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  • It’s not easy being Singletrack. Please help.
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    They were a bit rubbish – even when I could identify who it was that had it they did nothing as they couldnt prove it was him who stole it, even though another witness had told them they saw him do it on the day it was taken.

    Free Member

    I got mine back, i was so angry that they had smashed the back window of my car to get it (in broad daylight with loads of people about, I had left it for 10 mins as I get kids and shopping in the hous). So I took the next day off work, printed up some reward posters and ran all around the (less than pleasant) estate I live in putting them up.

    After I ran out of posters I wandered about looking for a bag they had also taken with tools and a lock in it. As I came out of an alleyway and looked to my right I saw a lad of about 6′ sat of my bike facing away from me 50yds down the road.

    I did a quick risk assessment and thought hes a lot younger than me and bigger than me – but no where near as pissed off as I was. So I ran and grabbed the seat post stays really hard. Luckily he jumped off and didnt try and get it from me

    After a few minutes ranting at I rode off with my bike – very shaky from the adreneline rush

    The police were gobsmacked when I said id recovered it

    Free Member

    I have done a few events and like the focus and build up, dont stand a hope in hell of coming anywhere – although id be in veteran ladies category for some rides so there may not be many to compare myself against.

    I dont think its about how much you have going on – just about how much free time you can allocate. I have several jobs and 4 kids – all the more reason to make my time my own and immerse myself in something that is purely for me. I think it helps me juggle everything else in my life better.

    I love the bearbones events – definitely no competition just bloody good fun, with tea and cake thrown in at the end what more could you ask for!?

    Free Member

    mattzzzzzz – Member
    Have a look at AquaDoodle for painting- it is an impregnated sheet you “paint” with water and the colours come through and disappears when dry – no mess!!

    My little boys had a thomas the tank engine version where you drew the track and the train followed it – when it dried you just drew a different route – the boys loved it

    Free Member

    If parents can’t afford it they seem to be offered the chance to pay less … obviously this is covered by those of us they think can ‘afford’ it

    Hence the ‘we need x number of kids whose parents are willing to pay’

    Really does bug me

    Free Member

    I dont think its the baby that’ll be causing the sleepless nights!

    Good luck

    Free Member

    I have an assortment of scan pictures (about 16 in total from two different hospitals) some have my name on some dont, they all have dates on.

    In my job I deal with lots of medical imaging and am quite used to seeing images without dates and names

    Free Member

    Argh cant get the link to work – but have a look at ‘wonders of the stoner system’ on YouTube

    Made me laugh – but may not be evrryones cup of tea, very cleverly done though :-D

    Free Member

    I find keeping my wrists in a good position with ergon grips helps prevent aches and pains, and would help you maintain a neutral wrist position as you heal.

    Free Member

    @junkyard no worries I was just checking :)

    My boys are up for it – as long as its not as muddy as the 20 miles they did a couple of weeks ago . . .

    Cant see what they were complaining about myself :-D

    Free Member

    I love my skoda fabia – thought i would struggle down sizing so much from a galaxy – but I’m totally converted, really nice to drive and it does shift (but it is a 2l petrol – so id be upset if it didnt).

    Free Member

    Is there a problem with mums and or girls going? I didnt realise it was just aimed at dads and lads?

    Unfortunately my boys dad has no interest in bikes so they only get to ride with me

    Free Member

    Sounds good, will run it past my two boys (8&9) – be good for them to know they arent alone in being taken on long rides.

    Free Member

    mosquito bikes is awesome, I have mentally spent thousands in there – my first point of call when I win the lottery. Never met such knowledgeable bike shop staff.

    (ok maybe not the first but way up there!)

    They will sell you bolts – but I bet you’ll come out wanting a whole lot more :-)

    Free Member

    I’m 5’6″ and ride a medium inbred 29er (small would have been too short in the reach as I am flexible and lean forward a lot apparently)
    not had any problems or people pointing and laughing (well once but that was more to do with the amount of mud I was wearing! )

    Free Member

    ha ha no, not something suffered around here. The only grinder ive ever used was a hand one inhereted from my grandfather. no blades and did the job – I fear my buds wouldnt notice the difference enough to justify the expense of anything more

    Free Member

    could list lots of differences between a cheap bike and an expensive one – but as I know nothing about coffe grinders – can someone please explain the difference in the fragments of bean produced from a £20 grinder and a £200 one.

    Free Member

    thank for the advice, smigde sounds cool will give it a go – have always avoided dousing the kids in insecticides favouring the ‘dont breath out and run about faster’ line parental advice.

    May not help them but it is hilarious to watch!

