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  • Vitus Escarpe 29 CRS review
  • AdamW
    Free Member

    xherbovorex: get out. You deserve better, mate. If she’s like that then she’s not worthy of being your partner.

    Free Member

    Hmmm…. bara brith…..

    Yes, a bit sad but I do miss it here in Eng-er-land.

    Free Member

    ‘in the name of…’

    Love, oh-oh, inthenameof love!

    I would have liked the Thompson Twins, oh yes, if I had been, erm, older.
    🙄 😀

    Free Member

    They’re sexy.

    That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway.


    Dame Edna

    Free Member

    Lets face it:

    [*]silly morris dancers[/*][/list]

    Its all about spring/shagging/rebirth of the world (read: spring) innit? The Jesus thing turned up later. Or are we eating chocolate eggs because the cross on which this chappy was allegedly crucified was brown?

    Free Member


    This is easily sorted. Take so many base pairs and produce an index from them. This then points to a separate database on a separate system for that subset. This way you introduce parallelism into the architecture. Do through a number of iterations and you have a searchable DNA database – it doesn’t have to be a linear search.

    But yes, the quantities of storage required would be very large indeed. But it is about (your calculations) 21EiB. We have terabyte drives now; just a matter of time, I s’pose.

    Free Member

    Complete b’stards. Get all the info and see if you can go for tribunal.

    I feel for you mate. I hope they all get a bad case of piles.

    Free Member

    I love mine.

    Bought a whole build (flat bar) because I couldn’t be asked to do it myself (plus I’m cack-handed).

    Running with 700×25 tyres and have a rack/mudguards to go with it. It travels through canal path, road, fields, woods before I get to work (ca. 20 miles). I run single-speed.

    I guess there may be cheaper options out there but I like its versatility.

    The only thing I consider is getting a riser bar for it, but as of yet I’m undecided!

    Free Member

    Dunno. I’m a

    ‘poof’/’pouf’ or any of the other words you want to say in a similar vein.

    Do I like poetry? As much as the next ‘real man’/’idiot’/’neanderthal bigot’ (choose as appropriate) I guess.

    Or am I missing the point here?

    Free Member

    I have a PhD (molecular electronics – chemistry basically) and work in computing. Go figure. Do a PhD if you really like the subject; we don’t all end up in academia, you know!

    As for employment it is a double-edged sword. If ever I lost my job and was looking to stack shelves then I would conveniently forget to put it on the CV as I would be over-qualified for nearly everything. In other areas it is held in more esteem.

    Choose to do a PhD because *you* want to; it is a chunk of your life that could be fantastic or a waste, depending on your point of view.

    And the money isn’t fantastic, either. Just a continuation of being a student with no big holidays!

    Free Member

    On my machine the videos don’t play properly. Perhaps because I don’t use Windows? Could you not put the documents in PDF? I don’t have word either…..

    Free Member

    Bar de Nada? Every time I go in there and ask for something like, ooh, food, I always get the answer ‘The kitchen is closed’. Usually served by the same woman who looks as if she is permanently sucking a lemon.

    I avoid it like the plague now.

    The new Jazz Cafe on Broad Street does some really good grub though.

    The Trip is more of a tourist destination. Some nice newish bars down Canal Street though.

    Free Member

    Problem is we’ve either got Labour: (now) right wing and heading more so, or the Conservatives: right wing.

    No left wing in sight. The right bashing the right.

    It would be better if they just stuck to bashing the bishop!

    Free Member

    And finally, quite a fun article in The Telegraph today on the perils of how science can be corrupted

    I just read this – hilarious. You need a lot more data than less than one year in that kind of thing. I always find climate change arguments really funny. On the people who deny the climate changing it is always one of two things:

    Really hot summer – just a blip, nothing to see here, move along!
    Slightly cold winter – OMG! Climate change isn’t happening! See? It was the aliens that did it!

    Free Member

    I live in Long Eaton – half way between Nottingham and Derby (J25 M1). Nottingham has more night-life but Derby is better for getting to the Peaks if you like downhill stuff. Take your pick. Lenton is a studenty area of Nottingham that is to the west of the city (near the A52). Getting into Derby in the morning is quite difficult and there are usually queues going down the A52 (or “Brian Clough Way”, ye gods what a waste of money) until about 9am.

    Also – gotta plug it – there is a fab bike club – that I may or may not be the webmaster for 😀 . There are loads of rides in north Nottingham/Leicestershire/Derbyshire always going on.

    Free Member

    Mobile phone in a plastic bag (I use sandwich bags for my ipod/headphones/phone/wallet) on the off-chance you need to yell for help.

