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  • Fresh Goods Friday 664 – World Champing At The Bit Edition
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    mcmoonter – Member
    Now new and improved with wood.

    just had a quick look but couldn’t see it . . .

    Free Member

    Im sure wilkinsons do a multipack of connectors in various sizes – cheap as chips, I seemnto be able to get most hoses to fit

    Unless yours is really not normal – I am no hose expert!

    Free Member

    Untouchable, based on a true story. Best film ive seen for ages

    Not to be confused with untouchables this is a french film, really moving but also very funny.

    Free Member

    ^ usless without a (recent) picture 🙂

    Free Member

    For something a bit different I seem to remember an mbr or similar free dvd of a some guys riding down the side of clifton suspension bridge

    It was many moons ago but will probably be online somewhere

    Free Member

    Very nice

    Free Member

    Taking the pith?

    Free Member

    Ha ha ha you boys make me laugh – this thread makes me think of a robert winston type program when they were looking at differences between male and female behaviours.

    In a nut shell we both check out the opposite sex but women are more discreet (manage to keep our tounges in our mouths perhaps!?) .

    The real issue is you confidence – learn the art of small talk, im sure there’s enough basic networking tips out there online. We are all human you just chat till you find common ground to discuss

    But maybe i shouldnt comment as I might not be a power woman – I can get up big hills does that count? 😀

    Free Member

    sugdenr – Member
    Keep making her laugh, annoys the hell out of my wife that she can’t keep serious annoyed face!POSTED 1

    Trickmeister – Member
    Do something domestic around the house, hoovering, washing, dusting, etc etc..

    Free Member

    I sold several of my chemistry text books for a few quid on amazon. The big general uni texts dont seem to shift as well but little the specific books I bought for various modules all sold for good prices.

    Free Member

    Not gloss – but dont get the dulux eco emulsion. Just got a little tub to brighten up my hallway, and its horrid it had settled and took a lot of stirring but still a bit lumpy, went on ok eventually but have now discovered it has a slight odour of old wet dog – really not pleasant!

    Free Member

    Being a girl there aren’t many of us about and that use strava, so I do have a few QOMs – but I do like it when I tale the gender filter off and come out ok compared to the boys.

    I cant say I actual ride differently but I do like it when ive had a day where I feel quick and then look to see if I actially was. I did only start using it as I didnt have a computer on my new bike. I am sure when I sort that I will get bored of logging onto strava each time

    Free Member

    Surely most men have sex without a shirt on . . But luckily for the male population one of the most endearing things about a man is the ability to make a woman laugh, a short sleeved shirt may raise a smirk so you’re half way there 😉

    Free Member

    Were any of you near the cycling magazines in sheffield WHS at lunch – I had to move away because of the smell

    To be fair the three likely candidates for being the source of the odour all looked a bit old and rather rotund to be keen cyclists . . . But you never know :-O

    Free Member

    Boys smell – and now I know why!

    Free Member

    Ha ha glad im not the only one who checks out death row in the supermarket – when I really dont know what I fancy cooking I go there for inspiration

    Free Member

    Ha ha brilliant – I wonder if he met her whikst skating or having his back waxed …

    Free Member

    I hope the way you deal with it works for you sg and lets tou get on with life.

    The way things are dealt with in our childhood can have a massive effect on us. My brother is slightly older than me so remembers more of the horrid details of our parents splitting up he still views the situation with his 4 year old eyes and it is very black and white to him.

    I dont remember it so clearly so have learnt to forget about it and generally view it as nothing to do with me, they were my parents arguements and it was their relationship going down the pan. Not mine and I was just a bystander, the reprocussions were truly awful and I didnt get to see what my mother looked like until I was 12

    But – I honestly believe neither one of my parents set out to hurt us and try to base my relationships with them now on the here and now not on arguements 4 decades ago.

    I wish my brother could do the same and then maybe his family could all live for the moment without having to be so aware that a big chunk of his mind is stuck in 1974. I hope things have moved on for the general population since then as it was still a time when so much was not talked about and had loads of stigma attached to it.

    As I have always said to my children – if you have an issue with something that I do or that happens make sure you says so now and save yourself years of expensive therapy as adults 🙂

    Free Member

    I think that shows more than anything children’s feelings really do matter and disregarding them can cause years of pain. However the harm can happen if parents stay together or split – it all comes down to how it’s handled.

    I think I am with tazzy in that I feel it is best not to stay where you are if you aren’t happy, but I know many who do and I don’t see that as wrong – just not for me. I guess I might say life it too short where as friends in that situation would argue childhood is very short so they are prepared to sit it out.

    Years ago I got into a similar situation. I was in a bad relationship and got a lot of support from a male friend who was similarly despondent with his. Initially it was just about having someone to talk to but things developed and we ended up having an affair. I split with my partner and after quite a while he said he was going to leave his wife.

