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  • Podcast: DMBinS and the Scottish Mountain Biking Strategy
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member


    Can I explain I was thinking of twin or those that look like them and considered how odd they all were then bros sprung to mind . . . .I may be a woman of a certain age but I always hated them

    Free Member

    Cheeky girls

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    Free Member

    Ha ha I knew I was wrong on that one!

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    Carpenters ?& karen?
    Martin and neil? Kemp spandau ballet

    Free Member

    Seven years?! Blimey what attracted you to a mountain biking forum? Not thatbhalf the posts are about riding but still a suprising choice

    Ive had a couple of bikeless moments due to thefts, a few weeks after an accident in 1997 and a period of 3 months during my last pregnancy 8 years ago when I was ‘forbidden’ from riding – but that has to be the last ride free period and really only had less than18 months off riding in the last 24 years, so not bad going really

    Free Member

    There are strict rules with regards to pothole claims. I work for the solicitors who represent the CTC (cyclists touring club) so we deal with a lot of these cases.

    I am not a solicitor I deal with the medical side of the claims process and I would say just make sure your wrist is fully recovered – some wrist injuries can grumble on for a long time and not be as simple as first thought

    If you want to talk to someone who knows a bit more drop me an email (in my profile) . . .and before anyone says anything I won’t get a referral fee for introducing you as they are illegal now (look up lord justice jacksons reforms if you don’t believe me) – sorry had to add that as I know that some view us as the lowest of the low!

    Free Member

    Well said kona I think a lot of people feel uncomfortable with the idea of the niqab and would therefore view the women with more suspicion that normal.

    But on a slightly different note radio 4 also covered a story of anlady who had completed a triathlon in full islamic dress . . . . Feminsm? Im not sure, but showed conviction to her beliefs and did admit her transition times were very poor

    Free Member

    Get some scotch bonnet and chipotle chilies and make some tomato and chili chutney

    Free Member

    Good sunday morning read, beats depressing myself reading the papers

    Will add it to my never ending list of places to ride – again I find myself wishing I could win the lottery just so I could spend my time powering myself around the world on two wheels and living with the very bare essentials -ok I would treat myself to some very expensive lightweight stuff, but it still seems and odd wish

    Free Member

    One anagram generator came up with 41k options for my name- got a bit bored looking through the list to find anything vaguely amusing :/

    Free Member

    Myself for not being as strong as I thought I was, will WTFU tomorrow

    Free Member

    Ha ha – like that, all though my chances of pulling off a cockney accent are slim..

    Met the guy tonight who talked me through what may happen – I might get a chance to meet him and I might get a chance to send him somewhere to do a few hours work. But it all seemed very vague to be honest.

    Free Member

    I think from witness accounts he’s a fairly chunky lad – i suspect he doesn’t ride around these parts – or anywhere else for that matter.

    Free Member

    that probably wouldn’t be as effective for me personally – maybe if i had a big scary looking man at home who could stare at him menacingly for a bit – but I think that may make me feel slightly more vulnerable as a single mum.

    Free Member

    No, not whirlow – don’t you have to be at the virtually comatose end stages of retirement to live in Whirlow?

    Free Member

    It will be interesting to hear the youth worker’s suggestions tonight after reading these!

    Unfortunately as i was relegated from a nice bit of Sheffield to live one of the worst, I suspect said scotes family are the lowest of the low.

    The brief leaflet referred to written apologies, doing something for the neighbourhood. I seriously can’t see either of those working.

    There is a charity place nearby that renovates bicycles, but i am not sure he would get a real wake up call there (may just have articles from the Guardian read out in a stern but caring voice).

    Ha ha – i don’t consider myself a fluffy bunny of peace and love – or a believer in sharia law . . . . but it would be nice to come up with something fitting,

    Does anyone on here have anything to do with the trails at parksprings in shef? is it feasible to rope him in to help – or maybe reinforce a jump with him – makes a change from patio footings if nothing else!

    Free Member

    It’s not his first offence. He actually told the police he had seen myself and my sons leave so knew there was no one else in the building and said that him and his mate had intention to get my bikes. Not clever as they could have only got him for criminal damage to the door but now he has been charged with attempted burglary.

