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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    @pictonroad – like a fat bike with 30 gears and slicks, 3DVgirl may be a little too niche for your liking

    Free Member

    Samuri’s look?

    Free Member

    love the fat bikes!

    But don’t love dropbox – it wont share my pictures 🙁

    Edit think i may have cracked it . . .

    Free Member

    qwerty – Member

    I struggle with the frost, hurts exposed skin, permanent darkness for me on way in & way home.

    Palmers cocoa butter – feels quite greasy when you put it on but firms up in the cold and makes a massive difference, makes you smell of chocolate too (good if you have people who like chocolate around you!). It has to be the hard stuff in the tub as the lotion wont form a barrier in the same way

    Free Member

    I know which is why we are a bit nervous about messing with it!

    I totally understand that, really is the chat to have with the appropriate doctor though. I was only trying to say that don’t scrap the idea completely if she has other issues other than just not wanting more children.

    Free Member

    Opps! ;-D

    Free Member

    Ha ha ha!! Why just as a bloke would you fancy your partner less – jeez think of what we have to look at with widening waistlines, receding hair in places – advancing in others . . .

    The whole orchestra of noises that seems to be common with a lot of men as they age . . .

    Joking aside I think both sides need to put the effort in to maintain a good working relationship – and not just assuming each other will just fancy or do it for the other forever more regardless

    Free Member

    Yup – beats chiselling ice off the car too 😀

    Free Member

    The regular iud can make periods heavier and more uncomfortable, the mirena doesnt. For those it benefits I am sure whether their husband had the snip or not wouldnt affect their choice in having it.

    It is used to reduce pain etc quite effectively – womens health is a bit more complicated than whether you guys have been done or not 😀

    Free Member

    Snip maybe good for contraception but for some women the mirena coil can have some benefits other than just contraception. It can reduce heavy and painful periods – and stop them altogether for

    GP or family planning clinic would be best to advise based on her medical history

    Free Member

    My boys have all liked action man – I got my daughter these, sadly no loner available. Way cooler than (and not as ridiculous as) barbie!

    get real girls

    Free Member

    Brilliant, which tag did you use? Considering getting simple tags for my kids so they can compared their rides against each other (only slightly competitive brothers!).

    Free Member

    Tom baker – brilliant

    Free Member

    No, they shouted “cake!”

    Free Member

    Cold beautiful days riding, boys getting used to their new road bikes – proud of them and the pic!

    Free Member

    Pa ha ha – thanks mrblobby, I have been called some things in my time but


    made me properly lol!

    Free Member

    MoseyMTB does that mean you will be bringing her with you? Will you be doing a Peaks Pootle Proposal??

    We can all lurk quietly in the back ground when you get down on bended knee and then score your efforts on

    Location picked
    Choice of ring

    Shall we pack mini bottles of bubbles? (Probably not wise from a health and safety point if view!)

    Free Member

    When the OP asks how coffee affects his fertility what is wrong with the answer ‘I drink loads of coffee and we’ve got kids’.

    As for not using a capital for ‘a god’, I believe I am correct when I am not referring to any specific religious figurehead.

    As for the bad experience in childhood, its not an exclusive club unfortunately. Lots of us have had bad experiences and it affects how we turn out, for me it has resulted in me wanting children so I can enjoy their childhood and give them all the love and care that was lacking in my own, and it really does make me feel better for it, as it is human nature at it’s best to want to love, teach and nuture.

    Free Member

    No, I still think your posts are inappropriate on this thread. If you want to start a debate about global population or whether there is a ‘god’ determining whether an individual couple can reproduce . . .personally I think you should start a different thread

    Free Member

    I said alcohol and ignorance because I was wanting to believe your less than tactful remarks on this thread were perhaps a result of drinking a few, and ignorance, because whatever your personal views you seem to have no comprehension of how deeply upsetting this subject is for those affected.

    So I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you may have been slightly p!ssed and had little understanding – rather than being just down right malicious to those on here that have spoken quite openly about their experiences.

    Free Member

    Think the thread may have gone from coffee & fertility to alcohol & ignorance

    Free Member

    Tried to hang on to my youth for quite a while, but realised it was never going to work

    Bl**dy toy boys – never again!

