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  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    Less than half my age?!! – do I get an unfair advantage because girls waists are smaller?

    Free Member

    Not been to a gig? !

    @bearnescessities – how? Fair enough no nandos etc but I dont understand this one

    Free Member

    Been through Paris in a sports car with the warm wind in my hair

    Free Member

    Cruel to sew a seed of paranoia . . . But luckily not cruel enough to set up false accounts 🙂

    Free Member

    Leave a message – what have you got to lose?

    Unless of course the lovely lady’s profile is a bogus one set up by bored STW members – then probably just your dignity and any hope of a quiet life for some time . . . . 😆

    Free Member

    Ha ha ha brilliant quote from HK jewellery about aquamarine stones;

    “There are many interesting and odd facts about this gemstone such as Aquamarine can cure as sore throat and helps relieve stress. And it has also been said that if aquamarine is held in the mouth, you could call upon a devil and receive answers to any questions you ask.”

    . . . .or you could just post a question on STW 😆

    Free Member

    Pete irons was my old science teacher – great bloke, but he isnt a 41 year old mountain biker!

    Free Member

    @rtc that’d be great. Thank you

    Free Member

    Surley they need Mcmoonter

    Edit doh should read the whole post first!

    Free Member

    Well I popped over to sherwood pines, thought the ‘adventure’ route sounded sensible, and it was – I got a bit bored with it so took a detour following random bits of single track then met up with the red route. That was much more fun and all the climbs were very managable – ended up being less of a sensibke ride but was much more fun that way and only a slight ache in my knee so I am quite happy 🙂

    @rogerthecat – if you do have a couple of routes that would be great, and I may still be getting either turbo trainer or rollers . . . . But no way will you ever find me stocking up on romcoms!

    @ianfitz I sometimes do the trail to dunford bridge when I want fast miles but it isnt really fun, in fact the only fun bit is the route I take from Hillsborough to deepcar via Wharncliffe

    Free Member

    I can manage a steady ride just not the ups and downs of the peaks, I am sure sherwood pines will be easier going than the climbs out there. I just want to pedal with reasonable effort as long as possible and a steadily as possible. The big climb followed by decent would equate to intense pain and then not enjoying the descent as the pain would be subsiding, and overall not beneficial.

    I am quite fit and can happily ride at a reasonable pace for a long time, I dont want to lose my fitness whilst I am waiting for my hip to recover. I feel that a steady almost constant pedal at a pace that doesnt aggravate the joint is better for me – if that makes sense

    Free Member

    Derwent is an option but quite fancy a change of scenery. Anyone been to sherwood pines – I pressume its fairly flat maybe?

    Free Member

    tazzymtb – MemberPop will you bring a muzzle and lead to make sure I play well with normal folk and don’t bite? 

    There are normal folk on here ?! 😀

    Free Member

    Cheap as possible – will look in lidl, but I guess itll be wired and not have spare mounts

    Free Member

    I should stress the cheap bit – as I am looking for 3 🙂

    Free Member

    I have a smart phone but its not something I want the boys to have – not a cheap option either I suspect. I have been using my phone and logging my rides with that but it seems to be hit and miss when it comes to recording the route properly.

    Free Member

    I am at the slighty less populated end of the sofa

    Free Member

    As white as possible and +1 for peanut butter

    Free Member

    @bearnessecities . . . Was the moderated bit

    ‘mouse c*ck’

    Ah bless 😆

    I earn over 30k and feel poor – suspect a lot of that is due to having so many mouths to feed and astronomical childcare bills . . . Counting the days until they are big enough to not need so much.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a plan 🙂

    Free Member

    Was ‘working’ this evening, and pictures would not be allowed! Now home again and it would be just a sofa and feet pic – no dog but red toe nails, so I guess a little different to some of you maybe

    Free Member

    I love mine, used them on mtb’s for 8 years and wont be changing.