    Initially he wouldn’t cooperate with the youth justice team so his slim chance of a second caution was lost entirely. But I can’t see what is going to be that effective they say his background is pretty harsh. I don’t say that as an excuse for his behaviour but if someone has come from a bad situation wait no positive parental guidance is there any chance of any ‘punishment’ actually making a difference

    I guess as junkyard has already said there is very little hope of that

    Free Member

    Loads in the peaks 🙂

    Free Member

    You may want this thread 🙂

    friendly stw parenting advice 🙂

    Free Member

    Hope you’ll be adding to your jersey collection – one with the slogan ‘should’ve gone to specsavers’ will make his day next time he sees you 🙂

    Free Member

    A frayed knot

    Free Member

    This is one of my favourite pics, took the boys to the Isle of Man 2 years ago – their first trip where they carried some of their own gear (not a lot but it helped me!). This is my youngest who was 6 at the time wandering around eating a cereal bar…. Not actually deserting his bike

    Free Member

    MrOvershoot – MemberSummer rain on hot tarmacBaconChips when your starvingCastrol ROlbas oil

    A few have said 2 stroke oil think Mr overshoot was first with castor r, love that smell it reminds me of my childhood surrounded by motorbikes

    Free Member

    Hope it gets better – but glad to hear you have the best therapy, happy cycling with the little chap 🙂

    Free Member

    Decathlon here, too my two boys seem to live in their thermal running leggings whenever they get the chance – both under their padded cycling baggy shorts and also under their football stuff.

    Free Member

    I like on-one but I do think they have a bit further to go with respect to customer service. As for the what did you expect comments personally I would expect a we have them in our Rotherham warehouse we can get you one here for tomorrow / or specified date or you are welcome to go and grab one from there today

    That is what you’d get from JE James – and I think I’d be miffed if I went in there and they just said fetch it yourself from another branch

    Free Member

    Trivago shows the prices of most of the major booking sites including, it shows you who’s offering the best deal for each hotel

    Free Member

    Trivago is the one I usually check first – always very helpful

    Free Member

    You only need compare the ‘date of guilty knowledge’ and the date actions were taken to prevent injury tonworkers in a few cases to see that without modern health and safety employers have generally carried on harming their workers without outside pressure.

    On the coal health scheme that paid compensation for copd caused by coal dust British coal was considered to have been aware of the risk of copd in miners from june 1954 – respirators were not then compulsory at the coal face until the 1980’s

    Asbestos is slightly different but the date of guilty knowledge is now thought to be in the 1930’s for some industries and in the 1960s for domestic settings. The stuff wasnt banned totally until the 90s. Due to the length of time it takes to develop mesothelioma we still havent hit the crest of the wave for that condition. And still there are debates about exposure rates – particuarly teachers who work in old poorly maintained buildings containing asbestos.

    As I work in sheffield we have many clients who are the victims of industrial accidents – people would be horrified if they read some of the statements and accident reports – short cuts in working methods, faulty equipment etc. I used to be shocked reading how some employers behaved asuming things like that didnt happen in this day and age, but I have seen so many cases where there still appears to be little regard for the safety of the workers I sometimes wonder how much has changed.

    Free Member

    No one’s mentioned mcmoonters website launch . . . Managed to make everyone feel slightly inadequate. . . . Oh to be so skilled, so talented, have such a huge arty woodpile and such manly brooding looks – I feel a failure personally 🙂

    Free Member

    Does this thread need women? – you seemed to be doing fine without

    Free Member

    Magnus really should blink more

    Free Member

    Just for you Hammyuk – see told you I’d aged a bit 😉

    Free Member

    It does work and can work without hurting each other. I went round for dinner to a friend of mine the other day – we have previously been FWB, we no longer are, but we are still very much friends.

    I stopped it when i started seeing someone else a few years ago, there was no problem and we carried on being friends.

    As for drawing comparisons between girls who sleep with people on first dates and girls who have FWB, well that beggars belief IMO. having an intimate relationship with someone you know and trust and have probably considered in great depth before embarking on such and arrangement – is really not the same as jumping into bed with some random. I would expect a bit more understanding from the ladies on here

    Free Member

    ^^ Exactly – you know what feels right so you make it happen, if you don’t make it happen you obviously don’t value the moment enough

    Free Member

    Could be pusuaded – is there a matching sports bra, have a thing for sets of underware so they would definitely get my vote with a bra

    Free Member

    That is horrific, please warn if stuff is likely to be so upsetting

    Never cease to be amazed by the real horror some people choose to inflict on others, but that shocked me beyond belief

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