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  • NBD: Flow eBMX, Trek Top Fuel, YT Decoy SN, Kona Process 153 & 134…
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    I feel for you matey. Even thinking about losing Bran makes me teary eyed.

    Free Member

    It’s the same for gay households. I just do as I’m told and everything seems to run more easily. Especially the diary thing.

    Free Member

    None of that where I live. Police issued a statement. No increase in reporting whatsoever.

    Splendid. We should all move to where you are, the utopia that it is.

    Free Member

    Wrong. There are a gazzilion EU and non-EU migrants in my area, they’re all welcome and they all have no problem finding work. We’re as welcoming as anywhere else.

    As long as they can dodge the rocks and “We voted so you can leave” brigade, sure.

    Free Member

    The UK doesn’t at this time welcome *anyone*.

    Free Member


    Hi Fred!

    Free Member

    *marks thread to watch*

    Me too. 🙂

    Free Member

    My German colleagues have nearly wet themselves laughing at BoJo being foreign secretary. There will be endless meetings about wiffwaff and ‘flag waving picaninnies’ no doubt.

    He’s presented himself as a court jester. He’s going to be received as one and treated as such.

    Free Member

    He’s looking at the background to the tart of the war, not it’s execution.

    Lets hope it isn’t Bakewell, I hate almonds. Jam would be nice or a lovely pear and chocolate crumble one I had a while ago. 😀

    Free Member

    My friend voted for ‘leave’ as she wanted to get rid of Cameron and knew nothing of the actual vote. I told her she was an idiot as she had no idea what she was voting for.

    My 19 yo nephew voted out yet he has a Finnish boyfriend. Mind he’s going the way of Jamba as all he seems to post is extreme right wing stuff these days from sites like breitbart. His parents have just shouted ‘immigrants!’ to everything and also had no idea of what they were voting for. Just they wanted ‘immigrants!’ (their constant refrain) out and thought everything would be fine in the country if only we could kick them all out.

    Yes, I do believe some of my family are racist. 🙁

    Free Member

    Chewkw – you are Katie Hopkins and I win my £5.

    Free Member

    Big photos?

    Free Member

    Could we run a poll on forum users too?

    I vote for that AdamW. Must be gay. And his husband too. Both of them!


    Free Member

    4 normally
    5 when religious beliefs kill good people

    And obviously:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Play a game:

    “Knock knock!”
    “Who’s there?”
    “Not you any more.”


    Free Member

    We are IN.


    Free Member

    @senor j

    I tried to sent them back but it was a PITA so I bought one of these:

    and I push out the coffee which goes onto the compost heap and the caps go into general recycling.

    But I just ordered 200 caps and it came to £60.

    Free Member

    I don’t get that user AdamW mixed up with anyone. Looks almost identical to that there Chris Hemsworth.

    Free Member

    The big pain though is actually *getting* to the disk. It’s fiddly on a 2009 iMac (I have the same 27″ model and don’t want to open the damned thing). No USB3 or Thunderbolt so no external booting via fast media. Firewire 800 wouldn’t be fast enough either.

    I’d love to put an SSD in my iMac to speed it up.

    The next machine will be one where I can get into it. I love my mac but it’s just too locked down, hardware-wise.

    Free Member

    Picture this: I am in an office that is open plan and about a hundred people are tapping away doing their thang.

    A long-term colleague whose name is Pete is short and wizened and is almost nicotine colour due to the mahoosive quantity of cigarettes he consumes.

    “I’m thinking of giving up smoking” he says, possibly since he has had another bout of smoking-related illness.

    “Yeah, right. The day you give up smoking cigarettes is the day I stop sucking c*ck.” I reply. At the exact moment the entire office goes quiet. All eyes turn to me.

    Then I realise that I’d actually said it instead of thought it.

    Needless to say it is mentioned almost every time I see said colleague (who did give up for a short while then went back to it). Incredibly embarrassing but even I laugh about it.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t into Prince that much but it’s obvious he was massively talented.

    I’m already sick of 2016. Just too many good people going.


    Free Member


    I thought it looked like sick. Now I really like it.

