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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    So me leaning sideways into the wind and falling sideways is enough to do that? I am sure I have exerted greater side forces in that rim before with no adverse effects

    anyway I’ll take it back and see what they say

    Free Member

    the wheel – if the link works

    Free Member

    Yes I know, my point is that this was the first off rd ride with a newly built wheel that has been built up previously and I just came off

    Im sure most people would feel that something wasnt quite right

    Free Member

    Thats the point I guess it wasnt actually a crash got blown sideways lent into the gust to stop me falling to the right where there was a bit of a drop, over did it and fell to the left I stuck my hand out and swore a lot as it took the force of me, landed on my hip too. After I finished swearing I just went to go again and my mate pointed out my wheel. Neither of us could figure out what had happened. If id imhave whacked the thing i wouldnt grumble

    Free Member

    Would love to have the time but my todo list is long enough

    Free Member

    Yes all spokes intact, will go and see them tomorrow

    Free Member

    And 32 spokes

    Free Member

    No it was the bog standard rim id had on my inbred with no probs, just got it rebuilt with a dynamo hub. It was true when I dismantled it and when it was rebuilt.

    Free Member

    I was about 35 when I was told I was going to be a grandma . . .

    I felt so shell shocked, so many emotions . . . .

    For a good few hours – before my darling daughter told me it was in fact an April fools joke. It really wasnt funny but did give me a taste of how my dad must have felt when I told him the same news 19 years before :/

    Free Member

    Thanks for the help, I felt more organised having the route on me – but didnt use it as the other girl I was riding with had a version on her garmin so we used that.

    I dont think her route was the exact route though as it contradicted the sign posts in a couple of places. Doing it using signposts alone would be very tricky as they arent always there when you need them.

    All in all a great ride and we had the best weather – glad we arent out there today!

    Free Member

    Hate to break it to you but christmas pudding jumper woman got married, she’s just back from her honeymoon in Mauritius.

    But at least you have a tan, that’s good it must mean your house is finished if you have found the time to be out in the sun??

    (air rifle = pigeon pie and broccoli)

    Free Member

    Aww thanks 🙂 been a bit busy of late, have i missed much?

    Free Member

    Well I have purchased two bikes for myself over 3 years, both have gone to work (and continue to) a lot as well as doing many more miles elsewhere. My two children ride to school with me on my commute – so really if I could buy a kids bike seat why not a kids bike or two as I cant do my commute without them. Surely they are just essential accessories to allow me to ride to work

    As for fraud if I pay over the odds for a bike (as I did with the cdf) for the years before the contract is finished ctw actually have ownership of a more expensive bike than they thought, so if they took it back id be the one out of pocket and no one else

    Free Member

    I couldn’t be doing with the things, they get everywhere! – so i have persuaded my 9 year old he wants to knit instead as its far more useful….and he’s cracked garter stitch in his first evening. so proud 🙂

    Free Member

    Slightly amusing update – I saw one of the girls who went to this with my son today . . . .

    I have never seen so many swollen midge bites on one human being – luckily my son is like me and doesnt react (or taste very nice) so he’s ok. Apparently they were eaten alive – and not one of them took a midge net

    Free Member

    Was going under the name of peace in the dark as an unofficial afterparty after peace in the park. My son went, he survived and seemed to enjoy himself

    Free Member

    Lots of things make me cry, loss of friends and loved ones and the injustice and suffering that seems relentless at times. The weirdest thing that makes me cry is something that takes me way back to being a very small child.

    my mum left when I was a toddler and I then seemed to spend all my time at nursery and I hated it (all the memories I have are generally not happy ones around that time). The thing that reminds me of that time so strongly that it just makes me well up . . . Is the smell of sunpat peanut but sandwiches after they have been in a tupperware box for a few hours. . . . No smell like it – its not horrible itself but its choked me up even thinking about it

    weird – and it never fails to do it, so I refuse to put peanut butter in my kids packed lunch sandwhiches – my youngest likes it though so does it himself!

    Free Member

    Ha ha v true!

    Free Member

    Has anyone seen the happn app? Looks like a tinder type thing but tells you who youve been near during the day.

    Guess you may find a fellow mtb’er if you used it in the hills. Not something im needing to try atm but thought people may like to have a go

    Free Member

    Surely you’d give paracetamol as an antipyretic – I wouldn’t want to give anything pyretic to my kids at all!