    I loved him and did dream about being together but in my heart I knew for him it was just a case of the grass being greener. I had left my partner as I knew it would never work whereas he was only going because I was there. I knew if I wasn’t in the equation he would stay where he was.

    When I told him I only wanted him to leave his wife if he didn’t want to be with her not because he wanted to be with me – it didn’t go down too well, we saw each other for a while afterwards but it eventually stopped. I moved away and missed him, thought of him often but knew I did the right thing for them.

    Strangely I was back driving through the village last weekend and noticed the time, I remembered it as the time he would always walk to the pub for a beer after football – and as I went round the corner there he was! 20 years on doing the same thing, obviously happy with his chosen corner of the world and life he has. I am very happy I didnt spoil their family life.

    My dreams really dont involve living in the same village forever, I would have probably been a nightmare for him in reality and then would have then got the blame from all angles for wrecking what he had. Sometimes it is better to know you love someone and think the world of them enough to let them live the life they need.

    I guess all I can really say is do what is right for you – but you will have to let the other lady decide what is right for her. If you truly cant stay where you are you will know and that should be about just you and your wife and no-one else.

    Ps and if you children are below 5 – I would wait before making any monumental decisions until you have slept properly and got over the early years madness.

    Free Member

    try having a look on the barebones bikepacking site – loads of tips and a really friendly bunch. there are a few lads on the forum from West yorks who can probably held you with routes too

    Free Member


    yes and if hope hubs aren’t loud enough you can get one of these

    Free Member

    is a shed load the same as a man-cave load? would shed be imperial and man-cave metric?

    Free Member

    Prefer my bike tbh

    Free Member

    I sometimes google our clients when I get a feeling they may be exagerating their problems, I work in personal injury law. The defendants will look for anything to turn cases down so I sometimes do it. Investigators hired by the defense will go further to prove the client is exagerating symptoms, so I do have a look to see if anything obvious is online.

    Apparently some prospective employers google people, for that reason alone it is wise to check what is on-line. I have an unusual name so lots of stuff about me does come up, I have tightened security on some sites I use to make less information available.

    Free Member

    Ive seen kick ass recently, good film though

    Free Member

    Cant drink 🙁 although going to drop a couple of codeine later and hopefully sleep before I get too spaced out!

    Free Member

    Like the david sedaris link!

    Free Member

    Die hard is cool but not funny, will checknout the others 🙂

    Free Member

    Threads not to read when you have a daughter who cycles about in Manchester . . . More reason for her to come back to the right side of the peaks

    Terrible news 🙁

    Free Member

    We all know best course of action is to cycle past the carpark and laugh at all the idiots going round in circles really slowly and lock your bike conveniently close to your destination, arriving happy and relaxed with a big smile on your face and the sun on your back

    Its good to see there’s a fair representation of society on here though . . . Even if some of you need to calm down a bit 😀

    Free Member

    I have quite a few QOM’s – but I put that down to the limited number of ladies in the road, makes me happy when I score well without the gender filter on though

    Free Member

    World scout day?

    Free Member

    Cool – love the sound of the Cleethorpes run, are there many women in the club do you know?

    Sheffrec does seem to be the only one that seems to do kids stuff – are they a nice bunch?

    Free Member

    I couldnt seem to get them interested in that, they want to ride road bikes on the road and love battling up big hills and getting muddy on mountain bikes. The going round and round didn’t appeal – unless it was a velodrome, they like that idea for some reason.

    Free Member

    the basis for a mtb event if ever i saw one ‘the golden pineapple hunt’ the winner is the one who returns with the most pinapples stuffed down his/her shorts or up their jersey

    Free Member

    Photos are way easier to edit than gps files and are used as evidence all the time. I would say if it gives information that backs up your account of the accident why not. If you can screen grab it from the map my ride site surely that wont be any more editable than a photo.

    Anything too technical and the solicitors might not want to use it. We use screen shots of many sites in our evidence (facebook in stress cases etc).

    Free Member

    Apart from hundreds of childrens books – can recite the Gruffalo and Duck in the Truck (a skill that has lost it’s use now the kids have grown up a bit)

    Rarely read anything more than once but two that spring instantly to mind (and possibly the only two) are Complicity by Iain Banks and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter Thompson.

    I always plan to read cycling books again but never get round to it, Ann Mustoe’s A bike Ride would be in that list.

    Free Member

    so what was your response?

    Free Member

    just googled some random ones i own and found my copy of the damned phantasmagoria with bonus blue 12″ of eloise is worth over £20 (on 1 site i looked at anyway!)

    Pristine as always kept in a plastic sleeve – and probably not played for some time!!

    Free Member

    LsD – Member
    Only loosers would of brought that book.

    Where would they bring it to? Or do you mean they would have metaphorically brought it with them to the forum – after they’d been out and bought it from the shop obviously ….

    *snigger* – I’m really not a grammar nazi, I’m just annoying!

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