    Free Member

    If I Survive by Hybrid

    Free Member

    Thanks folks for the kind words. I have found in the last few years that once people actually know someone that is gay they either change their views or generally show themselves up. Spouting crap in the pub is one thing but once someone knows that what they are spouting may actually be attacking someone they know they usually stop.

    To those people who think that this is a storm in a teacup – please take a look at the tags associated with this thread. Some anonymous people have put fairly graphic tags up there. I added the ‘homophobia’ tag, will those people who added ‘brown star at night – shepherds delight’, ‘rear ending’ and ‘STW mincers’ stand up and be counted? If you’re being ironic then I’m sure you won’t mind being a ‘real’ man (I guess like me, having XY chromosomes!) and owning up and saying why. I won’t hold my breath though…!

    While I admit that being gay does mean I do fancy men it doesn’t mean that my whole life revolves around sex. Some people can’t see further than that and as a result you see things like those tags. it is about love and companionship too, if not more so than just sex. In fact one of the ‘straightest’ men I know continually says he would love to be gay – shag your partner then sit down, have beers and talk about the footy!

    Diversity is fab. It would be boring if we were all the same!

    Free Member

    Much of this confusion is based on the assumption that sticking your dinkle up another man’s poop-shute is somehow not wrong. Language evolves, get used to it.

    Is that all you think about? Could you prove your point please instead of just doing the OMGGAYSEXARRRGH routine?

    Just very …. sad.

    Free Member

    I used to use a NAS system (well Linux with SMB/NFS but that is what most NAS boxes use anyway) for my iTunes folder to my iMac. In the end I moved the iTunes to my Mac as I had to continually connect to the network share before firing up iTunes, else it would default to my Music folder.

    You could, I guess, use ‘Back to my mac’ if you are running leopard on both machines. Or share out your mac’s Music folder using SMB.

    Make sure that any NAS box you buy will work with MacOS. I have heard that some only work with Windows, must be a strange network protocol…

    Free Member

    Ebay the zip drive; some places need them for spares.

    This one appears to be a decent price.

    Free Member

    Strange though it may be (going from the ‘calling someone gay’ thread) my phrase is:


    Dunno why, it always appears humorous to me!

    Free Member

    I’ve always said dont be such a gay etc. If I want to describe someone who likes the same sex ‘homosexual’ is the correct term.

    I’m sure you don’t realise how funny your sentence sounds….

    “I’m sorry sir, that is not a ‘full-susser bike’, it is a bicycle made with a frame that contains a rear-suspension system usually used for traversing bicycle trails in a down hill direction.” 😀

    ‘heterosexual’ and ‘homosexual’ are more clinical. I rarely hear people say “I’m heterosexual.” or “I’m homosexual.”. They use ‘gay’ or ‘straight’.

    But don’t let me stop you from insulting people as you see fit. Free country and all that…

    Free Member

    To be honest I think that since language changes these days so rapidly this will all blow over (!) soon.

    Each generation of ‘yoof’ has its own language. Within a couple of years the word ‘gay’ will go back to its sexuality meaning plus an insult as opposed to something being ‘rubbish’. These days if you call something ‘wicked!’ you get very strange looks from the kids, like you’re from Mars or something.

    Free Member


    No homophobic abuse mainly because while I am open and honest I don’t generally shout that much unless someone starts spouting off. At work I have had some and still get it but I give as good as I get.

    And of course you can say that I’m gay if you met me on the trails! As long as it wasn’t followed by “Get him!” or running after me with big sticks…

    Free Member

    Jey – as in sounding like ‘jay’ I couldn’t give a monkeys about. If, however, you mean ‘its gay but we won’t spell it that way, haha!’ then what is the point? Can’t you just say it is rubbish? Seems a bit soft to me…

    Free Member

    If someone says ‘This shirt is so gay..’ then I’d assume they meant it made them look effeminate. Fair enough, no issue with that per-se. I’ll laugh along with that. I’m not rubbish though. I’m really nice. Ask me mam, she’d tell you!

    I am just a normal bloke. I like beer, mountain bikes, having a laugh and it just happens that I woudn’t throw Ben Browder out of bed if he really really really begged me.. 😀

    One of the downsides of being in a relationship though that I am sure binds both gay and straight people: I have a rockhopper disc, a Cotic RoadRat (sooooo nice) and I’m hankering after a full-suss and maybe even trying the Dark Side on a road bike. Can I get the idea past He Who Must Be Obeyed? Can I hell as like! 😆

    Free Member

    No, WTF, that would be me.

    And this thread (or parts of it) are gay as in fabulous!

    Free Member

    As someone with a bit of experience in this area – i.e. being gay myself:

    Yes words change. In the gay ‘world’ (for want of a better phrase) terms like poof, queer, gay etc. all mean slightly different things. Queer is usually someone quite political (e.g. Tatchell), poof is more of a knockabout term meaning quite camp and ‘gay’ is a generic noun for people of my sexuality.

