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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • adjustablewench
    Free Member

    Fur ball

    see a vet doctor

    Free Member

    I wiuldnt have a bar of soap in my house let alone in my bed, horrible stuff

    Free Member

    I can as can my four offspring.

    Free Member

    Thank you will take a look

    Free Member

    corticosteroids[/url] have been found in high levels in some chinese ‘herbal’ remedies – think id stick to the properly tested and measure varieties of medicine rather than risk higher doses of unsafe versions of the drugs your trying to avoid

    Not that it applies to all – but hey its stw and its late so forgive my sweeping generalisation 😉

    Free Member

    And Sorry! – always a laugh when all four kids play it together

    Free Member

    Chess is a good one – my two got into it around 5 years old as we used to go to a coffee shop that had a set out. I dont think they’d have had the patience if they were at home with a million other options but in the cafe they would focus on it

    Free Member

    Ive been suffering fron literally no appetite for a few days now – I have read all of this thread and still nothing appealed . . . Until vickypea mentioned grape nuts – must get some 😀

    Free Member

    I’ll be there having just changed my plans for the weekend

    Free Member

    esselgruntfuttock – Member

    planning on a solo trip to a bothy tonight . . . what could possibly go wrong

    Which bothy exactly?

    a welsh one near some trees – why are you planning the same? Ill be arriving quite late – but will try not to freak out anyone already there 🙂

    Free Member

    planning on a solo trip to a bothy tonight . . . what could possibly go wrong 😕

    Free Member

    I dont have to fancy someone to view them as masculine?!

    I dint think they do weeksy!

    Free Member

    We all know what I mean, they don’t see you as a real-male, a sort of female friend who they know they can’t see any sort of maleness in you. A sort on Eunuch male.

    eh? No totally disagree!

    Free Member

    Some of my best friendships are pleutonic ones with men

    Which is great as im rubbish at relationships with them – and feel slightly reassured by this thread that im not the only one!!

    Free Member

    a friend posted this on my facebook wall apparently it reminded them of me . . .

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Yes and if I did that kind of thing id be in an even smaller minority! 😆

    Free Member

    I have just contributed to the small female minority 😛

    Free Member

    Got mine – can’t wait to break the news to my two boys when they get home later 😀

    Free Member

    thank you, for years all i have been able to remember of that joke is ‘mild green hairy lipped squid’

    Free Member

    Famous last words – but i’m not expecting a mud fest, i just want a low volume tyre that can handle a bit of mud.

    Free Member

    ok so i went to bed last night pretty convinced i was going to get the beavers – but woke up thinking about smart sams in 1.75?!

    do i need to have a word with myself or have i actually had a good idea – they are light and supposedly good for most terrains, but if wales gets a mahoosive downpour this week it all may go very wrong.

    Free Member

    i tried to find bonty xr and only found a front in je james – or do you mean the mud xr?

    i want an all round tyre that can deal with mud – personally i;m hoping this dryish spell continues for a while and i wont be having to test it in full on mud (although i fear a bog or two may be on the agenda in the bb200!)

    Free Member

    A guy i used to work with got married in the registry office and then walked all the guests through town to pizza hut, where they had the all you can eat lunchtime buffet, and then went on to a pub afterwards.

    Her family were unimpressed but they just wanted to be married and not spend a fortune, and thought it was perfect

    Free Member

    the smallest 29er ardent i can see is the 2.25 – is there a smaller version?

    Free Member

    they are on my list of possibles

    Free Member

    Its a sport thats been white male dominated and focused for so long – women are not supported as much so can’t be expected to reach their full potential as often.

    as for triathlons and amateur events I know many men who can devote a large pecent of their time to their sport but fewer women, most of my friends into any sport have to fit it in around their kids, a significant number of men I know through mountain biking are childless (and many womanless)

    Its going to be an interesting few years in road riding now it is taking off in africa, just because the white male has dominated the soort for so long it does not mean he is the best suited to it . . .

    Free Member

    Its ok im so hormonal im currently devouring a kilo of dairy milk, I will only resort to the biscuits when my delicate female self esteem has been completely obliterated by all you clever, masculine masters of all things

    Free Member

    Oh my – boys talking with authority on ladies, let me sit hear quietly like a good girl I may learn something amazing. . . . .

    Free Member

    The picture on my living room wall

    bruce doscher’s print of the twightlight finale to the 2014 tour

    And a print I gave to a guy I used to know . . . .

    I wonder if it made it onto his wall!

    Free Member


    he looks like a weird cross between rolf harris and philip scofield, a whole world of wrongness 😯

    Free Member

    @hammy – probably be more useful to make some of these for some of the inhabitants of this forum – all that waving about in the winter . . . .

    Free Member

    Im sure I have a few talents but I may fill a niche with knitting – I bet its not something many know a lot about around here 🙂

    Free Member

    These are the days that must happen to you, by Dan Walsh

    i was bought that by one of my kids for mothers day one year – can you see a pattern developing 😉

    Free Member

    DezB – Member
    Don’t mums read those books with the pale covers you see in Asda – “No Daddy”; “I Won’t Talk”; “Behind Closed Doors”; “Stolen Childhood” and crap like that?

    Not the kind of Mum’s who ride broughs around Europe, Enfields over the himalayas and accidently splat themselves in Portugal on the BMW rockster 1150

    She seems to be on the mend . . . . i haven’t been brave enough to ask how the bike is!

    Free Member

    She does read the odd bit of fiction but tends to read about real characters.

    she’s also a big fan of T E lawrence – but I think a lot of that is the mutual appreciation of brough superior motorcycles

    Free Member

    She has grumbled quite a lot about not liking e readers as she as great believer in passing books on and sharing them, and to be honest i think i’m happier with sending a parcel of books to a big hospital than i am about sending something that would be a bigger loss if it went astray.

    she loved into the silence – she has read so much about both Mallory and shackleton i wouldn’t know where to start to find one she hadn’t read so i think i’ll steer clear – unless there is something very new out there. Great chioces though!

    We have both done all of the Mustoe books too – again brilliant!

    Will have a look at those thanks mrnice

    Will go and see what i can find from the growing list i have in waterstones at lunch – having looked at the hospital website it says visitors shouldnt bring food. . . I was also hoping to send her some chocolate in the parcel to cheer her up a bit, hopefully that will make it to her too!

    Free Member

    She has read quite a lot of books on Shackleton and the endurance, so I wouldnt probably not risk getting one shes read already. . . But that is definitely her kind of adventure

    she does also love india and the himalayas – as shes ridden over there a couple of times – luckily the only medical attention she needed then was for altitude sickness

    Free Member

    Ha ha slowoldman – I think she’d think I was trying to be funny if I sent her that!

    Will take a look at that thanks slowoldgit (whats with all the slow old people today? :lol:)

    Free Member

    Yes she is, if I grow up to be like her I’ll be very happy!

    Life of pi is a good call but shes read that already.

    Cfh that looks just the ticket will be on the list!

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