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  • Orbea Rallon gets more travel, more dropper, more storage
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    And there was me thinking I’d taken my picture off because the number of messages was just silly – but I now realise its because im butt ugly 🙂

    On the other hand I havent logged in for ages so am not really a serious pof user, and probably shouldnt comment 🙂

    Free Member

    if you like chainsaws and being awake . . . .

    Free Member

    There are many things that alter brain chemistry that help with pain – a pain consultant may come up with something easier to pull off in everyday life than beer or frequent sex, im sure the sex would be fun but stumbbling around drunk on a sore ankle may defeat the object of pain relief 😆

    Free Member

    We have an awful lot of clients in similar positions to yourself. A decent pain clinic will help with you perception of the pain and find ways to help you deal with it. One of the mst inspiring guys ive met is this this chap. He is based in Bristol – not sure where you are.

    He really does seem to tackle it in the right way, very much based on the person, their percetions and health beliefs and can deliver all kids of treatments from therapies such acupuncture all the way to nerve blocks. I am sure there are many other good consultants too if you look around

    Free Member

    had a brilliant night at mama shelter[/url], designed by philipe stark. Really great place – the cocktails flowed nicely too – which they needed to as we had ridden there from london in a day.

    Free Member

    I always whistle/sing Bicycle Race when I unlock one of mine

    Unlock a bicycle or a naked lady? – love that video, makes the t-shirt one look soooo tame

    (feel its safe to say on here – but will keep that comment away from the other thread!)

    Free Member

    I disagree, i like coffee but know i could live without it

    Free Member

    DezB – Member
    ‘tea bagging’? Que?
    Don’t. Please don’t.

    once had to deal with reports written by this guy ( in a conference at work – do you know how hard it is to keep a straight face when people keep referring to him as Mr T bagga

    Free Member

    to be honest i don’t know which one is more cringe worthy . . . .

    Free Member

    i feel violated

    Free Member

    you should see the pics of the women who claim they go to the gym and the term average seems to cover a multitude of shapes and sizes!

    yes, i was slightly confused with the categories – until i worked out athletic obviously meant someone who leaves the TV and sofa for leisure as well as work!

    Free Member

    no, it’s chuffing freezing out there!

    Free Member

    harry ygm

    Free Member


    Free Member

    No DezB – but i am not really a TV person, and not really into the idea of parting with cash for that kind of service. I know it may work for some but i’m really not convinced about online dating at all so doubt i will be losing buckets of cash anytime soon. Will save the cash for bikes and to feed an army of cats in my old age 😉

    Free Member

    alot of people on Pof look like they could do that without the aid of a spin class

    Edit: Bad me – making all the rather large unfit men feel uncomfortable about their body image . . . . bringing equality to the world or stooping to the lows of others that impose similar pressures on women

    (or just me taking the p!ss slightly 😆 )

    Free Member

    no, he was only agreeing that your grot comment sounded like you were not in favour of deviant practices and the discussion of same on mums net.

    Edit – Or maybe he was actually referring to your first post. either way i am off to wash my bikes – it’s all a bit punchy on here today 🙂

    Free Member

    @kimbers – strange if you have ‘altenative tastes’ you complain that the discussion on mum’s net is grot, i usually find that open minded people are generally, well, open minded and not quick to call others 🙂

    Free Member

    Whatever floats your boat, not about to sit in judgement on what other people do for fun in their bedrooms.

    Personally i don’t feel the need to tell the world all about my sexuality, but i like to read bike related stuff hence why i am here and not on mums net.

    Free Member


    Free Member
    Free Member

    How can they tell you what to wear on your way to work?

    Free Member

    I can see the world can be a very confusing place, and i feel it is important to look at the world as a whole on this one. As whilst we do have an overly permissive society you need to look at it as a whole to get the real context.

    As with so many threads on here – i will say the same again, nothing beats good parental guidance. You need to make your children see the world around them for what it is. As a parent we instill self belief in our children and give them the tools to deal with the big bad world.

    I do not expect my children to go out stumbling into life not knowing how to deal with what they come across in terms of images, exploitation and drugs and all the other nasties they may come across. I see that as my job – i definitely wouldn’t be relying upon the world to protect them.

