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  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    my favourite top in this heat is a bright pink floaty vest – a bit see through but acceptable over a sports bra and has the added bonus of getting a tan through it . . . oh and roadies say hello even when I’m on a MTB

    Free Member

    Paladin is that acting young or a sign you watched the flowerpot men when you were a kid? . . . .

    Im the last person to judge – long live my youthful mentality and I dont care what the rest of the world thinks as long as I feel young …. and stay away from mirrors 😀

    Free Member

    i know what you mean – but its still fun (and nothing’s like it used to be!). if you want smelly dreadies you only have to nip into glastonbury town, and there are some to be found at the festival too my youngest is like a homing device, he’s already saying he wants to stay there with the hippies and not come home.

    Free Member

    anything involving sunshine has become myth in recent summers. Worry more about the mud – grubby helmet isn’t a good look 😯

    Free Member

    jodafett – Member
    so if he gets a new bike it will be his only bike.
    Well thats gone and changed a few opinions of you

    Do you think timid has a wardrobe approach to garage space allocation? – ‘I need most as i have most clothes bikes – you can have that tiny bit of space over there for yours’

    It’s great being a girl 🙂

    Free Member

    ha ha ha this thread has made me laugh – it is so hard to find someone with the same love of bikes in real life, good luck timid in getting him hooked 😉

    Free Member

    The science behind intermittent fasting is explained in the horizon program ‘ eat, fast and live longer’.

    Basically it showed how it can help reduce cholesterol, reduced levels of insulin like growth factor (linked to some cancers), help control blood sugar levels and bit also showed that it could stimulate neuron growth in the brain possibly helping to prevent the onset dementia.

    They were looking into it as it has been regular practice in many cultures and those that do it swear by the health benefits. The guy basically sets out to see if it can reverse the age risk associated with aging and his test results show he achieves this.

    I found the program very interesting, especially as I have always had random days where I eat very little. So it hasn’t made me change my diet – I can just ignore comments that I should eat more ‘regularly’ more easily now.

    The program is worth a watch – but not if you just want to moan at people about fad diets and reiterate ‘eat less exercise more’ constantly. The program is only for those who are keen to see what its actually about 🙂

    Hope you manage to sort your hunger issues vickypea and stick with it – I have always eaten a little later in the day and had some kind of protein – eggs are good.

    Free Member

    The thought of that going behind every motel door would keep you moving on the tour divide if nothing else

    Free Member

    Harry hall cycles? Have a website too

    Free Member

    A dodgy welsh man called jeff and the even dodgier raleigh montrey ‘mountain bike’ that he bought me as he didnt like me having a baby seat on a road bike

    He is long gone and now I only have bikes ive picked 🙂

    Free Member

    Is that not black metal?

    Free Member

    I think they do a great job . . . . But I think I know why they dont answer the phones

    It does whiff a bit around their neck of the woods atm – I bet they are either masked up or holding their breath 🙂

    Free Member

    I got insured through ctc insurance when I went touring a few years ago. If I remember rightly the bike was insured if you made reasonable efforts to secure it and I think breakdowns were covered too and they would aim to get you a bike replaced en route to if it got stolen. Worth a ring to check what they cover these days

    I didnt join the ctc, just took out their cover – luckily I didnt have to use it.

    Free Member

    I think I need to stick up for your lady friend a bit, it may be this situation has evolved and she just hasnt been able to to deal with it effectively – I dont think you should assume it what she wants.

    Mothers may want to nurture their young – but we know when they need to fly the nest too, but sometimes its not that simple. I have a 20 year old at home who walks a very fine line at times, he works in a bar and there fore keeps odd hours etc. Trying to get him to behave in an appropriate way (clean up/pay rent/respect others) can be very draining for me as I have two younger ones to deal with and work full time.

    It may be that she has tried to make it right but it has now got to this point, I know sometimes I wish their were a bloke about who could have a bit more of a bloke to bloke chat with my son.

    If I were you I would get to know them both more, and encourage her to share her dreams with you – always good to start with someones hopes and aspirations for the future then you can justifiably talk about ways to make it happen. Rather than starting with ‘your son needs to go’ . . . .

    Whether she is a fruitcake or just stuck in a bad situation it will be a delicate matter to discuss

    Free Member

    Yeah that was a laugh, not as easy now as most crisp packets are foil backed for freshness so that bit doesn’t shrink and it all goes wrong. Used to use them as keyring fobs

    Its actually easier now! a foil crisp packet for a second or two in the microwave – shrinks and looks amazing, my youngest two started doing it when they got a book called something like ‘crisp packet fireworks and other cool experiments’

    It is definitely the closest you will get to weird science type magic 😀

    Free Member

    Have the same thoughts each year

    1) shall I just get a band of lace tattooed round each thigh as I spend most of the summer almost looking like  I’m wearing stockings anyway?

    2) contemplate the above but realise would look wrong with white feet – then miss my old shimano spd sandles so much I spend an hour googling to no avail

    Free Member

    Both my (gemini) parents are left handed, my brother and I are right handed and two of my kids (the gemini ones) are both cross domnant (some things left handed and some things right) – means nothing I know but sometimes used in the family to dismiss all Gemini’s as odd

    cinnamon_girl – MemberI know this isn’t a right-on thing to say but do wish that I’d been ‘persuaded’ to use my right hand.Wot a struggle with being taught to knit

    I taught my daughter to knit using mirrors, she has since taught herself to crotchet right handed . .