    Free Member

    Rubbish thing to do, I would feel quite despondent with someone who discussed it then totally disregarded the conversation.

    And Gary Barlow . . . Seriously!? To me new years eve is about seeing in the new year with your nearest and dearest.

    How old are the kids? If they are too young to really appreciate it get a babysitter organise yourself a decent night out – or if the kids are big enough to get into it find somewhere to go with them – a child friendly party?

    Free Member

    @cz Oh hugh jackman, for a minute there I thought you meant McMoonter 😀

    I think its insecurities that are ‘normal’ – and I guess the ‘fun’ in those programs is watching people show theirs in the name of entertainment

    Free Member

    I am totally confused – not only by the reality rubbish as I don’t watch it and have no interest in it – but what is ‘a normal girl?’

    Free Member

    Did the hairdresser want you to drink the wine or dip the offending hair it – starting a new craze of burgundy lowlights 😀

    Free Member

    I’mm a Christmas eve baby – so I can pretty much guarantee that I will be peeling brussel sprouts at some point on my birthday. It does tend to get forgotten about – which is ok by me if it doesn’t happen I can’t be getting any older can I?

    Free Member

    intouchables – brilliant film, my son watched it with me (older though at 20) and was ‘blown away’ by it – his words. based on a true story it’s just a great film about human relationships (real friendship as opposed to couples). Can’t recommend it enough – and it has fast cars and a greats sound track too. It is subtitled and very funny as well as moving but not in any overly sentimental way

    Free Member

    Ha ha – we will find it and erect a blue plaque for you!

    the silly comment was instead of this

    I used to think that if i was faced with my death i would want to get everything perfectly in order leave everything just right for those around me. however having been at the side of my best friend as she prepared for hers it gave me a completely different perspective.

    She was always a very vocal and determined person until the last couple of months, but when it came to her death she was so at peace with everything, happy for everyone around her to decide what was done after her death – she didn’t leave any ‘wishes’ with regards to what she envisaged for the kids in any way. she merely wrote them a letter each.

    She really did see how life would just go on, and it does. I guess she realised no matter how much she did to leave things just so, it would make absolutely no difference to the incredible pain we were all about to experience.

    So my only hope would be that if i were ever to be in her shoes, if i could be as brave as she was and remain so calm and reassuring to those around me as she did. She was incredible

    which i wrote then cut out, then cried a lot, had a cup of tea, gave myself a talking too – and then wrote something stupid. which to be fair my friend would have much preferred! but i thought i’d share it anyway. losing loved ones sucks and one day i hope i can talk about her without crying as i am sure she would have preferred that!

    Free Member

    that’ll be the bit covered in road chippings . . .

    Free Member

    molgrips is sheldon being the doppler shift – do i get a fiver?

    Free Member

    I wear earphones and wont change that – I feel obeying the highway code and observations are the way forward . . . If you doubt this try riding a motorbike for a while, nothing beats proper observations. And with some of the quiet engines about/pedestrians and other cyclist I wouldnt trust I was going to hear them all anyway earphones or not.

    Free Member

    the monument – great views no queues and way cheaper than the shard or the eye.

    wander under the thames at greenwich – the tunnel is cool and you can go via the naval museum and go and see the greenwich meridian line and observatory.

    Free Member

    better for him if they were quick release

    Free Member

    With all the deaths and now the met police wasting their time hanging about telling people about helmets, can’t we just petition Boris to get her over and sort London out?

    Free Member

    Nice mental image as I tuck into a pastrami bagel, thanks hora 😯

    Free Member

    Brilliant – feel it really should be seen far and wide, london could do with that kind of input

    As she said the temporary materials helped get people on board – and changes can be made much faster.

    Free Member

    Ha ha ‘older than me’ is on the imaginary list of random things I have noted about you (not in a stalkerish way – you just pick up various bits of information onbhere)

    Along with sideburns, wintersports, kids, doesnt drive anywhere

    Im sure we all build up similar pictures of each other from info on here

    Junkyard – ninja vegan and vocal, but harmless for example 😉

    Free Member

    You’re in your thirties????!

    Free Member

    Yes I think she said they now all sorts of cyclists little old lady bicycle ninjas down right down to children bicycle ninjas 🙂

    After all the awful accidents and bad press this video genuinely filled me with hope – I am glad it is being watched

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