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  • Canyon MTB Performance Flat Pedal review
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    I wasshoping this would get a few comments – I thiught what they have acheived in new York for cyclist and everyone else was quite amazing

    So I am shamelessly bumping this thread 😀

    Free Member

    It does work but actually getting it into the eye can be amusing – I was advised to ‘squrt a little’ in the eyes of my second as he had narrow tear ducts and was prone to infections. Well I did succeed but due to the slightly unpredictable nature of the task quite often got everything but his eye or completely doused him with the stuff.

    I guess as a girl I dont have any other experience in target practice with body fluids so it was a steep learning curve 🙂

    Free Member

    @dandax1990 – hmmmm I think if you read properly the threads on dating you will find it very hard to find anyone who is obsessed with it. I read your initial lighten up comment to be in relation to the topic – not as a general piece of advice

    This thread was based on my conversation with some ladies at a party – I personally have not been on a ‘date’ for quite some time. Not sure what gives you the idea I or the rest of us “old people” dont have fun either?

    And im really not sure why you need to put out that there are 23 year old female sl*gs?! For a start I am not about to get personal and judgemental about anyone, if someone wants to have loads of sex with whoever they want then fair enough. I am well aware having been 23 myself, having been the mother of a 23 year old and having done a some community nursing in a sexual health clinic – having lots of fun and lots of sex at 23 is probably viewed as the normal rather than having none – but as I said I am not about to get personal or judgemental, but you have to be careful in posts as it can be so easily done.

    Maybe you like being judgemental?

    I was only making a comment that it I found the online dating sites were quite often just used to get casual sex and I personally found that off putting and a little depressing

    Free Member

    or nuts

    Free Member

    i always wondered if they were targeted to the viewers of the forum or just to the individual user – as i once got an ad for male catheters. . . .

    Free Member

    your killing a whole profession with your cheap dating sites

    Who’s killing what profession? I’m confused

    Free Member

    @dandax1990 – so are you saying I should lighten up and throw myself out there for loads of casual sex

    I am not a 23 year old male I am a 41 year old mother of 4 – im sure you can see that wouldnt really fit with where I am in life. Or maybe I really am too much of a prude 😀

    Free Member

    @dandax1990 – are you 23?

    maybe we’ll check back on you in another 20 odd years and if you’re single ask if you are starting to find it all a bit boring too? 🙂

    Free Member

    I am far from a prude either, just find it a bit depressing.

    Free Member

    bikebouy – Member
    It’s a good site for keeping all the slappers in one place.Yuk.

    Thats fair enough but it seems like a suprising number of dating sites are used mainly for precuring a quick shag – so not really a small pocket of people

    Free Member

    @grantway – are you single? As it seemed to be known to all the single people (and a married one!) that were at the party I was at last night.

    And forgive me if im wrong JY but I always got the impression the personal ads like that were not really a mainstream phenomenon

    Free Member

    It wasn’t the individual choices that I found disturbing rather the general tendency for dating sites to vere towards casual sex.

    Free Member

    Thank you 🙂

    Free Member

    Ok inspiring video – but my phone cannot imbed the thing! If someone can fix it please feel free to do so!

    Free Member

    I was just a bit suprised how popular it already seemed to be down there – hopefully it will just stay a london thing

    Free Member

    Boo, missed your childish remark

    Free Member

    I’m with emsz – I think it would be fair to say I like men and sex but what passes as dating these days is enough to put me off completely.

    Edit just reread that – what I meant is by making dating predominantly about the quick shag it makes the whole online dating thing seem sordid (and I know it works for some but that is merely my perception)

    Free Member

    Yes like grindr – but at least the profiles pictures contain more faces than grindr (still bleaching my mind after being shown that by a gay friend!)

    Free Member

    Good old decathlon does some great stuff – but look in other sections too not just cycling these are a huge favourite in our house worn under baggy shorts and also football kits they are brilliant.

    Free Member

    @hairyscary – my mum has a Brough Superior, needless to say it’s her pride and joy

    Free Member

    I have to admit I retired a pair of old time alium pedals when the bearings went in the right one – only because I could get hold of a service kit and at 12 years of constant use I figured I had actually got my monies worth out of them. The only servicing I did of them was to keep them clean and give them a spray of wd40

    Have another two pairs still going strong never felt inclined to try any others

    Free Member

    @fruitbat – brilliant choice we sometimes sing jollity farm, and play lots of the other tracks of donut in grannies greenhouse.

    Another favourite to sing is the monty python meaning of life song –

    “Just remember that you’re standing on a planet that’s evolving and revolving at 900 miles and hour
    its orbiting a 90 miles a second so it’s reckoned, a sun which is the source of all our power”

    (May not be word perfect as the words have been going round my head for many years!)

    Other odd songs we sing are from the album ‘an evening wasted with tom lehrer’, singing poisoning pigeons in the park may not be PC but its v funny. My 10 year old wants to be able to sing the whole of the elements song – he’s a way off acheiving that yet. I suppose I have my dad to that for these as he used to play them to my brother and I, weird old hippy bending out brains!

