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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • AdamW
    Free Member


    Yay! Adam is a great name. Everyone wishes they had it. 🙂

    Free Member

    No, Sancho, chemist, brought up in the countryside. One who has yet to hear a single coherent argument why people should wear silly clothes and rip another creature to bits (if they find one) for entertainment.

    EDIT: mt if you really think that’s true then there’s quite a few bridges I have handy which you may be interested in. One previous owner 🙂

    Free Member

    That is Very Scary Indeed. If nutjobs want to kill themselves by using woo OK (as long as they are not contagious and hurt others) but hurting a child like that?

    Absolute nutcases.

    Free Member


    Its population control becuase we have a landscape that is almost exclusively for farming and we are a tiny island with little in the way of open land far enough away from livestock.

    Rubbish. There have been many instances of hunters encouraging foxes in the area so they have something to hunt, or even getting them breeding.

    Free Member

    Erm…what kind of sexis it you’d be having?

    Wrong question! What kind of sexis *won’t* I be having!? 😛

    Free Member

    I’d commission a Y-shaped coffin ready for the end after all the shagging.

    I’d go on holiday by the seaside for a long time with MrAdamW and my wonderful mutt.

    I’d most probably seek out some other buddhisty-types and meditate to prepare for the end calmly.

    Oh, and I’d borrow a MAHOOSIVE amount of money. Coke and rent-boys I guess 😀

    Free Member

    We charge £10 pa for the whole family. It pays for ride leader insurance, website, postage etc. We do end up with money at the end of the year but we tend to make donations to air ambulances and the people who either are maintaining trails or help us when we break.

    We’ve also paid for first aid courses, and I believe at one time race fees (when we had a racing team).

    We charge that £10 to gain a little commitment from members, high enough so they think ‘do I want to be in this club?’ but not enough to break anyone’s bank. I think it is a good idea.

    Free Member

    Clear your data. Wipe it and reinstall Windows from the recovery partition. Else you may be giving someone your data.

    Or be very careful about how you delete stuff! Especially internet history with the donkey pr0n!

    Free Member

    We found that the transformer on the bathroom shaver socket was giving off a slight hum. Could be that, if you have one.

    Switch off power and listen. If it goes then switch on each circuit until you hear it again. Then at least you will know whereabouts it is.

    Free Member

    Lets see:

    [list][*]wears black

    [/*][*]big beard (male)[/*][/list]

    Obviously rides a fixie and is into coffee in a BIIIIG way. Freaking hipsters get everywhere!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member


    I got babybgoode vaccinated but if I found out another child at his nursery hadn’t – whilst think their parents mad, misguided fools I would still defend their right to choose what they think best for their child.

    Unfortunately it is their decision about what they think best for other people’s children too.

    Free Member

    Our main stopcock was leaking when we moved in, and we didn’t find out for months. 😕

    MrAdamW repacked the stopcock gland, which does not require shutting off the supply.

    If it is that it may help.

    Free Member

    If the estate has gone through probate then the will becomes a public document and anyone should be able to see it upon application to the district probate office.

    Free Member

    Turnerguy – Does the same apply to other voluntary risks – drinkers, smokers, drivers, cyclists, domestic appliance abusers?
    Just saying.

    Drinking, smoking, domestic appliance abuse affect only yourself.
    If you drive/cycle and hurt someone else the hammer of the law will come down harsh.

    Do you think therefore if you have a kid and don’t vaccinate you should be prosecuted and sent to prison if your stupidity causes someone to get ill or die.

    Just saying.

    EDIT: OP – the law (which is signed and in place) is for children who go to public school. Exceptions are made for medical reasons. You can avoid vaccination if your kid would have it otherwise and you’re so selfish if you home-school.

    Free Member


    I’d stop digging if I were you.

    Free Member

    My collie is as soft as hell but they are bright. He knows exactly when walkies is due and he will just sit and give MrAdamW the ‘collie stare’ until we’re out. He not bitey, in fact with people he’s as chilled as. He tends to ignore most people.

    Here’s a picture of the soft sod lying down in the flowers this year.

    Collies do need attention and something to do. He loves ball and attention but we can leave him for about 3 hours with no ill effects to him or the house.

    Apart from that he’s a fantastic dog, picked up from the border collie trust uk.