    Free Member

    ** i scheiss you not…. it does get that busy in summer. but sdly today the titty/penis ratio was very much in favour of the penis.

    Err, Munich, you say? *looks for flights* 😀

    Free Member

    Reminds me of this weekend’s shenanigans. Nephew hits 13 years. His aunt (my sister) who doesn’t earn very much gets said kid a £25 iTunes voucher.

    Kid rants on Faecesbook to her that in the future she should buy only him Google Play vouchers and not iTunes. No ‘thank you’ or tact. His mother (another sister, I have loads) says “He’s just young, hopefully he’ll get better”. All I could think of was ‘Spoilt Bastid’ from Viz!

    Free Member

    Rusty – where did you get your info from please? I did a quick search and came up with the following link which disputes your claim:

    EDIT: It seems to say that at the end of the 19th Century and early 20th it was more common.

    I’m not against circumcision per se (indeed I’m a ‘member’ [ho ho] of the club myself). However I strongly believe that it should be the individual’s choice, which means ‘adult’. The creepy thing about religious circumcision is the sucking of the child’s cut penis. A couple of infections have happened in the past.

    Free Member

    Eh? They do three now – reserva, the bobal mix and the normal one. I had a bottle last week.

    They’re selling it by the case now:

    Toro Loco Tempranillo

    Free Member

    Can’t go back into the thread. Feeling sick and it triggers other images I’ve seen as I end up thinking about it.

    Agree with northwind/MrsFry fasthaggis. Sorry, I’ve reported the post, hopefully just to delete the photo.

    Free Member

    I nearly finished a cabin log quilted block. Yes ultra gay. Yes I don’t care! 🙂

    Free Member

    MrAdamW has an iPhone SE. We went on holiday to Cornwall the other week and amazingly just before the SE was announced he managed to lose his iPhone 5. I got him the 64GB version as 16GB isn’t really enough these days.

    It seems a nice phone, just right for those who want an iPhone but not the 6’s size. And it does applepay and fingerprint sensor etc. A neat phone at a reasonable price (for Apple).

    Free Member

    This lot, apparently.

    Free Member

    Me! 😀

    Free Member

    In the summer I crave pineapple with a vengeance. I have no idea why.

    Free Member

    Preaching to the Perverted?

    Free Member

    Remember that tax doesn’t go with the car any more. The new owner has to tax it themselves, but you’ll get pro-rata’d tax back.

    Free Member

    You don’t fit SAP around your company. You fit your company around SAP. It is a dinosaur and I await the minnows of the free software stack to start nibbling it, or I guess more likely, everything move cloud-wards with different products talking to each other over common data formats and protocols.

    I’ve used SAP and helped the SAP consultants set up systems for it. A mahoosive cost, just for the software licenses. It’s a license to print money and some businesses are so scared that when they’ve got it they’ll pay anything to make sure it keeps running. Until you get idiots who start playing with the data dictionaries and hence cause upgrade issues. 🙂

    I had to use it for time booking. What a heap of utter poo!

    Free Member

    I have used it – I had a (piece of crap) HP ENVY 15 I’ve just sent back for refund and I went from Win 8.1 to 10. I’d say W10 has a slightly updated 8.1 kernel (pretty fast) and a new graphical interface which isn’t horrific but has a few foibles of its own:

    The start button doesn’t give you an hierarchical list of programs but an ‘a to z’ listing which can be a little confusing.

    New tech in W10 (not MS’s fault really) is display scaling. As a result if you have a 1080p display or higher some programs (including MS’s own, such as device manager) will appear fuzzy as they don’t understand it, or appear much smaller as they are pixel based.

    I’d say a mixed bag. If you could get W7 interface on a W10 kernel then that would be nice. Classic shell still works, so I hear.

    Overall – better than W8 but not as usable as W7. I can’t comment on reliability as my ENVY 15 was a bag of poo and kept crashing, regardless of OS. 🙂

    Free Member

    Rachmaninov’s third piano concerto, third movement. Always gets the blood going!

    Have got more into chamber music as I get older. Now listening to some by Brahms but can’t stop thinking about Mrs Slocombe’s pussy.

    Free Member

    You young whippersnappers.

    Edword for the BBC.


    Free Member


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