    Free Member

    But some of us may struggle with producing a discernable amount of facial hair . . .. I could let my eyebrows run wild for a few days I guess …

    Free Member

    Booking a very last minute trip to that there London for a party tomorrow – didnt think my kids were with their dad and in his efforts to be disruptive he has actually made it possible for me to have a blinding weekend

    Yeeehaaaa soooooooo happy!!! Just what I need right now 😀

    Free Member

    I was told once that my light made me look like a vehicle – I said yes, that’s the general idea

    I think cyclist are brilliant personally 😀

    Free Member

    I had one on my helmet leaving work but only had the bar mounted ‘normal’ light on. Between city hall in sheffield and devonshire green I had 4 cars pull out of side roads (Silly number as I usually have no problem along there) so I put the headlamp on to flash mode. Made me feel safer but turned the flash of after I got away from the busy bit.

    I turned it off completely when I bumped into an old professor of mine from uni at lights as we were talking.

    They are brilliant but far too bright to use without care.

    My two sons 8&10 also wear them on the commute home as the last mile and a half we do through the woods – and for that the cheap chinese lights are a godsend – makes everyday feel like a bit of an adventure.

    I do wish there was some kind of diffuser that could clip over them for when you are in traffic.

    But to be totally honest I have used them defensively too and that does make me want to keep the thing on when I am riding. I live in a dodgy bit of sheffield and one night setting off for a night ride a grouo of lads strung themselves out across the road in front of me. The most vocal cocky one who seemed to think he could stop me was in the middle – I turned my light on main beam and sped up towards him, he did move as he couldn’t take much of that light in his face – scared me and I have ridden that way since, but I was very glad for the light

    Free Member

    The way I look at it is that over the last year I may have taken a couple of tumbles on my commute (partly off road and me just being daft) if it sets the thing of thats it you have t buy another one – at €399!!!!

    May seriously consider it when i reach either sensible old age or ridiculous wealth – neither looking very likely atm!

    Edit I do notice some insurance companies will refund part of the cost of a new one . . . But I doubt falling iff because you were being daft would be covered!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You have my vote on the grounds that if you’re a nice bloke you deserve the chance and if not sending you off into the cold dark wilderness probably isnt a bad idea either 😀

    As a favour though can you please sign and share this too

    road justice petition

    Free Member

    There has been a reduction off traffic officers – 29% less over the last 10 years as traffic does not have a crime target

    some more fun facts about cycling and a nice petition to sign 😀

    Free Member

    One of the problems if dangerous driving not being used but the lesser sentence of careless driving, also of cases being allocated to magistrates courts when they are limited to the sentence they can hand out.

    The list of problems with the judicial process for road traffic collisions is far too long to list here – but my point as I said in my post at the beginning – each collision needs to be investigated properly and sorry if I didnt use all of your point I was only trying to reiterate my initial comments from page one – you may have been misquoted – but I was ignored, both common on here! 🙂

    Well worth a read – and a sign of the petition, calling for all police forces to take investigation of all collisions seriously. It also calls for more appropriate sentencing and clearer definitions of careless as opposed to dangerous driving.

    Basically – I just hope people sign it and take a minute to read it, thank you for doing so.

    There are some other details I can pass on about reporting other incidents if you are interested drop me an email

    Free Member

    each collision is to be investigated properly , and ‘death by dangerous driving’ taken off the table

    i’m sure i mentioned this earlier – but it would be nice if people took a look – it is for all our benefits after all

    CTC road justice campaign – for thorough investigations and proper sentencing

    Sorry – I will be a stuck record on this one, as i deal with injured cyclist daily in my job and something really needs to be done – PLEASE SIGN IT!

    Free Member

    Is that the original inspiration for the space hopper?!!!

    Free Member

    I’m the one on the left

    Free Member

    Get everyone to write to the council planning office (or whatever they are called).

    And maybe some friends – saying how they use the field for recreation, and how it would be a great loss.

    Shame you don’t know loads of people who may have enough time on their hands and are sat near a computer who might help write the odd letter on your behalf . . . .

    Free Member

    scaredypants – Member
    mine goes boom-bangabang

    Atrial fibrillation?!

    Free Member

    Road Justice [/url]

    Please take a look at this CTC campaign – it really does make a lot of sense

    Free Member

    I have just come out of a very interesting meeting with the CTC, discussing their Road Justice Campaign[/url]

    Well worth a read – and a sign of the petition, calling for all police forces to take investigation of all collisions seriously. It also calls for more appropriate sentencing and clearer definitions of careless as opposed to dangerous driving.

    Investigating incidents properly and identifying the cause will invariably show it is not always the drivers at fault – but in doing so will hopefully highlight the need for better rider training.

    One thing i hadn’t realised is that victims of careless driving do not come under the victims support code and irrespective of overall physical injury are not entitled to have details of their case or be kept up to date with any proceedings.

    One chap asked to find out why his case wasn’t being continued as all he has was a letter stating the CPS weren’t going to run with it – he eventually found out he could get the information – when he paid £84 for it!

    Things need to change – and hopefully people will see this is a campaign to get a fairer system for everyone

    Free Member

    I did a chemistry degree (after doing chemistry physics and biology a levels) as a single mum of two. The funding worked so that I was treated as a normal student and extra money was awarded as a grant to support the kids so I didnt have any more of a debt at the end compared to everyone else.

    As a couple I guess the difference these days would come from child tax credits. HMRC do have a calculator online (which always seems to underestimate the final award though so bear that in mind too).

    worth a call to both the student loans company and to the child tax credit lot just to see where it would leave you. I dont regret doing it at all and in fact because I had children and they were funded by grants it actually worked out better to go to uni full time than trying to fund and find the time for an ou course

    Free Member

    For a minute there I thought yunki was talking about bondage . . .but now ive re-read it I’m still not sure. . .

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