    Free Member

    it was a bit of a weird one last year but thats daft!

    our trip last easter was to the isle of man. the boys were out having a snow ball fight as I was packing all our light camping gear. they did make me find web cams on the island to prove it wasnt covered in snow. it was a bit nippy but we survived

    Free Member

    oh yes the other minor detail about may – it would mean doing wrt lite and coming home grabbing boys and jumping on a sleeper train. doable but a bit of a squeeze

    Free Member

    we did fort wiiliam to fort Augustus and back a couple of years ago, if that was anything to go by their back up plan of choice would be living wild in the woods

    good point chew – will put it on there too. im hoping going up to inverness we’ll have a bettrr chance of favourable wind

    Free Member

    hi jackie, I tend to do very long rides and although I cant say I have exactly the same problem – I have found the best way to avoid getting rubbed up the wrong way is to wear underwear under my shorts. I have found the best thing are thin cotton thongs with smooth elastic edges.

    and decent shorts – but although they are supposed to be worn without knickers I really dont find that comfy – prefering my delicate bits covered with natural fibers too – not synthetic chamois

    Free Member

    A friend of mine had a big battle with aviva over a policy he’d been paying into for 15 years.

    he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. the cancer had not invaded surrounding tissue or spread anywhere else but as it didnt respond to the chemo he was told he would need his bladder removed.

    aviva refused to pay saying this wasnt critical – based on the cancer staging not related at all to the need for major surgery requiring months of recovery. as he was self employed with a young family he couldn’t afford to stop work for 6 months for the treatment.

    he took it to the insurance ombudsman and did get offered some deal but no where near a full payout.

    luckily as he couldnt agree to the bladder op they offered him another lot of chemo even though the odds were slim on it working. however it did and it has got him a few more years with his bladder

    he did have a facebook page set up about it but I think this has been removed, he did fight aviva rather hard to get anything – I will ask him for an update and let you know more details.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m not a new dad but an old mum, and one of the things I cherished most after each of my 4 came along, were moments of solitude. I know it might be tricky especially as you have a baby that may need a bit of extra tlc.

    However when he gets into a bit more of a settled pattern (even just knowing how much time a feed will buy you!) wrap him up and take him out for a walk (maybe run her a bath first).

    The solitude is precious as you are inundated with family and visitors. Even when if is just the three of you in the house and she has a bit of time to herself (say in the bath) her ears will always pick up on sqeaks and cries so she never truly switches off and relaxes.

    Free Member

    When being shown round a nursery once I spied the name ‘lambini’ on a peg

    I couldn’t help but query it as the person showing me round had seen the look of horror on my face . . . turns out it is a greek girls name – of all the countries in europe her parents had to move too . . .

    I have grown up having a rather unusual name (named after an ancient greek water nymph!) I quite like it now but there were definitely times I would have rather blended in a bit more! probably why my daughter is called Charlotte – a classic name that wont get any undue attention

    Free Member

    I find myself humming the theme to junior kickstart to myself when it all gets a bit technical – I think it has become some weird mantra to calm my nerves

    Free Member

    Schools may notify more these days – sending out general texts to parents. however the school mine went to always insisted the buses were nothing to do with them and really didnt get involved.

    when there’s 1400 pupils all going in different direction the emphesis is on the parent/child to sort out the journey.

    Didn’t really have a problem with missing the bus ‘accidentally’ – made it quite clear that wasnt an option.

    I can honestly say I havent had any worries about mobiles and bullying – but they didnt have facebook on their phone…..and lets not get started on kids and facebook

    Free Member

    spot the people who don’t have children and work to co-ordinate. . .

    I will be getting my son one when he is 11, as he will sometimes have to travel across sheffield on his own on a bus – as I did when his older brother and sister went to senior school.

    it will be basic, and primarily for safety.

    Disorganised – thats laughable

    Free Member


    *scrubs brain*

    Free Member

    piemonster – Member
    Wot no hookers?
    If these are on the cards, you need more MDMA

    and viagra with that cocktail!

    Free Member

    I try and be energetic, cheerful and optimistic but life does get to you at times and I find myself struggling.

    I worry i can be a bit pessimistic – but then felt slightly buoyed hearing about this article

    NOw i can be optimistically pessimistic :-)

    Free Member

    ok here is one – ornamental and about the right size – just ask him to put one of these in and you’ll call it quits ..

    Free Member

    hardly 6′ but yes a 6′ would be closer to that than a full tree – but the point is he shouldnt be removing plants.

    why not plant some fast growing conifers behind shed ….

    Free Member

    if I asked someone to weed and tidy I’d be seriously miffed if they started removing plants – I suspect people dont realise the value of mature plants – not sure how much for a 6ft one but you ciuld have this one…..

    Free Member

    cant see why a bag is preferable to a bit of heavy duty tarpaulin – for a start the bag would get filthy quickly if used for dirty bikes and a tarp is far easier to hose down, and they fold to virtually nothing and can be used for when you put things other than bikes too …. a bit of care and a few quid seems like a no brainer to me. or maybe it’s just my crazy girl logic :-D

    Free Member

    I’ll put you some boggy sections in Welsh Ride Thing

    thanks Stu – love nothing more than wading about in bogs . . . just cant seem to get enough!

    Free Member

    the wrt was aptly rechristened the wet ride thing – still brilliant though

    Free Member

    ok maybe I did just grab some weldtite one on the way home . . . . will change them now and then moan again when they dont last :-)

    Did consider changing hubs . . . I was daydreaming over some lovely pink ones the other day (to match my headset) – – but then went and put a deposit on a criox de fer instead. . . .

    Free Member

    ha ha – could become a bit of comedy genius – luckily there will be no one to laugh!

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