    Free Member

    That good to hear houns (not quite sure where the donkey comes into it – but each to their own 😉 )

    Free Member

    ‘While we’re updating’ . . . . Sounds like we are collectively punching above our weight – not that I’m ‘punching’ anything!

    Free Member

    Woah . . . Does that mean you’ll able to load your route gpx’s into minecraft, no real benefit but it would be cool!

    Free Member

    My two 9&10 love it, as do loads of my older two children’s friends who are all in the twenties

    Of all the games ive seen over the years I really have no problem with minecraft – its like virtual lego with animation and no risk at all of being knelt or trodden on accidentally 🙂

    Free Member

    Dannyh in his shiny shorts . . . .

    Free Member

    Circulon here too, not too heavy, alway heat evenly and quickly seem to require less heat to cook properly that stainless too.

    Free Member

    I have barely had time to even post on here lately but the shocking paint in our carpark stairs at work inspired me this morning . . .

    Free Member

    Great phone with an amazing camera – really miss it even after several newer smart phones

    Sony c905 btw

    Free Member

    I’ll be single forever – really can’t think of anything else where my beliefs are that extreme there isnt someone else who shares them!

    Free Member

    Sterilised the few bottles I used for feeding (all four of mine were breastfed) and I didnt sterilise my nipples (im sure somewhere you can buy cream that does though!!)

    Toys and things kept clean but not sterilised unless something dubious had happened to them. Thankfully all four of mine are fighting fit and allergy free.

    My niece was tube fed for the first years of her life. When her mum asked the health visitor if she could stop sterilising some of the equipment required to do this when she was 18 months old – the health visitor replied you can stop sterilising her toys now but still need to do the feeding equipment’ – to which her shocked mum replied ‘I stopped sterilising her toys months ago – around the time she started crawling and kept trying to eat the cats biscuits’

    Needless to say despite her downs syndrome and heart problems she has grown into a very healthy young lady too

    Free Member

    Not a cx bike but the shand stoater (plus in this pic but I think I could live with the regular one too) looks lovely – love it in this colour

    Free Member

    Make sure she is well hydrated, lot of fruit and veg in the diet helps keep everything moist on the way thriugh but if she doesnt drink enough she’ll stilk struggle even with loads of fibre.

    In smaller babies and toddlers they say gently rubbing their tummies along the large intestine can stimmulate them. Thats from the bottom right side of the abdomen up to the ribs across to the left and down the left hand side – it seemed to help one of mine when he was little – worth a go if she will let you

    Free Member

    Some ine best me to it – boat bits like this but unfortunately this is in the US im sure you could find similar over here

    Free Member

    Via an elecron microscope in case it wasnt obvious 🙂

    Free Member

    So sorry user removed – I didn’t mean to get your drawers in a twist 😉

    I currently have a bel air on my mtb and the saddle that came with my croix de fer, neither quite right and I have been pondering changing them but it is hard to decide. And harder for girls to just borrow one – all my biking friends are male so not likely to be able to loan a ladle

    Will see if anyone local does them on a try before you buy basis

    Free Member

    Has it always been like that? I read that it does settle down – how long did it take for the really painful symptoms to ease off?

    Free Member

    Will let you know what i find out. a friend of mine is doing accupucture as an part of his extended role, will have a chat with him.

    I feel for your partner if she suffers with this as a chronic condition. i have read so much and it is really hard to get your head around the fact it can just start out of the blue may or may not go within 6-8 weeks or it may just hang around for years.

    I’ve had it 5 weeks and cannot imaging taking this level of medication for much longer – but when i try to stop i become a bear with a sore head rib and that isn’t fair on those around me and makes doing anything impossible.

    Rapidly my new hobby is becoming riding under the influence of codeine – my not make the trails come alive but makes me feel slightly invincible (within reason and not in heavy traffic – before i get told off!)

    Free Member

    I’m a girl on a bike in Sheffield – happy to join you if you like, i tend to the rigid 29er rather than the full suss – but i do get about a bit . . . . so to speak 😉

    Free Member

    Currently on naparoxen and codeine, which almost get rid of it until I lie down – which is horrible and makes sleep tricky.

    Powdered rhino horn is an abomination – and if it did remote stand a hope of doing what its claimed to do, ut really wouldnt be a help!

    Free Member

    Comma?! I think you mean apostrophe

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