    Free Member

    Come onto STW and either suggest:

    [list][*]cars are rubbish and bikes are better[/*]
    [*]that 29ers are a fad and we’ll all be on 650b soon.[/*][/list]


    Free Member

    Yesterday I was taking the doggie with MrAdamW for the evening walk in the park. Doggie did a wee on one bush then moved off and cocked his *other* leg against a different bush.

    “Oo look!” I exclaimed – “He’s ambi-dog-strous!”.

    I was informed a slight titter was booked in for August 25th 2028 at between 10:25:01 and 10:25:02, together with a firm look and a sigh. 😕

    Free Member

    And on a chromebook you can change the settings so that the search button becomes the caps lock.

    Free Member

    I have pledged on three:
    “All American Boy” album by Steve Grand – arrived
    “Crabby Wallet” (for biking) – arrived
    “Fetishman Compendium” by Doctor Geof – awaiting printing.

    So far so good.

    EDIT: actually four, “Northern Landscape” calendars by Mat Robinson – arrived.

    Free Member

    Enters thread excitedly.

    Is disappoint (apart from racefaceec90). 😥

    Free Member

    That a bit rough tyrionl1. By carefully considering if he wants a child or not he is being ‘selfish’? So from that we should all breed as fast as we can as soon as we are able? 😕 Sometimes having children in itself is selfish.

    OP, up to you. I think you’re being really mature in actually discussing the issue. Best of luck with what you choose.

    Free Member

    jkomo – the only way hearing aids would help is by putting white noise into your ear to help break up the sounds you hear.

    I used to use an iPhone app with headphones which played things like the sound of waves etc. which covered the tinnitus and was a bit relaxing.

    Free Member

    Neal Asher’s Polity series are pretty good. Also similar to the Dresden files are the Hellequin novels by Steve McHugh which are OK for a bit of light reading.

    Free Member

    Similar to binners, as a Welshman I would like to apologise for…

    well nothing really. Zilch, nada.

    Cos we’re fab/bendigedig!


    Free Member

    I am wondering why American citizens are not allowed to own nuclear weapons or biological weapons?

    After all, people commit genocide, not weapons of mass destruction.

    Free Member

    If it bothers you that much then bag it up and put it in a public wastebin when on walkies?

    Free Member

    Arsenic nitride?

    Free Member

    I believe in a supreme being.

    It’s me. Or my dog. One of the two, I forget which. 😀

    Free Member

    Affinity designer on the mac is pretty good too, and cheap at £29.99.

    Free Member

    They are evil and when I rule the world they will be banned. Make the most of what you have now, it won’t be long!

    Free Member

    I bought a Samsung Series 3 chromebook (on which I’m typing this) two and a half years ago. I use it every single day. I have a Windows 8.1 laptop for astrophotography stuff and an iMac for the heavy lifting. When I bought my laptop I was shocked (shocked, I tell you!) to hear fans going off when it was slightly taxed.

    It is the chromebook I use much more than all the rest. Its just so convenient.

    The only thing I wish is that it had a celeron processor for a little more oomph.

    Free Member

    Possibly. Perhaps they don’t have a camera adapter? Or do you mean they are cyborgs?

    The point was that some idiot reverend said “There are no atheists in foxholes.” This led to a bunch of soldiers who are atheists and actually are in foxholes to show it to be false.

    It only takes one atheist in a foxhole to say so to make the statement redundant. I don’t think they live there 100%. I don’t think there’s space for cookers, loos and the like. Perhaps they pop out to take a photo every now and then.

    Free Member

    Perhaps it would be a bit dark in the foxhole to get them all in and a photo?

    Free Member

    Not the old trope about atheists in foxholes. Easily discounted:

    Free Member

    You can buy Office365 for a mac too. It doesn’t come with all the programs for a PC, however.

    Free Member

    My wedding had me, MrAdamW and 13 close friends.

    We had a fantastic day. We told everyone not to buy us presents but to give to charity instead. We’d been together 11 years so had everything we needed.

    Then we all had a nice dinner and people turned up at my house to play on the console before everyone went home.

    Free Member

    When I first started at the job I’m in I ended up doing about 100 hours a week for three weeks as we went live with a mahoosive project.

    Now we’re all outsourced and the company I’m now in is blatantly making it clear that they don’t want us, they just want our knowledge. No training (then we receive “OWN your career with your training plan!” emails) and expectations that I will upgrade an important Solaris server this weekend based on a sudden email.

    Fat chance. Me and the mutt are going for a nice walk. I may have a beer. 😀

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