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  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    I have always tried to encourage my children to nurture the next one down. it was a bigger challenge with my eldest two as no 2 made an entrance like your second – a bit (understatent!) of a screamer, who then became a bit of a tantrum thrower.

    I found the best way to make his sister take to him was to encourage her to teach him things, from simple stuff like jigsaws to help him learn to walk and ride scooters etc. I also made sure she had her own quiet time – making the most of moments that no 2 was asleep or elsewhere.

    This appealed to her sensible nature and really gave her pride in her role of big sister. her brother still has moments of being intolerable (he’s nearly 20) but still turns to his sister first and even though they have several siblings they have the closest bond with each other.

    luckily my two younger sons got on better from the start but i still encourage the same behaviour, i feel it helps them develop tolerance and understanding generally.

    Free Member

    my phone did that and i was advised to contact orange to get them to send out different settings to the phone. I changed my phone before i got a chance to sort it (i had questioned why it did it when i was upgrading my phone).

    Free Member

    April fool? – i hope!

    Free Member

    Would really love too but like the old woman who lived in a shoe I have too many children which would make it a logistical nightmare. One day when the have all left home I am packing my bike up and going travelling (they have all been warned!).

    Free Member

    Missing a winery – but more importantly sunshine and warmth. Really hope we get a heat wave this year….or maybe I could just ask for a transfer to oz with work…

    Free Member

    Still have snow on the hills around here, no riding for me today it was all about children and chocolate.

    I’m sure you’ll get the hang of the picture thing WG – and plenty of eager helpers on here if you cant

    Free Member

    Have you taken any pics on your rides out there? Picture of sunny dry rides would make a change from the norm 🙂

    Free Member

    Ah ron – wear wood eye bee without ewe

    Sorry, brain still somewhat jaded by last night’s shenanigans 🙂

    Free Member

    Where a necklace of fruit polos instead?

    Free Member

    Not that I dont have great faith in the britsh weather – but here’s some ideas to grt you started on your new hobby . . .

    Free Member

    Nothing after this mornings hangover, life maybe too short to abstain from fun – but it’s even shorter when you have to sleep off hangovers and lose half the day

    Never again….(ish)

    Free Member

    Bikes look good to me – and im am resisting the urge to see where my tyre logos are in relation to my valves . . . .

    Free Member

    Not living up to my name this morning, too hungover

    Not adjusting to anything other than horizontal at present :-/

    Free Member

    brilliant entertainment this afternoon thanks – hopefully more to follow to give the WG a laugh when she wakes up (and the rest of us a giggle to at some point!)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    sweet dreams wheeliegood and enjoy the ride in the morning 🙂

    spchantler – ha ha ha

    love this forum STW makes housework almost bearable

    Free Member

    go on ronjeremy – wheeliegood needs cheering up…. (or putting off men temporarily?)

    Free Member

    ha ha – i have many guises (or just like a party!)

    changed my mind about leaving the cave woman on there – looks a bit too much like me 🙂

    Very sweet comment from Nickegg

    Free Member

    motozulu – Member
    You look younger than I imagined adjustable

    thanks – didn’t quite colour all my wrinkles in 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m confused i thought piemonster was on the horse 😀

    Free Member

    this is really me (ish!)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    please explain as i am genuinely confused

    palindromic poems reverse the words

    butterflies fluttering <> fluttering butterflies

    and a palindrome reverses the letters

    murder <> red rum

    so i just cant see a palindrome i what you put, but i guess i am just missing something 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t worry about all that nothing makes the satement you need to make more than riding off into your sunny future with a big smile on your face – leave him to karma

    Free Member

    even if you reverse the words it’s not the same as one has i in it and the other has me.

    Free Member


    nope definitely not the same backwards – or am i being daft?

    Free Member

    unklehomered – Member

    So’s “The butterflies are following me.”

    no it isn’t

    Free Member

    brilliant news!! – enjoy your riding 😀

    Free Member

    no ernie i dont believe i said you needed to pass any toughness test

    I meant in general i have spent a lot of time in the company of men – as they do tend to be the ones i ride with, and i have lots of male friends

    so generally i am used to their banter/innuendo/humour and am generally unshockable – i don’t feel it was a prerequisite to joining or commenting on this forum but maybe helps

    Just because we are female it doesn’t mean we are all fragile and easily offended 🙂

    I hope wheelie has a great time in Oz and has been reassured by all the support she’s received

    Free Member

    Plus the fact if you are a girl who is into mountainbiking i am sure you are well used to the company of boys and all the fun that goes with it – i think i am fairly unshockable now

    Free Member

    I feel it’s just the same as walking into a pub populated by only men, you will get some that just ignore your presence, some that will make a play for you or just be lewd, others that will be a bit arsey because your in ‘man territory’

    edit – opps forgot to say also there are some guys who will talk to you normally and are genuinely interested in wht you might have to say

    I don’t find it unfriendly – as girls we do tend to learn to ignore attention when we don’t need it – and maybe court it slightly when we do as it can make you feel a bit better.

    I’m sure WG can ignore the comments that aren’t very pleasant.

    I think sometimes male company when you are a bit down is good as you will tend to get more of the life

    goes on/ pick yourself up and put it behind you comments whereas women can want to dissect every last detail of why and how it went wrong

    As for bearing your all on here – i am pleasantly surprised by how many blokes do. and yes they do get a ribbing but not when its a real crisis and its good to see how much support there is for each other.

    Free Member

    I bet with the right glasses and her hair curled she would look like mel b – well the bo selecta version…

    Free Member

    15 year old topeak alien here – I have fixed lots of chains with it , lent it to a friend on a ride at the back end of last year and he was impressed with it too and fixed his with no problem. So obviously a unisex tool too which is always helpful

    Free Member

    Hora im dissapointed – a girl who possibly gives out on the second date is pseudo-psychoanalysed in length by you and all this gets is a shrug?!

    Maybe it’s a look you appreciate 😉

    Free Member

    Cant see her topless modelling career going far – or do men go for that look!?

    Free Member

    A quick look on a phone is not the best – I guess they are probably right

    Free Member

    No – dont think my boss would approve if i did 🙂

    Free Member

    Did she go? Did she return?

    Or is she happily married to borat in khazakstan with baby number two on the way?!

    Free Member

    We had a cat who had to go out at night he would pace the floor, jump up curtains and walls knock plants and stuff over.

    In his old age he settled down a bit, my daughter went to uni and after the first year took him over to manc with her. He then adapted well to the student life style, became an indoor cat, in a house with an indoor rabbit – but I guess that kept life exciting.

    Free Member

    I always did – used a pioneer to read files from a memory stick, phone and also a little portable storage device – which did struggle to be honest but it was full

    Got track listings and titles too

    Now have a car with a built in stereo . . .and have the pioneer to sell

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