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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    ??!! Why?? Most of my friends spend a fortune getting rid of it – by rehabilitate do they mean recycle? Formerly pubic hair – now environmentally friendly uupholstery stuffing material?!

    Free Member

    My friends daughter went to the one in Sweden a couple of years ago – and still raves about how brilliant it was. Hope yours raises the funds – what a great opportunity.

    The group who were raising cash did a few events – one being a burns night supper, which was brilliant but maybe a bit late to sort now.

    Maybe get a few of them bike washing at a trail centre – must be worth a couple of pounds a wash, just need ti find a busy place on a muddy day.

    I think more people were happy to donate as they took time to explain that not only did it fund their trip vut also supported those of scouts from poor countries

    Free Member

    Alice’s restaurant – Arlo Guthrie

    There are two great animations that tell the whole story on youtube but i’m at work at them moment so can’t link to them – a favourite with my youngest two children (maybe not totally suitable but a good bit of history for them anyway)

    Free Member

    +1 holland and barrett

    But don’t go crazy with it if you suffer if you have a tendency for high blood pressure 😮

    Free Member

    Nope – could live my life without them and wouldnt notice, very rarely eat crisps either – if its the onpy ssnack in a pub on a ride maybe but apart from that wouldnt have them.

    Free Member

    Just when you think you have pretty much seen it all – to be fair it makes my daughter’s friends latex fashion business seem so ‘conservative’ now 😯

    Free Member

    To the wife of the op – I would advise against swapping a night feed for bottle feed whilst you are trying to establish breast feeding. Not only does it add to the general stress of the early weeks of feeding but its an absolute nightmare when you wake up full of milk with no hungry baby to feed – sometimes breast pads just dont do enough!

    Im not a mid wife but have breast fed for nearly 8 years of my life (not just the one baby!), even on my last child the first 6 weeks were hard work getting feeding established and into a routine – the best advice is roll with the punches and find what works best for your family and more importantly make sure she sleeps when the baby does rather that taking it as an opportunity to clean the house from top to bottom

    Free Member

    P here?

    Edit – oooh yes

    Free Member

    Speaking as a girl (ok woman I am old) I have a friend who wears vera wang – and it is lush

    But as dez says men that wash are far preferable to those that just slap tons of smellies on.

    Free Member

    Flagged your post for a moderator to give you a hand 🙂

    Free Member

    The gpx file will be made available after the event for anyone to have a go at, so I pressume it is all public rights of way. They arent releasing it before as they dont want any extras on the start line. Think both 100 and 200 entry lists are full and one of the reserve lists is also full.

    Free Member

    Clink – Member
    clink – you planning on doing it in a one-r??
    Presume you mean ss, then yes. Hoping to use as a training ride for something else.

    I thought he meant are you doing it without a break . . . . no sleep but a lighter bike (plastic for an emergency b&b weighs less than a tarp – if you can find one!)

    Free Member

    200 here – possibly the most ridiculous thing ive done at a new years party for a few years!

    really looking forward to it though – will be testing the ‘ what doesnt kill you makes you stronger’ theory 🙂

    Free Member

    Brilliant, thank you!

    Free Member

    Well can someone tell me if im a good parent or bad parent I have four children and resorted to smacking one of them on a few occasions because of his behaviour.

    Or am I 75% good?

    Love the truly abstract ‘you are bad at something’ comments without knowing the whole story. The son I smacked is now 20 and acknowledges his behaviour was extreme compared to his siblings and doesn’t feel he was treated badly.

    Free Member

    Had a good one but ready to put my feet up now!

    Busy day on Christmas eve preparing stuff but acknowledged the fact it was my birthday by nipping out for a few drinks with my two adult children and one of their friends. Bed at 3am then up at 8 with the two younger children and to start the cooking.

    Brilliant day of nerf wars and christmas tunes and general happy chaos. Only downside is the two smallest are now off to their dads and the big two are back at work tomorrow

    Free Member

    Happy holly days – slightly more Christmassy than holidays.

    And shes a bubbly blonde – definitely full of the festive spirit on the works do

    Free Member

    Fantastic news – love the name Luca. My youngest is also called Luca as it is the surname of the dutch part of my family.

    More appropriately for your Luca is the actual meaning of the name – Bringer of light, never more needed than on the shortest day. I am sure he will definitely do the trick for you two, congratulations!