    Porn, drugs, exploitation, hideously expensive telephones – they are all out there, but my children know that doesn’t mean they are obliged to get involved, and more importantly they do not feel pressured to. that is our role as parents surely?

    Free Member

    I think I’m with Tom_W1987 and Northwind on this one. Try as I might I just can’t get wound up about that video – mere titillation (pardon the pun).

    I probably fall into the category of women who sometimes play to the stereotypes and indulge in risky behaviour – when it suits me. When I look back over the years and consider if I have ever been exploited in situations and relationship I may have been on a couple of occasions.

    Would I change anything in my behaviour of my youth knowing what I know now about the potential to be exploited and what drives some men? Hmmm . . .no I probably wouldnt, only the time I was being exploited for my money.

    Sex does indeed sell, because done well there really is nothing else like it. Unfortunately the nearest a lot of people get to sex is imagery and imagination and I guess porn. As women its easy to sneer at the whole industry that is there to serve this purpose for men as they are visually driven, this seems so basic when women are known to be driven sexually more by feelings and thoughts . . . . But really we are no different, how many women got off on the 50 shades series?

    Dont get me wrong I am completely against ‘exploitation’ when it is complete and harmful and the person being exploited is poweless to change the situation – but as Tom rightly says it takes in many forms and we are all subject to it at some point in our lives.

    What we have to do as a society is see the situations for what they truly are not label up a whole section of society and media as wrong. Its all part of lifes rich tapestry – indulge if you like, but learn to live and let live as some women really do identify with that imagery and embrace it. One thing is for sure you wont get rid of it unless you roll out some saudi-esq laws, but all you would achieve is removing the images not the exploitation

    Free Member

    Free Member

    (dis)Likes contemplating if Bikebouy is my boss, running away and hiding

    Free Member

    seriously?! (the pregnant one not the pictureless one)

    To be honest I signed up out of curiosity – put a pic up too, but rapidly took it off.

    Plenty of fish – jeez, more like a bucket of piranhas. since then i haven’t summoned up the courage to look much further into it

    *climbs back on familiar old shelf*

    Free Member

    fair play – i guess you could just stick Piers up there and sit back and watch the thing slowly spin itself to bits like an unbalanced washing machine

    Free Member

    you would have to balance it out – so who else would you stick up there . . . .

    Free Member

    it was a story saying Samsung paid their billion dollar fine to Apple in 30 trucks full of nickles

    I really did want it to be true

    Free Member

    +1 Definitely, the role of a parent is to guide not to be dictated to

    Free Member

    Whether or not your child has an iphone they have to be aware of stuff like that and how to avoid it. My older two are now 24 and 20 so have grown up with texts, my space, instant messenger all of which have now been surpassed by facebook twitter snapchat etc.

    Each comes with their own problems but it all boils down to making sure they kniw how to behave and importantly how to deal with problems. We are all very open and discuss everything – sometimes that makes me cringe but its the only way I feel to help them through their teenage years

    And as they get older some of the other sites they use – well the mid boggles. My daughters best friend is gay and showed me Grinder . . . Yikes!

    Whatever phone or computer they have they will undoubtedly find ways to communicate in ways that make you uncomfortable but you can’t keep them in a box – only educate them

    Free Member


    The first one that came up – there are a few.

    Better to ask your GP to send you for a second opinion though surely?

    Free Member

    Jon Taylor – MemberFollow my eldest son about for a few days – he seems to be scattering iphone 5’s about wherever he goes atmHe’s selling them for drugs

    Nah . . he works to pay for those – he loses his phone because he’s obviouly still under the influence

    Free Member

    I always find my tesco weekend transactions go out of my account on a tuesday – irritating when you sre trying to keep track of stuff

    Free Member

    Follow my eldest son about for a few days – he seems to be scattering iphone 5’s about wherever he goes atm

    Free Member

    All sounds a bit wasp factory 8-0

    Free Member

    My daughter was a bit over emotional and temperamental during her teenage years but not too bad really . . . Especially compared to me – I was a nightmare 🙂

    Free Member

    Obviously I meant in size not . . . Umm . . artistic merit??

    Free Member

    they aren’t big enough to count Tazzy – I’m sure there’s many on here that could beat yours 😉

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