    And I have completely given up trying to remember who has their cutlery on what side as it changes day to day

    On a scarier note a friend of mine managed to remove some of his fingers as the guard on the saw wasnt much use when used in the other hand . . . .

    Free Member

    Yes all about the red pepper – love a bit of smoked paprika .

    Free Member

    My calipers on my inbred are always uneven – with sintered pads they made a hideous noise. Made me brake less but sometimes you do actually need them.

    Tried cleaning the religiously with disc brake cleaner – it worked to an extent.

    Have now gone to organic pads – and its amazing I can go down hills in public without wanting to disown the thing! I dont care if they wear quicker I bet I’ll still have to take them out less than I did before when i was just trying to shut the sintered ones up

    Free Member

    Nice – when shall we come round with the ccheese and marmite? 😀

    Free Member

    it’s not chopping it in half just make it into a pocket – just so much nicer with the butter and marmite on it and cheese in the middle

    as with most things in life don’t knock it until you’ve tried it 😉

    Free Member

    on a slight tangent my favourite melted cheese toasted snack type thing is cheese stuffed crumpets with butter and marmite on;

    slice into the side of a crumpet with a sharp knife

    fill the pocket with thin slices of strong cheese

    toast either in a toaster or under the grill (if under the grill definitely toast the bottoms first or the cheese will try and escape when you turn them over)

    spread with butter and marmite

    absolutely brilliant post ride snack with a huge cup of tea

    Free Member

    Look on the barebones bikepacking site – all things lightweight and minimalistic and loads who can advise on the forum too.

    Personally I would take something to cook with – or the very least a pot that can be warmed over a fire. If accommodation is sparse the chances are shops will be too. Stu of barebones fame makes some great little meths burners.

    Nothing beats losing yourself in the wilderness on a bike – hope you have a brilliant time 😀

    Free Member

    Being a girl I think its a great psa 😀

    Free Member

    Aww shucks guys you say the loveliest things 😀

    coming from a long line of mentalist bike riding old dears (not too sure about lavender and wee though!). . . .

    my grandmother had to stop riding her russian cossack motorcycle outfit when she had her hip replaced in her 80’s

    my mother’s always trundling about the planet on her collection of motorbikes

    and me – well i obviously i prefer to pedal but have a full license too

    and my lovely daughter rides when she isn’t having bikes stolen

    So I think he has a good idea of the family characteristics, and hopefully he will not panic too much with us being a fairly openminded chilled out lot.

    As for babies – hopefully not too soon, she has various things she wants to do first – and is no hurry to follow in my footsteps in that department. Being a bit like the old woman who lived in a shoe . . . . so you could be one of mine IHN – i may have lost count 😉

    Free Member

    Topeak here too

    Free Member

    Numbers of bike commuters seem to have doubled this week for some reason, wonder if that bright yellow thing in the sky has anything to do with it.

    My 8 year old was complaining yesterday about the sudden increase in cyclists on our morning commute, I had to point out that other cyclists may not have Mum’s that make them do it all year round . . . i’m not sure if he wanted to complain to the fair weather brigade or phone childline 🙂

    Free Member

    Flag on Sheffield city hall bearly moving :- D

    Free Member

    Professor thornhill at charles Clifford dental hospital in sheffield, I get the results on thursday.

    So far ive had meds, biopsies, blood tests and a gastroscopy as my ferritin levels were really low and apparently that may be causing it too. First noticed changes in january and it seemed to rapidly get worse, seems to have slowed up a bit now – so I feel a bit calmer and in less of a rush to sort.

    All a bit rubbish really – hope you get it sorted soon.

    Free Member

    Right I give up trying to paste links with my phone – why do they link back to here?!

    Free Member

    Glad I’m not the only one . .

    Patch tests today, and yes I will happily have them removed if they are positive – I kind of dread them not being positive – as they seem to be running out of ideas to sort the mouth issue out

    Free Member

    Done and shared on facebook (it’s good for some things!)

    Free Member

    Hopefully this won’t put you off eating anything

    I think something like one in 14 people have been exposed to the HPV virus – and not all develop symptoms. Probably a very tricky thing to avoid completely unless you were a saint 🙂

    Free Member

    Id go with the change to bike related retail, there is such a surge in the industry at present. I guess with your bit of computing and retail worth an interest in bikes you could sell yourself to either shops or internet based companies.

    Yes it may be a difficult time for some industries but doesnt stop you jumping in the direction of one thats on the up 😀

    Free Member

    How is that proof?

    Oh sorry silly me I forgot – they are creationists they dont need proof, they just create some whacky story and believe it . . .

    Free Member

    Yes and there were images getting reposted fron EDL, I think people were looking at the pics and not where they had come from.

    The Russell Brand thing is a good read though – if someone else can make the link work 😉

    Free Member

    Surely forums are just another form of ‘social media’ – I like facebook as it serves a purpose to me, but yes it is populated with a few idiots . . . Rather reflective of the the planet

    Free Member

    One of the best things I have seen linked on facebook is this


    I like Russell brand more and more, i’m sure he’s not everyones cup of tea but he talks sense

    Edit: I give up the link just doesnt seem to want to work, is it me being dense? :-/

    Free Member

    Even smarter 🙂

    Free Member

    Or Glastonbury – thanks!

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