    Free Member

    Can’t wait for the personal injury claims to be flooding in at work from shop workers falling off checkouts – hope they had done a proper risk assessment 🙄

    Free Member

    We do have a man in charge – but not anyone on this photo. That lad is fairly new – maybe he’s just happy to be with us 🙂

    Free Member

    Sorry to dissapoint, but no

    Free Member

    White Christmas then?

    Free Member

    knitting and dressmaking

    Free Member

    Taught 3 of my 4 with pedal bikes and stabilizers – no 2 taught himself at 3 to ride his big sisters bike when he was waiting for his new bike for his birthday. Scary day in the park with a small boy riding a huge bike that he couldn’t pull the brakes on – but he survived.

    However balance bikes actually make me broody – but I figure it is wrong to want another child just so you can buy them a balance bike, will have to wait till im a grandma! I just think they are brilliant shame mine missed the chance to have a go

    Free Member

    Ha ha ha @bearnecessities sauce! I will pass that comment on!

    Yes we are generally a happy bunch – I am lucky to like my job and colleagues, who are mainly cheerful. There was one chap who had a bah humbug jumper on with an ‘I hate Christmas’ badge but at least he still got involved – just not in the pic!

    Free Member

    I may have had a similar jumper to someone else – but if you look closely mine has eyes as well as the bits I added (battery led lights and baubles!)

    Free Member

    Ha ha – no that isn’t me, so I might not be!

    Free Member

    I will share a dropbox link to a pic of the office Christmas jumper effort – if it works you can guess the winning one (but I doubt it will work as dropbox doesnt seem to work on here!)

    another try at linking to the bl**dy thing!

    Free Member

    I’m the opposite I get vertigo on slopes in daylight but find when riding at night with a really bright light I just focus on my route and dont get the weird effect of the slopes around me. Feels almost like i have blinkers on which is ace for the vertigo type effect I get.

    Did a night ride with a dimmer light the other day and I had a few moments of weird perpective. Its more pronounced if there is a slope away from me on the left, not so bad if its on my right. Annoying when what im riding is relatively straight forward but my head gets confused because of a nearby slope.

    First time it happened I was about 7 or 8 and I was on a very steep hilside in wales, gave me a terrible fear of slopes and slipping . . I have battled it since then and I have promised myself that one day I will go skiing – not just yet though!

    Free Member

    Avid cup dunker?

    Free Member

    Oh – not a thread about a niche compulsion, I feel at work I am becoming an avid spoon washer if that’s any help?!

    Free Member

    Harry and the bucket full of dinosaur books – dinosaurs dont get much more toddler friendly than those

    Free Member

    i was 61%

    Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally aren’t afraid to do your own dirty work! You’re no shrinking violet – but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another person’s perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. ‘Everything in moderation – including moderation’ might sum up your approach to life.

    Seems quite fitting i think.

    (I am finding it hard to empathise with you Dales rider . . . .)

    Free Member

    We rode out to the cabins near there last night, wasn’t too soggy generally (no accounting for how much soggier it will be up there though!)

    If you let me know your ETA I will know when to send out the search party to fish you out of the mud – I would help you myself but am more likely to end up in it! 🙂

    Free Member

    I can’t think of anything worse than shopping, and if i can’t face it why on earth would I inflict it on someone else?! My rule when i need to buy and outfit is 3 shops maximum. I will pick the three most appropriate shops for the occasion and if I can’t find something suitable in those 3 shops I have to pick something from my wardrobe – being a woman it is fairly well stocked so this method works.

    This rule is based on what i call the Meadowhall effect – you walk into a million shops all selling pretty much the same thing and all it does is put me off wanting any of it – and i walk away empty handed.

    Free Member

    Nice family Christmas card you’ve got there 😆

    Free Member

    My 8 year old starts itching when he’s tired, shins hands and feet mainly. When I was younger my feet used to itch loads at night and i can rember scratching then til they were raw. Ive always had quite dry sensitive skin generally and have learnt over the years im best to stick to sanex shower gel and use palmers solid cocoa butter to moisturise.

    Cant really think why we should itch when tired – I just take it as a que to send my lad to bed.

    Lanacane cream might work to help relieve the itching

    Free Member

    Oi! We arent all grumpy – im perfectly happy (if nothing gets in the way of my rides!)

    Free Member

    Or you become the first member of the Vintage 5 spot owners club – and lament it’s demise for ever more 🙂

    Free Member

    ha ha no, it wasn’t a hint – merely me thinking the pic made me look like a toddler in the fifties. Thanks to christmas my birthday is a non event and that suits me fine!

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