    Shame drop bars aren’t as comfy as after a few hours on drops I start wondering how you coyld make them as comfy – after a few houes riding with my ergon grips I dont think about my hands and wrists at all

    Free Member

    Glad to hear it

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ha ha we dont have ‘opinions’ we just ‘know’ how everything should be 🙂

    (Disclaimer – I am not a wife so cant speak with any real authority and luckily for me I only have to be the bread winner and do everything in my house the job of ‘knowing’ everything goes to my eldest son 🙄 )

    Free Member

    I will leave a bike to each of my children

    I currently have three bikes and four children . . . If that isnt the best reason yet for me to ‘have’ to buy another bike I really dont know what is 😀

    Free Member


    Free Member

    No, its ok he’s quite fit, his wife doesnt let him sit down by all accounts!

    Free Member

    we are right next to the city hall, so John lewis is our local. He is a solicitor, so yes does use cufflinks

    Personally having seen him ride past nonnas in the summer whilst i was having a drink – i think he needs shorts that are less see through more than cufflinks 8-|

    Free Member

    his wife is just about to produce baby number 3 – they were late to start having children and are now making up for it

    Maybe noise cancelling headphones?!

    Free Member

    I dont think he is much of a whisky drinker – he likes bubbles, but doesn’t seem to have a discerning palate when it comes to wine either.

    I think his secretary is looking at cufflinks now . . .

    Free Member

    physics likes tries to explain what influences matter . . .

    sorry will leave you to it – not religious, and have studied more science than anything else so i am biased 🙂

    Free Member

    not fully understood to put it mildly.

    As opposed to religion. . . .

    Free Member

    from new scientist . . .

    .IMAGINE standing outside the universe. Not just outside space, but outside time too. From this spectacular vantage point, you gaze down upon the universe. At one end you see its beginning: the big bang. At the other, you see… whatever it is that happens there. Somewhere in the middle is you, at one end a baby, the other end a corpse. From this impossible perspective, time does not flow, and ther…e is no “now”. Time is static. Immutable. Frozen.

    Fantastical as it seems, for most physicists today the universe is just like that. We might think of time flowing from a real past into a not-yet-real future, but our current theories of space and time teach us that past, present and future are all equally real – and fundamentally indistinguishable. Any sense that our “now” is somehow special, or that time flows past it, is an illusion we create in our heads.

    Physics, in fact, has killed time as we know it.


    So do we really need to mourn time’s passing? Einstein, for one, drew solace from the view of the timeless universe he had helped to create, consoling the family of a recently deceased friend: “Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

    I like the quantum physics view 🙂

    Free Member

    Also if she is thinking of dressmaking as well as soft furnishings try and pick her up a Burda magazine from a large whsmith. They do a simple ‘easy’ version a couple of times a year. Basically its a magazine that includes patterns for all the garments featured in it.

    She may not fancy the clothes but it does give details of loads of fabric suppliers etc – this will give you an idea of their stuff and also of how much cheaper it is to get a magazine full of patterns than buying them individually!

    burda style magazine[/url]

    The magazines are around £5 depending from smiths

    Free Member

    There are so many that do a good job, but whichever one you go for make sure you get the right needles for the fabric you are working with.

    They really do make a massive difference especially when sewing heavier weight fabrics, jerseys, silks etc.

    As well as the machine and needles I would say a cutting wheel and board as well as a good quality pair of scissors. They are a few rules in my house the kids know never to break – one of those is ‘do not use mums dressmaking scissors for anything but fabric’.

    Thinking of the bear minimum items I would want from the start a seam ripper would also be in there – its a little blade for unpicking seams, without damaging the fabric, brilliant for alterations or undoing mistakes

    Free Member

    Still fairly fit but beginning to panic as my hip is getting in the way of my riding, what am I doing about it? Thinking of turbo trainers

    Apparently even thinking about exercise is beneficial – soi will think about it a bit more 🙂

    Free Member

    Brilliant! . . . Ok so maybe I’ll try and borrow one first . . . Anyone got one gathering dust in Sheffield? 🙂

    Free Member

    @tricky disco that ad has ended – but I like the title!

    Free Member

    The way I see it I spent many a year cycling round the fens if that hasnt prepared me for monotonous pedalling for the sake of it nothing has!

Viewing 40 posts - 681 through 720 (of 1,413 total)