because the tape you received is going to be the same length but if you want another one sent out we can send it if you feel adding two lengths is going to resolve your issue, please let us know what it is you want and we will get back to you, but as advised the item itself is not actually faulty but get back to me with what you want and we will be in touch.

    Kind Regards,


    Mark also kindly rang up. Offered to send me the same bar tape in replacement (fairly pointless) or a refund.

    Lesson learnt, getting a refund and am going to buy it from a bike shop instead.

    Free Member

    bigyinn- Road bars are standard

    email sent to 'Frank' at CRC who is apparently high up…..

    Free Member

    Yeh, the emails are getting a bit strong. But if I was that poor at my job I would expect to get some abuse.

    Free Member

    Given up being polite (some may say I never was). Am going to ring CRC and speak to his boss. Anyone know who I should ask for?

    p.s. they have seen the thread…


    There is no ‘insistence’ that you send me a new one. Just a request. However, I was not expecting you to also turn me down for a refund as well. As a good customer, I was hoping for some better service rather than the drawn out affair we seem to have gone through now. It seems utterly pointless for all involved if I had to send back a £4 set of grip with one half being used. I would have thought my past purchase would have guaranteed me as an honest customer who isn’t trying to rip you off.

    Im not going to the effort of sending you some useless grip tape and wait weeks for a refund or replacement (or neither). I also have to use the bike, which right now even though it doesn’t cover the hood clamp, is just about functional. Having to take it off makes my bike totally unusable. You are aware it is a poor product from previous comments. Whether other people have bought it and just binned it not wanting to waste their time arguing over £4 is up to them. How about you get some out of your warehouse and give it a go, and you will see it wont go round the bars?

    Rather than take you up on the offer, I think I will just ring up at some point and speak to your manager, forward him your emails which show your totally inability to deal swiftly with a £4 customer complaint, and see what he thinks.

    Have a nice day,

    Thanks for the link but having read all replies you will agree it is more about the fact that you are insisting the item is faulty which it is not and your insistence that we simply send you a replacement without checking up on it is not the procedure we use , your reluctance to meet us half way as we have sold loads of this bar tape with no issues seems to account for nothing so it appears we cannot win with you on this, if you do not want the tape return it to us and we will have it checked and if there is an issue with the tape you bought we will issue a refund.

    Kind Regards,

    Free Member

    I started off the emails pretty politely. But they are slowly disintegrating….

    You are selling road bar tape that will not fit a STANDARD road bar. Surely there is a product fault. Its too bloody short! At manufacturing, they cut it too short for it to be of any use as road bar tape.

    Its not about the money, and certainly not about 2 miserly quid. I thought you would just pop another one in the post and the matter would be closed. I didn’t really think you would make me jump through hoops for some sodding bar tape.

    You are missing the point the tape is not faulty because there was simply not enough for your needs, the comment on the website is there so you would have been aware the previous customer said it could have been longer for him too but he did not return it or ask for a refund because it was not long enough for his needs, you are not entitled to a refund as there is no issue as far as we are concerned, as a gesture of goodwill we will offer a refund of half the cost but purely as a goodwill gesture if you wish to accept let us know and we will get it processed, if you do not wish to accept the offer then as advised we consider the matter closed.

    Kind Regards,

    How was I to know the tape was too short before I tried putting it on? And to be fair, it should have fitted in the first place anyway.

    Secondly, THIS ISNT THE FIRST ISSUE, there is already a comment on the product saying its too short.

    Before you really, really hack off a loyal customer, pleas refund me the money and I will get the tape elsewhere.


    Free Member

    For those with time on their hands, heres the email thread (cheeky twunts)

    Well no because I would not purchase the car Adam, if the tape was not suitable you could have returned it as stated in the return policy on the website and we could have issued a refund as you have used the tape this is not now possible, but as stated the tape was sold as it comes from the supplier and was not faulty so we now consider this matter closed as we are getting nowhere, we are sorry the item you purchased did not suit your needs but we have sold lots of this item and this is the first issue of this nature we have had so we are confident there is no issue with the tape.

    Kind Regards,
    There is something wrong with it! It wont fit a road bar! If I sold you a car that was too small to sit in I think you would quite rightly want your money back.
    Hello Adam,

    We are not sure what you want us to do ? the bar tape you purchased was not faulty and was sold as it comes from the supplier so if it was not long enough for your needs we can only suggest you purchase another, there is nothing wrong with the item you bought so unfortunately we cannot replace it.

    Kind Regards,
    It isn’t long enough. When you sell bar tape for use on road bike bars you expect it to actually fit on a standard road bar. Its purpose is “road bar tape”, which it isn’t long enough to do hence its “not fit for purpose”.

    Hello Adam,

    We do not understand how it is not fit for purpose ? it sounds as though it was simply not long enough for your needs that does not mean it is faulty, if this is wrong can you clarify what the actual issue is.

    Kind Regards,
    I wouldn’t have to return it if was fit for purpose. Hence, I am at least entitled a refund. I was hoping some good will would mean you would exchange without having to go through the effort of posting a half used bar grip back.

    Hello Adam,

    We are sorry to hear the bar tape you ordered was not long enough for you but if you want to order more please do so online, as you have fitted the bar tape you purchased we would not be able to accept it back for a refund as per the terms on the website.

    Kind Regards,

    I recently purchased the Brand X bar tape and found it way too short. Even when I tried to minimise on overlap and stretch it out, it is still way too short. I don’t even have particularly long or wide bars.

    I would send it back, but it seems a bit pointless as its going to cost me more than £4 to send it back and I have used one side already so you cant sell it on.

    Can you please send me some new bar tape that will actually fit my roads bars please?

    I have spent a fair few quid on CRC in the past so am hoping you will resolve this for me easily.


    Free Member

    Brand X tape

    Even has a comment saying its too short. Wish I had read more closely.

    And before someone says it, its not about the money, its the attitude of CRC that I am annoyed with.

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