    Now to start getting peoples hackles up. My partner (unfortunately now redundant) used to work in an office where *every*day* X would be ‘gay’, Y would be ‘gay’, Z would be ‘gay’. CONSTANTLY. He was scared *SH!TLESS* to come out as he thought he would lose his job. Yes I know it is now illegal but we know if a company wants you out, they’ll kick you out somehow. This is right for stupid people is it? “We can use the 19th century version of this if we like hahaha, it doesn’t matter.’ Grow up, you’re acting like Alf Garnett.

    Secondly if you want to know if a word is offensive to anyone, choose another word in its place. Anything, for example, christian, muslim, black, indian, londoner, welsh, scots, irish, whatever. If you think that someone might get pissed off you comparing them to being rubbish all the while and would therefore consider you to have something against them perhaps they have a point.

    But then again, people who say things like this wouldn’t like it to be used against them, would they?

    Yes it is minor, yes Chris Moyles acted soft (but then again he is a complete idiot and totally unfunny) and I can’t be asked about that slip-up but if someone says “Hold on a sec, please don’t do that, it ain’t nice” and all someone can do is continue and use any old jaded arguments about what words used to mean then you’re not really a thoughtful decent person then, aren’t you?

    And yes, if people start on the forums shouting that something is ‘so gay’ meaning rubbish, I’ll be around to challenge. I’m not rubbish. I’m <stereotypical> fabulous </stereotypical> 😀

    Free Member

    And I used to fancy all the teachers who taught me PE. Dunno why, when I look back some of them were right mingers….

    Free Member

    I have the personal view – in regards to everything like this (busking etc.) that if I watch/listen then I donate. I’ve seen the first hour or so and there have been some funny bits so a donation has been sent. I must admit that I avoid Children in Need like a plague though. At least Comic Relief is on every other year.

    Free Member

    4/10. No mixed capitals, no bad spelling and fairly coherent too.

    Suggest you chuck the PC and keep the mac!

    Free Member

    It looks as if you may have bought WMA files instead of MP3s – if your player won’t accept DRM-encumbered files then it won’t play them.

    Are you sure they are MP3 files and not WMA? Take a look in your media player and see what kind they are. If they are ‘protected WMA’ files then you’ll have to remove the encryption somehow and translate to MP3.

    Free Member

    Brett Seymour, Australian rugby player…

    Free Member

    I’m a toy boy. My man is 43 and I am a whole seven months and ten days (important that!) younger! 😀

    Free Member

    Bagels have the highest heat capacity of any substance known to man.

    Free Member

    Mine wasn’t keyhole surgery – I have a large scar down below…. That took some time to heal! The funny thing was that I was expecting someone to turn up to, ahem, ‘shave’ me down there but no-one did. After I woke up I found that I had been neatly shaved and exactly *half* had been removed. I complained, I thought they would have done a nice motif or something, or given me an amusing Brazilian or something!

    And I don’t care if it was too much info!

    Free Member

    BUT despite this, I still think my overall feelings towards her are positive. She had balls. When she wanted something she went ahead and did it, and didn’t take any shite from anyone. Definitely not something which can be said of Gordon, Tony or John afterwards.

    I don’t want ‘balls’ in a prime minister. I want clear level-headed thinking about what is right for the country. While I loathe him you can’t say that Blair didn’t have balls when he took us into what I consider to be an illegal war even though most people were against it. And lied to parliament/us.

    Thatcher didn’t want what’s best for us (only what’s best for her party). Major same. Blair and Brown same. The only reason Brown is being nice to the banks is because he’s considering what his job is going to be after the next election.

    For the first time ever I’m considering spoiling my ballot paper next time. They’re all **** useless and all talk the same complete and utter b*llocks. 🙁

    Free Member

    I had an inguinal hernia a number of years ago that was fixed with a patch (that’s what they tend to do these days). I was off work for a couple of weeks and then built up again. The strange thing is that even after all these years (about 7) I still get a bit of an ache if I work quite hard in exercise.

    If you get a hernia that isn’t inguinal I think the recovery may be longer. Also if they stitch the muscle as opposed to patch it may take longer to get back to normal.

    Free Member

    You’d have to get a bridge to the network containing the intelligence to ‘work’ the devices and share them out.

    I use a Mac so I use an Airtunes thingy to share out my printer on the wireless network, and play music from iTunes to my stereo. It can also have a usb disk attached.

    Usually for PCs they are an iddy-biddy computer running linux that you plug into your network and configure via a web-frontend.

    Something like this

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